Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

Should fat people be banned from teaching?

Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins, isn't it? That would make it immoral, wouldn't it?

Let's make sure non-Christians aren't allowed to teach too...ok?

When it comes to morals that would be an excellent policy...

Sure...cause it is quite clear that all Christians have morals and all non-Christians do not. Now....if we could just nail down that "who's a REAL Christian" issue......:eusa_whistle:
Sen. Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

In addition to reiterating anti-choice talking points on abortion and backing "traditional marriage," according to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, the senator went further and "said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend -- she shouldn't be in the classroom."

Controversy over DeMint's position on this issue first arose in 2004 during a Senate debate, when he was asked whether he agreed with the state party's platform that said openly gay teachers should be barred from teaching public school. DeMint said he agreed with that position because government shouldn't be endorsing certain behaviors.

"(When I said those things,) no one came to my defense," DeMint said on Friday in Spartanburg. "But everyone would come to me and whisper that I shouldn't back down. They don't want government purging their rights and their freedom to religion."

There are so many things wrong with his statements that I don't even know where to begin criticizing them.

Yea, God forbid we hold on to traditional values.:cuckoo:

Ah yes...those good ole' traditional values...like segregated schools, beating children, bullying unabated, women teachers being paid half what male teachers are and fired when married, draconic dress codes, hazing...those good ole values.
Let's make sure non-Christians aren't allowed to teach too...ok?

When it comes to morals that would be an excellent policy...

Sure...cause it is quite clear that all Christians have morals and all non-Christians do not. Now....if we could just nail down that "who's a REAL Christian" issue......:eusa_whistle:

Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?
Should fat people be banned from teaching?

Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins, isn't it? That would make it immoral, wouldn't it?

Let's make sure non-Christians aren't allowed to teach too...ok?

The dimwit OP wants to ban everyone who's a sinner from teaching.

To paraphrase Jesus:

Let he who is without sin, teach the first lesson.
Sen. Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

In addition to reiterating anti-choice talking points on abortion and backing "traditional marriage," according to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, the senator went further and "said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend -- she shouldn't be in the classroom."

Controversy over DeMint's position on this issue first arose in 2004 during a Senate debate, when he was asked whether he agreed with the state party's platform that said openly gay teachers should be barred from teaching public school. DeMint said he agreed with that position because government shouldn't be endorsing certain behaviors.

"(When I said those things,) no one came to my defense," DeMint said on Friday in Spartanburg. "But everyone would come to me and whisper that I shouldn't back down. They don't want government purging their rights and their freedom to religion."

There are so many things wrong with his statements that I don't even know where to begin criticizing them.

Yea, God forbid we hold on to traditional values.:cuckoo:

Yes, because in Conservatopia, anti-gay discrimination IS a traditional value.
yeah big government conservatives, you want a big eduction infrastructure to weed out the non fundementalist Catholics?
When it comes to morals that would be an excellent policy...

Sure...cause it is quite clear that all Christians have morals and all non-Christians do not. Now....if we could just nail down that "who's a REAL Christian" issue......:eusa_whistle:

Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

Why would you want to hang the Ten Commandments on school walls?

Would you like the Koran hung there too?
When it comes to morals that would be an excellent policy...

Sure...cause it is quite clear that all Christians have morals and all non-Christians do not. Now....if we could just nail down that "who's a REAL Christian" issue......:eusa_whistle:

Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

fuck your ten commandments, not in my public school
Sure...cause it is quite clear that all Christians have morals and all non-Christians do not. Now....if we could just nail down that "who's a REAL Christian" issue......:eusa_whistle:

Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

fuck your ten commandments, not in my public school

I understand how you could be against teaching children to not steal, lie or remain faithful to your spouse. Those are dem values.
Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

fuck your ten commandments, not in my public school

I understand how you could be against teaching children to not steal, lie or remain faithful to your spouse. Those are dem values.

We could also post this one for the children...

You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Now children...listen up

If you don't believe in the God the school tells you to, God (who is very jealous) will punish not only you....but your children and four generations of children who have done no wrong

Also children ...listen up.....while in art class, if you make a likeness of anything on earth or animals or fishes....God is going to punish you. Children need to be aware of that one
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Sure...cause it is quite clear that all Christians have morals and all non-Christians do not. Now....if we could just nail down that "who's a REAL Christian" issue......:eusa_whistle:

Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

Why would you want to hang the Ten Commandments on school walls?

Would you like the Koran hung there too?

Not particularly....we are mostly Christians in this country....and most of us agree on traditional values....however to be fair.....I'd be OK with allotting less than 1/2% of the space to their Koran since that is the approximate population number of muslims in this country....
Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

Why would you want to hang the Ten Commandments on school walls?

Would you like the Koran hung there too?

Not particularly....we are mostly Christians in this country....and most of us agree on traditional values....however to be fair.....I'd be OK with allotting less than 1/2% of the space to their Koran since that is the approximate population number of muslims in this country....

Sorry....but rights are not apportioned based on your percentage of the population

Do Atheists get to post on your walls that there is no evidence of God?
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Sen. Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

In addition to reiterating anti-choice talking points on abortion and backing "traditional marriage," according to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, the senator went further and "said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend -- she shouldn't be in the classroom."

Controversy over DeMint's position on this issue first arose in 2004 during a Senate debate, when he was asked whether he agreed with the state party's platform that said openly gay teachers should be barred from teaching public school. DeMint said he agreed with that position because government shouldn't be endorsing certain behaviors.

"(When I said those things,) no one came to my defense," DeMint said on Friday in Spartanburg. "But everyone would come to me and whisper that I shouldn't back down. They don't want government purging their rights and their freedom to religion."

There are so many things wrong with his statements that I don't even know where to begin criticizing them.

Maybe that is because you are "comfortably numb". Teachers are role models. If they want to display behaviors that are against the taxpayers' (parents') beliefs or morals, they should not be supported by tax dollars. If they want to run their own schools and display those behaviors, go for it! Use free enterprise to push your beliefs, not my tax dollars.

Then why are you suggesting using taxpayer dollars to fund YOUR beliefs.
Sure...cause it is quite clear that all Christians have morals and all non-Christians do not. Now....if we could just nail down that "who's a REAL Christian" issue......:eusa_whistle:

Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

fuck your ten commandments, not in my public school

...and I say get your relativist pig fucking hands off my kids....in MY public school....
Like I said......teach to the Christian ideal....hanging the 10 Commandments on the school walls would be a good start....

....what exactly is the ideal that you moral relativists wish to teach....?

fuck your ten commandments, not in my public school

...and I say get your relativist pig fucking hands off my kids....in MY public school....

Open your eyes moron, your priest is the one with hands on your kid.

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