Just 16 unarmed black men killed by Police in 2016, 36 in 2015...justifies Knee-Gate?

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME

Those that blame slavery for why many blacks are where they are in life are saying those that were never slaves are OK to blame those that never owned slaves.

The newish excuse is that the slave mentality is genetic for blacks, that's why they need all the extra help.
Wow, you are clueless. Do you really think that is the "White privilege" argument? Just try for a minute to open your ears and have an open mind. At lease understand the argument and be able to accurately articulate it before you try and oppose it. Otherwise you just sound like an idiot. Do a little homework then come back and try again. Lets see if you can can accurately state what the "white privilege" and NFL kneelers arguments are.
There is not such thing as 'white privilege'.

therefore, their stance is even more fucking stewpud.
Again you reenforce your lack of understanding. Go do some Homework and come back when you know what you are talking about
AGAIN and again people like you have to be reminded that common sense, attention to details is what keeps the preponderance of black people alive while dealing
with the police.
Cops arrest mentally ill, enebriated or people on drugs thousands of times each year without killing them. Most folks in any one of those mental conditions aren't too concerned about your stupid 10 point survival scenario.
Its on the cops to take the person in alive; and ,most do whether the person is black or white.
But there are cops who should never have been cops. These are the psychopats just waiting for a chance to kill. These sick MFs are nothing like normal cops who, faced with similar situations thousands of times a year, find a way to defuse a situation without having to kill someone. Face it...some cops are just ticking time bombs...

can go on and on and on and please be honest!
What was the one thing ALL these deaths had in common?
Nothing except most of the cases you cited occurred because the cops acted like racist thugs.. Thousands of cops facing unarmed blacks under similar circumstances or worse took the subjects in alive. Why didn't the murdererous cops you love do the same?

None of the above followed any of the 10 easy rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police
Thousands of other people survive similar encounters with good cops every day. And your 10 rules of survival are unknown to most. Those people were just lucky to have encountered decent cops with excellent training.

Now there are MORE deaths by cops OF WHITES who also should have followed the 10 easy rules... but we don't hear about them!
why are you not arguing stupidity on the part of WHITES then?

Actually, I have made the case for all unarmed people killed by cops. When i mentioned that thousands of people under duress or who are mentally incapacitated in some way are arrested by good decent cops each day...without a death occuring.

Same argument I'm presenting but big difference? Ignorance by people like you who listen to the BIASED MSM!!!

OTOH ..I HAVE exposed your convoluted ignorance whereas you have created entire scenes to justify your spurious conclusions..
Most cops don't kill unarmed people...even when they are confronted by every scenario
You cited.
when you are looking at 35, justified, in court, killings vs mass murders in one, ONE city, it's not a false equivalent.

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME
The social conditioning that dominates our
Great Society perpetuates the notion black is inferior to white. As LBJ attests in my signature...the lowest White man has been made to think he is better than the best black man. He said that 50 years ago but the reality of his words continue to manifest in myriad ways. The entire black community has beem demonized by using race based statistics to embellish the criminal deeds of a few; stigmatizing all blacks in the process.
Bad news about Blacks is profitable everywhere in America. LBJ 's applicable words were spot on. The systemic creation of the black boogeyman gives insecure white men someone to fear and someone to feel superior to.. White cops are but a reflection of societal attitudes. Pondering that paradigm,
the revelation that unarmed blacks are 7 times likely to die from police gunfire than whites comes sharply into focus.

Strange you should quote LBJ!
LBJ quote exactly : Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying,
when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word.
According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the ****** bill.”
I'm well aware of Johnson's bigotted character. But his actions spoke louder than his words when it came to Civil Rights.
And that still doesn't nullify the powerful observation that Johnson proclaimed in my cig. You didn't expect me to reject my sig because of your diversion did you?
AGAIN and again people like you have to be reminded that common sense, attention to details is what keeps the preponderance of black people alive while dealing
with the police.
Cops arrest mentally ill, enebriated or people on drugs thousands of times each year without killing them. Most folks in any one of those mental conditions aren't too concerned about your stupid 10 point survival scenario.
Its on the cops to take the person in alive; and ,most do whether the person is black or white.
But there are cops who should never have been cops. These are the psychopats just waiting for a chance to kill. These sick MFs are nothing like normal cops who, faced with similar situations thousands of times a year, find a way to defuse a situation without having to kill someone. Face it...some cops are just ticking time bombs...

can go on and on and on and please be honest!
What was the one thing ALL these deaths had in common?
Nothing except most of the cases you cited occurred because the cops acted like racist thugs.. Thousands of cops facing unarmed blacks under similar circumstances or worse took the subjects in alive. Why didn't the murdererous cops you love do the same?

None of the above followed any of the 10 easy rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police
Thousands of other people survive similar encounters with good cops every day. And your 10 rules of survival are unknown to most. Those people were just lucky to have encountered decent cops with excellent training.

Now there are MORE deaths by cops OF WHITES who also should have followed the 10 easy rules... but we don't hear about them!
why are you not arguing stupidity on the part of WHITES then?

Actually, I have made the case for all unarmed people killed by cops. When i mentioned that thousands of people under duress or who are mentally incapacitated in some way are arrested by good decent cops each day...without a death occuring.

Same argument I'm presenting but big difference? Ignorance by people like you who listen to the BIASED MSM!!!

OTOH ..I HAVE exposed your convoluted ignorance whereas you have created entire scenes to justify your spurious conclusions..
Most cops don't kill unarmed people...even when they are confronted by every scenario
You cited.

You kept repeating above that most "cops" are good and that it is the few cops.


But you like most of your ilk fell for the MSM narrative that it happens ALL the time. That's my point!
It doesn't happen all the time. Remember I started this thread quoting:
"I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police."
AGAIN a narrative feed by the BIASED cop hating MSM hungry to take the EXCEPTION i.e. less then 16 unarmed black men" and make it the RULE.
Just as Kaepernick fell for the gross exaggeration you too have and now you admit it. YES there are bad cops as there are bad people.
But don't fall for the MSM's efforts to spur advertising revenue by taking the EXCEPTION and making it sound like it happens ALL the time.
That is the point in understanding the BIASED and harmful MSM's role in forming your uninformed opinion.
Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family
One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.

What does someone have to do for you to consider them "not innocent" enough to be shot to death?
One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.

What does someone have to do for you to consider them "not innocent" enough to be shot to death?
Follow these 10 simple rules and they won't be shot. If they have and they still were shot... then by all means prosecute and find guilty the rogue cop that shot with no cause!
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.
Rules that most ordinary WHITE people abide by and most do not get killed for resisting arrest, much less GET ARRESTED!
You kept repeating above that most "cops" are good and that it is the few cops.


Of course you agree with me. There is no way to get around the huge number of arrests taking place around the nation without some one being killed. And some of those arrests involve armed confrontations. My point, though, is that the televised accounts of police executing unarmed black males
happened in rapid succession. Most of those murders were unprovoked and frequently the justification didn't jibe with what we saw.
The Black community saw cops walking away scot free after killing unarmed blacks, some of whom were totally defenseless.. Black citizens ..and especially the families of the victims, just wanted their day in court. And although the Civil Courts offered nominal compensation, that wasn't enough. Protestors sought criminal justice against the killer cops
as a deterrent. The safety of their black, non gang affiliated, children , statistically, was imperiled.

But you like most of your ilk fell for the MSM narrative that it happens ALL the time. That's my point!
It doesn't happen all the time.
No one said it did happen all the time. But at one point there was a quickening in the frequency of such incidents. Protesting brought the DOJ into Ferguson where an in depth investigation showed systemic bias in policing and thrroughout the local justicr system. Blacks were targeted and ticketed to produce revenue for the city disproportionally.
Now...the city of Ferguson has experienced a political metamorphasis. Black voters ousted the progenitors of their pain and installed leaders more favorable to theiir needs.

I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police."
AGAIN a narrative feed by the BIASED cop hating MSM hungry to take the EXCEPTION i.e. less then 16 unarmed black men" and make it the RULE.
What MSM report? Show me the link to your exact quote about an
"incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police."
Just as Kaepernick fell for the gross exaggeration you too have and now you admit it. YES there are bad cops as there are bad people.
But don't fall for the MSM's efforts to spur advertising revenue by taking the EXCEPTION and making it sound like it happens ALL the time.

I have admitted nothing of the sort. I'm just saying those few cops who murder unarmed citizens ought to be fried like bacon in an electric chair. I don't care how many there are...even one is too many.

One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.

What does someone have to do for you to consider them "not innocent" enough to be shot to death?
Follow these 10 simple rules and they won't be shot. If they have and they still were shot... then by all means prosecute and find guilty the rogue cop that shot with no cause!
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.
Rules that most ordinary WHITE people abide by and most do not get killed for resisting arrest, much less GET ARRESTED!

So you believe that being guilty of talking back to the police makes lethal force justified?
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
These 200+ NFL players etc. taking a knee to protest what?
This why Kaepernick and these players are protesting...to the detriment of their future!
View attachment 151723

The whole thing is another grand liberal lie. Blacks commit up to 50X more crime than whites while only getting police responses 2.5X more, which means a white person is TWENTY TIMES more likely to get stopped by a cop than a black man for the crime we each commit. When is someone going to start kneeling for white people??!
Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.
Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
but the courts have ruled these were justified
murder?? indiscriminate ?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
please give me your facts to prove these were murders--because the courts--that have much more evidence than you--have ruled otherwise
in fact, you have NO evidence--DO YOU??!!!
if you can't, you're just blurting out crap
99.999% of these are DANGEROUS criminals
maybe Castile was a bad shoot--but even that was not indiscriminate, murder ..
you're way out of it....not even close to murder
Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
You kept repeating above that most "cops" are good and that it is the few cops.


Of course you agree with me. There is no way to get around the huge number of arrests taking place around the nation without some one being killed. And some of those arrests involve armed confrontations. My point, though, is that the televised accounts of police executing unarmed black males
happened in rapid succession. Most of those murders were unprovoked and frequently the justification didn't jibe with what we saw.
The Black community saw cops walking away scot free after killing unarmed blacks, some of whom were totally defenseless.. Black citizens ..and especially the families of the victims, just wanted their day in court. And although the Civil Courts offered nominal compensation, that wasn't enough. Protestors sought criminal justice against the killer cops
as a deterrent. The safety of their black, non gang affiliated, children , statistically, was imperiled.

But you like most of your ilk fell for the MSM narrative that it happens ALL the time. That's my point!
It doesn't happen all the time.
No one said it did happen all the time. But at one point there was a quickening in the frequency of such incidents. Protesting brought the DOJ into Ferguson where an in depth investigation showed systemic bias in policing and thrroughout the local justicr system. Blacks were targeted and ticketed to produce revenue for the city disproportionally.
Now...the city of Ferguson has experienced a political metamorphasis. Black voters ousted the progenitors of their pain and installed leaders more favorable to theiir needs.

I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police."
AGAIN a narrative feed by the BIASED cop hating MSM hungry to take the EXCEPTION i.e. less then 16 unarmed black men" and make it the RULE.

What MSM report? Show me the link to your exact quote about an
"incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police."
Just as Kaepernick fell for the gross exaggeration you too have and now you admit it. YES there are bad cops as there are bad people.
But don't fall for the MSM's efforts to spur advertising revenue by taking the EXCEPTION and making it sound like it happens ALL the time.

I have admitted nothing of the sort. I'm just saying those few cops who murder unarmed citizens ought to be fried like bacon in an electric chair. I don't care how many there are...even one is too many.


In early 2016, I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police. The posts on social media deeply disturbed me, but one in particular brought me to tears: the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown Baton Rouge, La. This could have happened to any of my family members who still live in the area. I felt furious, hurt and hopeless. I wanted to do something, but didn’t know what or how to do it. All I knew for sure is that I wanted it to be as respectful as possible.
Opinion | Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee

Again I ask you and these grossly uninformed IDIOTS what "incredible" number"????

Then you wrote: But at one point there was a quickening in the frequency of such incidents.

Please document each of the incidents that was a "quickening". See you use words like "quickening"... what do you mean?

Explain that term after you read this from this source: From Trayvon Martin to Walter Scott: A Recent Timeline

Trayvon Martin Feb. 26, 2012 Sanford, Fla., 17-yearold Trayvon Martin after an altercation in a Sanford, Fla. (WHY an altercation")?
Ernest Satterwhite Feb. 9, 2014 North Augusta, S.C. following a slow-speed car chase. WHY not just stop?
Dontre Hamilton April 30, 2014 Milwaukee attempted to grab his baton during a pat down. AGAIN why force the issue?
Eric Garner July 17, 2014 New York City attempted to arrest him for selling illegal cigarettes. What was wrong here???
John Crawford III Aug. 5, 2014 Beavercreek, Ohio . While police say they repeatedly asked Crawford, who was black, to drop the gun,... why didn't he just drop it?
Michael Brown Aug. 9, 2014 Ferguson, Mo Brown was suspected of robbing a store, walking in the street and when Brown attacked was shot. Why did he rob the store?
Levar Jones, 35, white South Carolina Sept. 4, 2014 Now here is where the cop was wrong. seat-belt violation, all of which was caught on the officer’s dash cam. Jones, who was black and unarmed, survived and can be heard on a video asking, “Why did you shoot me?” Groubert was later fired and charged with assault and battery,
Tamar Rice Nov. 22, 2014 Cleveland police responded to a 911 call reporting a person with a gun. The caller warned that the gun may have been fake, but the officers say they didn’t know that.
Remain Brisbon Dec. 2, 2014 Rumain Brisbon, 34, is shot and killed by a Phoenix who was black, fled, refused arrest and appeared to be reaching for a weapon.
Charly "Africa" Leundeu Keening March 1, 2015 Los Angeles Officers said the man attempted to take one of their guns.
Naeschylus Vincent
March 6, 2015 Naeschylus Vinzant, Aurora, Colo. Vinzant was violating his parole and had removed his ankle bracelet. He also had a violent criminal history
Walter Scott, April 4, 2015 apparently fleeing North Charleston Walter Scott, why was he running away?

Is this what you mean by "quickening"??? Did YOU ever consider (obviously not) modern technology is 24 hour reporting has "quickened" these stories and
you equate them with more?
Again I ask you what did all these have in common?
Lack of common sense in dealing with people that have to deal with ignorant people like them on a daily basis!
What is wrong with people NOT abiding by these simple 10 rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police
1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

All of the above people would have been alive if they had NOT violated one or more of the above!
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
My experience is that that happened once and his been shown thousands of times on the bullshyt GOP propaganda machine...without the explanations that they were chanting about cops who kill unarmed blacks...
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.
Those "opponents " have always been there,,,so what's new?
Nothing new. There has always been dumbass extremists on both sides that inflame division and make stupid statements. Thats my point, these wingnuts don't represent the masses. Anybody that marches and chants for pigs to fry like bacon or death to cops is not helping things. Just like those who march while chanting "Blood and Soil" don't represent the ideology of the right. They are all just attention seeking degenerates.

I'm not sure to what you attribute the progress Blacks have made over the last several decades but it was not obsequious behavior.
The public protest has worked. Protesting before the unblinking eye of the TV camera has unveiled before world wide the dirty laundry of racism that our politicians don't want the world to see.
Im fine with protest, unified voices are what institute change in this country. Just not unified voices chanting for cops to die. That is a set back for the cause.
My experience is that that happened once and his been shown thousands of times on the bullshyt GOP propaganda machine...without the explanations that they were chanting about cops who kill unarmed blacks...
I agree, When people do stuff like that it gets way over politicized by their opponents... So be smarter about your messaging and stop giving your opponents gas for the fire.
Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

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Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I see many blacks protesting FOR criminals
in these lootings you don't see 3, or 5, or 10 blacks, but DOZENS
the black hierarchy protests FOR criminals
when a white CRIMINAL gets killed, you don't see the whites getting out of control--I feel better when a CRIMINAL is DEAD--then he can't rob me or my family

Blacks aren't protesting FOR criminals they are protesting the injustice of the system that allows cops who indiscriminately kill unarmed people to get away with murder. The protests have caused some prosecutors to give them their day in court, but even then, all it takes is one white bigot in the system to avert justice. All it takes is one white bigot to get a hung jury in these high profile cases, And if the cop opts for a trial by judge in lieu of a jury, we get bizarre verdicts like the one handed down in the trial of Michael Brelo who killed an unarmed couple after a care chase. The same evidence that would convict a black man of murder is not good enough to convict a cop.
MBrown-ASterling, KScott, FGray, EGarner, ASmith, ---ALL CRIMINALS.
yes--they are protesting for criminals---for criminality
are these mentioned above not criminals???
Sterling, Smith and Scott had guns!!!
MBrown attacked a clerk and cop
Garner was a life long criminal with MANY arrests--they tried to subdue him--not murder him
stop with the stupid crap

cops don't have the right to self defense???
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