Jews As The Chosen People

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A thinking man might contend that President Kennedy wouldn't have ended up with his nawgin popped if he wasn't poking his nose around Israel's early nuclear program to see what was going on over there.

That's who I think did it.
In Judaism, "chosenness" is the belief that the Jews, via descent from the ancient Israelites, are the chosen people, i.e. chosen to be in a covenant with God.

The Jews of modern Israel are not the Jews of the Bible.

What's true and wrong => an empty phrase.

If we're paying attention, they're the precise opposite of the Jews of the Bible.

That's a stupid joke now. The Nazis who call themselve "Antifascists" make since a longer time such jokes. For example they call Jews "Zio-Nazis".

I've always contended that if anyone pops off a nuclear attack, it'll be Israel. No doubt about it.

And don't forget that only one nation of the world is able to train killer wasps: Israel. And this damned wasps are able to locate individual faces. So if you survive a sting of a wasp into your ass then this is often only a warning.

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In case of the Jews it's totally clear that Jews were the first people who met god and understood that there's only one god: god. crucifying His son....


Odd, that's not what His Son says. In fact Christ said the opposite:

John 10:18
18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again.
An don't forget that only one nation of the world is able to train killer wasps: Israel. And this damned wasps are able to locate individual faces.

"JOHN" in the writings of the NT----is a pen name for----NO ONE. The name
"john" of ancient Israel-----was not much different from "john doe"
Really, I wouldn't care what they do over there, if my government would quit forcing me at the barrels of their guns to pay for it.
A thinking man might contend that President Kennedy wouldn't have ended up with his nawgin popped if he wasn't poking his nose around Israel's early nuclear program to see what was going on over there.

That's who I think did it.

He was killed from people of "gods own country" or England because he was a Catholic. This is the most simple explanation for this murder. ... Or perhaps from the Soviets because he was "ein Berliner" ... and the winner of the Cuba-crisis ... knowledge in Israel about nuclear weapons was for sure not a problem for John F. Kennedy.

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Agnostic: a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

What Christ said about agnosticism:
“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

Considering the price He paid to salvage our eternal souls, I think He wants us to pick a lane...
The last time in history that we saw institutionalized racism dictate a nation's policies was with the Nazis. Israel isn't really any different from the Nazis in this regard.

You try to hurt Jews - that's why you say such a nonsense, unnatural man. But what do you win with such a nonsense? Everyone, who is able to see the facts, knows that the Nazis murdered about 1/3 of all Jews of the world - while the Arabic Palastinians have the highest population growth of the world, since they are in contact with Jews.
It is an Institutional problem not an Individual problem.

What solutions do you suggest?

No solution.

the left already has several options.

Aha. Good for them. By the way: Why prepares the Trumpia a war against the Iran and when will it start?

left is for wartime tax rates for any general warfare and common offense; so the right wing can be brave, and proclaim "hell no, we won't go if it means Any increase in taxes!"

Did you say something?

an opportunity for the right wing to be fiscally brave?
No solution.

the left already has several options.

Aha. Good for them. By the way: Why prepares the Trumpia a war against the Iran and when will it start?

left is for wartime tax rates for any general warfare and common offense; so the right wing can be brave, and proclaim "hell no, we won't go if it means Any increase in taxes!"

Did you say something?

an opportunity for the right wing to be fiscally brave?

Money is an illusion, undear unfriend. Sure an illusion where someone is able to die on hunger if he lives without this illusion - but nevertheless only an illusion or delusion. I guess this illusion is the deeper reason why the politics of Donald Trump is so extraordinary stupid. Indeed all mankind is in the bad situation perhaps to lose all life of the whole universe: the life on our planet Earth. And what is the hobby of this idiot? He destroys with his ass what lots of others had created with their hearts, thoughts and hands. In the moment he tries for example to install a new nuclear arms race with Russia. Yesterday I remembered that 30 years ago I stopped to eat mushrooms, because of the catastrophe in Chernobyl. But I found now out I will never eat mushrooms again in my life. And one of this mushrooms tastes much more better than any truffel and costs nothing - if you find it (very seldom mushroom). The radioactive caesium here from Chernobyl has a half-life period of 30 years. And Chernobly was 30 years ago a nearly insignificant nuclear crash 1000 miles far away.

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"JOHN" in the writings of the NT----is a pen name for----NO ONE. The name
"john" of ancient Israel-----was not much different from "john doe"

Constantine made him up.

Mysteriously, Constantine didn't rewrite the Torah or the OT for some reason, just the NT, according to the Constantine conspiracy theorists. Why would he not rewrite the OT, too? Maybe it was the Reptilieans who told him not to. His detailed knowledge of Jerusalem and Jewish society in the first half of the 1st Century A.D. some 300 years later and having never been there is pretty uncanny, too.
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"JOHN" in the writings of the NT----is a pen name for----NO ONE. The name
"john" of ancient Israel-----was not much different from "john doe"

Constantine made him up.

Mysteriously, Constantine didn't rewrite the Torah or the OT for some reason, just the NT, according to the Constantine conspiracy theorists. Why would he not rewrite the OT, too? Maybe it was the Reptilieans who told him not to. His detailed knowledge of Jerusalem and Jewish society in the first half of the 1st Century A.D. some 300 years later and having never been there is pretty uncanny, too.[/QUOTE

Pic----your comment makes no sense. "CONSTANTINE REWRITE THE OT" ?? He did not even write the NT-------I am not even sure that he was
literate. He commissioned the NICEAN COUNCIL to write the NT---------they
were mostly literate in Greek and Latin
"JOHN" in the writings of the NT----is a pen name for----NO ONE. The name
"john" of ancient Israel-----was not much different from "john doe"

Constantine made him up.

Mysteriously, Constantine didn't rewrite the Torah or the OT for some reason, just the NT, according to the Constantine conspiracy theorists. Why would he not rewrite the OT, too? Maybe it was the Reptilieans who told him not to. His detailed knowledge of Jerusalem and Jewish society in the first half of the 1st Century A.D. some 300 years later and having never been there is pretty uncanny, too.[/QUOTE

Pic----your comment makes no sense. "CONSTANTINE REWRITE THE OT" ?? He did not even write the NT-------I am not even sure that he was
literate. He commissioned the NICEAN COUNCIL to write the NT---------they
were mostly literate in Greek and Latin

Ah, so now you've flopped on the Constantine Conspiracy yet again. No surprise, but we know you'll go back to the Constantine story again soon enough.
"JOHN" in the writings of the NT----is a pen name for----NO ONE. The name
"john" of ancient Israel-----was not much different from "john doe"

Constantine made him up.

Mysteriously, Constantine didn't rewrite the Torah or the OT for some reason, just the NT, according to the Constantine conspiracy theorists. Why would he not rewrite the OT, too? Maybe it was the Reptilieans who told him not to. His detailed knowledge of Jerusalem and Jewish society in the first half of the 1st Century A.D. some 300 years later and having never been there is pretty uncanny, too.

Much of Torah was re-written when it was translated to Greek, then Latin, then English. Mistranslation abounds in the 'Old Testament'.
This thread is an excellent example of how Jew haters define what Jews are or aren't, call them nazis although the Palestinian population is exploding, unlike the Jewish population under the nazis, and otherwise project their own racism onto the favourite scapegoat. Must suck to be so powerless and jealous.
This thread is an excellent example of how Jew haters define what Jews are or aren't, call them nazis although the Palestinian population is exploding, unlike the Jewish population under the nazis, and otherwise project their own racism onto the favourite scapegoat. Must suck to be so powerless and jealous.

Criticizing some parts of Jewish culture isn't 'anti-Semitic'; if that is your definition of the term then you can consider every Jewish person who ever lived as an antisemite. they have the same issues most other demographics have, biases, hard core racists, hate groups, and yes, their own versions of groups similar to Nazism. Even Maimonides was a callous bigot who favored oppression when it came to other peoples he didn't like.

Don't fall for the alleged 'Perpetual Victimhood for Thousands Of Years' narrative either; it's bogus for the most part as well.
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