Josh Duggar And The Message Of Forgiveness

these clowns on here and the majority of the hard core LEFT are so empty in their souls and hearts. they have no idea what Forgiving is

one can feel their hate spill out of our computers it's so ugly

Yes, Stephanie, we know you've forgiven Bill Clinton, haven't you? That's why when you make mention of him no hate spills out of your computer....right?
I'm glad that Jesus has forgiven Duggar.

I'm not Jesus.

I'd like to see him wear the label of "child molester" for the rest of his life, like anyone else who has been convicted of the crime. That would include his registering his address within every municipality and state in which he resides.
I'm still wondering why people are claiming that Jesus has forgiven him.

What I was taught is that you must repent if you want forgiveness. I have seen no repenting but rather a years long cover up. That also applies to the parents.

he needs professional help, not just 'forgiveness' from like-minded enablers...
In the interview given by his parents, he did get professional counseling as did the sisters an other girl not named. Beyond that he was taken from the home to spend some time in a rehab type program then after that he was taken to police and confessed what he did as well. How much more should a boy who was 14 at the time pay for what he did? In the scheme of things I think most teen boys try to do a lot more than what he did on girls as under age as himself was
Are you insane? Completely out of touch with reality? Most teenage boys DO NOT do what Josh Duggar did to young children. Only a very sick young man would do such a thing to any child, younger then himself or not. Molesting young girls is not part of adolescence or, not ever--unless you are warped, as Duggar seems to be.
Really? So 14 year old boys don't ever try to cop a feel from a classmate or friend?? Technically they are both minors and yet you would not categorize that as child molesting but by your own definition it is and this kid should be locked away for life in your opinion.
Seriously? You don't get it? Or are you purposely trying to muddy the waters so you can defend Duggar and the whole clan? No one here is talking about two teenagers making out or the sexual attraction between two teenagers. If a boy forces himself on a girl his age, teens, then, yes, he is attempting to molest her. There is a huge difference between that and what you term 'coping' a feel.

It is just absolutely incredible. You right wing Christian conservatives do not seem to understand the difference between molestation and normal sexual behavior. WTF us wrong with you all?

Because he sneaked into their room while they slept, some have actually said that no crime took place.

I don't know what the excuse if for the times when they were conscious andsitting on his lap.

There is nothing in this case that could be called "normal". Josh Duggar is a child predator. He needs to be kept away from all children, including his own, and he needs actual therapy instead of being sent to live with a kiddie pornographer.
Btw I've defended people far worse than Josh Duggar. One of the realities of being a defense attorney.

You guys think I ashamed of that. I don't. Christ defends all sinners. We should take a page from his book and seek to heal both victims and sinners. Because sooner or later we will be the sinners. And because quite frankly this world needs the light and healing of the atonement.

You a defense attorney?

You have never posted anything that would indicate any knowledge of the law. In fact, the only law you seem to know about is your own cult's.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.
So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

Yepp, a family whose calculus was to feed off the sheeples by having the largest family in the USA and to present itself as the model Christian family.

Anyone care to show me where sexual abuse of at least five minors, MANY, MANY times over, is a Christian value?

I am just amazed and appalled that many Christians, who claim very often that the OT is for all intents and purposes worthless, then reach into the OT to find 2, exactly 2 verses about homosexual behavior to justify killing or ostracizing gays, whom they never forgive, but then turn around when it is obvious that major sexual misdeeds have been committed within this family and demand that all be forgiven as quickly as possible.

I'm not buying it.
I'm not an American so I prefer not to be lumped within a camp of liberal or conservative.

Child abuse is a crime and should be treated as such. When a person who is guilty of such crimes takes to the podium to accuse an entire group of people (gays) of being pedos, when he in fact showed those tendencies, it is called projecting. When he uses his family and their stage to do this, it is just mental.

It seems to me that within the family's circle too many are sexually deviant (evidenced by the state trooper that they went to doing time for child pornos and the center he went to being run by a sexual abuser who has also has had to step down). In fact the father said as much in his interview.

The measures they introduced to protect their daughters, basically making them mistrust men and boys, reveals to me how poorly they dealt with this issue. They are raising a new generation of girls who fear all men, even their own flesh and blood. That is insane.

This family covered up a serious issue, swept it under the rug and acted like seeking God would be the solution to a mental health issue. It isn't and that is why there are proper ways to deal with this. They failed the victims and their son too.

This has nothing to do with religion or politics but law - and there is a reason for that. I am shocked that homeschoolers and other extreme groups can skirt the law as they did and get away with it, all the while enjoying a stage to propagate hate and judge innocent people as being immoral.

It stinks to high heaven.

Your ignorant post stinks to high heaven, especially the part where you diagnosed him with an ongoing mental illness when in fact he just made a mistake as a child and shows no signs of it continuing into adulthood. And the family handled it just fine, just like any of you hypocrites who, if you had this happening among your own children, would likely seek resolution through counseling as well. That's what's so enraging about this, the hypocrisy of you Leftists (you're lumped in) pretending that you would have done differently if it were your children. As a father of 4 beautiful children, I gotta say.....

If you are the father of 4 children, I sure do hope no one molests your kids...but in the meantime, you have no idea how it feels to have your child molested and you have no idea how the child feels. Molesting someone is not a mistake. A 14 year old knows it is wrong. I'll bet you are all in favor of a 14 year old murderer being tried and sentenced as an adult (unless he/she comes from a right wing Christian family). A 14 year old knows right from wrong.

In fact, in Judaism, a 14 year old IS an adult. Bar and Bat Mitzvahs happen at one's 13th birthday.
I'm not an American so I prefer not to be lumped within a camp of liberal or conservative.

Child abuse is a crime and should be treated as such. When a person who is guilty of such crimes takes to the podium to accuse an entire group of people (gays) of being pedos, when he in fact showed those tendencies, it is called projecting. When he uses his family and their stage to do this, it is just mental.

It seems to me that within the family's circle too many are sexually deviant (evidenced by the state trooper that they went to doing time for child pornos and the center he went to being run by a sexual abuser who has also has had to step down). In fact the father said as much in his interview.

The measures they introduced to protect their daughters, basically making them mistrust men and boys, reveals to me how poorly they dealt with this issue. They are raising a new generation of girls who fear all men, even their own flesh and blood. That is insane.

This family covered up a serious issue, swept it under the rug and acted like seeking God would be the solution to a mental health issue. It isn't and that is why there are proper ways to deal with this. They failed the victims and their son too.

This has nothing to do with religion or politics but law - and there is a reason for that. I am shocked that homeschoolers and other extreme groups can skirt the law as they did and get away with it, all the while enjoying a stage to propagate hate and judge innocent people as being immoral.

It stinks to high heaven.

Your ignorant post stinks to high heaven, especially the part where you diagnosed him with an ongoing mental illness when in fact he just made a mistake as a child and shows no signs of it continuing into adulthood. And the family handled it just fine, just like any of you hypocrites who, if you had this happening among your own children, would likely seek resolution through counseling as well. That's what's so enraging about this, the hypocrisy of you Leftists (you're lumped in) pretending that you would have done differently if it were your children. As a father of 4 beautiful children, I gotta say.....

If you are the father of 4 children, I sure do hope no one molests your kids...but in the meantime, you have no idea how it feels to have your child molested and you have no idea how the child feels. Molesting someone is not a mistake. A 14 year old knows it is wrong. I'll bet you are all in favor of a 14 year old murderer being tried and sentenced as an adult. A 14 year old knows right from wrong.
1 in 3 girls are molested as a child and 1 in 4 boys. Yes it's that common....

So let me say, you have no idea who you're talking to, or what I know or understand how it feels, and your ASSumption is offensive.

And no, I don't agree that 14 year olds have developed the mens rei to be held fully accountable for criminal acts, whether we're talking about sexual molestation or murder.

Again, ASSumptions.

Links for those "stats"?
Okay folks, I say

Jesus' story of the good Samaritan should inform us that none of us have the edge on goodness or rightness. This discussion is dissolving into a 'my church is right and your church is wrong' and 'I'm better than you' and 'I am the real Christian and you're not'. This almost surely has to grieve the Holy Spirit and does anybody really believe Jesus condones that?

No wonder the 'scoffers' and 'unbelievers' think Christianity is a hoax or abomination. When we Christians war among ourselves we set a terrible example.

Christ told the story of the good Samaritan to a Jewish audience because Jews hated the Samaritans.

That story told today by Christ to conservative Christians would probably be entitled the Good Homosexual. Or maybe the good Atheist. Or the good Liberal.
This is outside the Josh Dugger issue, But I have to say this:

No one on this board practices "forgiveness" for every transgression(to themselves or to others).

There are things you can not forgive. There are things you should never forgive.

I know alot of Christian's are going to quote Biblical verses and try to argue that I am heartless or something like that, but this is one of those "Jesus quotes" I totally disagree with--both philosophically and in terms of living this life.

Forgiving people--what is really wrong with facing Justice for the actions each of us commit?
Btw I've defended people far worse than Josh Duggar. One of the realities of being a defense attorney.

You guys think I ashamed of that. I don't. Christ defends all sinners. We should take a page from his book and seek to heal both victims and sinners. Because sooner or later we will be the sinners. And because quite frankly this world needs the light and healing of the atonement.

You a defense attorney?

You have never posted anything that would indicate any knowledge of the law. In fact, the only law you seem to know about is your own cult's.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.
This is outside the Josh Dugger issue, But I have to say this:

No one on this board practices "forgiveness" for every transgression(to themselves or to others).

There are things you can not forgive. There are things you should never forgive.

I know alot of Christian's are going to quote Biblical verses and try to argue that I am heartless or something like that, but this is one of those "Jesus quotes" I totally disagree with--both philosophically and in terms of living this life.

Forgiving people--what is really wrong with facing Justice for the actions each of us commit?

I do. I have to or I wouldn't be able to have fellowship with God, A. Forgiveness is for the individual. It frees them. To hold unforgiveness towards anyone is like drinking poison while hoping the other person dies. It's toxic and will destroy you from within. With that said, when you forgive someone who has harmed you - if they do not apologize - it is wise not to say - I forgive you for what you have done to me. Because it may sound to them as if you are judging them or taking a holier than thou position - of - "I'll pray for you".

If the offender asks your forgiveness tell them you've already forgiven them. It's been done and you are not holding anything against them. If the offender has not changed and is still continuing on in harming others - you still forgive them but you cannot trust them. Forgiveness is free, trust is earned. In the case of a molester, once again the victim forgives in order to be free of it and move on with their life. They are under no obligation to trust that individual or have a relationship with them. Just as there are consequences to breaking the law (even if you are a Christian) and one must stand before a judge and accept their sentence - so there are consequences for a trust that has been broken and therein they should not expect others to trust them just because they have asked for forgiveness. Forgiveness and trust are two separate issues.
Btw I've defended people far worse than Josh Duggar. One of the realities of being a defense attorney.

You guys think I ashamed of that. I don't. Christ defends all sinners. We should take a page from his book and seek to heal both victims and sinners. Because sooner or later we will be the sinners. And because quite frankly this world needs the light and healing of the atonement.

You a defense attorney?

You have never posted anything that would indicate any knowledge of the law. In fact, the only law you seem to know about is your own cult's.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?
Avatar, if you believe that Jesus Christ would act as a defense lawyer to an unrepentant paedophile in a court of law and use his skills to cross examine, belittle, and intimidate a child, even insinuating the child was a liar - in order to get his "guilty client" off - one as you stated who had done far worse things then Josh Duggar - then you know nothing of Jesus Christ and who He is. You are truly lost.

I am telling you that Jesus Christ would tell that paedophile to confess his sins and ask for forgiveness from the victim, accepting his sentence before the court. He would not try to get an "innocent verdict" for him!!

It is a sin to call evil good and good evil - those who do it - evil shall not depart from their house. Jesus Christ is not a liar. He would not defend evil in a courtroom. He would not accuse the innocent in order to justify the guilty! That is not the God that I serve!

Avatar, if you believe that Jesus Christ would act as a defense lawyer to an unrepentant paedophile in a court of law and use his skills to cross examine, belittle, and intimidate a child, even insinuating the child was a liar - in order to get his "guilty client" off - one as you stated who had done far worse things then Josh Duggar - then you know nothing of Jesus Christ and who He is. You are truly lost.

I am telling you that Jesus Christ would tell that paedophile to confess his sins and ask for forgiveness from the victim, accepting his sentence before the court. He would not try to get an "innocent verdict" for him!!

It is a sin to call evil good and good evil - those who do it - evil shall not depart from their house. Jesus Christ is not a liar. He would not defend evil in a courtroom. He would not accuse the innocent in order to justify the guilty! That is not the God that I serve!
Okay folks, I say

Jesus' story of the good Samaritan should inform us that none of us have the edge on goodness or rightness. This discussion is dissolving into a 'my church is right and your church is wrong' and 'I'm better than you' and 'I am the real Christian and you're not'. This almost surely has to grieve the Holy Spirit and does anybody really believe Jesus condones that?

No wonder the 'scoffers' and 'unbelievers' think Christianity is a hoax or abomination. When we Christians war among ourselves we set a terrible example.

Christ told the story of the good Samaritan to a Jewish audience because Jews hated the Samaritans.

That story told today by Christ to conservative Christians would probably be entitled the Good Homosexual. Or maybe the good Atheist. Or the good Liberal.

Which completely misses the point I was making.
You a defense attorney?

You have never posted anything that would indicate any knowledge of the law. In fact, the only law you seem to know about is your own cult's.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

I reject forgiveness for any and all transgressions-- There are some things you should not forgive. And I reject Jesus Christ, as described in the NT, as truly knowing the real life consequences of what he is saying..

Or maybe Jesus does not give a damn about this life--as some
would say.
I'm sure he would be upset if I was lying.

Considering we had a discussion about this before, you have a bad memory.

If you've defended paedophiles, Avatar, that you knew were guilty? You have partaken in their sin by defending them in a courtroom. The Bible explicitly tells us not to call evil good or good evil. That you could say that to Luddly and not feel any shame about it? Tells me you are in serious trouble and do not even realize it.

Why should I feel shame for doing what Christ does? He is our advocate with the Father. He loves us despite us being sinners who often do horrible things. He defends us to the point that He bled for us.

Are you a Christian and not realizing that? He died for you, for me, and even for pedohiles. He died for everyone. Every single one of us.

If he was willing to die to give even the most vile of us a chance to change, who am I to not live to do the same?

No. He died for those that had already changed and received forgiveness. You probably need to reread that part.

Those who refuse forgiveness and reject Jesus Christ are rejecting the terms God has laid down for redemption. Therein they remain condemned in their sins and there is no pardon.

I reject forgiveness for any and all transgressions-- There are some things you should not forgive. And I reject Jesus Christ, as described in the NT, as truly knowing the real life consequences of what he is saying..

Or maybe Jesus does not give a damn about this life--as some
would say.

I understand bitterness because I lived in it for many years and it held me captive just as it has held others captive, A. It also kept me from seeking Jesus Christ who came to deliver me from the darkness I was in but there came a point where the light of God's Word overcame the darkness and I was set free because I knew Christ was the only answer.

I've forgiven people who you would most likely say didn't deserve it. They never apologized to me - they almost destroyed me - yet I didn't forgive them for their sakes but for my own. I have no regrets for having made that decision. I should add that I have no contact with those people - some I do not even know where they are at today - whether alive or dead - only God knows. Were I to one day cross their paths I would not trust them still and would never let them near my family / my grandchildren / and I would most likely pass them by as one would a stranger on the street. We are not under any obligation to have communication with those who have harmed us but to forgive them is a gift we give ourselves.

I can understand what you are saying because there was a time when I felt exactly as you feel right now. But do not dismiss what I am telling you without considering that it may be the very thing you need to do (forgive) so that you can open your heart to Christ because I know that he loves you and his plans for you are not to harm you but to give you a good future. While we cannot trust people - we can most definitely trust Him because He is not out to harm us. He truly cares for us more than we realize and even while you are not yet receiving Him - He is still watching out for you and keeping you from many dangers that you will only learn about - perhaps - after you've left this earth. He is watching over your life and protecting your life from dangers you do not even see. He does this because He loves you and cares deeply about you. Jesus is very tender hearted and merciful, A. He knows what is going on inside of you, the pain you are carrying, the disappointments you have endured. The mistrust you feel and the reason for it. He knows everything about you.
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.
You clearly missed the fact that I said people who disagree with some things the Catholic Church teaches are NOT mentally ill, only a raving bigot like you are. I stated this contrasting normal Evangelicals and you with devastating accuracy. Of course you missed it even though it constituted the bulk of my post. You miss a lot.
I love watching you fundies argue.

But that doesn't change the Fact that you are defending a pedo.
I'm defending forgiveness, something you spurn to the peril of your eternal soul.

Someday you are going to stand before the Almighty while every one of your sins is named. On that day you will be the recipient of the condemnation you now so gleefully dish out. Josh Duggars will go to heaven, his sins covered by the blood of Christ, but you will be condemned eternally because you thought gawking at the sins of others somehow absolved you of your own iniquity.

I wrote this thread to tell you it doesn't have to be that way. Repent and ask for forgiveness. I exhort you with all fervency to do this.

Every Christian should be telling you this. I'm sorry if I'm the only one.

I exhort you with all fervency to do this.

Does that come with a jingle?

Only in the very dark place that is christian fundamentalism is the child molestor to be protected.
Who's protecting him? This thread is about the forgiveness he received from God after repenting, the same forgiveness that's available to you. You are guilty in the eyes of the Lord like everyone else and pointing the finger at others won't conceal your own iniquity. Please repent and be saved. Jesus paid a high price to offer you forgiveness and offer it for free. All you have to do is say yes.

How do you know he repented? He can show signs of repentance but you can't say for sure whether he has or not. It is in your heart you repent and only God can read the heart.

You have spoken very wisely, Georgio. You're right. I want to tell you my experience when I first heard about this story. First of all, I didn't know the facts behind the story. Because I had "heard" that the Duggars were a Christian family I assumed they were. I had never watched their show as I do not get it on my TV. We have very limited cable access. After someone else pointed out to me (on this board) that they were involved in a cult I decided to do my own investigation. Prior to this - like some others on this thread - I had believed that as Josh was a Christian (again an assumption!) that he was truly sincere in his having repented for what he had done to his sisters.

Then I did my own research on the history of the church they were involved in and learned it was a cult founded by a man named Bill Gothard - a Catholic pretending to be Protestant - who had been accused of sex crimes himself! I also learned that the Duggars never actually reported the crime to the police having their son arrested but rather had a police officer friend who they confided in. I learned that there were politicians such as Rick Santorum who were in affiliation with that cult (Santorum is a Catholic also) and that there is no possible way this group could be considered "Christian". (I'm not saying Catholics are bad people but the religion itself is a cult and not based on the teachings of Jesus Christ) When the Duggars joined a cult they opened the door to the enemy having access to their family and their lives. (which is why people need to study the Bible for themselves and be able to recognize false doctrine when they see it).

So it really comes down to what you are saying here - no one knows what is in the heart of Josh Duggar. Only God knows what is in his heart.
So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

Donald Trump?

I'd love to see that link.

The Donald Trump video came on in the wasn't related to the Duggar story. It was funny because I couldn't shut it off. ( computer virus issues)

I googled " Josh Duggars side of the story" and "latest news on the Duggars"
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

What debt to society does a person owe when those he offended see no reason to impose any penalty or judgment? In most or all states, all other crimes in which there is no lasting harm, the juvenile is 'forgiven' by society when he reaches the age of majority and his record is sealed and can't be held against him. Again what purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something wrong he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?
For the left/libs "forgiveness" is only for those WHO they deem should get it

and that means. everyone who is a Democrat. No matter they are: an adulterer, a drowner of women, a Former KKK member, a homosexual who ran a underage brothel out of his home. AND their sick judgment of all Mankind goes on and on

oh did I mention. Anyone who is Conservative/Republican gets NO FORGIVINESS from them. they think they should automatically be sent to hell

that's a two faced hypocrite

If Josh Duggar owned up and paid his debt to society and served his time, I'd let him vote. Conservatives wouldn't.

Did you demand the same for Barney Frank? For Bill Clinton? For Gerry Studds? For Ted Kennedy and/or his nephew who he defended? Etc. etc. etc. Once we get on the slippery slope of demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case. It seems to me that Josh Duggar has suffered huge public embarrassment and significant consequence for his past sins. If his sisters can forgive him and assure us that all is well, what is it to the rest of us to allow him to get on with his life? What purpose is served by locking up a repentent adult because of something stupid he did in his youth that caused no lasting harm?

Not sure what crime was committed by Barny Frank, and Bill Clinton got away with stupidity only because his wife forgave him - again no crime was committed - but the point you're trying to make is valid - justice in America seems to have less to do with the truth than the resources that the accused can commit to lawyers and campaign contributions, and that truly is a disgusting black eye worn by all of us.

If Josh Duggar were truly repentant, he would confess his crimes publicly and accept whatever punishment society wanted to throw at him without so much as a word in his own defense. Sure, as a believer in Jesus, The Christ, as described in The Torah and The New Testament, he could rest in the forgiveness from God that his faith provides, but his debt to society is between us and him. Just because God forgives him doesn't mean that humanity at large is under the same obligation.

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