Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings

Yea a hoax. Just like covid


I already said why nothing will happen to Trump.

Gotdam son, you are rabid. Can't follow simple English sentences.
So, you just said you won’t be disappointed if this circus fails to stop Trump, which you’ve been in here like forever trolling about, then what exactly is your point?

What is it you FFI, hope to accomplish in here endlessly showing your ass about? You display no ideas. You add nothing to discussions. Your arguments are little more than childish insult, and temper tantrum…What is it you offer, other than bullshit on a daily basis?
A Hoax is a hoax is a hoax.

That's exactly what Jan 6 was
Skye asking for "A do over'
We fucked up huge with our failed attempt to overthrow the peoples choice, yet fucker skye describes it as 'Fraud' with ZERO evidence.
Kinda pathetic the left thinks the worlds greatest country in history is one fire extinguisher away from crashing.
We would really be screwed if they had two fire extinguishers. Disrupting Official Proceedings and Parading are serious serious charges.

China Joe is now paying $30 Million to turn The Capital in to a Concentration Camp.

If anyone has been to DC since Biden took Office, it is a disgusting sight. Stores are boarded up, Security Barriers are at most public buildings like The White House and Now The Capital Building it looks like a WWII Prison Camp.
They stormed the Bastille with clubs and pitchforks

And let's not forget the PIPE BOMB diversions used
NAFTA was a bipartisan mistake

Bill Clinton and AlGore were all in and so were many republicans

the main opposition along with the unions was billionaire Ross Perot

Yes, Unions and most of the Democratic party.

If NAFTA was so bad, why did Trump renegotiate a new version of NAFTA that was almost identical to the original?

The fact is that NAFTA did more good for America than bad - even Trump realized that.
I wonder if the Nazi Pelousy Clown Show Commission will find out why Trump offered to send the National Guard to surround the Capital days before 1/6 if he was planning to send his goons down there to take over the country with zip ties and a toy gallows.
If NAFTA was so bad, why did Trump renegotiate a new version of NAFTA that was almost identical to the original?

The fact is that NAFTA did more good for America than bad - even Trump realized that.

NAFTA is not good for America

I’m not privy to trump’s private thoughts

Who knows?

maybe he just could not move the needle as far as he would have wanted thanks to private interests who profit off cheap labor in Mexico
They stormed the Bastille with clubs and pitchforks

And let's not forget the PIPE BOMB diversions used
Congress was back in session in less than a day. This was a protest that turned into a riot because the Capital Police were so ill prepared for what took place that day. If they REALLY want to get to the bottom of why what happened on Jan. 6th then they should be asking why THAT was allowed to happen!

Of course this "show trial" is going to be shown on prime time TV...what's the use of having a show trial unless you get people to watch it?
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

Good...like the Watergate hearings.
On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe
The House committee may very well disappear in less than one year.

Merirck Garland, however, will be around until November, 2024.

One thing the Committee on January 6 could accomplish is to instill in the public debate the criminal charges that Trump and all his little turds could be facing from the present day until Tuesday, 5 November 2024:

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."
The House committee may very well disappear in less than one year.

Merirck Garland, however, will be around until November, 2024.

One thing the Committee on January 6 could accomplish is to instill in the public debate the criminal charges that Trump and all his little turds could be facing from the present day until Tuesday, 5 November 2024:
Trump 2024! Get Bill Barr back in the White House ASAP!

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