Just curious...Are genetic males transgendering to females doing so for more sexual access?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This question has no studies or substantiating sources regarding this question but a little more depth in the question.
Are there some genetic males transgendering to female doing so for more sexual activities?
The reason I ask is this:
Half of trans-identifying biological male inmates in Wisconsin have been convicted of sex crimes – so why are they allowed to move to women’s prisons?
The review revealed that 81 out of the 161 biological males who identify themselves as transgender in Wisconsin prisons have been convicted of at least one count of sexual abuse or sexual assault. This means they have committed crimes such as rape, incest, sexual intercourse with a child, sexual intercourse without consent, sexual exploitation of a child, enticing a child, or indecent behavior with a child, among other offenses.
Unfortunately, many of these prisoners are using their self-proclaimed transgender status to request transfer to a women’s prison, and many fear they could be doing this to get closer to women so they can abuse them.

Is it possible for a few of the males that are transgendered are doing it for sexual access to females?
I think there are 2 primary groups of trannies for reasons they want to become a freakazoid.

Group 1. Younger people. And they are divided into 2 sub categories.

Group 1 part A. They do it because they are young and stupid, weak willed and soft. They grew up in the social media phase where attention on social media is all that matters. Their world revolves around online. But they have nothing to offer to get the attention they desperately crave so they jump on with group is getting the most praise and attention. So they spend all their time with trannies online and believe themselves to be one because they need attention.

Group 1 part B. Younger people perverted into becoming trannies by adults. Used to we would smack a kid in the head and tell them grow up or that something is just a phase. Now we have companies, adults, parents and politicians praising and encouraging tranny kids by telling them how amazing and special they are. Now our society teaches them they are trannies and it's who they really are because kids are stupid and don't know anything about the real world. Hell most 25 year olds don't know anything about reality anymore, they are as mature as a 11 year old was 40 years ago.

Then you have group 2.

Group 2 is the older people. The perverts and weirdos that have indulged their sexual desires so much the only way they can get a thrill is by pretending to be a woman. They do it for a sexual kick and the entire thing is sexually based and they do it for attention. They are hedonistic deviants basically that get off on being a woman.

There are others sure but that is 90% of the trannies. There is a reason why there are fewer trannies in their 30s and 40s. Because they weren't totally enveloped in the social craze as kids and have families, jobs, mortgages and responsibility so most aren't trannies in that age range. But mostly because they were raised by parents old enough to come from a time when that kind of nonsense wasn't tolerated.
This question has no studies or substantiating sources regarding this question but a little more depth in the question.
Are there some genetic males transgendering to female doing so for more sexual activities?
The reason I ask is this:
Half of trans-identifying biological male inmates in Wisconsin have been convicted of sex crimes – so why are they allowed to move to women’s prisons?
The review revealed that 81 out of the 161 biological males who identify themselves as transgender in Wisconsin prisons have been convicted of at least one count of sexual abuse or sexual assault. This means they have committed crimes such as rape, incest, sexual intercourse with a child, sexual intercourse without consent, sexual exploitation of a child, enticing a child, or indecent behavior with a child, among other offenses.
Unfortunately, many of these prisoners are using their self-proclaimed transgender status to request transfer to a women’s prison, and many fear they could be doing this to get closer to women so they can abuse them.

Is it possible for a few of the males that are transgendered are doing it for sexual access to females?
That seems like correlation not causation. We know that people who a victims of sexual abuse are more likely to go on to commit sexual abuse themselves and we know that members of the LGTBQ community and the trans community in particular, are statistically more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than the general population. Put the two together and it's not surprising that the LGTBQ community itself is over represented in both victim and the victimizing of others. Basically hurt people hurt people.
That seems like correlation not causation. We know that people who a victims of sexual abuse are more likely to go on to commit sexual abuse themselves and we know that members of the LGTBQ community and the trans community in particular, are statistically more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than the general population. Put the two together and it's not surprising that the LGTBQ community itself is over represented in both victim and the victimizing of others. Basically hurt people hurt people.
Ah, Fisty... The Patron Saint of goofball sex
What these people also are not told is that they will NEVER have any sort of normal romantic relationship if they are able to obtain a romantic relationship at all.

They are relegated to a specific group of individuals that will cause more disfunction in their already dysfunctional life. Likely to add dysfunction to the point of unviability. (They will die of artificial means of some sort).

It's either straight life that is rich with friends, family, and children....
Sexual perversion, mental illness, and lonely misery until an early death.

And I'm still wondering why the mental health experts are pushing this agenda. Isn't quality of life as important as length?
That seems like correlation not causation. We know that people who a victims of sexual abuse are more likely to go on to commit sexual abuse themselves and we know that members of the LGTBQ community and the trans community in particular, are statistically more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than the general population. Put the two together and it's not surprising that the LGTBQ community itself is over represented in both victim and the victimizing of others. Basically hurt people hurt people.
So let's not make it any easier for a sexual predator by having his victims locked in a small cell with him, where he is free to do basically whatever he wants to with a captive audience. PC feelings need to be checked at the door.
Many of these transgenders will have sex with males and females.
So let's not make it any easier for a sexual predator by having his victims locked in a small cell with him, where he is free to do basically whatever he wants to with a captive audience. PC feelings need to be checked at the door.
Transgender prisoners are not the reason prison is dangerous. That's stupid. In fact they're more likely to be victims of abuse while in prison.
Transgender prisoners are not the reason prison is dangerous. That's stupid. In fact they're more likely to be victims of abuse while in prison.
Read what I said again. We are literally locking women in small cells with men who are sexual predators. Think that through for a moment. Sure, prison is already dangerous and prisoners often become victims while in there.

BUT, and this is a big one, why are we making it EASIER for male sexual predators to harm more victims? The purpose of putting them in prison is to make it MORE difficult, not LESS, for them to find and harm victims, and hopefully rehabilitate them to the point that they are ready to re-enter society without harming anyone else.
Read what I said again. We are literally locking women in small cells with men who are sexual predators. Think that through for a moment. Sure, prison is already dangerous and prisoners often become victims while in there.

BUT, and this is a big one, why are we making it EASIER for male sexual predators to harm more victims? The purpose of putting them in prison is to make it MORE difficult, not LESS, for them to find and harm victims, and hopefully rehabilitate them to the point that they are ready to re-enter society without harming anyone else.
Am I? The question isn't whether trans people exist. They do. Science is settled on that. And while they can be perpetrators of violence in one instance they can be victims of violence in the next which is what putting them in male prisons does. The obvious solution is to end violence in prison instead of pretending trans people are the problem because women in prisons are susceptible from violence from all angles including the guards. We need prison reform.
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Am I? The question isn't whether trans people exist. They do. Science is settled on that. And while they can be perpetrators of violence in one instance they can be victims of violence in the next which is what putting them in men prisons does. The obvious solution is end violence in prison instead of pretending trans people are the problem because women in prisons are susceptible from violence from all angles including the guards. We need prison reform.
Sure, prisons are dangerous places. No one is debating that. The solution, however, is NOT to put male sexual predators into women's prisons, where they have a captive audience and victims literally locked in the room with them. You keep ignoring the truth that a male sexual predator can, in today's PC climate, claim he is a woman and be put in, to put it mildly, a target rich environment. That's not a good solution to anything. Of course, if you care more about the feelings of men who claim to be women than you do about the real women he is then free to harm,...
Sure, prisons are dangerous places. No one is debating that. The solution, however, is NOT to put male sexual predators into women's prisons, where they have a captive audience and victims literally locked in the room with them. You keep ignoring the truth that a male sexual predator can, in today's PC climate, claim he is a woman and be put in, to put it mildly, a target rich environment. That's not a good solution to anything. Of course, if you care more about the feelings of men who claim to be women than you do about the real women he is then free to harm,...
I think the issue is that prisoners are susceptible to violence in the first place. You wanting to focus on a half a percentage of the prison population rather than just making prison safe no matter the circumstance of incarceration is curious.
I think the issue is that prisoners are susceptible to violence in the first place. You wanting to focus on a half a percentage of the prison population rather than just making prison safe no matter the circumstance of incarceration is curious.
I'm simply stating that putting male sexual offenders in women's prisons not only doesn't solve problems, it causes more problems. I don't know what the solution to overall prison safety is, but I know it's not this. What have you proposed that would make it safer?
I'm simply stating that putting male sexual offenders in women's prisons not only doesn't solve problems, it causes more problems. I don't know what the solution to overall prison safety is, but I know it's not this. What have you proposed that would make it safer?
It doesn't cause problems. It exposes problems with prison security.
It doesn't cause problems. It exposes problems with prison security.
Okay, I don't know what world you live in, but in my world, locking a male sexual criminal alone in a prison cell with a smaller, weaker woman IS a problem, bottom line. How can you make such a dumb claim when it's false on its face, and how is "prison security" going to protect such women who now have to face a bigger, stronger, male sexual criminal in their cell, and doesn't it make a lot more sense to simply keep sexual predators away from potential victims as much as possible instead? It certainly does to me, since that's really the whole point of putting them in prison in the first place.
Okay, I don't know what world you live in, but in my world, locking a male sexual criminal alone in a prison cell with a smaller, weaker woman IS a problem, bottom line. How can you make such a dumb claim when it's false on its face, and how is "prison security" going to protect such women who now have to face a bigger, stronger, male sexual criminal in their cell, and doesn't it make a lot more sense to simply keep sexual predators away from potential victims as much as possible instead? It certainly does to me, since that's really the whole point of putting them in prison in the first place.
It wouldn't be a problem if American prisons took simply took the safety of prisoners seriously in the first place.
It wouldn't be a problem if American prisons took simply took the safety of prisoners seriously in the first place.
But that doesn't address the reality of the actual situation. We ARE placing more women at risk for sexual assault by locking male sexual criminals in cells with them SOLELY because the male criminal CLAIMS he's now a woman. If you don't see that as a problem, I can't help you.

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