Jewish Man Reveals Identity of the Antichrist

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I stoped reading your reply after you called the Harlot a virgin.

Randomvariable said: "So if Jesus hugs the
Pope do they both disappear in a cloud
of smoke"?

I was thinking more like the Pope would click his ruby red slippers 3 times saying "there's no place like home,there's no place like home."

He changed his ruby red slippers to white while visiting the Holy Land acting as a high priest (dressing like one) and I believe his next step is indeed claiming Jerusalem to be Home as in home of the Vatican! You people had better wake up! As for the Mother of Jesus - she was a virgin. The seed of the woman which God prophesied in Genesis 1:15 was fulfilled by the Holy Spirit who put God's seed - Jesus Christ in the womb of a virgin. Mary was not a harlot. She had other children after Jesus with Joseph. She never sold her body to any man. Scripture does not support your claim. Quote Scripture or leave it out, HaShev.
All Jews are the anti Christ.

Boo! Scared of the big bad Jewish man?

You obviously didn't listen to the video, Penelope.
Jeremiah, let me take a's the Pope. ...... :cool:

Yepp. The Pope is the bad guy, this time.

Oh, brother...

Before hearing this Jewish man and his study of the Scriptures in Obadiah and Daniel I had believed that this Pope Francis was most likely the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I was close but missed it. I believe this Jewish man is right on the mark. The world won't recognize him but those who belong to God will, Stat. I had a huge check in my spirit about the man from the day I layed eyes on him. When I look at him? I see pure evil. I am just being honest with you. I do.

Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.

His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?
Boo! Scared of the big bad Jewish man?

You obviously didn't listen to the video, Penelope.
Yepp. The Pope is the bad guy, this time.

Oh, brother...

Before hearing this Jewish man and his study of the Scriptures in Obadiah and Daniel I had believed that this Pope Francis was most likely the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I was close but missed it. I believe this Jewish man is right on the mark. The world won't recognize him but those who belong to God will, Stat. I had a huge check in my spirit about the man from the day I layed eyes on him. When I look at him? I see pure evil. I am just being honest with you. I do.

Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.

His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!
Right the are Rome.
You obviously didn't listen to the video, Penelope.
Before hearing this Jewish man and his study of the Scriptures in Obadiah and Daniel I had believed that this Pope Francis was most likely the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I was close but missed it. I believe this Jewish man is right on the mark. The world won't recognize him but those who belong to God will, Stat. I had a huge check in my spirit about the man from the day I layed eyes on him. When I look at him? I see pure evil. I am just being honest with you. I do.

Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.

His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.
Right the are Rome.
Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.

His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.
Don't argue with Penelope. She was there!
Right the are Rome.
His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.
Don't argue with Penelope. She was there!

Oy! Vey!
Right the are Rome.
Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.
Don't argue with Penelope. She was there!

Oy! Vey!

Speak Yiddish now?
Right the are Rome.
ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.
Don't argue with Penelope. She was there!

Oy! Vey!

Speak Yiddish now?

in fact "oy vey" is Hebrew. It is a kind of expletive that is found in bibilical writing--------usually translated into English as
"WOE"-------in fact the term WOE is simply OY VAVOY
englishified. Some of the prophets use that expression
incessantly. Feel free to ask questions, penelope
Right the are Rome.
Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.

His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.

Excuse me? You just said that you Rome didn't destroy the Temple! Now you say you believe it?! You are making no sense whatsoever, Penelope. And for your information that man in the OP is not a crack head but a Jewish Rabbi with an outstanding grasp on the prophecy of Daniel! Superb in fact! I'm very very very impressed with him!
Right the are Rome.
ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.
Don't argue with Penelope. She was there!

Oy! Vey!

Speak Yiddish now?
Right the are Rome.
I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.
Don't argue with Penelope. She was there!

Oy! Vey!

Speak Yiddish now?

in fact "oy vey" is Hebrew. It is a kind of expletive that is found in bibilical writing--------usually translated into English as
"WOE"-------in fact the term WOE is simply OY VAVOY
englishified. Some of the prophets use that expression
incessantly. Feel free to ask questions, penelope

More specifically-----up there in heaven---when an angel reports
on the doings of the "Penelope" of the USMB -----the old prophet JEREMIAH sighs-------OY VAVOY, I was right......
I have never really understood this 'antichrist' stuff. So if Jesus hugs the Pope do they both disappear in a cloud of smoke and we are left with Moses and Elijah?

Jesus Christ is the Word of God and He has exposed the teachings of the Vatican and Catholicism for what they are - lies. There is no Scripture to support the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Institution. We are to confess our sins to Jesus Christ who is faithful to forgive us. NOT A PRIEST. We are to repent of our sins. NOT "DO PENNANCE" for them again and again (ridiculous doctrine) We are to pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Not Mary, not "Saints", not statues. We are to believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved. Not join Catholicism, believe on the "Queen of Heaven" and receive salvation. There is no other name under heaven by which a man can be saved. Only by the Name of Jesus Christ can a man or woman be saved. No other name can save you. The Doctrines of the Roman System come from the Bablyonian religion of Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz. It's satanic. It's all a deception. Semiramis was the one who was called Queen of Heaven. Today she disguises herself as Mary. It's all a deception. Jesus said, come out from among them and be ye separated.

RandomVariable, you are not going to understand spiritual things until you are born of the Spirit of God. You must be born again. You must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be born again. Renounce Satan and come to Christ.
As soon as Jesus joins the conversation I will let you know. So far it has just been God and I. He says , 'Hello', to everyone.
The Rapture is fiction, written by Satan who is trying to keep you away from God's religion - Roman Catholicism.

Catholicism is the devil's religion and I never said the rapture was true. I have been consistent to tell the people here that there is no pre-tribulation rapture. Anyone who has read Matthew 24 carefully would have to agree. If we're alive at that time? (the great Tribulation) We'll be going through it. I have to believe that teaching had to have been planted in the protestant churches through the Jesuits. They have the art of lies down to a fine science. Masters of deception - true servants of Satan through and through. No doubt they have plans to use it later on for their Antichrist leader. (the Pope)

God loves you, Toro, and I pray that you leave the Roman Catholic Institution soon! Like tonight!
I have never really understood this 'antichrist' stuff. So if Jesus hugs the Pope do they both disappear in a cloud of smoke and we are left with Moses and Elijah?

Jesus Christ is the Word of God and He has exposed the teachings of the Vatican and Catholicism for what they are - lies. There is no Scripture to support the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Institution. We are to confess our sins to Jesus Christ who is faithful to forgive us. NOT A PRIEST. We are to repent of our sins. NOT "DO PENNANCE" for them again and again (ridiculous doctrine) We are to pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Not Mary, not "Saints", not statues. We are to believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved. Not join Catholicism, believe on the "Queen of Heaven" and receive salvation. There is no other name under heaven by which a man can be saved. Only by the Name of Jesus Christ can a man or woman be saved. No other name can save you. The Doctrines of the Roman System come from the Bablyonian religion of Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz. It's satanic. It's all a deception. Semiramis was the one who was called Queen of Heaven. Today she disguises herself as Mary. It's all a deception. Jesus said, come out from among them and be ye separated.

RandomVariable, you are not going to understand spiritual things until you are born of the Spirit of God. You must be born again. You must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be born again. Renounce Satan and come to Christ.
As soon as Jesus joins the conversation I will let you know. So far it has just been God and I. He says , 'Hello', to everyone.

Lucifer is not God, Random. Just letting you know, Jesus Christ is God. Not Lucifer.
I have never really understood this 'antichrist' stuff. So if Jesus hugs the Pope do they both disappear in a cloud of smoke and we are left with Moses and Elijah?

Jesus Christ is the Word of God and He has exposed the teachings of the Vatican and Catholicism for what they are - lies. There is no Scripture to support the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Institution. We are to confess our sins to Jesus Christ who is faithful to forgive us. NOT A PRIEST. We are to repent of our sins. NOT "DO PENNANCE" for them again and again (ridiculous doctrine) We are to pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Not Mary, not "Saints", not statues. We are to believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved. Not join Catholicism, believe on the "Queen of Heaven" and receive salvation. There is no other name under heaven by which a man can be saved. Only by the Name of Jesus Christ can a man or woman be saved. No other name can save you. The Doctrines of the Roman System come from the Bablyonian religion of Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz. It's satanic. It's all a deception. Semiramis was the one who was called Queen of Heaven. Today she disguises herself as Mary. It's all a deception. Jesus said, come out from among them and be ye separated.

RandomVariable, you are not going to understand spiritual things until you are born of the Spirit of God. You must be born again. You must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be born again. Renounce Satan and come to Christ.
As soon as Jesus joins the conversation I will let you know. So far it has just been God and I. He says , 'Hello', to everyone.

Lucifer is not God, Random. Just letting you know, Jesus Christ is God. Not Lucifer.
Does your Jesus Christ speak in the same manner as you?
What does the Word of God say, Random?

It is written:
And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
John 10:5

How could I follow Jesus if I did not know his voice - if I could not understand it? Or if he could not understand me? Jesus speaks to me in my own language. Yes. If I were Chinese? He would speak to me in the Chinese language. Understand? He is God - He is the Master of all languages. He invented languages. He is the Creator of all things.

Listen to this:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
John 10:27,28
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The Rapture is fiction, written by Satan who is trying to keep you away from God's religion - Roman Catholicism.

No it's a typical translation error gone array with the blind following the blind.
Theslonians is plagiarizing Daniel whereby son of man comes with or out of the "clouds" meaning gathering of temple priests. Moshiach comes out of the lineage of the Kohanim and with the gathering of Kohanim during the procession to the temple to come. People are therefore going "up to Mt. Zion" to this enraptured event and gathering (clouds) for the procession of the Moshiach to his temple (Mikdash) in his name. That's why Theslonians says the call to the Temple is from the shout of the top messenger (head of hosts) Michael who's name is in the temple and who Daniel said was the redeemer to come who gave him his visions to come.
-Dan 12:1-4
What does the Word of God say, Random?

It is written:
And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
John 10:5

How could I follow Jesus if I did not know his voice - if I could not understand it? Or if he could not understand me? Jesus speaks to me in my own language. Yes. If I were Chinese? He would speak to me in the Chinese language. Understand? He is God - He is the Master of all languages. He invented languages. He is the Creator of all things.

Listen to this:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
John 10:27,28
Does Jesus speak to you? In English? Do you hear Jesus speaking to you in English?

Have you studied any formal logic? Within the framework of formal logic one must state their assumptions before working up to some conclusion/theory. If you have some brilliant theory but your assumptions are arbitrary, dare I say 'random', your theory is fluff. I'm guessing you have never stood with Jacob on a cold, dark hill on the night before your assured death and questioned your assumptions.
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