Josh Duggar And The Message Of Forgiveness

So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

And in fact it's because of their political ties that the Left is using them for a toy. Things like this are far too common among ordinary families, and having 19 kids only increases the odds that some of them will get into sex play, or even, as in this case, juvenile molestation.

I think at least half of the immoral Leftists heaping condemnation on the Duggars have skeletons in their own closets, "family secrets" that they were either involved in or involved in the cover up. AT LEAST half!
This is laughable; this is really laughable.

You think that 'leftists', at least half, have evil and molestation, etc. going on in their families? You are a sick MF. You will choose to believe anything, even a made up fantasy like that, in order to feel okay about accepting the molestation of innocent children in the Duggar family. You belong to the group on here who think a teenager molesting kids is 'normal.' Incredible.
So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

And in fact it's because of their political ties that the Left is using them for a toy. Things like this are far too common among ordinary families, and having 19 kids only increases the odds that some of them will get into sex play, or even, as in this case, juvenile molestation.

I think at least half of the immoral Leftists heaping condemnation on the Duggars have skeletons in their own closets, "family secrets" that they were either involved in or involved in the cover up. AT LEAST half!

Oh I agree with you, thats why I hate politics and media so much.

At this point Josh Duggar should be able to stand on his own with all this. True repentance would be God, him and "the world".
He seems to have so many connections and nets to fall on.
I'm not an American so I prefer not to be lumped within a camp of liberal or conservative.

Child abuse is a crime and should be treated as such. When a person who is guilty of such crimes takes to the podium to accuse an entire group of people (gays) of being pedos, when he in fact showed those tendencies, it is called projecting. When he uses his family and their stage to do this, it is just mental.

It seems to me that within the family's circle too many are sexually deviant (evidenced by the state trooper that they went to doing time for child pornos and the center he went to being run by a sexual abuser who has also has had to step down). In fact the father said as much in his interview.

The measures they introduced to protect their daughters, basically making them mistrust men and boys, reveals to me how poorly they dealt with this issue. They are raising a new generation of girls who fear all men, even their own flesh and blood. That is insane.

This family covered up a serious issue, swept it under the rug and acted like seeking God would be the solution to a mental health issue. It isn't and that is why there are proper ways to deal with this. They failed the victims and their son too.

This has nothing to do with religion or politics but law - and there is a reason for that. I am shocked that homeschoolers and other extreme groups can skirt the law as they did and get away with it, all the while enjoying a stage to propagate hate and judge innocent people as being immoral.

It stinks to high heaven.

Your ignorant post stinks to high heaven, especially the part where you diagnosed him with an ongoing mental illness when in fact he just made a mistake as a child and shows no signs of it continuing into adulthood. And the family handled it just fine, just like any of you hypocrites who, if you had this happening among your own children, would likely seek resolution through counseling as well. That's what's so enraging about this, the hypocrisy of you Leftists (you're lumped in) pretending that you would have done differently if it were your children. As a father of 4 beautiful children, I gotta say.....

If you are the father of 4 children, I sure do hope no one molests your kids...but in the meantime, you have no idea how it feels to have your child molested and you have no idea how the child feels. Molesting someone is not a mistake. A 14 year old knows it is wrong. I'll bet you are all in favor of a 14 year old murderer being tried and sentenced as an adult. A 14 year old knows right from wrong.
1 in 3 girls are molested as a child and 1 in 4 boys. Yes it's that common....

So let me say, you have no idea who you're talking to, or what I know or understand how it feels, and your ASSumption is offensive.

And no, I don't agree that 14 year olds have developed the mens rei to be held fully accountable for criminal acts, whether we're talking about sexual molestation or murder.

Again, ASSumptions.
First, I do know what it does to people. My mother was molested as a child and it screwed her up for the rest of her life. I know intimately the emotional damage it does.

Second, you have no idea whatsoever the percentage of people who are liberal minded who molest or the number of conservatives who molest. It may be that more conservatives than liberals do it: it's very clear that people who are oppressed sexually tend to do deviant sexual behaviors, and conservative, right wing Christians are sexually oppressed.

Third, I work with teenagers and have had discussions with them about the situations in the news when a teen commits a murder or other serious crime. Without exception, they all agree that 13 year olds and older do know the difference between right and wrong, know what they are doing is wrong. Also, those who study child development have researched this and the ability to discern right from wrong is fully developed by the time one is a teenager.

You'll say anything to excuse this guy. So sad, so very sad.
Its nothing to take lightly thats for sure.
...but I dont even know if there is a difference between offbeat experimenting and ongoing practically incurable molesting.

... not in this case, but I was just wondering if there ever is gray areas.
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I love watching you fundies argue.

But that doesn't change the Fact that you are defending a pedo.
I'm defending forgiveness, something you spurn to the peril of your eternal soul.

Someday you are going to stand before the Almighty while every one of your sins is named. On that day you will be the recipient of the condemnation you now so gleefully dish out. Josh Duggars will go to heaven, his sins covered by the blood of Christ, but you will be condemned eternally because you thought gawking at the sins of others somehow absolved you of your own iniquity.

I wrote this thread to tell you it doesn't have to be that way. Repent and ask for forgiveness. I exhort you with all fervency to do this.

Every Christian should be telling you this. I'm sorry if I'm the only one.

I exhort you with all fervency to do this.

Does that come with a jingle?

Only in the very dark place that is christian fundamentalism is the child molestor to be protected.
Who's protecting him? This thread is about the forgiveness he received from God after repenting, the same forgiveness that's available to you. You are guilty in the eyes of the Lord like everyone else and pointing the finger at others won't conceal your own iniquity. Please repent and be saved. Jesus paid a high price to offer you forgiveness and offer it for free. All you have to do is say yes.

How do you know he repented? He can show signs of repentance but you can't say for sure whether he has or not. It is in your heart you repent and only God can read the heart.

His testimony. It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

I'm a Christian and I still don't understand. You have no clue as to what is in his heart.

You condemn a mentally ill person who lies and yet you defend a person not really knowing them other than their claim they are a Christian. I question whether Josh or his parents are or are not Christians, based on their actions during and following their sins.
I'm defending forgiveness, something you spurn to the peril of your eternal soul.

Someday you are going to stand before the Almighty while every one of your sins is named. On that day you will be the recipient of the condemnation you now so gleefully dish out. Josh Duggars will go to heaven, his sins covered by the blood of Christ, but you will be condemned eternally because you thought gawking at the sins of others somehow absolved you of your own iniquity.

I wrote this thread to tell you it doesn't have to be that way. Repent and ask for forgiveness. I exhort you with all fervency to do this.

Every Christian should be telling you this. I'm sorry if I'm the only one.

I exhort you with all fervency to do this.

Does that come with a jingle?

Only in the very dark place that is christian fundamentalism is the child molestor to be protected.
Who's protecting him? This thread is about the forgiveness he received from God after repenting, the same forgiveness that's available to you. You are guilty in the eyes of the Lord like everyone else and pointing the finger at others won't conceal your own iniquity. Please repent and be saved. Jesus paid a high price to offer you forgiveness and offer it for free. All you have to do is say yes.

How do you know he repented? He can show signs of repentance but you can't say for sure whether he has or not. It is in your heart you repent and only God can read the heart.

His testimony. It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

I'm a Christian and I still don't understand. You have no clue as to what is in his heart.

You condemn a mentally ill person who lies and yet you defend a person not really knowing them other than their claim they are a Christian. I question whether Josh or his parents are or are not Christians, based on their actions during and following their sins.
You sure have a lot of opinions. One, that Christians don't make mistakes, two, that how the Duggars handled this WAS a mistake, and three that when a Christian gives a testimony of repentance and forgiveness, you can filter it through your warped political biases to determine how factual it is.

A lot of opinions.
So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

And in fact it's because of their political ties that the Left is using them for a toy. Things like this are far too common among ordinary families, and having 19 kids only increases the odds that some of them will get into sex play, or even, as in this case, juvenile molestation.

I think at least half of the immoral Leftists heaping condemnation on the Duggars have skeletons in their own closets, "family secrets" that they were either involved in or involved in the cover up. AT LEAST half!
This is laughable; this is really laughable.

You think that 'leftists', at least half, have evil and molestation, etc. going on in their families?


At least.

That's why they're so passionate about this because it brings up some painful memories.
I'm not an American so I prefer not to be lumped within a camp of liberal or conservative.

Child abuse is a crime and should be treated as such. When a person who is guilty of such crimes takes to the podium to accuse an entire group of people (gays) of being pedos, when he in fact showed those tendencies, it is called projecting. When he uses his family and their stage to do this, it is just mental.

It seems to me that within the family's circle too many are sexually deviant (evidenced by the state trooper that they went to doing time for child pornos and the center he went to being run by a sexual abuser who has also has had to step down). In fact the father said as much in his interview.

The measures they introduced to protect their daughters, basically making them mistrust men and boys, reveals to me how poorly they dealt with this issue. They are raising a new generation of girls who fear all men, even their own flesh and blood. That is insane.

This family covered up a serious issue, swept it under the rug and acted like seeking God would be the solution to a mental health issue. It isn't and that is why there are proper ways to deal with this. They failed the victims and their son too.

This has nothing to do with religion or politics but law - and there is a reason for that. I am shocked that homeschoolers and other extreme groups can skirt the law as they did and get away with it, all the while enjoying a stage to propagate hate and judge innocent people as being immoral.

It stinks to high heaven.

Your ignorant post stinks to high heaven, especially the part where you diagnosed him with an ongoing mental illness when in fact he just made a mistake as a child and shows no signs of it continuing into adulthood. And the family handled it just fine, just like any of you hypocrites who, if you had this happening among your own children, would likely seek resolution through counseling as well. That's what's so enraging about this, the hypocrisy of you Leftists (you're lumped in) pretending that you would have done differently if it were your children. As a father of 4 beautiful children, I gotta say.....

If you are the father of 4 children, I sure do hope no one molests your kids...but in the meantime, you have no idea how it feels to have your child molested and you have no idea how the child feels. Molesting someone is not a mistake. A 14 year old knows it is wrong. I'll bet you are all in favor of a 14 year old murderer being tried and sentenced as an adult. A 14 year old knows right from wrong.
1 in 3 girls are molested as a child and 1 in 4 boys. Yes it's that common....

So let me say, you have no idea who you're talking to, or what I know or understand how it feels, and your ASSumption is offensive.

And no, I don't agree that 14 year olds have developed the mens rei to be held fully accountable for criminal acts, whether we're talking about sexual molestation or murder.

Again, ASSumptions.
First, I do know what it does to people. My mother was molested as a child and it screwed her up for the rest of her life. I know intimately the emotional damage it does.

Second, you have no idea whatsoever the percentage of people who are liberal minded who molest or the number of conservatives who molest. It may be that more conservatives than liberals do it: it's very clear that people who are oppressed sexually tend to do deviant sexual behaviors, and conservative, right wing Christians are sexually oppressed.

Third, I work with teenagers and have had discussions with them about the situations in the news when a teen commits a murder or other serious crime. Without exception, they all agree that 13 year olds and older do know the difference between right and wrong, know what they are doing is wrong. Also, those who study child development have researched this and the ability to discern right from wrong is fully developed by the time one is a teenager.

You'll say anything to excuse this guy. So sad, so very sad.

Mens rei is the capacity to know in advance the long term consequences of one's actions and to have that knowledge prevail against juvenile impulses, which I don't believe has occurred at the age of 14. Taking a poll among children is a stupid way for you to form an opinion, but it's your opinion, however ignorant it is. Mine is based on studying the heated debates that occur in the psychological community when states contemplate legislation setting the age at which children can be held accountable at an adult level for certain crimes. Some of them agree with you, some of them don't, but it certainly is a worthy debate.
I exhort you with all fervency to do this.

Does that come with a jingle?

Only in the very dark place that is christian fundamentalism is the child molestor to be protected.
Who's protecting him? This thread is about the forgiveness he received from God after repenting, the same forgiveness that's available to you. You are guilty in the eyes of the Lord like everyone else and pointing the finger at others won't conceal your own iniquity. Please repent and be saved. Jesus paid a high price to offer you forgiveness and offer it for free. All you have to do is say yes.

How do you know he repented? He can show signs of repentance but you can't say for sure whether he has or not. It is in your heart you repent and only God can read the heart.

His testimony. It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

I'm a Christian and I still don't understand. You have no clue as to what is in his heart.

You condemn a mentally ill person who lies and yet you defend a person not really knowing them other than their claim they are a Christian. I question whether Josh or his parents are or are not Christians, based on their actions during and following their sins.
You sure have a lot of opinions. One, that Christians don't make mistakes, two, that how the Duggars handled this WAS a mistake, and three that when a Christian gives a testimony of repentance and forgiveness, you can filter it through your warped political biases to determine how factual it is.

A lot of opinions.

And you have a lot of opinions, one, I never gave the opinion that Christians do or don't make mistakes, I believe that no one is perfect, yet it is how you handle your mistakes, that is the key. You don't minimize the mistake, you don't blame politics for your mistake, you don't try to cover up your mistake. Those are not signs of repentance. My political point of view doesn't matter, I'm a conservative, so it is the person that you look at. Not politics.

Again, tell me how you can read the heart.

I know all you have is opinions also, so go ahead with yours and condemn me for having them.

The other issue is you condemn a mentally ill person for lie about her race, how can you do that? She obviously has mental issues, the same as Josh Duggar. Yet, he is determined by you to be repent and Rachel is not. How?
Who's protecting him? This thread is about the forgiveness he received from God after repenting, the same forgiveness that's available to you. You are guilty in the eyes of the Lord like everyone else and pointing the finger at others won't conceal your own iniquity. Please repent and be saved. Jesus paid a high price to offer you forgiveness and offer it for free. All you have to do is say yes.

How do you know he repented? He can show signs of repentance but you can't say for sure whether he has or not. It is in your heart you repent and only God can read the heart.

His testimony. It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

I'm a Christian and I still don't understand. You have no clue as to what is in his heart.

You condemn a mentally ill person who lies and yet you defend a person not really knowing them other than their claim they are a Christian. I question whether Josh or his parents are or are not Christians, based on their actions during and following their sins.
You sure have a lot of opinions. One, that Christians don't make mistakes, two, that how the Duggars handled this WAS a mistake, and three that when a Christian gives a testimony of repentance and forgiveness, you can filter it through your warped political biases to determine how factual it is.

A lot of opinions.

And you have a lot of opinions, one, I never gave the opinion that Christians do or don't make mistakes, I believe that no one is perfect, yet it is how you handle your mistakes, that is the key. You don't minimize the mistake, you don't blame politics for your mistake, you don't try to cover up your mistake. Those are not signs of repentance. My political point of view doesn't matter, I'm a conservative, so it is the person that you look at. Not politics.

Again, tell me how you can read the heart.

I know all you have is opinions also, so go ahead with yours and condemn me for having them.

The other issue is you condemn a mentally ill person for lie about her race, how can you do that? She obviously has mental issues, the same as Josh Duggar. Yet, he is determined by you to be repent and Rachel is not. How?

Are you talking about Rachel Dolezal? The fact that you even side with that behavior proves your no conservative....not as if I needed more proof. She isn't mentally ill, she's a predator. She filed a discrimination lawsuit when she was identifying as a white woman. It's easy to confuse evil with insane because they often look alike, but she is evil, not insane.
How do you know he repented? He can show signs of repentance but you can't say for sure whether he has or not. It is in your heart you repent and only God can read the heart.

His testimony. It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

I'm a Christian and I still don't understand. You have no clue as to what is in his heart.

You condemn a mentally ill person who lies and yet you defend a person not really knowing them other than their claim they are a Christian. I question whether Josh or his parents are or are not Christians, based on their actions during and following their sins.
You sure have a lot of opinions. One, that Christians don't make mistakes, two, that how the Duggars handled this WAS a mistake, and three that when a Christian gives a testimony of repentance and forgiveness, you can filter it through your warped political biases to determine how factual it is.

A lot of opinions.

And you have a lot of opinions, one, I never gave the opinion that Christians do or don't make mistakes, I believe that no one is perfect, yet it is how you handle your mistakes, that is the key. You don't minimize the mistake, you don't blame politics for your mistake, you don't try to cover up your mistake. Those are not signs of repentance. My political point of view doesn't matter, I'm a conservative, so it is the person that you look at. Not politics.

Again, tell me how you can read the heart.

I know all you have is opinions also, so go ahead with yours and condemn me for having them.

The other issue is you condemn a mentally ill person for lie about her race, how can you do that? She obviously has mental issues, the same as Josh Duggar. Yet, he is determined by you to be repent and Rachel is not. How?

Are you talking about Rachel Dolezal? The fact that you even side with that behavior proves your no conservative....not as if I needed more proof. She isn't mentally ill, she's a predator. She filed a discrimination lawsuit when she was identifying as a white woman. It's easy to confuse evil with insane because they often look alike, but she is evil, not insane.

Who the heck said I sided with her behavior? She is mentally ill, watch her interviews, they get more and more buzzard. She doesn't even know what her race is. There is something wrong.

BTW, who are you to define me? Is that one of your many opinions?
His testimony. It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

I'm a Christian and I still don't understand. You have no clue as to what is in his heart.

You condemn a mentally ill person who lies and yet you defend a person not really knowing them other than their claim they are a Christian. I question whether Josh or his parents are or are not Christians, based on their actions during and following their sins.
You sure have a lot of opinions. One, that Christians don't make mistakes, two, that how the Duggars handled this WAS a mistake, and three that when a Christian gives a testimony of repentance and forgiveness, you can filter it through your warped political biases to determine how factual it is.

A lot of opinions.

And you have a lot of opinions, one, I never gave the opinion that Christians do or don't make mistakes, I believe that no one is perfect, yet it is how you handle your mistakes, that is the key. You don't minimize the mistake, you don't blame politics for your mistake, you don't try to cover up your mistake. Those are not signs of repentance. My political point of view doesn't matter, I'm a conservative, so it is the person that you look at. Not politics.

Again, tell me how you can read the heart.

I know all you have is opinions also, so go ahead with yours and condemn me for having them.

The other issue is you condemn a mentally ill person for lie about her race, how can you do that? She obviously has mental issues, the same as Josh Duggar. Yet, he is determined by you to be repent and Rachel is not. How?

Are you talking about Rachel Dolezal? The fact that you even side with that behavior proves your no conservative....not as if I needed more proof. She isn't mentally ill, she's a predator. She filed a discrimination lawsuit when she was identifying as a white woman. It's easy to confuse evil with insane because they often look alike, but she is evil, not insane.

Who the heck said I sided with her behavior? She is mentally ill, watch her interviews, they get more and more buzzard. She doesn't even know what her race is. There is something wrong.

BTW, who are you to define me? Is that one of your many opinions?

Who are you to define Josh Duggars and assume his testimony is false?

I don't believe you are Christian. We Christians don't think like you at all. The first time you go to a church service and somebody gives their testimony of forgiveness and redemption and you call them a liar, they'll throw you out and tell you never to come back.

Or maybe you just do that online and are too chickenshit to tell that to somebody's face.
So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

And in fact it's because of their political ties that the Left is using them for a toy. Things like this are far too common among ordinary families, and having 19 kids only increases the odds that some of them will get into sex play, or even, as in this case, juvenile molestation.

I think at least half of the immoral Leftists heaping condemnation on the Duggars have skeletons in their own closets, "family secrets" that they were either involved in or involved in the cover up. AT LEAST half!
This is laughable; this is really laughable.

You think that 'leftists', at least half, have evil and molestation, etc. going on in their families? You are a sick MF. You will choose to believe anything, even a made up fantasy like that, in order to feel okay about accepting the molestation of innocent children in the Duggar family. You belong to the group on here who think a teenager molesting kids is 'normal.' Incredible.

In all fairness, Esmerelda, if one had been raised in a fundamentalist cult, like the one Warren Jeffs led, or perhaps the Catholic Church, child molestation would seem to be pretty much everywhere, to that person.
Okay folks, I say

Jesus' story of the good Samaritan should inform us that none of us have the edge on goodness or rightness. This discussion is dissolving into a 'my church is right and your church is wrong' and 'I'm better than you' and 'I am the real Christian and you're not'. This almost surely has to grieve the Holy Spirit and does anybody really believe Jesus condones that?

No wonder the 'scoffers' and 'unbelievers' think Christianity is a hoax or abomination. When we Christians war among ourselves we set a terrible example.
So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

Donald Trump?

I'd love to see that link.
I'm glad that Jesus has forgiven Duggar.

I'm not Jesus.

I'd like to see him wear the label of "child molester" for the rest of his life, like anyone else who has been convicted of the crime. That would include his registering his address within every municipality and state in which he resides.
I'm still wondering why people are claiming that Jesus has forgiven him.

What I was taught is that you must repent if you want forgiveness. I have seen no repenting but rather a years long cover up. That also applies to the parents.

he needs professional help, not just 'forgiveness' from like-minded enablers...
In the interview given by his parents, he did get professional counseling as did the sisters an other girl not named. Beyond that he was taken from the home to spend some time in a rehab type program then after that he was taken to police and confessed what he did as well. How much more should a boy who was 14 at the time pay for what he did? In the scheme of things I think most teen boys try to do a lot more than what he did on girls as under age as himself was
Are you insane? Completely out of touch with reality? Most teenage boys DO NOT do what Josh Duggar did to young children. Only a very sick young man would do such a thing to any child, younger then himself or not. Molesting young girls is not part of adolescence or, not ever--unless you are warped, as Duggar seems to be.
Really? So 14 year old boys don't ever try to cop a feel from a classmate or friend?? Technically they are both minors and yet you would not categorize that as child molesting but by your own definition it is and this kid should be locked away for life in your opinion.
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So after commenting on this story numerous times, yesterday morning I finally went to a few Duggar websites. They really are extremely wrapped up politically. A background video of Donald Trumps voice came up on one site, took awhile to find where to shut him up. Add a reality tv show and hmmm. I hate politics so I tend to ignore it as much as possible.
Plus Ill always, ALWAYS stand by Christs message of grace and forgiveness and its availability to all. Don't care what anyone thinks.

But ya, with all their political ties, doubtful this is about a family who made a series of serious mistakes, looks more like a group of people with an agenda.

And in fact it's because of their political ties that the Left is using them for a toy. Things like this are far too common among ordinary families, and having 19 kids only increases the odds that some of them will get into sex play, or even, as in this case, juvenile molestation.

I think at least half of the immoral Leftists heaping condemnation on the Duggars have skeletons in their own closets, "family secrets" that they were either involved in or involved in the cover up. AT LEAST half!
This is laughable; this is really laughable.

You think that 'leftists', at least half, have evil and molestation, etc. going on in their families? You are a sick MF. You will choose to believe anything, even a made up fantasy like that, in order to feel okay about accepting the molestation of innocent children in the Duggar family. You belong to the group on here who think a teenager molesting kids is 'normal.' Incredible.

In all fairness, Esmerelda, if one had been raised in a fundamentalist cult, like the one Warren Jeffs led, or perhaps the Catholic Church, child molestation would seem to be pretty much everywhere, to that person.


Interesting point and Jim Bob Duggar did say that "a lot" of their friends have experienced child molestation in their family. He also said the others were "a lot worse" than what Josh did over the years.

Its also a common theme with the friendships between Huckabee, Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs, the Duggars ... Even the guy who started the cult committed sexual "sins".
I'm glad that Jesus has forgiven Duggar.

I'm not Jesus.

I'd like to see him wear the label of "child molester" for the rest of his life, like anyone else who has been convicted of the crime. That would include his registering his address within every municipality and state in which he resides.
I'm still wondering why people are claiming that Jesus has forgiven him.

What I was taught is that you must repent if you want forgiveness. I have seen no repenting but rather a years long cover up. That also applies to the parents.

he needs professional help, not just 'forgiveness' from like-minded enablers...
In the interview given by his parents, he did get professional counseling as did the sisters an other girl not named. Beyond that he was taken from the home to spend some time in a rehab type program then after that he was taken to police and confessed what he did as well. How much more should a boy who was 14 at the time pay for what he did? In the scheme of things I think most teen boys try to do a lot more than what he did on girls as under age as himself was
Are you insane? Completely out of touch with reality? Most teenage boys DO NOT do what Josh Duggar did to young children. Only a very sick young man would do such a thing to any child, younger then himself or not. Molesting young girls is not part of adolescence or, not ever--unless you are warped, as Duggar seems to be.
Really? So 14 year old boys don't ever try to cop a feel from a classmate or friend?? Technically they are both minors and yet you would not categorize that as child molesting but by your own definition it is and this kid should be locked away for life

That is not an accurate description of Josh Duggers serial molesting of little girls as young as 4 and continuing over several years. Read the police report.

In this string of quotes, someone wrote that "he was taken from the home to spend some time in a rehab type program then after that he was taken to police and confessed what he did as well'.

Not true.

He was caught the first time and another time. There was one time he confessed to his father. He did not go to a "rehab". He was sent to live with a kiddie porn friend of the family who was also a cop.
I'm a Christian and I still don't understand. You have no clue as to what is in his heart.

You condemn a mentally ill person who lies and yet you defend a person not really knowing them other than their claim they are a Christian. I question whether Josh or his parents are or are not Christians, based on their actions during and following their sins.
You sure have a lot of opinions. One, that Christians don't make mistakes, two, that how the Duggars handled this WAS a mistake, and three that when a Christian gives a testimony of repentance and forgiveness, you can filter it through your warped political biases to determine how factual it is.

A lot of opinions.

And you have a lot of opinions, one, I never gave the opinion that Christians do or don't make mistakes, I believe that no one is perfect, yet it is how you handle your mistakes, that is the key. You don't minimize the mistake, you don't blame politics for your mistake, you don't try to cover up your mistake. Those are not signs of repentance. My political point of view doesn't matter, I'm a conservative, so it is the person that you look at. Not politics.

Again, tell me how you can read the heart.

I know all you have is opinions also, so go ahead with yours and condemn me for having them.

The other issue is you condemn a mentally ill person for lie about her race, how can you do that? She obviously has mental issues, the same as Josh Duggar. Yet, he is determined by you to be repent and Rachel is not. How?

Are you talking about Rachel Dolezal? The fact that you even side with that behavior proves your no conservative....not as if I needed more proof. She isn't mentally ill, she's a predator. She filed a discrimination lawsuit when she was identifying as a white woman. It's easy to confuse evil with insane because they often look alike, but she is evil, not insane.

Who the heck said I sided with her behavior? She is mentally ill, watch her interviews, they get more and more buzzard. She doesn't even know what her race is. There is something wrong.

BTW, who are you to define me? Is that one of your many opinions?

Who are you to define Josh Duggars and assume his testimony is false?

I don't believe you are Christian. We Christians don't think like you at all. The first time you go to a church service and somebody gives their testimony of forgiveness and redemption and you call them a liar, they'll throw you out and tell you never to come back.

Or maybe you just do that online and are too chickenshit to tell that to somebody's face.

Who did I call a liar? Certainly not Josh,. I simply stated that you cannot read his heart. Who are you to judge Dosezal? Can you read her heart?

The rest of your rant tells me a lot about you.
I'm glad that Jesus has forgiven Duggar.

I'm not Jesus.

I'd like to see him wear the label of "child molester" for the rest of his life, like anyone else who has been convicted of the crime. That would include his registering his address within every municipality and state in which he resides.
I'm still wondering why people are claiming that Jesus has forgiven him.

What I was taught is that you must repent if you want forgiveness. I have seen no repenting but rather a years long cover up. That also applies to the parents.

he needs professional help, not just 'forgiveness' from like-minded enablers...
In the interview given by his parents, he did get professional counseling as did the sisters an other girl not named. Beyond that he was taken from the home to spend some time in a rehab type program then after that he was taken to police and confessed what he did as well. How much more should a boy who was 14 at the time pay for what he did? In the scheme of things I think most teen boys try to do a lot more than what he did on girls as under age as himself was
Are you insane? Completely out of touch with reality? Most teenage boys DO NOT do what Josh Duggar did to young children. Only a very sick young man would do such a thing to any child, younger then himself or not. Molesting young girls is not part of adolescence or, not ever--unless you are warped, as Duggar seems to be.
Really? So 14 year old boys don't ever try to cop a feel from a classmate or friend?? Technically they are both minors and yet you would not categorize that as child molesting but by your own definition it is and this kid should be locked away for life in your opinion.
Seriously? You don't get it? Or are you purposely trying to muddy the waters so you can defend Duggar and the whole clan? No one here is talking about two teenagers making out or the sexual attraction between two teenagers. If a boy forces himself on a girl his age, teens, then, yes, he is attempting to molest her. There is a huge difference between that and what you term 'coping' a feel.

It is just absolutely incredible. You right wing Christian conservatives do not seem to understand the difference between molestation and normal sexual behavior. WTF us wrong with you all?

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