N.Korea= Ferguson made US laughingstock of the world

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Congratulations, nutters.

North Korea Says Ferguson Response Made U.S. The Laughing Stock Of The World ThinkProgress


Better late than never. Nearly a week after other repressive countries used protests in Ferguson, MO to critique the United States’ human rights record, North Korea joined the fray on Tuesday, calling the U.S. “the laughing stock of the world” over its actions over the last few weeks.

North Korean state news agency KCNA has a habit of asking the most leading questions possible to spokesmen for the Foreign Ministry. In this instance, KCNA inquired about the “serious racial discrimination” on display in the United States. “Some days ago, a black teenager was shot to death by a white policeman in Ferguson City, Missouri State, the U.S. and police ruthlessly cracked down on protesters, leveling their rifles at them and firing tear gas and smoke shells,” the spokesman is quoted as saying.

“The U.S. is, indeed, a country wantonly violating the human rights where people are subject to discrimination and humiliation due to their races and they are seized with such horror that they do not know when they are shot to death,” the spokesperson continued. “The protests in Ferguson City and other parts of the U.S. are an eruption of the pent-up discontent and resistance of the people against racial discrimination and inequality deeply rooted in the American society.”
Hey, all you RWs who hate the US - You'll just love this.

North Korea s Kim Jong-un Calls Obama a Wicked Black Monkey and Worse -

The White House has condemned as “particularly ugly and disrespectful” a North Korean diatribe targeting B. Hussein Obama. In a statement issued on Thursday, the Pyongyang piece was decried as “especially repugnant.”

Portions of the paper described Obama as a “clown,” a “dirty fellow” and as someone who “does not even have the basic appearances of a human being.”

It also asserted that, “It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators.”

Additionally, the piece further insulted Obama, saying, “He is a crossbreed with unclear blood,” as well as a later claim that Obama “still has the figure of a monkey while the human race has evolved through millions of years.”

Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said “While the North Korean Government-controlled media are distinguished by their histrionics, these comments are particularly ugly and disrespectful.”

The Korean language diatribe was published on May 2nd, but only recently noticed by blogger Joshua Stanton. A second piece, which was less vicious overall, described Obama as a “wicked black monkey.”

The formal government-sanctioned insult was presented in the form of four individual sections, each attributed to different Korean citizen authors. It was titled “Diving Retribution for the Juvenile Delinquent Obama!

Had the four authors bothered to check, any one of Obama’s various birth certificates would prove he is not a juvenile.
How the rest of the world sees Ferguson - The Washington Post


Notably, some publications are treating the conflict as they might a war zone — the Telegraph has sent its Afghanistan correspondent, Rob Crilly, to cover the protests, for example (he was arrested while reporting this weekend).
British coverage of Ferguson has emphasized the racial drama that lies behind the riots and the scale of the police response. And while Britain has had its own problems with race and riots (most notably the 2011 events in London and elsewhere, also caused by a police shooting involving a young black man), some journalists are struck more by the differences than the similarities. "While the [London riots] were at their worst, people were calling for rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons to be used against the rioters," Abigail Chandler of the free newspaper the Metro writes. "Ferguson is a living example of why we should be immensely grateful that those tactics were never used during the U.K. riots."

The German media leveled harsher criticism. Zeit Online, a centrist news site, saw the death of Brown as testimony of deep-rooted racism in the United States and concluded that “the situation of African-Americans has barely improved since Martin Luther King.” The publication went as far as to say that the “dream of a post-racist society, which flared up after the election of [President] Obama, seems further away than ever before.” Such criticism was echoed by its conservative competitor Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the biggest newspapers in Germany, which also specifically singled out the U.S. president for his failures: “It seems like mockery that [Obama] is still called the most powerful man on earth.”

Spiegel Online, a centrist, left-leaning publication, discussed Ferguson with Marcel Kuhlmey, an academic who studies police reactions. Kuhlmey told the site that in Germany, “weapons are the last resort, but in the U.S. police officers make use of them much faster” and went on to say that the “last time the German police owned assault rifles [which are being used in Ferguson] was during the Cold War.” The expert concluded that police officers “would never proceed like this in Germany."
Because North Korea's opinion is so valid. :D

Luddly Neddite said:
Wait for the RWs to chime in.

a gang of things that like a tramp are also born to run said:
We don't have to.

You're so goddamned retarded, we'd rather just kick back and watch you implode on your own. :badgrin:

Luddly Neddite said:
You're always so cowardly.

But, truth is, if it hurts the US, some RWs are in favor of it.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand if it's a pitiably retarded thread designed solely to troll the USMB, then it's usually started by Luddly Neddite. :badgrin:
korea is a homogenous nation. They don't have the problems we have with a constantly aggrieved parasite class...so like limousine/gated community liberals they are naturally "experts" on race relations.
The ones with the least proximity to the problem are always the "experts"

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