JFK warns us of the Deep State

Zuck spent 500 million subverting our last election. "All enemies, foreign and domestic".

And you didn't listen to the video. Listen and then comment.
That is not what Kennedy was talking about. If you want to whine about a corporation spending too much money on politics, then I refer you to Citizens United. Just don't try to drag Kennedy into it.
An interesting video. JFK had figured out what the billionaires in the shadows were doing even back then...

Lee Harvey Oswald was the "Deep State's" patsy in the assassination of JFK.
It was conducted by our "Intelligence Agencies".
Zuck spent 500 million subverting our last election. "All enemies, foreign and domestic".

And you didn't listen to the video. Listen and then comment.
LOL..Really? "Conservatives" have undermined election reform at every turn. You all are supporters of dark money in our electoral system and cheered on the Citizens United case that permitted unlimited cash into our political process. You, as well as your fellow travellers, are greatly to blame for Zuck and other billionaires having this power over our elections. The irony is look in the mirror for your search for "Deep State " enablers. One will be staring right back at you.
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This is generally about Trump and I will note that he could have done things like end the Patriot Act but he did not so......................what exactly do you expect?
And you didn't listen to the video. Listen and then comment.
I've read the full speech many times. Which is why I know JFK was talking about the USSR.

Rubes like you have spun all kinds of bullshit into that speech over the years.

It helps to know the context, but then your propagandists can't abide that!
Speeches like this are what they should be showing in our schools. Speechwriters and speakers like JFK were on a different level then what we have today.
That is not what Kennedy was talking about. If you want to whine about a corporation spending too much money on politics, then I refer you to Citizens United. Just don't try to drag Kennedy into it.

LOL..Really? "Conservatives" have undermined election reform at every turn. You all are supporters of dark money in our electoral system and cheered on the Citizens United case that permitted unlimited cash into our political process. You, as well as your fellow travellers, are to blame for Zuck and other billionaires pouring as much money as they would like in order to determine an election. The irony is look in the mirror for your search for "Deep State " enablers. One will be staring right back at you.
This argument that Rs and cons are responsible for the subversion of our electoral process by billionaires and big corporations must be the latest left wing talking point. It’s only half right. The Ds and the shit libs love the subversion and refuse to do anything about Citizens United, though they’ve had the power to do it.
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LOL..Really? "Conservatives" have undermined election reform at every turn. You all are supporters of dark money in our electoral system and cheered on the Citizens United case that permitted unlimited cash into our political process. You, as well as your fellow travellers, are greatly to blame for Zuck and other billionaires having this power over our elections. The irony is look in the mirror for your search for "Deep State " enablers. One will be staring right back at you.

Requiring voters to have a photo ID is an insult to black people who you claim are too stupid to get one, and an insult to Americans as a whole. You need photo ID to do almost anything in the USA. The ONLY reason to not have it for voting is to commit fraud.

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