James Comey does not want Trump impeached?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Why James Comey doesn’t think Donald Trump should be impeached

Well at least he is no longer trying to act bipartisan. His hatred of the President is for all to see. He was really part of the plot against him all along.

His reasoning is that Trump is morally unfit to be President. Funny, no mention of Russian collusion anywhere to be seen.

Very odd. Either Trump is guilty of the crimes against him, or the whole affair has been a witch hunt in a coup attempt, only, there is not enough evidence to remove Trump. No, they will just throw as much poo his way to prevent him from doing his job.

Orange man must be stopped! Sure, he has sold out to Putin and is putting America at risk for being unfit but he should not be impeached?

It reminds me of Left wing nutters who run around screaming about global warming destroying the world but then opposing nuclear power that would significantly reduce carbon emissions cuz it's "dangerous".

Anything and everything Trump is guilty of has been known by his voters for years...we elected a fighter...not a saint or a do nothing swamper like Ryan....so bring it on libs...the win in 2020 will be just that much more enjoyable....
There are no "crimes" on the table, nor are there any "high crimes and misdemeanors." These are all in the fruity imaginations of the Never-Trump Leftists and the non-Fox Media. Comey is too kind to point this out, although clearly he gets it.

The statements that, "Trump directed Cohen to commit a crime (on Trump's behalf)," are simply nonsense. The theory (fueled somewhat by Cohen's grasping for straws) is that (A) the two payments to the slut-slanderers were political contributions by Trump to his own campaign, and (B) Trump made them "criminal" by not including them in his campaign finance disclosures. Note that even if they were campaign contributions, they would have been perfectly legal. It's the non-reporting that covers them with a cloud.

But this presumes that there was no other reason for the payments, which is wishful thinking indeed. Don't non-political public figures make such payments to avoid embarrassment? Isn't it just as likely that the payments were made to keep these latest slanders from Melania and Baby Trump? No court fact-finder could go along with the "political" story "beyond a reasonable doubt," because it is unknowable what was on Trump's mind, even if he did overtly direct Cohen to pay the two sluts. And remember, this is largely based on testimony from Cohen, who is both a liar and desperate for a break.

And impeachment is not a legal process, and it would be based on "high crimes and misdemeanors," which to those with a three digit IQ, means crimes related to the President's official duties AS PRESIDENT.

And "emoluments" does NOT INCLUDE transactions in the normal course of business. A foreign dignitary staying at a Trump hotel is a quid pro quo, not a bribe. Obviously, we now have a President who has more commercial activity than anyone in the recent past, but that is no excuse to throw off the shackles of sanity and reasoned analysis.

As always, there is no there there.
Sold out to Putin? I read the other day he has placed some of the strongest sanctions against Russia, they have had in decades.
Did anyone try to follow the pretzel logic of the OP?
Sold out to Putin? I read the other day he has placed some of the strongest sanctions against Russia, they have had in decades.

You must not watch CNN.

Incidentally CNN, how can you refer to Trump as a white supremacist and not an orange one instead?

It makes no sense. Must be color blind.
Well at least he is no longer trying to act bipartisan. His hatred of the President is for all to see. He was really part of the plot against him all along.

Well, moron........One really has to :wonder" why someone who was FIRED by a charlatan clown.......does not love and admire that same charlatan clown.

This is what the charlatan clown rold his Russian buddies.....

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job .
I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
Why James Comey doesn’t think Donald Trump should be impeached

Well at least he is no longer trying to act bipartisan. His hatred of the President is for all to see. He was really part of the plot against him all along.

His reasoning is that Trump is morally unfit to be President. Funny, no mention of Russian collusion anywhere to be seen.

Very odd. Either Trump is guilty of the crimes against him, or the whole affair has been a witch hunt in a coup attempt, only, there is not enough evidence to remove Trump. No, they will just throw as much poo his way to prevent him from doing his job.

Orange man must be stopped! Sure, he has sold out to Putin and is putting America at risk for being unfit but he should not be impeached?

It reminds me of Left wing nutters who run around screaming about global warming destroying the world but then opposing nuclear power that would significantly reduce carbon emissions cuz it's "dangerous".

Comey believes Trump is morally unfit to be President and should therefore be voted out of office next go-round.

Not hard to grasp.

Well, except in your case...
As always, there is no there there.

Especially when Trump ass kissers have their heads up their own asses....LOL

(so, what's the problem....all is well in your world, correct?)
Why James Comey doesn’t think Donald Trump should be impeached

Well at least he is no longer trying to act bipartisan. His hatred of the President is for all to see. He was really part of the plot against him all along.

His reasoning is that Trump is morally unfit to be President. Funny, no mention of Russian collusion anywhere to be seen.

Very odd. Either Trump is guilty of the crimes against him, or the whole affair has been a witch hunt in a coup attempt, only, there is not enough evidence to remove Trump. No, they will just throw as much poo his way to prevent him from doing his job.

Orange man must be stopped! Sure, he has sold out to Putin and is putting America at risk for being unfit but he should not be impeached?

It reminds me of Left wing nutters who run around screaming about global warming destroying the world but then opposing nuclear power that would significantly reduce carbon emissions cuz it's "dangerous".

Comey believes Trump is morally unfit to be President and should therefore be voted out of office next go-round.

Not hard to grasp.

Well, except in your case...

Why did he not say that there is Russian collusion?

Or does Comey think it is a witch hunt to try and find a moral flaw in him?

People like Comey act as though the Republic is at risk, but then turns around and says to wait a few years and let the voters remove him?

I guess Trump is not as big of a threat as we were led to believe.

But what are we to make of the loons in the House? They clamor that Trump needs to be impeached because Putin has him under his control, so if they don't try to remove him what does that say about them? They have essentially boxed themselves into a corner regarding trying to impeach Trump. If they don't try, the American people need to vote them out of office for negligence.

Comey is a moron, but we all knew that anyway. I'm just amazed he was able to stop looking in the mirror at himself long enough to give an interview.
You contribute nothing...as usual....

When some moron states "there is no there there"

After how many indictments and pleas?
After Trump staff members are facing prison time
After reports that at least 14 of Trump's acolytes dealt with Russian spies
After credible charges of obstruction of justice through firing those who investigate your misdeeds.
After credible charges of election finance infractions
After emolument clause's breaches......

....when someone stupidly states "Oh, there's no there there".......

What would YOU call such a poster?
You contribute nothing...as usual....

When some moron states "there is no there there"

After how many indictments and pleas?
After Trump staff members are facing prison time
After reports that at least 14 of Trump's acolytes dealt with Russian spies
After credible charges of obstruction of justice through firing those who investigate your misdeeds.
After credible charges of election finance infractions
After emolument clause's breaches......

....when someone stupidly states "Oh, there's no there there".......

What would YOU call such a poster?
Definition of Confusion: Father's day at a natzi4900 reunion.
"James Comey just totally exposed his partisan stance by urging his fellow Democrats to take back the White House in 2020. In other words, he is and has been a Democrat. Comey had no right heading the FBI at any time, but especially after his mind exploded!" - President Trump

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