Just Heard, 680 Illegals Scooped Up By ICE

It's about time they go after employers, Shepard Smith just reported 680 illegals were arrested at a chicken processing plant in Morton MS. GOOD JOB ICE!


Sheppard Smith rants about illegal immigration one day and the moment the Govt. does something to start the process of enforcing the Law. He flip flopped and whined for the Child waving good bye to an illegal factory worker. Plant executives should be fined $50,000.00 for each illegal they employed they should have to take that cash and hand it to the people affected by their hiring practices . They've probably profited more than that from each but it's a good start. These are the jobs Americans won't do for low wages. Is this American owned company?

You won't get any argument from me, I'm in favor of anything that will eliminate the magnet that brings these folks to the country.


The Obama administration removed 1,242,486 from the interior of the United States during its full eight years, averaging 155,311 removals per year. Data from the earlier Bush administration are more speculative, but they show an increase in deportations during the last half of Bush’s administration that continued during Obama’s first term before flattening and, finally, dropping rapidly in his second term.

The percentage of all illegal immigrants removed from the United States is a better measure of the intensity of interior enforcement than the total numbers removed. Based on estimates of the total size of the illegal immigrant population from Pew, ICE removed about 0.89 percent of the illegal immigrant resident population from the interior of the United States in 2018, up from 0.76 percent in 2017. Interior removals as a percent of the illegal immigrant population peaked at 2.11 percent in 2009.

600 IS KINDA WEAK -- but so are RW dipshits.

The Obama administration removed 1,242,486 from the interior of the United States during its full eight years, averaging 155,311 removals per year. Data from the earlier Bush administration are more speculative, but they show an increase in deportations during the last half of Bush’s administration that continued during Obama’s first term before flattening and, finally, dropping rapidly in his second term.

The percentage of all illegal immigrants removed from the United States is a better measure of the intensity of interior enforcement than the total numbers removed. Based on estimates of the total size of the illegal immigrant population from Pew, ICE removed about 0.89 percent of the illegal immigrant resident population from the interior of the United States in 2018, up from 0.76 percent in 2017. Interior removals as a percent of the illegal immigrant population peaked at 2.11 percent in 2009.

600 IS KINDA WEAK -- but so are RW dipshits.

Did you hear this one?
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama

The Obama administration removed 1,242,486 from the interior of the United States during its full eight years, averaging 155,311 removals per year. Data from the earlier Bush administration are more speculative, but they show an increase in deportations during the last half of Bush’s administration that continued during Obama’s first term before flattening and, finally, dropping rapidly in his second term.

The percentage of all illegal immigrants removed from the United States is a better measure of the intensity of interior enforcement than the total numbers removed. Based on estimates of the total size of the illegal immigrant population from Pew, ICE removed about 0.89 percent of the illegal immigrant resident population from the interior of the United States in 2018, up from 0.76 percent in 2017. Interior removals as a percent of the illegal immigrant population peaked at 2.11 percent in 2009.

600 IS KINDA WEAK -- but so are RW dipshits.

Did you hear this one?
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama

so ?

ICE deported 95,360 illegal immigrants from the interior of the United States in 2018, up from 81,603 in 2017. Removals from the interior peaked during the Obama administration in 2011 at 237,941 (Figure 1). The Trump administration would have to increase the pace of interior removals dramatically to reach Obama’s previous peak. Unless something dramatic changes, that won’t happen as local law enforcement agencies are much less likely to cooperate with President Trump’s ICE than they were with President Obama’s ICE. ICE also removes large numbers of illegal immigrants apprehended at the border. Since 2012, border removals have outnumbered those from the interior of the United States.

Trump doesnt want them removed. He wants as many here as possible so he can cry about them and get his voters to hump his leg.
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do the last 3 and there is no need to waste money on a wall

That's a fantasy. People will always try to cross regardless of how strongly you do the other things.
The wall cuts down the burden on the follow up law enforcement strategies. And the wall is far cheaper in the long run.
It's about time they go after employers, Shepard Smith just reported 680 illegals were arrested at a chicken processing plant in Morton MS. GOOD JOB ICE!

Only 13000000 to go.
Ice still grabbing teenage girls?
40 % can't pass a lie detector test.
quit buying chicken!!
Unless the owners are arrested all that happened here is 700 jobs became open for illegals looking for work.
Unless the owners are arrested all that happened here is 700 jobs became open for illegals looking for work.

Well Honduran, Salvadoran, and Guatamalen invaders deserve their shot at the American Dream, eh?
(Send more grist for the mill!)

The Obama administration removed 1,242,486 from the interior of the United States during its full eight years, averaging 155,311 removals per year. Data from the earlier Bush administration are more speculative, but they show an increase in deportations during the last half of Bush’s administration that continued during Obama’s first term before flattening and, finally, dropping rapidly in his second term.

The percentage of all illegal immigrants removed from the United States is a better measure of the intensity of interior enforcement than the total numbers removed. Based on estimates of the total size of the illegal immigrant population from Pew, ICE removed about 0.89 percent of the illegal immigrant resident population from the interior of the United States in 2018, up from 0.76 percent in 2017. Interior removals as a percent of the illegal immigrant population peaked at 2.11 percent in 2009.

600 IS KINDA WEAK -- but so are RW dipshits.
If true, then there is a problem and that is proof. We need a war. With a draft to go with it. The non dipshits will see reality then.
Now, as you said if they will just make an example out of the people that were paying them. Any bets on if that happens?

All I can do is hope so, they should fine the shit out of them, I'd say 10 grand a head should do it. That 680 folks is about 20% of the population of the town.


There's a big Tyson plant in Dodge City, KS that needs a visit. Or maybe it's Goodland. Can't remember.
Probably both! Hope ICE is reading this Message Board go to Canton Ohio chicken plant full of Illegal workers there too!
It's about time they go after employers, Shepard Smith just reported 680 illegals were arrested at a chicken processing plant in Morton MS. GOOD JOB ICE!

Only 13000000 to go.
Ice still grabbing teenage girls?
40 % can't pass a lie detector test.
quit buying chicken!!

Are you looking forward to sending home the other 13,000,000?
Are half of all border agents Hispanic?
Why do Hispanics tend to love them some teenage girls?
Why do Hispanics tend to be such liars?
Americans can take those jobs.

Do you think there is a long line of American waiting to work at the chicken plant?
I think there are workers who could fill these jobs for real wages. The ownership focuses on profit and illegally taxes and exploits the illegal employees. The workers don't complain because it beats the hell out of Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and others where they make much less for much more work in horrible conditions.
It's about time they go after employers, Shepard Smith just reported 680 illegals were arrested at a chicken processing plant in Morton MS. GOOD JOB ICE!

So you gonna go work there now?
Oh and besides probably 2000 just crossed and 600 of those 680 will come back.

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