Judge believes man who sodomized 3 yr old didn't intend to harm her. Reduces sentence.

Okey dokey. I want to bazooka barf big time. It's a thought process like this Judge has that makes me want to believe the person is on drugs because surely no one could possibly believe that sodomizing a three year old and covering her mouth to keep her from screaming was just a sad accident of the perpetrator getting aroused at the wrong time and really meant no harm.

Thank heavens the state is appealing his ruling.

"A California judge has reduced a child rapist's mandatory 25-year sentence down to only 10 - saying anything longer would be 'cruel and unusual punishment'.

Superior Court Judge M. Marc Kelly told an Orange County jury that 20-year-old Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto 'did not intend to harm' the three-year-old girl he raped at his family home in June.

The judge said that he was sure that although Rojano-Nieto sodomized the girl and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream out, 'there was no violence or callous disregard for the victim's well-being'.

Good grief. Rest of sickening story at link.

Judge M. Marc Kelly REDUCES prison sentence of man who raped 3-year-old Daily Mail Online
Where I come from we execute people like that.

If the victim had been my child, though, I'd be fine with 10 years. In 25 years I'll be 63... In 10 I'll be 47. It will be much easier to wait outside of prison to beat a man to death if I am 47. Hell, just give him time served and release him into my custody
My first wife was a trendy hairdresser and I met a lot of fags and not all but a large number of them were not wholesome people that are a good influence on children. the my two dads or regular guy that for some reason is attracted to men were the acceptation ..the rest were narcissistic,histrionic,somewhat mentally unstable with big mood swings. in a small dose they could entertaining and amusing but too much -and it was hard not to want to shut the fuck up and man up already
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Okey dokey. I want to bazooka barf big time. It's a thought process like this Judge has that makes me want to believe the person is on drugs because surely no one could possibly believe that sodomizing a three year old and covering her mouth to keep her from screaming was just a sad accident of the perpetrator getting aroused at the wrong time and really meant no harm.

Thank heavens the state is appealing his ruling.

"A California judge has reduced a child rapist's mandatory 25-year sentence down to only 10 - saying anything longer would be 'cruel and unusual punishment'.

Superior Court Judge M. Marc Kelly told an Orange County jury that 20-year-old Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto 'did not intend to harm' the three-year-old girl he raped at his family home in June.

The judge said that he was sure that although Rojano-Nieto sodomized the girl and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream out, 'there was no violence or callous disregard for the victim's well-being'.

Good grief. Rest of sickening story at link.

Judge M. Marc Kelly REDUCES prison sentence of man who raped 3-year-old Daily Mail Online
Where I come from we execute people like that.

If the victim had been my child, though, I'd be fine with 10 years. In 25 years I'll be 63... In 10 I'll be 47. It will be much easier to wait outside of prison to beat a man to death if I am 47. Hell, just give him time served and release him into my custody

Okey dokey. I want to bazooka barf big time. It's a thought process like this Judge has that makes me want to believe the person is on drugs because surely no one could possibly believe that sodomizing a three year old and covering her mouth to keep her from screaming was just a sad accident of the perpetrator getting aroused at the wrong time and really meant no harm.

Thank heavens the state is appealing his ruling.

"A California judge has reduced a child rapist's mandatory 25-year sentence down to only 10 - saying anything longer would be 'cruel and unusual punishment'.

Superior Court Judge M. Marc Kelly told an Orange County jury that 20-year-old Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto 'did not intend to harm' the three-year-old girl he raped at his family home in June.

The judge said that he was sure that although Rojano-Nieto sodomized the girl and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream out, 'there was no violence or callous disregard for the victim's well-being'.

Good grief. Rest of sickening story at link.

Judge M. Marc Kelly REDUCES prison sentence of man who raped 3-year-old Daily Mail Online
Where I come from we execute people like that.

If the victim had been my child, though, I'd be fine with 10 years. In 25 years I'll be 63... In 10 I'll be 47. It will be much easier to wait outside of prison to beat a man to death if I am 47. Hell, just give him time served and release him into my custody

5 years probation. That's fair, I'd take that. You can't expect a man in that situation to act rationally.

I have absolutely no problem with the above cases, save one.
The first man got 5 years probation, but should not have been charged at all.
If some filthy bastard attacked my 7 year old daughter, they'd live, but they'd wish I'd killed them.
Okey dokey. I want to bazooka barf big time. It's a thought process like this Judge has that makes me want to believe the person is on drugs because surely no one could possibly believe that sodomizing a three year old and covering her mouth to keep her from screaming was just a sad accident of the perpetrator getting aroused at the wrong time and really meant no harm.

Thank heavens the state is appealing his ruling.

"A California judge has reduced a child rapist's mandatory 25-year sentence down to only 10 - saying anything longer would be 'cruel and unusual punishment'.

Superior Court Judge M. Marc Kelly told an Orange County jury that 20-year-old Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto 'did not intend to harm' the three-year-old girl he raped at his family home in June.

The judge said that he was sure that although Rojano-Nieto sodomized the girl and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream out, 'there was no violence or callous disregard for the victim's well-being'.

Good grief. Rest of sickening story at link.

Judge M. Marc Kelly REDUCES prison sentence of man who raped 3-year-old Daily Mail Online
Where I come from we execute people like that.

If the victim had been my child, though, I'd be fine with 10 years. In 25 years I'll be 63... In 10 I'll be 47. It will be much easier to wait outside of prison to beat a man to death if I am 47. Hell, just give him time served and release him into my custody

Your kid or mine, I'd be happy to help you. He is a waste of space. I hope he gets beaten everyday in prison.
Your sick and twisted slander doesn't make me sweat- you use of small children for your twisted agenda however sickens me.

Liberals really DO hate it when somebody calls them out on their indoor sports, eh?
Your sick and twisted slander doesn't make me sweat- you use of small children for your twisted agenda however sickens me.

What about Luddly attacking the right in this thread, funny you don't say a word about that.

And people wonder why the LORD would call California Sodom and Gomorrah and declare His intention to destroy it. (see Dumitru Duduman story) Wonder no more. California is full of such vile abominations - it is only the mercy of God it hasn't already happened.

I would wonder when the LORD talked to you and told you that California is Sodom and Gomorrah.
When burning sulfur starts pelting major Californian cities you won't have to ask any longer. Heavens! I hope you don't live there.
Oh yes you do...People like you always say that with a gleam in your eyes.
What I don't understand is why the judge's opinion even matters: the mandatory minimum is set by law. Who cares what the judge thinks? :confused-84:
Horrible....but for many, unfortunately, it happening to a female is somehow......less. :(

And Orange Co....perhaps the most RW county in the state...home of B-1 Bob Dornan.

I don't see a difference, if it was my kid, male or female, I would want to kill him in a painful way.
Your sick and twisted slander doesn't make me sweat- you use of small children for your twisted agenda however sickens me.

Liberals really DO hate it when somebody calls them out on their indoor sports, eh?
Your sick and twisted slander doesn't make me sweat- you use of small children for your twisted agenda however sickens me.

What about Luddly attacking the right in this thread, funny you don't say a word about that.

I don't have a problem with anyone criticizing someone for being Conservative or Liberal

I have a problem with a POS like Henry saying this:

Hey, why would anyone be liberal if he can't get a free pass for sodomizing infants?

Would you be okay if anyone said the same thing about Republicans? Christians? Jews? Policemen?

You criticize me for calling Henry the POS he is- you apparently don't have a problem with Henry's post.
Your sick and twisted slander doesn't make me sweat- you use of small children for your twisted agenda however sickens me.

Liberals really DO hate it when somebody calls them out on their indoor sports, eh?
Your sick and twisted slander doesn't make me sweat- you use of small children for your twisted agenda however sickens me.

What about Luddly attacking the right in this thread, funny you don't say a word about that.

I don't have a problem with anyone criticizing someone for being Conservative or Liberal

I have a problem with a POS like Henry saying this:

Hey, why would anyone be liberal if he can't get a free pass for sodomizing infants?

Would you be okay if anyone said the same thing about Republicans? Christians? Jews? Policemen?

You criticize me for calling Henry the POS he is- you apparently don't have a problem with Henry's post.

I had no trouble with Harry or Luddly and people say it about Catholic priests. Luddly inferred that Republicans we okay with this. So take off the biased glasses, if you call it on one, then call it on both. Quit being a partisan hack.

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