Jewish Man Reveals Identity of the Antichrist

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I'm here only because of you!
I will pray for yoar soul tonight.

But I don't think it will save you from the fires of Hell!

God does not hear the prayers of the wicked, Toro. You must be born again. Otherwise you are shut off from God and remain condemned in your sins. Read John Chapter 3 of the New Testament. You need to be born again. You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and stay in the Catholic Church. You need to get out of there and come to the Lord Jesus Christ. Renounce Catholicism. Choose life. God loves you. Don't stay in there - Come out from among them and be ye separated. Call on the name of the LORD and you shall be saved.

I prayed to God the other night, and He answered me.

I was very humbled that God would speak to me.

He told me that the true path was through Catholicism, and that Evangelicals were very gullible and were being led astray be Satan. He gave an example. God said that The Rapture is merely a ruse planted by Satan for gullible evangelicals to be turned away from the true path of God.

I will pray for your soul tonight.

That wasn't God. That was a demon. God would not tell you something that isn't in His Word. READ THE KING JAMES BIBLE.

It is you who is being led astray by Satan.

God does not like sectarianism. And your whole being is sectarianism. Satan divides Christians. And YOU are the most decisive Christian here.

I will pray for you, but I implore you to repent, and stop you ways.
Catholicism is not Christianity. It is the enemy of Christianity and the enemy of the Jews! Your church has more Jewish and Protestant Blood on its hands than any other group on earth!! Your Romanist Catholic Vatican are a bunch of mass murdering psychopaths bent on ruling the world by forced conversion! Join them or else!

They failed in the Inquistions, they failed in WWI, WWII with their golden child Hitler and they are going to fail again because the Messiah is going to come and defend His people, Himself!

To call the Roman Catholic Institution a church is a Stretch. Its a cult of Satan and it should have been shut down and driven out of every country after WWII.

How often I've met people like you who were raised in Catholic tradition - family tradition - no one does it like the Roman Catholics - especially when the history is Roman Catholic going back hundreds of years. I know all about it. I came from such a family and was happy as a lark to say farewell to them and hello to the Family of God!

You're going to have to make a choice. Dead religion or a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Choose life, Toro. Even if it costs you being disowned by family. No one is going to do your time in hell for you. No one. Choose life. If I didn't care about your soul? I'd tell you to stay there and enjoy yourself. But I do care. I care enough to tell you there is no salvation in the Romanist Institution and that it is an evil bunch you follow. EVIL! Get out of there for the love of God.
Yeshua himself said that no man shall know the day of his coming. And the New Testament is replete with warnings about false prophets..

Yeshu was a false prophet, Jesus isn't even based on just Yeshu.
Yeshu would not be allowed in the Temple because remember Deut says a bastard child is not allowed to enter the temple.
? ? ?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100 bc the one stoned and "hanged on a tree" on passover was the one venerated by Rome because he was half Roman (father was Roman soldier Pantheras)
and because his Hanotzrim cult already believed in sun worship and underworld teachings making it easy to converge with the mystery religions. This is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly, (he didn't want her to be stoned.) This is why the RCC that lifts high the harlot, is called the harlot church. Hence a bastard child forbidden from entering the temple-Deut.
This Yeshu is not the same as the crucified by Rome Yehuda the Galilean in the time of Herod and Lysanias, nor the figure by the Jordan river who's apostles were martyrs.
Yeshu was false prophet becausr when he fled Jannaeus revolt towards Egypt he picked up forbidden sorcery maggic tricks used to deceive snd teaching like underworld beliefs of life in death and sun worship. The Cult believed their god was that mystical light rwys between the sun and earth. Hence the RCC iconographs of Luciferous light radiating from the heart and images of Jesus and saying in the NT that the morning star (lucifrr)was in their hearts and that Jesus was Lucifer
-rev 22:16

One word - LIAR!
All Jews are the anti Christ.

Boo! Scared of the big bad Jewish man?

You obviously didn't listen to the video, Penelope.
Jeremiah, let me take a's the Pope. ...... :cool:

Yepp. The Pope is the bad guy, this time.

Oh, brother...

Before hearing this Jewish man and his study of the Scriptures in Obadiah and Daniel I had believed that this Pope Francis was most likely the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I was close but missed it. I believe this Jewish man is right on the mark. The world won't recognize him but those who belong to God will, Stat. I had a huge check in my spirit about the man from the day I layed eyes on him. When I look at him? I see pure evil. I am just being honest with you. I do.

Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.

His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Don't call anyone on earth for Rabbi, we have one Rabbi and that is Jayshua.
Boo! Scared of the big bad Jewish man?

You obviously didn't listen to the video, Penelope.
Yepp. The Pope is the bad guy, this time.

Oh, brother...

Before hearing this Jewish man and his study of the Scriptures in Obadiah and Daniel I had believed that this Pope Francis was most likely the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I was close but missed it. I believe this Jewish man is right on the mark. The world won't recognize him but those who belong to God will, Stat. I had a huge check in my spirit about the man from the day I layed eyes on him. When I look at him? I see pure evil. I am just being honest with you. I do.

Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.

His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.
No. He converted at 7 by "accepting Christ". He was born a Jew but chose to become a Christian.

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He is a Believer - a Messianic Believer, Stat. There are many Jews that have accepted Jesus as their Messiah. They are fully Jews. Today. Yes, they are! If you do not believe it? I believe they have a DNA test available that can determine it for you. He's a 100% Jew - to God be the Glory!
30.000 Jews believes in Jesus in Israel as i understand. There was 30 in 1948 if my memory serves me well. Information from a Christian Jew.
Right the are Rome.
His mother and father are Jewish. He is 100% Jewish - inwardly and outwardly - Rabbi Ben-Nun is a Jew, Stat.

Rome didn't destroy the Temple , unreal you believe this crap.

ROME LIED??? sheeesh-----they claimed that they destroyed the temple------I believed it. Why would they lie?

I am astounded that anyone could deny the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the destruction / plundering of the Temple! Truly this amazes me!

Me too, your crack head in the OP said the Edomites did. The Jewish prophecy ended when Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, the one that Herod built.

Excuse me? You just said that you Rome didn't destroy the Temple! Now you say you believe it?! You are making no sense whatsoever, Penelope. And for your information that man in the OP is not a crack head but a Jewish Rabbi with an outstanding grasp on the prophecy of Daniel! Superb in fact! I'm very very very impressed with him!

Don't call anyone on earth Rabbi for there is one and only one who we are to proclaim and point that title to :)
I already answered it. Now address the OP or find another thread, RandomVariable. Thank you.
You stated you believed the LORD revealed to Ben-Denoon that the anti-Christ is the Pope. May I not question your ability to decern truth?

Why are you going to a human to discern the truth of prophecy in Scripture? The Bereans listened to Paul and then studied the Scriptures to make sure he was preaching the truth. Follow their example.
Because this human states he/she understands scripture far better than I do. Stating that the Pope is the anti-Christ, and strongly implying that I am listening to Lucifer, I think that gives me pretty good reason to ask you flatly if you are speaking with God directly.

And we could go around in circles with Acts 17:11 or whichever verse you randomly pick for days. I will engage in your little game of ring around the Bible to ask if there is a reason you picked a reference to a group, the Bereans, referred to only a single time in the whole Book. Are you Pentecostal or non-Trinitarian or of some other Berean following?

Martin Luther wrote this wonderful book although somewhat rough. Against the Roman Papacy an institution of the Devil... In 1545.


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All Jews are the anti Christ.

Haha, so true.
But Jesus was Lucifer, so that's another Double negative you guys got yourself traped on.

Remember Ezekiel 28:14-15 Preachers themselves claim is about Lucifer as the first and fallen Christ. So being anti Lucifer is a good thing just as being anti terrorism.

Ezekiel 28:14 Thou [art]
the anointed (christ)
cherub (guardian=nazarene) that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Ezekiel 28:15 Thou [wast] perfect(sinless) in thy ways from the day that thou wast created(his image/icon was created with this intention), till iniquity was found in thee(till the information age exposed what the preachers avoided or whitewashed over).

You Sob story have complained we are anti the hinderer and anti Terrorist and now you realize we are anti propaganda and ignorance and lies and it's making you enraged, so much so that you made sock puppet accounts & spent all Sunday about us and with us instead of your loved ones, which prove you hate Jews more then you love your family. They must love that fact.
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