Judge upholds tough Pa. voter ID law


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
In a ruling with implications for the presidential race, a judge Wednesday rejected an effort by civil rights groups to block Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law, legislation that Republicans say is needed to prevent fraud at the polls this fall.

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert E. Simpson, a Republican, rejected the complaint that sought an injunction to prevent the law from taking effect. The measure, approved by the Republican-controlled legislature last spring, requires voters to show a state-approved photo ID such as a driver’s license in order to vote.

The ACLU and other groups opposed to the law are expected to appeal. They argue that the law will disenfranchise thousands of voters, especially lower-income residents and minorities.

A number of other states with Republican-controlled legislatures have also passed or are considering law to toughen identification standards

Free state issued Id's ..............

Is that for everyone or just basket cases and liberals ???
Voter ID, disenfranchisement, "confusing" ballots, Diebold, Supreme Court "selections".............

Its all sooooooooo imaginarily discriminatory !!!!!!!!!
Oh Lawd, the biggest partisan hack on this board, Truthmattersnot, is surely going to have a melt down over this. :badgrin:

Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll be so upset she leaves her trailer screaming and crying, runs into traffic and gets hit by a trash truck.. that way she can just be scooped up with the rest of the refuse
In a ruling with implications for the presidential race, a judge Wednesday rejected an effort by civil rights groups to block Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law, legislation that Republicans say is needed to prevent fraud at the polls this fall.

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert E. Simpson, a Republican, rejected the complaint that sought an injunction to prevent the law from taking effect. The measure, approved by the Republican-controlled legislature last spring, requires voters to show a state-approved photo ID such as a driver’s license in order to vote.

The ACLU and other groups opposed to the law are expected to appeal. They argue that the law will disenfranchise thousands of voters, especially lower-income residents and minorities.

A number of other states with Republican-controlled legislatures have also passed or are considering law to toughen identification standards

Pennsylvania judge upholds tough voter ID law - Washington Times

It won't have any implications on the Presidential election. Like Wisconsin; Pennsylvania is in Obama's column. And so is the Presidency.

I am glad that the Commonwealth of PA is taking this step though. While I feel that all voter registration cards should be issued with the voter's photo on them, this is a common sense approach to ensuring our elections are as sterile a process as possible.

If a candidate is relying on a group of voters who can't muster enough moxy to step over the incredibly low hurdle required to vote; that candidate deserves to lose.
In a ruling with implications for the presidential race, a judge Wednesday rejected an effort by civil rights groups to block Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law, legislation that Republicans say is needed to prevent fraud at the polls this fall.

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert E. Simpson, a Republican, rejected the complaint that sought an injunction to prevent the law from taking effect. The measure, approved by the Republican-controlled legislature last spring, requires voters to show a state-approved photo ID such as a driver’s license in order to vote.

The ACLU and other groups opposed to the law are expected to appeal. They argue that the law will disenfranchise thousands of voters, especially lower-income residents and minorities.

A number of other states with Republican-controlled legislatures have also passed or are considering law to toughen identification standards

Pennsylvania judge upholds tough voter ID law - Washington Times

Thousands of dead people and pets were just disenfranchised...

Thousands of city-dwelling democratics will only be allowed to vote once...

The horror of it all...:eek:
In a ruling with implications for the presidential race, a judge Wednesday rejected an effort by civil rights groups to block Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law, legislation that Republicans say is needed to prevent fraud at the polls this fall.

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert E. Simpson, a Republican, rejected the complaint that sought an injunction to prevent the law from taking effect. The measure, approved by the Republican-controlled legislature last spring, requires voters to show a state-approved photo ID such as a driver’s license in order to vote.

The ACLU and other groups opposed to the law are expected to appeal. They argue that the law will disenfranchise thousands of voters, especially lower-income residents and minorities.

A number of other states with Republican-controlled legislatures have also passed or are considering law to toughen identification standards

Pennsylvania judge upholds tough voter ID law - Washington Times

It won't have any implications on the Presidential election. Like Wisconsin; Pennsylvania is in Obama's column. And so is the Presidency.

I am glad that the Commonwealth of PA is taking this step though. While I feel that all voter registration cards should be issued with the voter's photo on them, this is a common sense approach to ensuring our elections are as sterile a process as possible.

If a candidate is relying on a group of voters who can't muster enough moxy to step over the incredibly low hurdle required to vote; that candidate deserves to lose.

You are a kool-aid drinker...............

Obama campaign still sees Pa. as a toss-up - News - Daily Review
PA may indeed be Obama's, from the way things are polling currently in the small sample polls (for whatever you think they are actually worth)... but WIS is still in play if you take the data from the very same polls.. and the debates have not even started...

But you sure like to throw out your Nostradamus like omniscience

It won't have any implications on the Presidential election. Like Wisconsin; Pennsylvania is in Obama's column. And so is the Presidency.

I am glad that the Commonwealth of PA is taking this step though. While I feel that all voter registration cards should be issued with the voter's photo on them, this is a common sense approach to ensuring our elections are as sterile a process as possible.

If a candidate is relying on a group of voters who can't muster enough moxy to step over the incredibly low hurdle required to vote; that candidate deserves to lose.

You are a kool-aid drinker...............

Obama campaign still sees Pa. as a toss-up - News - Daily Review

They should be cautious as to get out the most possible voters. PA and WI are in Obama's column. Firmly.

PA may indeed be Obama's, from the way things are polling currently in the small sample polls (for whatever you think they are actually worth)... but WIS is still in play if you take the data from the very same polls.. and the debates have not even started...

But you sure like to throw out your Nostradamus like omniscience

It makes for fun post-election day bumpage if they are wrong...:thup:
PA may indeed be Obama's, from the way things are polling currently in the small sample polls (for whatever you think they are actually worth)... but WIS is still in play if you take the data from the very same polls.. and the debates have not even started...

But you sure like to throw out your Nostradamus like omniscience

Americans have had 8 years to learn about Romney. There is not going to be a sustained bump after he is "introduced" by the convention. I have posted several instances where his now-supporters called him a "turd", "phony", "wind sock", "liberal", and "shitty choice". That is his Supporters; not his detractors.

Debates are co-hosted infomercials. Obama is too disciplined to cough it up on that stage and Romney comes off as the "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?" asshat from the commercials. Most Americans like French's or Grudens (my favorite).

Wisconsin is dominated by suburban Chicago. The further north you go, the more Romney voters there will be. That much is true. Ryan should help the Governor there but Obama will win it in the end.

I'm supremely confident in Obama because of Romney's inability to convert anyone in 8 years.
So if they have a problem voting they have a little under 3 months to find a few bucks, get to the DMV, and get themselves a non-driver ID or driver's license. Now if they pass something like this at the end of october i could see a problem, but this works. Nice thing is if you get a driver's license or non-driver ID you get registered to vote free of charge. I don't see a problem with this. The only places in PA where this would be somewhat of a problem is in the red farmland anyway. In big city districts with large black populations, and heavier weight in the state you have something called public transportation and local DMVs anyway.

Seriously, this is actually good for the dems as the city dwelling people who make up the majority of PA's population are within easy distance from a DMV and can do this. The people who will find it harder are poor whites in the rural farmlands and the elderly republicans who avoided getting their ID because they did not want to register for the draft. It is also easy to get the people in the urban areas some assistance in getting IDs. Then there are the state's colleges who often offer up assistance to their students for getting registered and doing what they need to to vote. Given the demographics of the state this will help dems a lot more than republicans and insure the state is blue.

Thanks guys you just gave PA to Obama.
PA may indeed be Obama's, from the way things are polling currently in the small sample polls (for whatever you think they are actually worth)... but WIS is still in play if you take the data from the very same polls.. and the debates have not even started...

But you sure like to throw out your Nostradamus like omniscience

Americans have had 8 years to learn about Romney. There is not going to be a sustained bump after he is "introduced" by the convention. I have posted several instances where his now-supporters called him a "turd", "phony", "wind sock", "liberal", and "shitty choice". That is his Supporters; not his detractors.

Debates are co-hosted infomercials. Obama is too disciplined to cough it up on that stage and Romney comes off as the "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?" asshat from the commercials. Most Americans like French's or Grudens (my favorite).

Wisconsin is dominated by suburban Chicago. The further north you go, the more Romney voters there will be. That much is true. Ryan should help the Governor there but Obama will win it in the end.

I'm supremely confident in Obama because of Romney's inability to convert anyone in 8 years.

You ignore several factors which will influence this race:

* Younger people no longer enthused about your hero. Many will stay home or, as recent polling suggest, switch to Romney... Extrapolate that to the general voting population as well...

* Many deeply religous blacks are not thrilled with the "First Gay President"....

* Unemployment not getting better, gas prices skyrocketing... People vote with their wallets...

* Unions no longer enthusiastically supporting your hero... The bloodbath to their coffers in WI with the recall was an eye opener...

You're free to claim "firmly in the 0bama column", but we're free to wonder what color the sky is in your world...
It won't have any implications on the Presidential election. Like Wisconsin; Pennsylvania is in Obama's column. And so is the Presidency.

I am glad that the Commonwealth of PA is taking this step though. While I feel that all voter registration cards should be issued with the voter's photo on them, this is a common sense approach to ensuring our elections are as sterile a process as possible.

If a candidate is relying on a group of voters who can't muster enough moxy to step over the incredibly low hurdle required to vote; that candidate deserves to lose.

You are a kool-aid drinker...............

Obama campaign still sees Pa. as a toss-up - News - Daily Review

They should be cautious as to get out the most possible voters. PA and WI are in Obama's column. Firmly.


So you have the vote count..with the election not needed..........

:lmao: Let me guess you claim to be one of the DNCs best and brightest.,

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