Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

Because the claims you make are hyperbole. Perhaps I should say I’m disagreeing with your post.
What would your reaction be had I treated you that way? I do not care that others do not agree with me. It is claims made as were you angry that make me ask what did I do to you?
What would your reaction be had I treated you that way? I do not care that others do not agree with me. It is claims made as were you angry that make me ask what did I do to you?
I think you might be taking it too personally. Hyperbole is exaggeration, and that is what I felt your claims were. Is there a better way to say it?
The J6rs got off easily.

The summer of 2020 witnessed 14,000 arrests and several thousand sentenced to prison.

MAGAts gonna magat.
Doesn’t answer the question but it is what I expected.
Doing what? Focus on what he has in his hand. Focus on her location. Focus on officers who were with her but walked away. Does this smell like they knew he would kill her?
I just watched the murder of an unarmed Republican woman. What kind of a creepshow was this thread supposed to be?

Some of those men who had guns definitely do not appear to be Republican protesters. The shoe just doesn't fit. :(
It made me sick to know how they attack cops who had to hold down a criminal who fought them for many minutes yet appreciate this cop who killed an unarmed innocent woman.
I think you might be taking it too personally. Hyperbole is exaggeration, and that is what I felt your claims were. Is there a better way to say it?
It was personally directed to me. As it still is. What hyperbole?
murdered like 30 people at their democrat riots,
"Democrat riots", eh?
I watched a passel of those videos of the Floyd protests/riots and I don't recall seeing even one Democrat hat or badge or nameplate. Yet, you know?
Poster Godboy, be better. Explain yourself.

Floyd was a fine example of law-abiding democrats just like BLM/Antifa.
No kidding? A "democrat"?
OK. But prove it.
Lest people think you are just an empty suit.
Batter up, amigo.

Who called it an attack?
January 6th? Who called it an attack?
Well, for one.......me.
I watched it live on the telly that afternoon on January 6th, 2021.
In fact, I surfed 4,5,6 TV stations......all day.
And you know what, Bob?
They ALL showed pretty much the same thing. Maybe different angles, but.....but pretty much all the same thing.
So, it was an attack.
Am I clear on that?

Grab them, jail them, publish almost no articles and jail them for 22 years
Partner, your postings sure indicate a poster who does zero due diligence.
Like above.
You do know that homework really does have utilitarian value?

Notably, and due diligence would have enlightened you, that the bloke who got 22yrs, Enrique Tarrio, had a 3-month long trial, lotsa witnesses, including insiders, able defense attorneys who did competent voir dire, and in front of a jury of his peers. They unanimously found him guilty of Seditious Conspiracy.
Why, I ask........why didn't you know that?

I just watched the murder of an unarmed Republican woman
A woman murdered?
And she was Republican?

OK, next.......well, next is show us.

Where did this take place? When? How do you know the woman was Republican.
Would appreciate your attention so that all of us can be as well informed.

appreciate this cop who killed an unarmed innocent woman.
Same questions as just posed to poster Beautress.
First, let's start with your reference to an "innocent" woman.
Who is that?
What do you know about this woman's 'innocense'.
How do you know?

Last edited:
Partner, your postings sure indicate a poster who does zero due diligence.
Like above.
You do know that homework really does have utilitarian value?

Notably, and due diligence would have enlightened you, that the bloke who got 22yrs, Enrique Tarrio, had a 3-month long trial, lotsa witnesses, including insiders, able defense attorneys who did competent voir dire, and in front of a jury of his peers. They unanimously found him guilty of Seditious Conspiracy.
Why, I ask........why didn't you know that?
You don't know my limits? However I use google a lot and after that I remark on my findings. That is due diligence. There was no seditious conspiracy. You might have proved it were there any.
Same questions as just posed to poster Beautress.
First, let's start with your reference to an "innocent" woman.
Who is that?
What do you know about this woman's 'innocense'.
How do you know?

She was a victim, not a criminal. That is the tiny female boosted into a tall window did no crime. She was murdered by a cop hiding on the other side of the wall.
You might have proved it were there any.
Wasn't up to me to prove anything about Enrique Tarrio.
The DOJ did.
And a jury of Tarrio's peers believed the DOJ did. Unanimously.
Can you provide differently?

And also, Bob, yes, I believe you are doing a disservice to your avatar by not doing due diligence on a variety of topics you opine on. It shows.

And it makes your avatar look bad.

Trust me.
Wasn't up to me to prove anything about Enrique Tarrio.
The DOJ did.
And a jury of Tarrio's peers believed the DOJ did. Unanimously.
Can you provide differently?

And also, Bob, yes, I believe you are doing a disservice to your avatar by not doing due diligence on a variety of topics you opine on. It shows.

And it makes your avatar look bad.

Trust me.
Obviously you gave no proof to back up your claims. It makes you seem a loudmouth know it all and I wish it were not true. Trust me.
She was a victim, not a criminal
You are referencing the DOA Babbitt.
It is well-plowed ground, Bob.
3yrs of it.
She attacked the police on the other side of the barricade, serving as the point of the spear, the point-man, in front of a violent mob that could have, would have, surged through once she opened the doors blocking them.
Ashli Babbit is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.

May her family find peace.
And relief from RWNJ-MAGA's who are constantly dragging her bloody corpse across the internet in their attempts to distract from the attempted theft of a Presidency by Don Trump and his enablers and co-conspirators.

I hope I am clear.
You are referencing the DOA Babbitt.
It is well-plowed ground, Bob.

3yrs of it.
She attacked the police on the other side of the barricade, serving as the point of the spear, the point-man, in front of a violent mob that could have, would have, surged through once she opened the doors blocking them.
Ashli Babbit is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.

May her family find peace.
And relief from RWNJ-MAGA's who are constantly dragging her bloody corpse across the internet in their attempts to distract from the attempted theft of a Presidency by Don Trump and his enablers and co-conspirators.

I hope I am clear.
Would you believe a police Lt. who commanded that day at the Capitol Building?
She did not attack cops nor others in the manner you mention. She did slap a man who she saw busting out the window the cop murdered her at. She was angry he broke windows. The gun did not fire itself. It was held by a cop. He was videoed aiming at her. He was not heard warning her. He is lucky he was not executed for murdering her.

You have not come close to proving what you said Trump did. I know why too.
Wasn't up to me to prove anything about Enrique Tarrio.
The DOJ did.
And a jury of Tarrio's peers believed the DOJ did. Unanimously.
Can you provide differently?
From the court records on Tarrio.

Defense lawyer Nayib Hassan noted Tarrio wasn’t in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, having been banned from the capital after being arrested on allegations that he defaced a Black Lives Matter banner.


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