Jewish Man Reveals Identity of the Antichrist

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Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I believe it was divine providence that I found this video this evening. Had it not been for the title which included "JEWISH MAN REVEALS"..... I most likely would not have viewed it. I'm very glad that I did.

The Jews were given the oracles of God - we know this because it's in Scripture. They were given the oracles of God - I have never doubted the Word of God concerning this.

This Jewish man, Steven Ben-Nun speaks a beautiful Hebrew tongue - he also speaks English, he has a superb grasp on Torah / Tanach Scripture and is what I would consider an expert on the prophecy of Daniel.

Still - I cannot believe that he got this revelation on his own - I believe the LORD gave him this revelation. As many of you know here, I do not believe in a Pre-tribulation rapture. I take Matthew Chapter 24 literally.

I believe those who do believe in the teaching of a Pre-tribulation rapture are setting themselves up for a great disappointment and even the possibility of being deceived by the enemy - being told they "missed the rapture" later on - therein creating great anxiety and despair.

With that said, I believe that it would be better to prepare ourselves for the times ahead rather than to look for an early departure. Please watch the entire video and hear him out because what he says aligns perfectly with Scripture and I believe he is right. Not a word this man spoke fell to the ground. Not one. He is very clear in stating that he is not a Prophet. He is one who has studied the Scriptures and is sharing what he sees.

The person he identifies as the Antichrist (using scripture) is someone I had a major check in my spirit about from the beginning. Even from the first time I layed eyes on the man in a newspaper picture - I felt I was looking at pure evil. Beyond evil. Satanic evil. But I never considered the possibility he could be the Antichrist! Steven Ben-Nun reveals here what I've not heard before (ever).

I believe what this man says is definitely worth listening to. From start to finish. I hope many people view his video and that by it the alarm is sounded in Zion.

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He first quotes this verse in Daniel:

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Daniel 9:26
This is a link for the summary of Obadiah. Obadiah is a prophetic book - which Steven Ben-Nun refers to after Daniel 9:26. Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament.

Obadiah Summary

As you can see everything he is saying is lining up perfectly with scripture including where the temple treasures were taken and how the anti christ would be the one to release those temple treasures. The Temple treasures that are going to be released by the antichrist were taken in 70 A.D. and of course, as history tells us, it was the Romans who took those treasures.

This also fulfills that he will do what the "Fathers" before him did not do. (none of them) Fascinating, isn't it?

Ask yourselves this question (after listening to the entire video) How subtle and clever is Satan to deceive the Jews with such a gift as giving them back the Temple Treasures? Even encouraging them to rebuild the Temple!! The very Temple where the abomination of desolation shall take place! Oh! The Antichrist is utterly satanic in his cleverness. We should expect nothing less.
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Of course, what Steven Ben-Nun is doing, according to Yeshua's words, is unbiblical, for Yeshua himself said that no man shall know the day of his coming. And the New Testament is replete with warnings about false prophets...

But ok, have fun with it.
All Jews are the anti Christ.

Boo! Scared of the big bad Jewish man?

You obviously didn't listen to the video, Penelope.
Jeremiah, let me take a's the Pope. ...... :cool:

Yepp. The Pope is the bad guy, this time.

Oh, brother...

Before hearing this Jewish man and his study of the Scriptures in Obadiah and Daniel I had believed that this Pope Francis was most likely the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I was close but missed it. I believe this Jewish man is right on the mark. The world won't recognize him but those who belong to God will, Stat. I had a huge check in my spirit about the man from the day I layed eyes on him. When I look at him? I see pure evil. I am just being honest with you. I do.
Of course, what Steven Ben-Nun is doing, according to Yeshua's words, is unbiblical, for Yeshua himself said that no man shall know the day of his coming. And the New Testament is replete with warnings about false prophets...

But ok, have fun with it.

Steven Ben-Nun makes clear he isn't a Prophet. He is telling us what he found in Scripture and how it is lining up with what is happening now. No man will know the day of his coming. Agreed. I find no place in the video where Steven Ben-Nun states the day Yeshua shall come. Therein he is not off scripturally. Listen to the entire video and you can see for yourself.
I've heard this before about the Pope. If nothing else, it gets people talking.

Here's a link to a site that explains things a little better:
Understanding the Antichrist Who He Is and Who He Is Not

I thought the Pope was the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I have seen many different vids on youtube about this Pope but this is the first one where I'm seeing a Jewish man with this level of expertise on Daniel break it down - what he is seeing is crystal clear once you begin to put it together. It all makes sense. Surely he didn't confer with flesh and blood to get this revelation. I believe he got this revelation from the LORD. It makes sense to me. He is a Jew!
There are no lawyers at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Neither is there a court of appeals. Do not concern yourself with Mad Cabbie, Percy. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
This looks more like an Antichrist to me, only he's not smart enough.

This documentary on the history of the Roman Catholic Institution, the Popes, the Inquisition which resulted in the torture and murder of 68 million people and their quest to finish what they started - is covered brilliantly in this video. The title should have been Documentary of the far reaching agenda of the Roman Catholic Institution to rule the world - it is a documentary that reveals the truth of what goes on behind doors in the Vatican and how they vow to persecute and oppose anyone who refuses to bow to the Pope. Temporal powers are still on their books - the world should beware of what they are up to. All Americans need to wake up. The Jews in Israel need to wake up. No one should trust these Romanists. NO ONE.

This looks more like an Antichrist to me, only he's not smart enough.


There are many people who are Anti - Christ - against Christ - but there is only one Antichrist and two Beasts. Revelations speaks of two Beasts. Not one.
Jeremiah's batting average hasn't been too good lately.

A few months ago she claimed the NFL Patriots were the devil's spawn and God would cause them to lose in the Super Bowl.

Well we all know how that turned out. :lol:

So this weekend Jeremiah was all about Mayweather being the personification of evil and was going to lose the boxing match.

Looks like Jeremiah's direct line to God must have a bad connection. ...... :cool:
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