Just 16 unarmed black men killed by Police in 2016, 36 in 2015...justifies Knee-Gate?

these are jackass criminals that are dangerous---and posed a threat to the cops--it's that simple
I personally feel better when a criminal is DEAD
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
that's really a DUMBASS reply
MBrown ATTACKED the cop
Streling, KScott, and Smith had guns --and resisted/fought with the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smith RAMMING a police car!!!
Sterling FIGHTING with the police
they told SCott MANY MANY times to '''DROP THE GUN'''--did he ? NO
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
that's really a DUMBASS reply
MBrown ATTACKED the cop
Streling, KScott, and Smith had guns --and resisted/fought with the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smith RAMMING a police car!!!
Sterling FIGHTING with the police
they told SCott MANY MANY times to '''DROP THE GUN'''--did he ? NO
Then make the point that the victims were posing a direct threat to the safety of the police officers so the shootings were justified as they were in self defense. Don't just say they were criminals and people are protesting the killing of criminals... THAT is a dumbass statement
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
My experience is that that happened once and his been shown thousands of times on the bullshyt GOP propaganda machine...without the explanations that they were chanting about cops who kill unarmed blacks...
I agree, When people do stuff like that it gets way over politicized by their opponents... So be smarter about your messaging and stop giving your opponents gas for the fire.
The GOP propaganda Hate Machine is a disgrace and huge. The Democrats have nothing like it despite a ton of GOP b*******to the contrary...
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
My experience is that that happened once and his been shown thousands of times on the bullshyt GOP propaganda machine...without the explanations that they were chanting about cops who kill unarmed blacks...
I agree, When people do stuff like that it gets way over politicized by their opponents... So be smarter about your messaging and stop giving your opponents gas for the fire.
The GOP propaganda Hate Machine is a disgrace and huge. The Democrats have nothing like it despite a ton of GOP b*******to the contrary...
I don’t know man, I lean liberal on most issues but if we are being fair and objective we have to admit that there is just as much spin and distortion and political spotlighting on the left as we see on the right. Look at the “breaking news” from today... did Rex call Trump a moron a few months ago? Sources say yes, Rex says no... I say who gives a shit! Yes Trump has acted like a moron plenty of times. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rex called him one. But with everything else going on, I really don’t give a shit and don’t think the story belongs anywhere else besides the gossip column.
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
but the courts have ruled these were justified
murder?? indiscriminate ?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
please give me your facts to prove these were murders--because the courts--that have much more evidence than you--have ruled otherwise
in fact, you have NO evidence--DO YOU??!!!
if you can't, you're just blurting out crap
99.999% of these are DANGEROUS criminals
maybe Castile was a bad shoot--but even that was not indiscriminate, murder ..
you're way out of it....not even close to murder

12 year old Tamir Rice was no dangerous criminal. A handcuffed Freddie Grey was no dangerous criminal. Eric Garner struggling to get his breath while being choked to was no dangerous criminal. Philando Castile was no dangerous criminal but he was murdered in front of his baby girl and her mother during a traffic stop. Walter Scott was no dangerous criminal while being shot in the back as he ran away. A drug influenced Terrence Crutcher was no dangerous criminal as he tried to put his hands on his car only to be tasered and gunned down simultaneously. The only dangerous criminals in each of those cases were the killer cops who decided to become judge jury and executioner.
But here is where the entire system goes awry. Even when prosecutors armed with loads of evidence bring these killer cops to trial. The weak link is the jury selection process or judges who are sympathetic to police unions. Evidence means nothing..the verdict of a judge or a single juror hold out can set a killer cop free despite the overwhelming evidence of murder...and they do with alarming regularity. In many case court justices corrupted by racial hatred and political expediency have ruled some of the murders as justified, but just as many outcomes go beyond court rulings and are decided by bigots who have no interest in justice for all.
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
I'll explain this as again and again..as long as I have to. If a cop commits murder he or she deserves to die just like anyone else in jurisdictions having capital punishment. But, all too often, when cops murder someone, the term is redefined. When BLM reminds us that killer cops ought to be fried like bacon you ought to join them in validating that perspective. Instead, people like you become apologist for killers. You do and say anything to keep the blame from falling where it belongs: on the cop who kills , usually with trumped up justification.
Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
but the courts have ruled these were justified
murder?? indiscriminate ?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
please give me your facts to prove these were murders--because the courts--that have much more evidence than you--have ruled otherwise
in fact, you have NO evidence--DO YOU??!!!
if you can't, you're just blurting out crap
99.999% of these are DANGEROUS criminals
maybe Castile was a bad shoot--but even that was not indiscriminate, murder ..
you're way out of it....not even close to murder

12 year old Tamir Rice was no dangerous criminal. A handcuffed Freddie Grey was no dangerous criminal. Eric Garner struggling to get his breath while being choked to was no dangerous criminal. Philando Castile was no dangerous criminal but he was murdered in front of his baby girl and her mother during a traffic stop. Walter Scott was no dangerous criminal while being shot in the back as he ran away. A drug influenced Terrence Crutcher was no dangerous criminal as he tried to put his hands on his car only to be tasered and gunned down simultaneously. The only dangerous criminals in each of those cases were the killer cops who decided to become judge jury and executioner.
But here is where the entire system goes awry. Even when prosecutors armed with loads of evidence bring these killer cops to trial. The weak link is the jury selection process or judges who are sympathetic to police unions. Evidence means nothing..the verdict of a judge or a single juror hold out can set a killer cop free despite the overwhelming evidence of murder...and they do with alarming regularity. In many case court justices corrupted by racial hatred and political expediency have ruled some of the murders as justified, but just as many outcomes go beyond court rulings and are decided by bigots who have no interest in justice for all.
but they weren't trying to kill Garner
what about the protests for Smith, Brown, and Scott??
AND--the others weren't shot/killed because of their skin color.....were they?
Tamir was waving what people thought was a real gun--that's not the cop's fault--but the parents'
they didn't shoot Tamir because he was black
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
My experience is that that happened once and his been shown thousands of times on the bullshyt GOP propaganda machine...without the explanations that they were chanting about cops who kill unarmed blacks...
I agree, When people do stuff like that it gets way over politicized by their opponents... So be smarter about your messaging and stop giving your opponents gas for the fire.
It doesn't matter... People who hate blacks will find something to fuel the fire.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
I'll explain this as again and again..as long as I have to. If a cop commits murder he or she deserves to die just like anyone else in jurisdictions having capital punishment. But, all too often, when cops murder someone, the term is redefined. When BLM reminds us that killer cops ought to be fried like bacon you ought to join them in validating that perspective. Instead, people like you become apologist for killers. You do and say anything to keep the blame from falling where it belongs: on the cop who kills , usually with trumped up justification.
I'm all for better accountability and better police training and harsh punishment for those who abuse their power. 100% all in for those efforts. Walking down the street and chanting for cops to "fry like bacon" does not help any of those causes. You don't get to jump into everybody's ear and explain who exactly you are talking about when you stage a protest. You send an unreasonable message that demeans your core values and gives fuel for your opponents to exploit. I have no idea why you stand up for idiotic actions like that and you have no right to call me an apologist for killers. You and I both know that is cheap hypocritical bullshit. You can't call out the "Right" for distorting the message of the protestors and then distort my position in the next breath.
One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.
There are many legally armed blacks that get shot by police just because they were exercizing their 2nd amendment rights. Protesting should keep increasing until police are retrained to not shoot. To many times tpolice have the drop on a subject & blast away without giving them a chance to respond to a command.
Last edited:
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
but the courts have ruled these were justified
murder?? indiscriminate ?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
please give me your facts to prove these were murders--because the courts--that have much more evidence than you--have ruled otherwise
in fact, you have NO evidence--DO YOU??!!!
if you can't, you're just blurting out crap
99.999% of these are DANGEROUS criminals
maybe Castile was a bad shoot--but even that was not indiscriminate, murder ..
you're way out of it....not even close to murder

12 year old Tamir Rice was no dangerous criminal. A handcuffed Freddie Grey was no dangerous criminal. Eric Garner struggling to get his breath while being choked to was no dangerous criminal. Philando Castile was no dangerous criminal but he was murdered in front of his baby girl and her mother during a traffic stop. Walter Scott was no dangerous criminal while being shot in the back as he ran away. A drug influenced Terrence Crutcher was no dangerous criminal as he tried to put his hands on his car only to be tasered and gunned down simultaneously. The only dangerous criminals in each of those cases were the killer cops who decided to become judge jury and executioner.
But here is where the entire system goes awry. Even when prosecutors armed with loads of evidence bring these killer cops to trial. The weak link is the jury selection process or judges who are sympathetic to police unions. Evidence means nothing..the verdict of a judge or a single juror hold out can set a killer cop free despite the overwhelming evidence of murder...and they do with alarming regularity. In many case court justices corrupted by racial hatred and political expediency have ruled some of the murders as justified, but just as many outcomes go beyond court rulings and are decided by bigots who have no interest in justice for all.
but they weren't trying to kill Garner
what about the protests for Smith, Brown, and Scott??
AND--the others weren't shot/killed because of their skin color.....were they?
Tamir was waving what people thought was a real gun--that's not the cop's fault--but the parents'
they didn't shoot Tamir because he was black
You don't know that the cop using a choke hold was trying to kill Garner or not. But he is dead and few if any white people care one way or the other.
Tamir Rice might have been spared if the department had known this before hiring him:

"In the aftermath of the shooting, it was revealed that Loehmann, in his previous job as a police officer in the Cleveland suburb of Independence, had been deemed an emotionally unstable recruit and unfit for duty.[20] Loehmann did not disclose this fact on his application to join the Cleveland police,[21] and Cleveland police never reviewed his previous personnel file before hiring him.[20] In 2017, following an investigation, Loehmann was fired for withholding this information on his application.[21]"
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
that's really a DUMBASS reply
MBrown ATTACKED the cop
Streling, KScott, and Smith had guns --and resisted/fought with the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smith RAMMING a police car!!!
Sterling FIGHTING with the police
they told SCott MANY MANY times to '''DROP THE GUN'''--did he ? NO
Then make the point that the victims were posing a direct threat to the safety of the police officers so the shootings were justified as they were in self defense. Don't just say they were criminals and people are protesting the killing of criminals... THAT is a dumbass statement
Scott had a gun!!
Sterling knew he had a gun--and he FIGHTS with the police
Smith is
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
that's really a DUMBASS reply
MBrown ATTACKED the cop
Streling, KScott, and Smith had guns --and resisted/fought with the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smith RAMMING a police car!!!
Sterling FIGHTING with the police
they told SCott MANY MANY times to '''DROP THE GUN'''--did he ? NO
Then make the point that the victims were posing a direct threat to the safety of the police officers so the shootings were justified as they were in self defense. Don't just say they were criminals and people are protesting the killing of criminals... THAT is a dumbass statement
1.--the courts already ruled they were justified and/or not enough evidence to say otherwise
2. you and the protesters don't know what happened--but you are saying that you do !!!! when the courts say there is not enough evidence!!!!! ----and you people have less knowledge of the case/facts than they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ADMIT IT!! you blacks don't know what really happened--these cops could very well have had to use self defense--YES OR NO?
ok I will begin posting on each of these incidents --standby
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
I'll explain this as again and again..as long as I have to. If a cop commits murder he or she deserves to die just like anyone else in jurisdictions having capital punishment. But, all too often, when cops murder someone, the term is redefined. When BLM reminds us that killer cops ought to be fried like bacon you ought to join them in validating that perspective. Instead, people like you become apologist for killers. You do and say anything to keep the blame from falling where it belongs: on the cop who kills , usually with trumped up justification.
I'm all for better accountability and better police training and harsh punishment for those who abuse their power. 100% all in for those efforts. Walking down the street and chanting for cops to "fry like bacon" does not help any of those causes. You don't get to jump into everybody's ear and explain who exactly you are talking about when you stage a protest. You send an unreasonable message that demeans your core values and gives fuel for your opponents to exploit. I have no idea why you stand up for idiotic actions like that and you have no right to call me an apologist for killers. You and I both know that is cheap hypocritical bullshit. You can't call out the "Right" for distorting the message of the protestors and then distort my position in the next breath.
The real problem is the GOP propaganda machine repeating a single occurrence hundreds of times and this isn't the only such case. Not to mention the spin and hate also repeated so many times, until the dupes think it's actually done hundreds of times and is typical of BLM.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
I'll explain this as again and again..as long as I have to. If a cop commits murder he or she deserves to die just like anyone else in jurisdictions having capital punishment. But, all too often, when cops murder someone, the term is redefined. When BLM reminds us that killer cops ought to be fried like bacon you ought to join them in validating that perspective. Instead, people like you become apologist for killers. You do and say anything to keep the blame from falling where it belongs: on the cop who kills , usually with trumped up justification.
I'm all for better accountability and better police training and harsh punishment for those who abuse their power. 100% all in for those efforts. Walking down the street and chanting for cops to "fry like bacon" does not help any of those causes. You don't get to jump into everybody's ear and explain who exactly you are talking about when you stage a protest. You send an unreasonable message that demeans your core values and gives fuel for your opponents to exploit. I have no idea why you stand up for idiotic actions like that and you have no right to call me an apologist for killers. You and I both know that is cheap hypocritical bullshit. You can't call out the "Right" for distorting the message of the protestors and then distort my position in the next breath.

I can appreciate you empathy in regards to justice being served against cops who abuse their power but what are you doing about it? Its easy to quarter back BLM in front of your computer screen with popcorn and beer nearby. But what are you doing to validate your "concerns" for justice and freedom for all?
BTW BLM doesn't represent the entire Black community. Many sympathize with their cause in some way but most don't participate in or even agree with every thing they say or do. So for those whites too ignorant or uncaring to look deeper into the Black community and see that most Blacks are not affiliated with BLM, I say screw 'em.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
that's really a DUMBASS reply
MBrown ATTACKED the cop
Streling, KScott, and Smith had guns --and resisted/fought with the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smith RAMMING a police car!!!
Sterling FIGHTING with the police
they told SCott MANY MANY times to '''DROP THE GUN'''--did he ? NO
Then make the point that the victims were posing a direct threat to the safety of the police officers so the shootings were justified as they were in self defense. Don't just say they were criminals and people are protesting the killing of criminals... THAT is a dumbass statement
1. had committed a felony before--this shows he's capable of doing very bad things [ not high school prank stuff, but criminal stuff ]
2. most thieves hide their face and/or want to get in and out in a hurry
...A. MBrown doesn't care if people see him stealing
...B. he's taking all the time in the world--not hurrying at all
....aa--this shows there is something wrong with him.....he's not rational/not thinking normal/not acting normal-rational---he will do ANYTHING he wants.....ANY criminal/bad thing--he's acting ''crazy'''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. he ATTACKS the clerk--because the clerk didn't want him to steal...he will do ANYTHING he wants
4.he and his friend are walking down the middle of the street--he doesn't care because he'll do ANYTHING he wants-this shows disregard for safety/the law/etc
5. the cop tells them to get off the road---they don't because he'll do ANYTHING he wants
committed a felony before
walks down middle of street
refuses to obey lawful police command
now----after all this--when the cop says Brown attacked him AND the DNA backs up the cop--you are saying Brown didn't ATTACK the cop????????
Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
that's really a DUMBASS reply
MBrown ATTACKED the cop
Streling, KScott, and Smith had guns --and resisted/fought with the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smith RAMMING a police car!!!
Sterling FIGHTING with the police
they told SCott MANY MANY times to '''DROP THE GUN'''--did he ? NO
Then make the point that the victims were posing a direct threat to the safety of the police officers so the shootings were justified as they were in self defense. Don't just say they were criminals and people are protesting the killing of criminals... THAT is a dumbass statement
Scott had a gun!!
Sterling knew he had a gun--and he FIGHTS with the police
Smith is
Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests
What is your point? Martha Stewart is also a criminal, should she be shot and killed?
that's really a DUMBASS reply
MBrown ATTACKED the cop
Streling, KScott, and Smith had guns --and resisted/fought with the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smith RAMMING a police car!!!
Sterling FIGHTING with the police
they told SCott MANY MANY times to '''DROP THE GUN'''--did he ? NO
Then make the point that the victims were posing a direct threat to the safety of the police officers so the shootings were justified as they were in self defense. Don't just say they were criminals and people are protesting the killing of criminals... THAT is a dumbass statement
1.--the courts already ruled they were justified and/or not enough evidence to say otherwise
2. you and the protesters don't know what happened--but you are saying that you do !!!! when the courts say there is not enough evidence!!!!! ----and you people have less knowledge of the case/facts than they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ADMIT IT!! you blacks don't know what really happened--these cops could very well have had to use self defense--YES OR NO?
ok I will begin posting on each of these incidents --standby
Save your breath, we are talking about two different things. I'm talking about a culture, you are talking about individual events.

Remember when a community of black americans celebrated when a killer named OJ was let free? That wasn't because they wanted another killer on the streets, there was a much deeper problem that spawned from decades of oppression and abuse between cops and blacks. The fact that it happened on the heels of the King beating caused the perfect storm. You can argue the semantics all you want, but the reality is there are major problems in the culture on both sides and bridges need to start being built. Sometimes protest and reactions are sparked by events but are a result of much deeper seeded issues. Try and understand that.
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
I'll explain this as again and again..as long as I have to. If a cop commits murder he or she deserves to die just like anyone else in jurisdictions having capital punishment. But, all too often, when cops murder someone, the term is redefined. When BLM reminds us that killer cops ought to be fried like bacon you ought to join them in validating that perspective. Instead, people like you become apologist for killers. You do and say anything to keep the blame from falling where it belongs: on the cop who kills , usually with trumped up justification.
I'm all for better accountability and better police training and harsh punishment for those who abuse their power. 100% all in for those efforts. Walking down the street and chanting for cops to "fry like bacon" does not help any of those causes. You don't get to jump into everybody's ear and explain who exactly you are talking about when you stage a protest. You send an unreasonable message that demeans your core values and gives fuel for your opponents to exploit. I have no idea why you stand up for idiotic actions like that and you have no right to call me an apologist for killers. You and I both know that is cheap hypocritical bullshit. You can't call out the "Right" for distorting the message of the protestors and then distort my position in the next breath.

I can appreciate you empathy in regards to justice being served against cops who abuse their power but what are you doing about it? Its easy to quarter back BLM in front of your computer screen with popcorn and beer nearby. But what are you doing to validate your "concerns" for justice and freedom for all?
BTW BLM doesn't represent the entire Black community. Many sympathize with their cause in some way but most don't participate in or even agree with every thing they say or do. So for those whites too ignorant or uncaring to look deeper into the Black community and see that most Blacks are not affiliated with BLM, I say screw 'em.
I agree with that. I'm just here for honest conversation and am making the point that there are mistakes and distortions coming from both sides. I'm not a big political advocate beside the jawing I do on this forum. I take care of myself and my family and help where I can in my community. I sympathize for the black community and hope to see them prosper. For the most part they have my vote for programs that I think will help them as I recognize the challenges they have fall far beyond anything I ever had to experience. But lets also be honest in our discourse so we can accurately point out the issues and rationally talk about the best solutions. BLM does fine work in our community but there are outliers who take it a step too far IMO

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