Jerry Jones: Cowboys Will Stand For The Flag Or “Your Ass Will Be Off The Team”

First of all I have never liked Jerry Jones. But in this case I support him in this regard 100%. I doubt if he cares a flying fuck what the players think, cuz they don't really matter. Who does matter is the public, i.e., the paying customer who comes to the games, buys the merchandise, anybody and everybody who in some way increases his revenue. Ever hear the saying that the customer is always right? Well they might not be right but you better not piss 'em off.
First of all I have never liked Jerry Jones. But in this case I support him in this regard 100%. I doubt if he cares a flying fuck what the players think, cuz they don't really matter. Who does matter is the public, i.e., the paying customer who comes to the games, buys the merchandise, anybody and everybody who in some way increases his revenue. Ever hear the saying that the customer is always right? Well they might not be right but you better not piss 'em off.

Just about everyone I know here is a Cowboy fan and I know if Jones were to allow the disrespect here, people would stop going to the games. The NFL is losing fans since that washed-up loser started his kneeling act and every time I see it, that man and the team is history for me. It's a personal thing.
God Bless Jerry Jones and God Bless the state of Texas.

All the men and women who risk their lives for that flag appreciate his request for respect. It's the least anyone in America can do you can deal with your political views in other ways, not standing for the flag is not the way to do it.

I think it high time I became a Cowboys fan.
The Constitution guarantees the RIGHT to do it. ..And I'm one of those Americans who risked his life for the flag .

Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.

Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


this is easily by far the best post on this thread,bar,none,hands down,no contest.this poster took everyone to school here.
well done dude.:up:

They have also outed themselves as American haters.
If they think the US is despicable then they have enough money to move to a country more suitable for them.
WTF??? I am an American, you daffy chump.
And I ain't moving anywhere. I don't run from a good fight. If i don't like something I work to help change it for the better. As an American citizen I have that right and will smack you in the face with the Constitution in one hand and a .45 in the other if you tread on my rights. If I hate any thing about America its people who wear their "whiteness" on their sleeves and wrongly think they are inherently superior to all blacks... Thank God all people of European descent don't think that way.
The Constitution guarantees the RIGHT to do it. ..And I'm one of those Americans who risked his life for the flag .

Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.

Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


this is easily by far the best post on this thread,bar,none,hands down,no contest.this poster took everyone to school here.
well done dude.:up:

They have also outed themselves as American haters.
If they think the US is despicable then they have enough money to move to a country more suitable for them.
WTF??? I am an American, you daffy chump.
And I ain't moving anywhere. I don't run from a good fight. If i don't like something I work to help change it for the better. As an American citizen I have that right and will smack you in the face with the Constitution in one hand and a .45 in the other if you tread on my rights. If I hate any thing about America its people who wear their "whiteness" on their sleeves and wrongly think they are inherently superior to all blacks... Thank God all people of European descent don't think that way.

Any time someone goes to the "If you don't like it you can leave" they have shown themselves to be idiots.
So showing fake patriotism, in order to keep your job, is a good thing? Ok then.

Not patriotism, it's called showing a little bit of respect. I stand when they play another countrys' Anthem at an event. It's the right thing to do. Jerry Jones is perfectly within his right by mandating his players stand, and I agree and applaud him for it.
Jones should also be prepared to lose any government subsidies that might benefit his team. Im sure some lawyers are already looking at that.

LOL buy an NFL team and run it as you see fit
So showing fake patriotism, in order to keep your job, is a good thing? Ok then.

Not patriotism, it's called showing a little bit of respect. I stand when they play another countrys' Anthem at an event. It's the right thing to do. Jerry Jones is perfectly within his right by mandating his players stand, and I agree and applaud him for it.

Ok, so I will change "patriotism" for "respect". The point of my post still stands.

So showing fake respect, in order keep your job, is a good thing?

You seem concerned with what's in the hearts and minds of these immature bozos. I'm not. Yes I would rather have their voices suppressed. Show a modicum of respect by standing, and I don't care if it's a genuine gesture or not, because by sitting down you're offending a lot of people who don't get paid millions of dollars to play a game.

People will be offended? Oh no!

Not just people, but paying customers. What these clowns are doing affects business.
Jerry Jones: "I'm going to force you to listen to the national anthem while standing because I'm patriotic and I get to deny you free speech".

Uh huh.

Tell your boss he can't deny your free speech and see how that works out for you.
Ali took a courageous position which cost him years in prison,

Ali never went to prison. You've already gotten off to a bad start. Is the rest of your long harangue worth reading? I'll do my best to wade through it.
I cannot help but think he was poorly informed about global affairs and lacked a deep understanding of them, and may have even have had communist sympathies whether he knew it or not
Ali didn't need to understand Global Affairs. All he had to understand was what this country was doing to his people right here at home. BTW..he was right about the Vietnam War...Did you miss the scurrilous revelations that came out of the post Vietnam fiasco...? Probably not ...but you didn't even know Ali spent no time in prison; so, what else could I expect from you but spurious assumptions.
(many of his hanger ons certainly did). Not unlike many of the ill informed alt-left today. For this, I cannot overlook his character flaws
Oh, comes the old communist cliche, a favorite go to whenever black men stand up for their rights or bring attention to racial injustices within the system. People like you refuse to give them credit for even orchestrating their own protest. For you, there has to be some white communist behind the scene calling the shots...directing and instigating black passions against the republic.
Somehow you can't accept that some Black people are just smart and won't sell their souls to mammon. Non violent protest in any form against the systemic murder of unarmed citizens by cops who walk away scot an honorable gesture. And it doesn't take a communist to react against evil. Kneeling when the national anthem is played is no national disgrace under those circumstances ot any other.
It is giving homage to those unarmed Blacks... men, women and children who were slaughtered in the streets of our cities by cops who bask in the blessings of those who stand so jingoisticly for the flag and national anthem. BTW...YOU ought to read the other verses in the national anthem... If you were familiar with the entire national anthem you'd wonder why any Black person would stand for either the flag or the anthem.
You've managed to concoct one tangled anecdote after another, all filled with spurious assumptions. Take the " umptions" out of it and all you have left is ass.
In terms of heart, talent and patriotism, Joe Frazier was twice the man Ali was,
That's your opinion...a rare one I might add. I admired both Ali and Joe. But Ali stood out as an iconic Black man who bucked the system and stuck to what he believed in no matter what. We need more like him.
Frazier was twice the man Ali was, and he was robbed of at least one win against him (while Ali mercilessly called him an Uncle Tom and insensitive racist names).
Ali was more than a man. He was the heart and soul of Black America. The courage of Black men like Ali, Kaepernick and Jack Johnson is a manly testament to be credited only to those worthy of it. Any Black celebrity who puts it all on the line to bring attention to the black collective plight has my undying respect and support. Kaepernick can be proud to be admitted to that club.
Yet, Joe died poor and without celebration, a horrible injustice. Look at the Thrilla in Manilla and the controversy of the thrown towel from Ali's corner. Joe Frazier to me is the guy who would have your back, Ali had his own.
So where did all his patriotic overtures get him? Frazier didn't serve...not that I blame him...but just sayin'. The city of brotherly love raised a statue of a fictious "reel" champion, Rocky Balboa instead of the "real" hometime hero Joe Frazier. They sure appreciated Joes patriotism didn't they?
Now in regards to the excessive credit you give Colin Kapernick, he has to understand that there is entertainment and then there is political activism. Notice the differences though, when the Cowboys wanted to simply wear a simple decal to show support for the fallen officers in Texas, and were offensively turned down by the league. How is this any different
Excess praise? Kaepernick is probably the most courageous man of this decade considering what he had to give up for a simple protest.
It's about time black men start to show some backbone and stand up for what they believe in. Nothing will change until they do.
Just as someone can't wear a politically offensive shirt to work, this guy should not be doing this on his employers dime.
oh....but just kneeling isn't really much different than standing... In fact it is a position of reverence in most cases. if Colin had burned the flag during the playing of the anthem i could see your point. But kneeling????
It could cost his team money, and, it can be argued it has already cost the league a great deal in tv ratings and future revenue. Engage in your non-work activities on non-work days. Simple.
Perhaps he was kneeling in prayer...
Standing for the flag or national anthem isn't part of the job either.
People ought not to do it unless they want to. That is true freedom.
Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.

Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


this is easily by far the best post on this thread,bar,none,hands down,no contest.this poster took everyone to school here.
well done dude.:up:

They have also outed themselves as American haters.
If they think the US is despicable then they have enough money to move to a country more suitable for them.
WTF??? I am an American, you daffy chump.
And I ain't moving anywhere. I don't run from a good fight. If i don't like something I work to help change it for the better. As an American citizen I have that right and will smack you in the face with the Constitution in one hand and a .45 in the other if you tread on my rights. If I hate any thing about America its people who wear their "whiteness" on their sleeves and wrongly think they are inherently superior to all blacks... Thank God all people of European descent don't think that way.

Any time someone goes to the "If you don't like it you can leave" they have shown themselves to be idiots.
Not only are these hate mongering prevaricators idots, their inane suggestion to leave your country Is wrapped in the fear that you might srick around, form political coalitions and change things..
God Bless Jerry Jones and God Bless the state of Texas.

All the men and women who risk their lives for that flag appreciate his request for respect. It's the least anyone in America can do you can deal with your political views in other ways, not standing for the flag is not the way to do it.

I think it high time I became a Cowboys fan.
The Constitution guarantees the RIGHT to do it. ..And I'm one of those Americans who risked his life for the flag .

Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.

Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


this is easily by far the best post on this thread,bar,none,hands down,no contest.this poster took everyone to school here.
well done dude.:up:

They have also outed themselves as American haters.
If they think the US is despicable then they have enough money to move to a country more suitable for them.

so instead of trying to change things.they should just run away and not take a stand against a corrupt organization? If everybody followed your advise,there would never been hero's and patriots like martin luther king and jim garrison,i assume you knew who the latter one is?
Jerry Jones: "I'm going to force you to listen to the national anthem while standing because I'm patriotic and I get to deny you free speech".

Uh huh.

people here dont get it that most these NFL owners are evil and corrupt men who would murder their OWN MOTHER if it meant they would profit from it.
First of all I have never liked Jerry Jones. But in this case I support him in this regard 100%. I doubt if he cares a flying fuck what the players think, cuz they don't really matter. Who does matter is the public, i.e., the paying customer who comes to the games, buys the merchandise, anybody and everybody who in some way increases his revenue. Ever hear the saying that the customer is always right? Well they might not be right but you better not piss 'em off.

Just about everyone I know here is a Cowboy fan and I know if Jones were to allow the disrespect here, people would stop going to the games. The NFL is losing fans since that washed-up loser started his kneeling act and every time I see it, that man and the team is history for me. It's a personal thing.

I love it how people are in denial here that they are losing fans not because of kapernick but because of the cheatriots getting the special treatement they get other teams all get punished for if they commit the same offense.the fact NFL ratings started going down 6 years ago and not last year before this all started.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl:
So let the Cowboys be an all RW white male team. If cops would stop murdering unarmed people there wouldn't be nonviolent protests
by heroes like Colin Kaepernick.

Now if Jones looks up to see large swaths of kneeling fans during the national anthem when the Cowboys he going to pack up and refuse to let the game go on?
More whites are killed by cops every year retard.
The Constitution guarantees the RIGHT to do it. ..And I'm one of those Americans who risked his life for the flag .

Does the Constitution guarantee these players the right to engage in political expression on someone elses dime? Or better yet, is the owner protected for expecting a reasonable job is performed and that his employees act in a manner consistent with their values?

As the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, the message is clear. The owner doesn't want his players doing this at work. If they do, they won't be on the team. Noone can go into their work wearing any political expression they choose, that's for ones personal time, not a work related issue.

Yes, I'm ordering my Cowboys jersey right now. Anyone have recommendations of which player to choose? I haven't followed the NFL in years, lol.
Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.

Since the NFL is a private entity, First Amendment protections are limited for employees thereof while "on the clock." That makes the silent protests against state sanctioned domestic injustice all the more heroic and profound. patriots like Muhammed Ali; John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Colin Kaepernick shall be immortalized as icons of liberty and justice while those paid whores who grinned and relented for money are beneath contempt.


this is easily by far the best post on this thread,bar,none,hands down,no contest.this poster took everyone to school here.
well done dude.:up:

They have also outed themselves as American haters.
If they think the US is despicable then they have enough money to move to a country more suitable for them.
WTF??? I am an American, you daffy chump.
And I ain't moving anywhere. I don't run from a good fight. If i don't like something I work to help change it for the better. As an American citizen I have that right and will smack you in the face with the Constitution in one hand and a .45 in the other if you tread on my rights. If I hate any thing about America its people who wear their "whiteness" on their sleeves and wrongly think they are inherently superior to all blacks... Thank God all people of European descent don't think that way.

excellent.:thup:that was pretty much what I just got done saying. He obviously doesnt like patriots who try and fight corruption and change things like martin luther king and jim garrison did or the fictional atticus finch from To Kill A Mockingbird.

He seems to like people who are cowards and afraid to stand up for whats right and run away from corruption instead of trying to take stand against them.

For years I always thought it was because of the music in the movie Footloose on WHY I was always had that as my favorite movie but it wasnt until recent years that I discovered it was much more to that.That another reason I really loved that movie so much was it was about a rebel standing up against authority and taking them on in a stance that he believed in. Believe me,as a LOS ANGELES Ram fan,I hate Kapernick as a person because of his ugly tattoes all over his body,but for taking a stand against something that is wrong and not worrying about what others think of him and knowing he is going to be demonized by most the country for his beliefs,I admire someone like that.:thup:
So showing fake patriotism, in order to keep your job, is a good thing? Ok then.
How 'bout not doing things that will piss off the fans such that they will stop buying tickets and stop buying cowboy merchandise. If showing "fake" patriotism keeps the stadiums filled, so be it. The Cowboys are America's team after all.

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