Just How Much Could the Sea Rise from Burning Fossil Fuels? A Lot.

I suggest that all of the people that believe in the religion of global warming donate all of their worldly possessions to the cause!!

Walk the walk!! No I mean it. Walk motherfuckers! free yourselves of cars!! YEAH!!


I love cars, buses, trains, airplanes and of course space ships! ;) Science and maintaining this nation is simply a trillion times larger then global warming.

Good for you!! Personally I love my freedom. I love my big V-8 Truck- I drive it everywhere- even when it is faster to walk, why not? It has a huge engine and a very strong air conditioner that I run at FULL BLAST. At home I keep the pad a balmy 72 degrees-why suffer? It's fucking hot in California!! I like to be cool, and my wife loves it too!
I also love flying in my Cessna 182, just for FUN!!! Last weekend the redhead and I flew from Santa Monica to Mojave. We ate a hamburger and flew back!! It was awesome!!! I also enjoy heating my pool to 88 degrees- every day!!! even when we don't swim! Never know when the urge to jump in will hit!

It's a free country bro!! WOOHOO!!

I think that this reality is wonderful! But would you agree that continued innovation that made all these things possible is also wonderful? Why not as we advance as a society work towards better and cleaner,,, so we can have the cake, plus eat it. ;) It is good for America, good for jobs and good for people that love powerful engines!

Without our nws, noaa, nasa, usgs, cdc, nih, etc 90% of science wouldn't get done period. Everything would be done by for profit corporations. People that didn't have a shit load of money wouldn't get the warnings that currently save their lives and we wouldn't have the national standards that we do. You're simply not living in reality thinking that government has no place in keeping the American people safe and advancing science. China, India and the Eu would pretty much tower over us in every way.


Praise Allah for the Democrat science, otherwise we'd have to beg a ride into space from the Russians

Without our nws, noaa, nasa, usgs, cdc, nih, etc 90% of science wouldn't get done period. Everything would be done by for profit corporations. People that didn't have a shit load of money wouldn't get the warnings that currently save their lives and we wouldn't have the national standards that we do. You're simply not living in reality thinking that government has no place in keeping the American people safe and advancing science. China, India and the Eu would pretty much tower over us in every way.


Praise Allah for the Democrat science, otherwise we'd have to beg a ride into space from the Russians

You do make a solid point when it comes to man space exploration. I hated what Obama did but on the otherhand our unmanned program is still very strong.

The SLS will be as big as the saturn5 and will probably make it possible for some great manned space exploration once it is ready.
I suggest that all of the people that believe in the religion of global warming donate all of their worldly possessions to the cause!!

Walk the walk!! No I mean it. Walk motherfuckers! free yourselves of cars!! YEAH!!


I love cars, buses, trains, airplanes and of course space ships! ;) Science and maintaining this nation is simply a trillion times larger then global warming.

Good for you!! Personally I love my freedom. I love my big V-8 Truck- I drive it everywhere- even when it is faster to walk, why not? It has a huge engine and a very strong air conditioner that I run at FULL BLAST. At home I keep the pad a balmy 72 degrees-why suffer? It's fucking hot in California!! I like to be cool, and my wife loves it too!
I also love flying in my Cessna 182, just for FUN!!! Last weekend the redhead and I flew from Santa Monica to Mojave. We ate a hamburger and flew back!! It was awesome!!! I also enjoy heating my pool to 88 degrees- every day!!! even when we don't swim! Never know when the urge to jump in will hit!

It's a free country bro!! WOOHOO!!

I think that this reality is wonderful! But would you agree that continued innovation that made all these things possible is also wonderful? Why not as we advance as a society work towards better and cleaner,,, so we can have the cake, plus eat it. ;) It is good for America, good for jobs and good for people that love powerful engines!

Wow. We agree 100%. :thup:

I love solar. I love geo-thermal. Love Wind power. ANNNND I love OIL.

I've had a solar heater on my pool for over 25 years. It has saved me tens of thousands of $$ and i can swim in full comfort year round.

I love fuel efficiency. Make it cheaper, and cleaner for people to enjoy their lives. I don't care if it's oil, wind, solar, nuclear, or anything else. The key is to leave it to private industry. they have a built in "profit incentive" that will drive innovation. We don't need more government mandates. They lead to crony capitalism and loss of innovation.

Without our nws, noaa, nasa, usgs, cdc, nih, etc 90% of science wouldn't get done period. Everything would be done by for profit corporations. People that didn't have a shit load of money wouldn't get the warnings that currently save their lives and we wouldn't have the national standards that we do. You're simply not living in reality thinking that government has no place in keeping the American people safe and advancing science. China, India and the Eu would pretty much tower over us in every way.


Praise Allah for the Democrat science, otherwise we'd have to beg a ride into space from the Russians

You do make a solid point when it comes to man space exploration. I hated what Obama did but on the otherhand our unmanned program is still very strong.

The SLS will be as big as the saturn5 and will probably make it possible for some great manned space exploration once it is ready.

Awesome.............who cant love that!!! More men in space.......:rock::rock:...while we continue to cut funding for folks with autism!!! Clearly a no brainer............
Riding goats and Camels is your reality Sunni man! Leave the real world to sane people.

That leaves you out.......

Stop talking about your self. I live in the world where government is needed and understands the need for investment. You live in the world of the 18th century.

Stupid clown!

The Federal government collected over $3 trillion last year and spent over $3.5 trillion.
Only a moron thinks they need more.
Hey, there you are.

We spent more on infrastructure, science, r&d and education during Reagan then we do today. Yet, you're foolish enough to think that these important areas are causing the debt? Please study up and think before you post,,,jeezzz.

We're spending the least on infrastructure at anytime of the past 40 years
We're spending the least on science in anytime in decades
We're spending the least

SO no it doesn't explain our debt.

Most of our debt was caused by nation building, a broken healthcare system, welfare entitlements and infusions into the stock market.

Weird, how you blame the things that help make this nation competitive and remain silent about the real problem.

Yet, you're foolish enough to think that these important areas are causing the debt?

Please find a single post where I ever said those areas are causing the debt.
I'll give you a grand if you do.

Most of our debt was caused by nation building, a broken healthcare system, welfare entitlements

Yup. And if you spent more time pushing for reallocation of these funds to your preferred areas, you'd sound less like a dweeb. And have you ever pushed to repeal Bacon-Davis? That would make infrastructure more affordable.

and infusions into the stock market.

What money was spent on stock market infusions?

Weird, how you blame the things that help make this nation competitive

Yes, I blame the highest corporate tax rate in the world, our moronic taxation of worldwide income as well as our ever increasing regulatory burden which is strangling our economy.
It's never been an issue of IF the sea level will rise. It's an issue of how SOON it will rise.
Ice on the planet has been under melt conditions for 20,000 years.

The glaciers were DOOMED at some future date -- even in the Middle Ages. Mankind has never really lived in a climate where ice is growing on millennial time scales.. At least not yet..

Without our nws, noaa, nasa, usgs, cdc, nih, etc 90% of science wouldn't get done period. Everything would be done by for profit corporations. People that didn't have a shit load of money wouldn't get the warnings that currently save their lives and we wouldn't have the national standards that we do. You're simply not living in reality thinking that government has no place in keeping the American people safe and advancing science. China, India and the Eu would pretty much tower over us in every way.


Praise Allah for the Democrat science, otherwise we'd have to beg a ride into space from the Russians

You do make a solid point when it comes to man space exploration. I hated what Obama did but on the otherhand our unmanned program is still very strong.

The SLS will be as big as the saturn5 and will probably make it possible for some great manned space exploration once it is ready.

Awesome.............who cant love that!!! More men in space.......:rock::rock:...while we continue to cut funding for folks with autism!!! Clearly a no brainer............

Why would we have to cut science at all? It isn't like we're spending on it anymore then we have for the past 40 years. Do you realize the resources of space could left the entirely of humanity up to our level without screwing up our environment???? Also, humans are natural explorers and should seek knowledge of our universe...Really don't understand the need to be bottled up on this tiny pathetic planet. You can thank a republican for the foresight to form our space program and to open doors of great opportunity for our species.

Yes, the earth is made of the same shit as the asteroids and the inner-planets.

Also, curing autism would save this nation tens of billions per year! Now that would be awesome! ;)

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