Jon Stewart Owns Fox News and Racists everywhere.

they post this stuff of how he stomped on that fox's news station and showed those conservatives and all you racist on the board

what is sad with some on the left?
1. they post this as though he loved seeing others dumped and hated on
2. they actually get into someone who is being hateful, stupid and downright mean.

sick and twisted in my book
wow, some people really to get lives and stop living POLITICS 24/7 and in your sleep too
As yourself this. Why have Ferguson cops not released the dashcam footage or audio from the police cruizer but instead release the "strong-arm robbery" footage? Because they want to justify what they did and don't want to be questioned on their tactics. People who like what they are doing.

Just to clear up mis-information. There IS no dashcam footage; Chief Jackson told reporters almost immediately that while they had gotten a few dashcams they didn't have the budget to install them yet - he said it was around $3k each to install.
As yourself this. Why have Ferguson cops not released the dashcam footage or audio from the police cruizer but instead release the "strong-arm robbery" footage? Because they want to justify what they did and don't want to be questioned on their tactics. People who like what they are doing.

Just to clear up mis-information. There IS no dashcam footage; Chief Jackson told reporters almost immediately that while they had gotten a few dashcams they didn't have the budget to install them yet - he said it was around $3k each to install.

years from now negroes will still claim he was shot in the back with his hands up while surrendering for jaywalking.
Jackson and Sharpton are racist it that simple live with it. Sure they mention the crime in black communities,but do they ever make a dog and pony show out of any of the funerals??no they don't because there is NO political opportunity,and when they do its damn little.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

And how many voted for a former community organizer?

who was president of the harvard law review. what's the problem with a community organizer other than the fact that he's black.

if you have disagreements, state them. the whole "community organizer" thing is silly.
As yourself this. Why have Ferguson cops not released the dashcam footage or audio from the police cruizer but instead release the "strong-arm robbery" footage? Because they want to justify what they did and don't want to be questioned on their tactics. People who like what they are doing.

Just to clear up mis-information. There IS no dashcam footage; Chief Jackson told reporters almost immediately that while they had gotten a few dashcams they didn't have the budget to install them yet - he said it was around $3k each to install.
They have some pretty cool military hardware tho.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

And how many voted for a former community organizer?
What is your issue exactly with community organizers?

In this case it refers to one who advocates exclusively for blacks to the exclusion of others.

but he doesn't. another thing that's made up.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

And how many voted for a former community organizer?
What is your issue exactly with community organizers?

In this case it refers to one who advocates exclusively for blacks to the exclusion of others.

but he doesn't. another thing that's made up.

List all the white causes he advocated for when he was a community agitator..I mean organizer?

He rarely misses an opportunity to express his racial solidarity with fact he brags that his first political act was to protest apartheid...He said this at the funeral for the murderous convicted terrorist nelson mandela..which he attended IN PERSON...

My very first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest against apartheid.

anti white all his life...
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know you've lost the point when you seriously try comparing Jon Stewart to Ronald Reagan.

man the left is ugly because the people DON'T love their Dear leader as they figured they would and should...and they frikken voted in a Community AGITATOR who never worked a REAL JOB in his life, was a lowly State senator from one of the most CORRUPTED State government in the country, I know this because I grew up in Illinois. He was a Junior freaking Senator in Congress who only had 144 DAYS under his belt before he decided we needed to be blessed with him as President. And I recall, Reagan was a GOVERNEOR of a STATE before he ran for President. And so was Sarah Palin, George Bush and Obama was a Nobody. He was a "guest lecturer" at the University of Chicago and they bestowed him the title PROFESSOR. how so lovely eh, my Niece had to go through eight to ten Years of schooling to BECOME A PROGRESSOR..... so how unbelievably ugly the left has become they see their party is not the ACCEPTED one with their junk visions they all say is what's in EVERYONES best interest...and they have no pricibles, honor or an honest bone in their bodies. And we also found out they aren't LOYAL to anyone either. They kicked ole Hill under the bus for the black guy who just so "conveniently" leaves out HE IS HALF WHITE...they stand up for Women all right as long as it's for abortion, free birth control, operations for someone to freaking cut their penis off and become a woman, etc etc etc...they were roaring lions with Bush now look them sniveling sheep who just marches like good little sheep to anything their party wants and question NOTHING if it's good for the rest of us or the's the saddest thing I've watch over the years when there was a real Democrat party that had honor...Now we have a President who won lie of the year and they still stand up for the lowlife especially when he act like nothing more than a common street thug.

That texas half wit with "'governor's experience" sure was a failure on 9-11, even after being warned of an attack. This isn't even mentioning the bush economy in late 2008.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

Because he quoted Jon Stewart?

If the O/P had quoted Rush Limbaugh would you conclude that he got his news from talk radio?

Or would you affirm?
If "if" was a skiff we could go fishing.
If "if" was a fifth we could have a drink, too.


If you had an intelligent response you would have made it.
Stick to nursery rhymes, it suits you.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know you've lost the point when you seriously try comparing Jon Stewart to Ronald Reagan.

Jon Stewart is far brighter than Reagan ever was. Reagan was propped up and controlled by Donald Regan, the ex-CEO of Merrill Lynch, and thus the downward spiral began.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know you've lost the point when you seriously try comparing Jon Stewart to Ronald Reagan.

Jon Stewart is far brighter than Reagan ever was. Reagan was propped up and controlled by Donald Regan, the ex-CEO of Merrill Lynch, and thus the downward spiral began.

So, because our children work hard in school and earn their way up the ladder = bad within your view?
Hannity- college dropout

Limbaugh- college dropout

Beck- college dropout

Yes, it's liberals that have a problem getting info from unqualified sources?:dunno:
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

And how many voted for a former community organizer?

who was president of the harvard law review. what's the problem with a community organizer other than the fact that he's black.

if you have disagreements, state them. the whole "community organizer" thing is silly.

ooooooooooooooooo, all of that 30% that still approves of him might find that orgasmic some community agitator had the Pres. of HAVAD law review BESTOWED on him...the same way he was a professor. He was knighted as one. he was no damn professor, he was just a glorified "guest lecturer" but really jilly. So, the community organizer thing is silly, BUT the actor thing isn't?
here we go round the jilly go round. the jilly go round the jilly go round oh I can't remember the whole song but it fit's you for sure

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