Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

You just proved my point. Telling kids about your sex-life is going over the line. It doesn't matter what it is. Kids don't need to be taught about that sort of thing regardless how much the Gay-rights community wants it.

Another thing to take into consideration. The unwed mothers issue. How do you explain to kids when you start showing? They're gonna ask. Kids are curious.

your density rivals that of a black hole.

Perfect example of bigotry. We don't all have your low standards so you feel superior.

I suppose knowing how kids are is being dense?

My suggestion is for some paid maternity leave after the 2rd trimester till she has her baby. She'd probably appreciate the time off.

I know that's not all progressive and cool to think that way but tough.
Have you ever considered joining the Taliban?
unintended irony is the best.

keep it coming, corky


Corky...are you and ClosedCaption twins?

Maybe you're Gay lovers?

I'm still waiting for an argument from you that amounts to something better then "You Suck".

mudwhistle, don't. Just don't. You have some brains...use them. Dun follow logical4u down that rabbit hole.

You know...what's amusing to me is you actually think you're giving good advice. That you're speaking from a moral high ground.

It seems our morals have shifted so much that what is popular or cool is considered to be mainstream even though it used to be unacceptable. Are we improving our society or are we going downhill?

You may have let your standards go so what should bother you doesn't anymore. I don't think you're crazy because of it. I just think you're trying to go with the rest of the sheep instead of making your own mark.

I have a right to my own opinions. I don't force them on anyone. Stop trying to force yours on me.

The problem with this is once you compromise your principles then it's easier to compromise them further the next time somebody asks you to do it. Pretty soon you're looking at yourself and saying "What the hell have I done??"
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it would be funny as shit if your daughter got knocked up and the gay teacher made a demeaning comment.
your density rivals that of a black hole.

Perfect example of bigotry. We don't all have your low standards so you feel superior.

I suppose knowing how kids are is being dense?

My suggestion is for some paid maternity leave after the 2rd trimester till she has her baby. She'd probably appreciate the time off.

I know that's not all progressive and cool to think that way but tough.
Have you ever considered joining the Taliban?

The funny thing is most mothers go on maternity leave anyway once they get to a point in their pregnancy. Some of them actually look forward to the time off...but of course if it's mandatory you're up in arms about it.

It's hilarious when you think about it.
it would be funny as shit if your daughter got knocked up and the gay teacher made a demeaning comment.

Oh really....funny huh?

That's really nice of you. :eusa_angel:

I keep my feelings to myself. I'm merely debating the issue here. I think the issue depends on a case by case basis. If it's handled in a decent manner in front of the kids then I don't care.

I'm not going around wishing for bad things to happen to anyone who disagrees with me.

Hope your hate makes you warm this winter.
Perfect example of bigotry. We don't all have your low standards so you feel superior.

I suppose knowing how kids are is being dense?

My suggestion is for some paid maternity leave after the 2rd trimester till she has her baby. She'd probably appreciate the time off.

I know that's not all progressive and cool to think that way but tough.
Have you ever considered joining the Taliban?

The funny thing is most mothers go on maternity leave anyway once they get to a point in their pregnancy. Some of them actually look forward to the time off...but of course if it's mandatory you're up in arms about it.

It's hilarious when you think about it.
Do they? I worked up until the day I gave birth both times and no one ran screaming at seeing me pregnant.

Have you ever considered joining the Taliban?

The funny thing is most mothers go on maternity leave anyway once they get to a point in their pregnancy. Some of them actually look forward to the time off...but of course if it's mandatory you're up in arms about it.

It's hilarious when you think about it.
Do they? I worked up until the day I gave birth both times and no one ran screaming at seeing me pregnant.


Its not the fact that she looks pregnant but that she in in a family way and ..........shhhhhhh (not married)

Maybe DeMint would let her teach if she wore a Scarlet A
Ok, now we've eliminated gays, unmarried people with kids (including divorcees?) drinkers, smokers, gamblers, fat people, atheists, and I'm sure a few I'm missing from the ranks of teachers,

now let's work on that shortage of good teachers...

...and that's before we break the teachers' unions and get them all working for less money and with fewer rights.

Thwe unions have to go. Teacher's union thugs could not care less about education. Teacher's unions exist to protect jobs. The more techaers there are ,the more money the union makes.
In fact, NO PUBLIC employee should be permitted to have collective bargaining rights.
We here in the private sector have to slug it out trying to earn merit pay, test for promotions, pay for our medical insurance while taxpayer funded workers get free healthcare, collective pay raises whether they performed well or not, in the case of teachers they get tenure which is 100% job security....That's just not realistic.
There are enough laws on the books both state and federal that protect wokers. The last thing we need for taxpayer's employees is a middle man who's sole function is to make a nice cushy living for himself.
Unions are about dead in the private sector.
Unions need to disappear from the public sector as well. The far above market wage salaries and benefits are unsustainable.
it would be funny as shit if your daughter got knocked up and the gay teacher made a demeaning comment.

Oh really....funny huh?

That's really nice of you. :eusa_angel:

I keep my feelings to myself. I'm merely debating the issue here. I think the issue depends on a case by case basis. If it's handled in a decent manner in front of the kids then I don't care.

I'm not going around wishing for bad things to happen to anyone who disagrees with me.

Hope your hate makes you warm this winter.

Would you like to see your state ban, by law, homosexuals and unmarried pregnant women from teaching?
Ok, now we've eliminated gays, unmarried people with kids (including divorcees?) drinkers, smokers, gamblers, fat people, atheists, and I'm sure a few I'm missing from the ranks of teachers,

now let's work on that shortage of good teachers...

...and that's before we break the teachers' unions and get them all working for less money and with fewer rights.

Thwe unions have to go. Teacher's union thugs could not care less about education. Teacher's unions exist to protect jobs. The more techaers there are ,the more money the union makes.
In fact, NO PUBLIC employee should be permitted to have collective bargaining rights.
We here in the private sector have to slug it out trying to earn merit pay, test for promotions, pay for our medical insurance while taxpayer funded workers get free healthcare, collective pay raises whether they performed well or not, in the case of teachers they get tenure which is 100% job security....That's just not realistic.
There are enough laws on the books both state and federal that protect wokers. The last thing we need for taxpayer's employees is a middle man who's sole function is to make a nice cushy living for himself.
Unions are about dead in the private sector.
Unions need to disappear from the public sector as well. The far above market wage salaries and benefits are unsustainable.

If school boards are going to start firing teachers who are gay or pregnant, like DeMint advocates, they definitely need a union
Sen. Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

In addition to reiterating anti-choice talking points on abortion and backing "traditional marriage," according to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, the senator went further and "said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend -- she shouldn't be in the classroom."

Controversy over DeMint's position on this issue first arose in 2004 during a Senate debate, when he was asked whether he agreed with the state party's platform that said openly gay teachers should be barred from teaching public school. DeMint said he agreed with that position because government shouldn't be endorsing certain behaviors.

"(When I said those things,) no one came to my defense," DeMint said on Friday in Spartanburg. "But everyone would come to me and whisper that I shouldn't back down. They don't want government purging their rights and their freedom to religion."

There are so many things wrong with his statements that I don't even know where to begin criticizing them.

Yea, God forbid we hold on to traditional values.:cuckoo:

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