Jason Chaffetz: President-alleged Biden calls for 'unity' – but where was 'unity' from Dems when Trump won?


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
"President - alleged." I love that. Chaffetz rejects the Biden unity horseshit. I would sooner be united with a tick.

Remember when Democrats called for peace and unity in the days following the 2016 election of Donald Trump? Neither do I.
In the months following, the “Resistance” was born. Clinton voters, many from outside my district, packed my town hall in the days following the presidential inauguration.
They carried out a well-documented plan to disrupt the meeting, displace many actual constituents, and shout me down. Similar acts of sabotage were replicated around the country, all following a script developed by Resistance activists.
But now in 2020, as Joe Biden proclaims himself the president-elect, it's a "time to heal." Convenient.
And just like that, “Resistance” is no longer in fashion. The rules have been rewritten.
When Democrats hold power, we must be unified, and our opposition must be silent. Not to be confused with the rules when Republicans hold power...
In reality, it's highly unlikely Trump supporters will replicate the violence, the hate, and the looting that characterized so many leftist protests over the last four years. But if Democrats believe Americans are obligated to passively stand by while they pursue an agenda that hurts American workers and limits their fundamental rights, they will be disappointed.
Americans will not be silent. Instead, we will take the wins President Trump left us and use them to defend against a leftist agenda we believe undermines the very core of American values.
The irony of Saturday's night of celebration for Democrats is that Election Day was actually quite devastating down-ballot. Though they believe they have claimed the presidency, Democrats failed at every other level.
On top of all of this bad news for Democrats is the reality that they can no longer depend on activist courts to enforce unpopular legislative priorities they are unable to pass in Congress.
The Democrats divide Americans by race, religion, region, class, gender and age 24/7.
Identity Politics is hate.
Well, it works, and what are we going to do about it???
The governing system is not designed to handle that complex array of diversity that you have described, and the Democrats take advantage of that to gather their election base - constituents.

Specifically to what you are probably referring to, the government is not designed to explain to the people that are claiming a grievance why things don't go their way. And it lends itself to the political activist leaders to blame the majority for not doing what they want society to do for them.
"President - alleged." I love that. Chaffetz rejects the Biden unity horseshit.
Chaffetz is a lawyer, and he and Trey Guady, know that the Obama Administration was corrupt, but they don't seem to do anything about it. All of these former prosecutors and judges that go on to be media pundits telling us day in and day out that there are people in the government acting out corruption, but they can't do anything about it, except tell us about it, and blame the media for not reporting to more people.

Okay, suppose the media convinced their audience that Biden is on the verge of incapacity and corrupt; and DNC put forth another candidate???

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