Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Because folks like to be phony. And other folks like to say hey, you dont fool me buckaroo. Its human nature.
But if you really believe it, it's not phony. I mean, why would you lie about your beliefs? Granted, you might use religion as a premise for your own personal agenda. I'm certainly not saying all Christians are "good" Christians. They are many bad and hypocritical ones, but why does that make Jesus or Christianity as a whole bad? What's wrong with the many Christians who are not mean and in your face?
Lets just say that....when it comes to small things like - oh....I dunno.....ETERNITY, the non believers are so sure of the Bible being fulla shit - that its very difficult to not consider its proponents as NOT fulla shit.

And thats fine, everyones dissonant in some aspect of life. But I dont buy the non doubt, shy of mental illness. Therefore, I consider every "FIRM" believer to be a liar....whether they know it or not. Or, mentally ill.
But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up

Not so much the JC ... but his followers.

As long as I can remember, in school, at home, in shopping centers, and on the street ... someone has been trying to shove the 'good news' in my face. There are only so many times you can say, 'No, thank you' before you just want to go postal on them.

Imagine everyone at your work is a Justin Bieber fan. Now, you might have nothing against the Bieb... you're just not a fan of his particular brand of music. But everyone keeps gushing about him and pressuring you to 'just give him a chance'. They leave tickets to Bieber concerts on your desk. They play Bieber music over the PA system all day long. Eventually, you're just gonna move on or crack.

Brutal honesty and introspection isnt always flattering or nice to hear - but it's typically the best way forward toward cleaner air in a room. Most people respect that, at the end of the day
I agree somewhat.....

My opinion... once someone says no and is clearly not interested, you should not go there again. However, some don't know that others have approached you. They are just doing that they think God wants them to do. But it's not something you have to buy, like people always asking for money etc. Many people think it is because that is the unfortunate image churches have. Wanting your money. Any many do unfortunately. I personally feel the perfect church will not ask for money at all. It should be given freely and cheerfully.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?

I had not noticed that "jesus" and "Christianity" get people worked up, other than
those people who were either born Christian and like "DISSENT"------kinda like those people
who like to call cops "pigs"-----ie anarchists ----or mosques during the khutbah jumaat feces fling.
There are other buzzwords that bother marginal minds like <gasp> CAPITALISM or
<gasp> COLONIALISM Usually <gasp> words amongst teens who have no idea
how do define either.
But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up

Not so much the JC ... but his followers.

As long as I can remember, in school, at home, in shopping centers, and on the street ... someone has been trying to shove the 'good news' in my face. There are only so many times you can say, 'No, thank you' before you just want to go postal on them.

Imagine everyone at your work is a Justin Bieber fan. Now, you might have nothing against the Bieb... you're just not a fan of his particular brand of music. But everyone keeps gushing about him and pressuring you to 'just give him a chance'. They leave tickets to Bieber concerts on your desk. They play Bieber music over the PA system all day long. Eventually, you're just gonna move on or crack.


Important advice for any person who wants a QUALITY life-------when a JW comes to your door-----
looking exhausted, do not invite it in for a cup of coffee
But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up

Not so much the JC ... but his followers.

As long as I can remember, in school, at home, in shopping centers, and on the street ... someone has been trying to shove the 'good news' in my face. There are only so many times you can say, 'No, thank you' before you just want to go postal on them.

Imagine everyone at your work is a Justin Bieber fan. Now, you might have nothing against the Bieb... you're just not a fan of his particular brand of music. But everyone keeps gushing about him and pressuring you to 'just give him a chance'. They leave tickets to Bieber concerts on your desk. They play Bieber music over the PA system all day long. Eventually, you're just gonna move on or crack.


Important advice for any person who wants a QUALITY life-------when a JW comes to your door-----
looking exhausted, do not invite it in for a cup of coffee
I got home from a run one morning and one was on my front porch.

I sat down, sweatty and exhausted and he sat there and just kind of asked me how my run was, how my day was, etc.

About 3 or 4 times I told him Im non religious and not even open to it ~ but I was friendly otherwise.

Its been YEARS now, and he still texts me from time to time just to check in, and never once brought Religion up again. Hes a fine human ~ just misguided on the ultimate question is all. lol
Favourite sharing the good news stories (others are encouraged to share their favourites).

1. Leaving Chick Tracts on my desk at school.

2. Coming into our synagogue during services or Shabbos Kiddush to tell everyone, 'Jesus is really a Jew you know ...' (security gets called)

3. Visiting Jewish nursing homes to tell lonely old people and dementia patients they're gonna fry in Hell if they don't 'repent their Jewish sins'. (police get called)
But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up

Not so much the JC ... but his followers.

As long as I can remember, in school, at home, in shopping centers, and on the street ... someone has been trying to shove the 'good news' in my face. There are only so many times you can say, 'No, thank you' before you just want to go postal on them.

Imagine everyone at your work is a Justin Bieber fan. Now, you might have nothing against the Bieb... you're just not a fan of his particular brand of music. But everyone keeps gushing about him and pressuring you to 'just give him a chance'. They leave tickets to Bieber concerts on your desk. They play Bieber music over the PA system all day long. Eventually, you're just gonna move on or crack.


Important advice for any person who wants a QUALITY life-------when a JW comes to your door-----
looking exhausted, do not invite it in for a cup of coffee
I got home from a run one morning and one was on my front porch.

I sat down, sweatty and exhausted and he sat there and just kind of asked me how my run was, how my day was, etc.

About 3 or 4 times I told him Im non religious and not even open to it ~ but I was friendly otherwise.

Its been YEARS now, and he still texts me from time to time just to check in, and never once brought Religion up again. Hes a fine human ~ just misguided on the ultimate question is all. lol handled that well-----you did not invite him in for a cup of coffee like -----my mom did
But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up

Not so much the JC ... but his followers.

As long as I can remember, in school, at home, in shopping centers, and on the street ... someone has been trying to shove the 'good news' in my face. There are only so many times you can say, 'No, thank you' before you just want to go postal on them.

Imagine everyone at your work is a Justin Bieber fan. Now, you might have nothing against the Bieb... you're just not a fan of his particular brand of music. But everyone keeps gushing about him and pressuring you to 'just give him a chance'. They leave tickets to Bieber concerts on your desk. They play Bieber music over the PA system all day long. Eventually, you're just gonna move on or crack.


Important advice for any person who wants a QUALITY life-------when a JW comes to your door-----
looking exhausted, do not invite it in for a cup of coffee
I got home from a run one morning and one was on my front porch.

I sat down, sweatty and exhausted and he sat there and just kind of asked me how my run was, how my day was, etc.

About 3 or 4 times I told him Im non religious and not even open to it ~ but I was friendly otherwise.

Its been YEARS now, and he still texts me from time to time just to check in, and never once brought Religion up again. Hes a fine human ~ just misguided on the ultimate question is all. lol handled that well-----you did not invite him in for a cup of coffee like -----my mom did
If I had coffee directly after a run my heart would crawl out of my throat just to look me in my eyes when it was punching my face.
I work as a LEO in the Transit Division of a metropolitan police department and one day I'm on foot patrol at a very busy station. My team was '3-up' ... me, my Sikh partner and my Muslim partner.

The local bible salesmen decided to ply their wares on us and I said ... 'Guys, let me stop you right there. You've have better luck trying to sell us CRACK. Time to move on.'

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