Jeff Flake announces his retirement from humanity


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
But he's in excellent company :113:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an announcement that many saw coming, Senator Jeff Flake, of Arizona, announced on Friday that he would retire from humanity, effective immediately.

Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, Flake said that the demands of being a human being had “taken their toll,” and that it was “time to move on.”

“Having empathy and compassion for other human beings has been a thoroughly draining experience,” he said. “I for one am ready for something new.”

Flake said that, before making his decision, he consulted with others who had retired from humanity years earlier, such as Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Donald Trump.

“They all fully supported my decision,” he said. “It’s great to be one of them now.”​

Jeff Flake Announces Retirement from Humanity
But he's in excellent company :113:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an announcement that many saw coming, Senator Jeff Flake, of Arizona, announced on Friday that he would retire from humanity, effective immediately.

Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, Flake said that the demands of being a human being had “taken their toll,” and that it was “time to move on.”

“Having empathy and compassion for other human beings has been a thoroughly draining experience,” he said. “I for one am ready for something new.”

Flake said that, before making his decision, he consulted with others who had retired from humanity years earlier, such as Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Donald Trump.

“They all fully supported my decision,” he said. “It’s great to be one of them now.”​

Jeff Flake Announces Retirement from Humanity

Yes he did . I'm sure Susan and Lisa will as well.
So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.

Anything to protect their power on SCOTUS. They don't care about humanity, morals, ethics, or women.
So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.

It wasn't a trial - When are you dingbats gonna understand that?

So, you don't throw out a bedrock principle of this country to fit your fucking politics. You don't destroy anyone on a unsubstantiated allegation.

So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.

It wasn't a trial - When are you dingbats gonna understand that?

So, you don't throw out a bedrock principle of this country to fit your fucking politics. You don't destroy anyone on a unsubstantiated allegation.


And you don't fail to send the FBI to question a witness who was IN THE ROOM while a felony was being committed either.
That is also a bedrock principle.
oh that poor woman , looks like the 'flake' is disbelieving her and her PTSD and other silly lefty maladies and is voting to confirm pro gun [supposedly] Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court . All i can say is GOOD !!
So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.

Anything to protect their power on SCOTUS. They don't care about humanity, morals, ethics, or women.
Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaaa...Morals, ethics or women? Liberals??

William Jefferson Clinton - I did not have sexual relations with that woman...
Harvey Weinstein - Come here and look at my naked body, I just want to grope your tits.
Anthony Weiner - Stexting with his young son to 15 year old girls.
And the latest one..

Democratic Congressman and DNC Chair Keith Ellison (Hakim Muhammad) violently BEAT girlfriend - Geller Report
The Democrat party remains silent — of course. Ellison/Muhammad should be stripped by his party of running for any office. Of course, Democrats protect their own lying perverts, jihadis and subversives from any type of prosecution.
The way you liberals talk, you should be shooting your own members for what they have done. Seig Heil mother fuckers....
That’s an excuse to cast blame without due evidence. Quite pathetic.

ignorant reactions like this are what is pathetic. :eusa_clap:

kavanaugh skirted every direct question, evaded the notion that he undergo a polygraph, and repeatedly deflected questions about initiating an FBI investigation... he gave a fake answer designed for ignorant dumbos. "i will do whatever the committee wants" was a BS line.


the woman contacted her local representative BEFORE brett kavanaugh was nominated because she felt it was her CIVIC DUTY to inform the process of the true nature of this potential nominee. everyone rational agrees that her testimony was credible and she passed a polygraph.

brett kavanaugh does not meet the high standards required for the job which congress has a DUTY to advise and consent on.

brett kavanaugh evaded the idea of going under polygraph and refused to request an FBI investigation to possibly clear his name.


Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2018

indeed, we can see EXACTLY why team tramp's bull boy brigade supports brett kavanaugh.
So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.

It wasn't a trial - When are you dingbats gonna understand that?

So, you don't throw out a bedrock principle of this country to fit your fucking politics. You don't destroy anyone on a unsubstantiated allegation.


And you don't fail to send the FBI to question a witness who was IN THE ROOM while a felony was being committed either.
That is also a bedrock principle.

You ignorant slime ball, the FBI doesn't investigate 40 year old State crimes, they never have. No need to reply I don't do satire.

brett kavanaugh lied under oath many times yesterday...

he also lied under oath during the bush sr presidency...

a SCOTUS who thinks its okay to lie under oath is unconscionable!

if they vote him in now, it will be an ongoing travesty of justice.

Mark Judge, 54, has chronicled the debauchery of his 1980s high school years as a student at Georgetown Preparatory School, where he was the self-proclaimed treasurer of the "100 Kegs or Bust" club.

In his 1997 memoir, "Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk," he wrote of high school "masturbation class," said he "lusted after girls" at Catholic schools and referenced a passed-out "Bart O'Kavanaugh," who drank too much and once threw up in a car.

Mark Judge

American Bar Association Says FBI Investigation Should Come Before A Kavanaugh Vote

American Bar Association Says FBI Investigation Should Come Before A Kavanaugh Vote
But he's in excellent company :113:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an announcement that many saw coming, Senator Jeff Flake, of Arizona, announced on Friday that he would retire from humanity, effective immediately.

Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, Flake said that the demands of being a human being had “taken their toll,” and that it was “time to move on.”

“Having empathy and compassion for other human beings has been a thoroughly draining experience,” he said. “I for one am ready for something new.”

Flake said that, before making his decision, he consulted with others who had retired from humanity years earlier, such as Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Donald Trump.

“They all fully supported my decision,” he said. “It’s great to be one of them now.”​

Jeff Flake Announces Retirement from Humanity

You better hope Kavanaugh has no humanity or bye, bye, Roe vs. Wade
You ignorant slime ball, the FBI doesn't investigate 40 year old State crimes, they never have. No need to reply I don't do satire.


hey dumbo, feel free to go tell the American Bar Association how ignorant they are too.. moron.
So Borowitz is snarkily saying that to be "human" requires us to suspend common sense and abandon our fundamental commitment to innocent until proven guilty.

It wasn't a trial - When are you dingbats gonna understand that?

So, you don't throw out a bedrock principle of this country to fit your fucking politics. You don't destroy anyone on a unsubstantiated allegation.


And you don't fail to send the FBI to question a witness who was IN THE ROOM while a felony was being committed either.
That is also a bedrock principle.

You ignorant slime ball, the FBI doesn't investigate 40 year old State crimes, they never have. No need to reply I don't do satire.

Well nothing unusual about that. Trumptards have no sense of humor.
FBI has no business doing background checks/ investigations into SCOTUS nominees?
Cut the crap - The FBI would pick this up in a heartbeat if given that instruction.
They could do 15 or 20 interviews and present factual findings within a week.
But we know, you and your handlers would hate getting to the truth.
Updated at 10:45 a.m. ET

The American Bar Association says the Senate should not hold a confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court until the FBI has investigated sexual assault allegations against him that were made by Christine Blasey Ford and other women.

Citing the ABA's "respect for the rule of law and due process," ABA President Robert Carlson wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, "The basic principles that underscore the Senate's constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI."

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