Jail the Ghoul

Does the Ghoul help Trump when he overstates his wealth when applying for a loan and understate when tax time comes?? The man is a crook and so is the Ghoul
I love that you people have to defend Hunter Biden :auiqs.jpg: Dem's have been completely knocked off message by the Biden's corruption. :muahaha:
but the corruption of trumps lawyer and all others in his command escapes you? Trump is a crooked President He uses Hunter as a pawn

Dem's are the party of corruption you people need to find another country to live in. :eusa_hand:
Those who need to find another country are those who let this weak, sick, sack of human feces, Trump, lead them around by the nose Have you AH's any concept of what's right or wrong ???

Of course, I'm right and you're wrong its not rocket science. :auiqs.jpg:
I love that you people have to defend Hunter Biden :auiqs.jpg: Dem's have been completely knocked off message by the Biden's corruption. :muahaha:

Republican have completely lost their party from Trump's corruption.

No we still control the Senate, White House, and SCOTUS. We still have our historic Trump tax cut. Trump is still championing our causes. We still have Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. We still have our 2nd amendment rights. We still burn diesel in our big huge trucks. Tissue? :21:
ridge you gotta know better than that

Do I buddie?

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Jail the Ghoul

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