"It's ok to be white" flyers spark outrage for promoting hate

How many Muslims have you known?

You must know that the Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion. Sharia law has no more entitlement to power or consideration than do Christian law, Jewish law, or the law of any other religion.

Anyone of any religion who tries it is entitled only to a resounding "NO!" This is not negotiable.

Of course this person will scream "persecution."
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

Far left progressive social politics is just as bad for white women as it is for white men if not worse. No self respecting man with a shred of dignity would just sit back in silence while they destroy you. Is it really so wrong for men to want the best for women? But that's a subject for another thread.

But you want what is best for yourselves only. You don't want to know "what is best for women" because YOU NEVER ASKED US. How fucking arrogant! We know best for ourselves.You pretend to fight your battles on "our" behalf, but this is a total LIE. How dare you think that you, self-appointed fool, represent another group of human beings without even asking for permission?

Protective impulses are biologically inherent in men just as nurturing ones are in women. Don't get angry at me for not living in denial. It seems to me that the radical left takes advantage of women's caring nature to further their political agenda especially when it comes to "tolerance" and immigration. Using shame to browbeat someone into doing what you want is also a distinctively feminine trait. Not always a bad thing mind you, god knows the muslim world sure could use a hefty dose of shame to get their men in line.

This "protective nature/caring nature" crap is just a shit cover-up for what you are actually doing, which is to try to preserve power for yourselves. As I said, ASK FIRST. Show respect for your fellow human beings. Do NOT pretend to know without gaining permission first.

This is not anything to do with being "radical." Your ideas center around ASSUMING that you know what your partner wants, without asking, even after your partner has gone out of her way, at great expense to her and her personal health, to have your baby. Your disrespect shows.
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

Far left progressive social politics is just as bad for white women as it is for white men if not worse. No self respecting man with a shred of dignity would just sit back in silence while they destroy you. Is it really so wrong for men to want the best for women? But that's a subject for another thread.

But you want what is best for yourselves only. You don't want to know "what is best for women" because YOU NEVER ASKED US. How fucking arrogant! We know best for ourselves.You pretend to fight your battles on "our" behalf, but this is a total LIE. How dare you think that you, self-appointed fool, represent another group of human beings without even asking for permission?

Protective impulses are biologically inherent in men just as nurturing ones are in women. Don't get angry at me for not living in denial. It seems to me that the radical left takes advantage of women's caring nature to further their political agenda especially when it comes to "tolerance" and immigration. Using shame to browbeat someone into doing what you want is also a distinctively feminine trait. Not always a bad thing mind you, god knows the muslim world sure could use a hefty dose of shame to get their men in line.

This "protective nature/caring nature" crap is just a shit cover-up for what you are actually doing, which is to try to preserve power for yourselves. As I said, ASK FIRST. Show respect for your fellow human beings. Do NOT pretend to know without gaining permission first.

This is not anything to do with being "radical." Your ideas center around ASSUMING that you know what your partner wants, without asking, even after your partner has gone out of her way, at great expense to her and her personal health, to have your baby. Your disrespect shows.

Your an ignorant racist piece of shit.
We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

Far left progressive social politics is just as bad for white women as it is for white men if not worse. No self respecting man with a shred of dignity would just sit back in silence while they destroy you. Is it really so wrong for men to want the best for women? But that's a subject for another thread.
But you want what is best for yourselves only. You don't want to know "what is best for women" because YOU NEVER ASKED US. How fucking arrogant! We know best for ourselves.You pretend to fight your battles on "our" behalf, but this is a total LIE. How dare you think that you, self-appointed fool, represent another group of human beings without even asking for permission?

Protective impulses are biologically inherent in men just as nurturing ones are in women. Don't get angry at me for not living in denial. It seems to me that the radical left takes advantage of women's caring nature to further their political agenda especially when it comes to "tolerance" and immigration. Using shame to browbeat someone into doing what you want is also a distinctively feminine trait. Not always a bad thing mind you, god knows the muslim world sure could use a hefty dose of shame to get their men in line.

This "protective nature/caring nature" crap is just a shit cover-up for what you are actually doing, which is to try to preserve power for yourselves. As I said, ASK FIRST. Show respect for your fellow human beings. Do NOT pretend to know without gaining permission first.

This is not anything to do with being "radical." Your ideas center around ASSUMING that you know what your partner wants, without asking, even after your partner has gone out of her way, at great expense to her and her personal health, to have your baby. Your disrespect shows.
Your an ignorant racist piece of shit.
Your reply demonstrates your ignorance. Just name-calling. Nothing else. I said nothing to do with race, even, so WTF? Did you manage to make it out of elementary school?

I hope that you don't have a wife, knowing that you think of women as a piece of ass and a womb with legs. If you do, does she know what a cheap disrespectful piece of shit you are? Are you hiding it from her?

What does this have to do with whether or not you respect your vows and respect the person to whom you made them?

I was trying to put this thread back on topic. I dunno where you got these ideas about me not respecting vows or whatever but this thread is not about women. It's about white people, white men in particular. You've got an entire generation of young men who are told they are losing their station, that their lives have no meaning, that they have no future. These posters are them, testing the waters to see what if it's true and the public reaction speaks volumes.

What does this have to do with whether or not you respect your vows and respect the person to whom you made them?

I was trying to put this thread back on topic. I dunno where you got these ideas about me not respecting vows or whatever but this thread is not about women. It's about white people, white men in particular. You've got an entire generation of young men who are told they are losing their station, that their lives have no meaning, that they have no future. These posters are them, testing the waters to see what if it's true and the public reaction speaks volumes.

Your reference to "white men in particular" and the dedication of your entire post to issues regarding "young men" directs this thread to issues related to gender as well as race, then you pull back. You are referring to both race and gender. Which is it? Or is it both?

What is a "station"? Who has one and is losing it? Who is being told that their lives have no meaning and no future? Just who would be doing tnis?

What does this have to do with whether or not you respect your vows and respect the person to whom you made them?

I was trying to put this thread back on topic. I dunno where you got these ideas about me not respecting vows or whatever but this thread is not about women. It's about white people, white men in particular. You've got an entire generation of young men who are told they are losing their station, that their lives have no meaning, that they have no future. These posters are them, testing the waters to see what if it's true and the public reaction speaks volumes.

Your reference to "white men in particular" and the dedication of your entire post to issues regarding "young men" directs this thread to issues related to gender as well as race, then you pull back. You are referring to both race and gender. Which is it? Or is it both?

What is a "station"? Who has one and is losing it? Who is being told that their lives have no meaning and no future? Just who would be doing tnis?

Station IE: position. White men are losing their position in society.. Who told them that? The left, obviously. And they've done a remarkable job of spreading that message because we all know even without it ever being codified into religious dogma that it's a sin to be white and male. We all know here's something subversive and rebellious about posting flyers that say that it's "ok". We know we have to commit these despicable acts against polite society in secret in the dead of night otherwise we would certainly encounter violent retribution.
Where's the "credible evidence" to support your theory that the flyers were posted by white supremacists to harass somali immigrants?

It is widely known that this slogan comes from the asshole trolls on 4chan and trash like Lauren Southern, who spread it to Australia.

But my question is where is the evidence that the Somali immigrants, as a community, have done something terribly offensive? Maybe police reports. Assaults. Robberies. Anything out of the ordinary crime blotter.

This is not really about being white. It's about distinguishing between normal, decent people and assholes who abuse their status as being white to justify their being assholes and shame their fellow whites in the process.
--------------------------------------------- the 'somalis' are fecking things up by their mere presence in the USA and Western World . And they are 'muslim' married to an alien 'sharia' law way of governing and thinking Lysis .

How many Muslims have you known?

You must know that the Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion. Sharia law has no more entitlement to power or consideration than do Christian law, Jewish law, or the law of any other religion.

Anyone of any religion who tries it is entitled only to a resounding "NO!" This is not negotiable.

Of course this person will scream "persecution."
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

You've never had anyone other than a white man harass you? As to why men pick on women? There are as many answers to that as there are men who do it. "The bitch was askin' for it." comes to mind.
--------------------------------------------- the 'somalis' are fecking things up by their mere presence in the USA and Western World . And they are 'muslim' married to an alien 'sharia' law way of governing and thinking Lysis .

How many Muslims have you known?

You must know that the Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion. Sharia law has no more entitlement to power or consideration than do Christian law, Jewish law, or the law of any other religion.

Anyone of any religion who tries it is entitled only to a resounding "NO!" This is not negotiable.

Of course this person will scream "persecution."
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

Far left progressive social politics is just as bad for white women as it is for white men if not worse. No self respecting man with a shred of dignity would just sit back in silence while they destroy you. Is it really so wrong for men to want the best for women? But that's a subject for another thread.

But you want what is best for yourselves only. You don't want to know "what is best for women" because YOU NEVER ASKED US. How fucking arrogant! We know best for ourselves.You pretend to fight your battles on "our" behalf, but this is a total LIE. How dare you think that you, self-appointed fool, represent another group of human beings without even asking for permission?

Arrogance is also when some women decide what is best for all women. Take the abortion issue, for instance. Some women want, no, demand they be provided abortion on demand. Other women consider abortion absolutely abhorrent and don't think it should be an option except possibly in specific extreme cases.
the never ending quest for more tolerance backfires spectacularly

Transgender Student in Locker Room Allegedly Violated Girl's Civil Rights
A bit off topic. I applaud this girl, her family, and community support. It's about time regular folks started fighting back against all this SJW PC BS. If the "transgender girl" needs to dress out, he can damned well do it in the boys locker room in a toilet stall. It the gear is still there, he hasn't made a committed transformation that would entitle him to dress out as a girl.
Time for normal women to fight this stupidity.
How many Muslims have you known?

You must know that the Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion. Sharia law has no more entitlement to power or consideration than do Christian law, Jewish law, or the law of any other religion.

Anyone of any religion who tries it is entitled only to a resounding "NO!" This is not negotiable.

Of course this person will scream "persecution."
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

Far left progressive social politics is just as bad for white women as it is for white men if not worse. No self respecting man with a shred of dignity would just sit back in silence while they destroy you. Is it really so wrong for men to want the best for women? But that's a subject for another thread.

But you want what is best for yourselves only. You don't want to know "what is best for women" because YOU NEVER ASKED US. How fucking arrogant! We know best for ourselves.You pretend to fight your battles on "our" behalf, but this is a total LIE. How dare you think that you, self-appointed fool, represent another group of human beings without even asking for permission?

Arrogance is also when some women decide what is best for all women. Take the abortion issue, for instance. Some women want, no, demand they be provided abortion on demand. Other women consider abortion absolutely abhorrent and don't think it should be an option except possibly in specific extreme cases.

Arrogance is when a person of either sex decides what "is best" for another person. The women you write about can, and do, decide for themselves what to do about a pregnancy. Why do you reference "other women"? These "other women" make their choices for theirselves, but not for others.

One of my oldest and dearest friends decided to carry a pregnancy to term, despite medical advice, risked her life in the process, and almost died on the table..

Why the fuck should what any other woman, or man, think matters?

BTW: what does "on demand," mean actually? Does it mean without government control? I have to have some dental work done. I live in Virginia. Where do I go in my state to get permission for this?
I fail to see what is so hateful about this message. Can anyone please explain?

'It's okay to be white': Police investigate racially charged signs found near Bates College in Lewiston
I want to post some of these near the local college...

It is widely known that this slogan comes from the asshole trolls on 4chan and trash like Lauren Southern, who spread it to Australia.

But my question is where is the evidence that the Somali immigrants, as a community, have done something terribly offensive? Maybe police reports. Assaults. Robberies. Anything out of the ordinary crime blotter.

This is not really about being white. It's about distinguishing between normal, decent people and assholes who abuse their status as being white to justify their being assholes and shame their fellow whites in the process.
--------------------------------------------- the 'somalis' are fecking things up by their mere presence in the USA and Western World . And they are 'muslim' married to an alien 'sharia' law way of governing and thinking Lysis .

How many Muslims have you known?

You must know that the Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion. Sharia law has no more entitlement to power or consideration than do Christian law, Jewish law, or the law of any other religion.

Anyone of any religion who tries it is entitled only to a resounding "NO!" This is not negotiable.

Of course this person will scream "persecution."
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

You've never had anyone other than a white man harass you? As to why men pick on women? There are as many answers to that as there are men who do it. "The bitch was askin' for it." comes to mind.

There seems to be a problem with men walking freely in the streets. Your comment makes it clear that this is not about race. What has "the bitch was asking for it" have anything to do with anything but some guy raised by parents in brotnels or barrooms?
--------------------------------------------- the 'somalis' are fecking things up by their mere presence in the USA and Western World . And they are 'muslim' married to an alien 'sharia' law way of governing and thinking Lysis .

How many Muslims have you known?

You must know that the Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion. Sharia law has no more entitlement to power or consideration than do Christian law, Jewish law, or the law of any other religion.

Anyone of any religion who tries it is entitled only to a resounding "NO!" This is not negotiable.

Of course this person will scream "persecution."
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

You've never had anyone other than a white man harass you? As to why men pick on women? There are as many answers to that as there are men who do it. "The bitch was askin' for it." comes to mind.

There seems to be a problem with men walking freely in the streets. Your comment makes it clear that this is not about race. What has "the bitch was asking for it" have anything to do with anything but some guy raised by parents in brotnels or barrooms?

You don't get sarcasm, do you? Like many of your ilk, you have a seriously underdeveloped sense of humor. I'd bet you find SNL pretty freakin' hilarious, though.

Western civilization (created by whites ) far superior to anything else on this earth

From AD 1 to 1950 97% of all scientific breakthroughs and discoveries came from Europe and the Anglosphere.

Edit: and 98% of the most significant came from males.
So without white males this world would be extremely backwards.
How many Muslims have you known?

You must know that the Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion. Sharia law has no more entitlement to power or consideration than do Christian law, Jewish law, or the law of any other religion.

Anyone of any religion who tries it is entitled only to a resounding "NO!" This is not negotiable.

Of course this person will scream "persecution."
---------------------------- the more muslims into the Western World and the more yes to 'sharia' law . --- --- Course , your people Deserve 'sharia; in the coming years . Especially your 'females' Lysis .

We "females" already have to put up with the white, male fuckheads, trash like trump, pigpence, graham, jefress, focus on the family, dobson, who laughably call themselves "Christians.". They are absolutely no better than what you think Muslims are. Ultra Orthodox Jews, Hindus, and others ain't no prizes, either.

Why do men want to pick on women, anyway? Women of all races and religions never did anything to you men historically, so what's the deal? Are you all sex-and-dominance freaks? Cut the BDSM shit out.

You've never had anyone other than a white man harass you? As to why men pick on women? There are as many answers to that as there are men who do it. "The bitch was askin' for it." comes to mind.

There seems to be a problem with men walking freely in the streets. Your comment makes it clear that this is not about race. What has "the bitch was asking for it" have anything to do with anything but some guy raised by parents in brotnels or barrooms?

You don't get sarcasm, do you? Like many of your ilk, you have a seriously underdeveloped sense of humor. I'd bet you find SNL pretty freakin' hilarious, though.

What in the hell are you talking about?

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