It’s hysterical to me the GOP wanted to give Trump the Nobel prize and yet to the surprise of....


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Colorado one NK is back to square one with SK within weeks of that stupid announcement.

Turns out tough talk on the level of maturity of a caveman doesn’t do jack shit to keep our enemies in line. “Fire and fury” is officially useless as an empty threat. Un is always going to think his dick is bigger regardless of the 8th grader shit Trump says. They’re both just two boys on a playground talking shit but with no walk. one NK is back to square one with SK within weeks of that stupid announcement.
Turns out tough talk on the level of maturity of a caveman doesn’t do jack shit to keep our enemies in line. “Fire and fury” is officially useless as an empty threat. Un is always going to think his dick is bigger regardless of the 8th grader shit Trump says. They’re both just two boys on a playground talking shit but with no walk.
Well, congratulations on that.

Most of us will continue to hope for the best.
. one NK is back to square one with SK within weeks of that stupid announcement.

Turns out tough talk on the level of maturity of a caveman doesn’t do jack shit to keep our enemies in line. “Fire and fury” is officially useless as an empty threat. Un is always going to think his dick is bigger regardless of the 8th grader shit Trump says. They’re both just two boys on a playground talking shit but with no walk.
Yeah, let's pay blackmail money periodically and let the Totalitarian SOB stay in power and get away with cheating on the deal.
At least we tried.
It sure is telling how low of standards the left judged Obama on with foreign policy matters, and how high they are with Trump.
Only way Trump could win wit the left is if he ended world poverty, all nukes were destroyed, and the whole world nightly sang Kumbaya in unison. And then, only maybe.
come on...America's relationship with insane teletubby Kim Jon Un has never been better!
Good. Trumps not a pussy and KJU is going to learn the hard way he's dealing with a guy you can't fuck over
A letter from the President to Chairman Kim Jong Un: "It is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting."



The White House on Twitter

You gotta walk if it isn't right. Trump called out China, the dirty Commie bastards were heavily influencing the process, now both countries have poked the bear and it is going to hurt both nations greatly.

Wait until the North Koreans rush the Chinese border because they can't eat. Wait until the North Koreans ask themselves how their leader was able to afford such nuclear ambitions while they starve.

Kim is too stupid or too tightly controlled by China to do what is right for him and his people.
The "DON" to L'l Kim: I'm breaking up with you before you break up with me.

This from the "master negotiator".

Hell, the "master negotiator" isn't even a master debater.
So it looks like the meeting between Trump and N.Korea's only fat guy is off.

Mike Pence should have kept his mouth shut, I think mentioning Libya was stupid. The reason the norks claim they need nukes is because of what the meat puppet faggot did to Qaddafi.

So does this make foaming at the mouth moonbats happy? Trump doesn't get credit for making peace and we're back on the brink of a nuclear exchange?
Saw this coming a mile away. POTUS has and will do everything he can to undermine this country. No surprise at all.
When the reality of the situation hit home, the Coward-in-Chief wilted like the playground bully he has always been. He let his braggadocio burn the tenuous bridge asunder finding an EXCUSE to back out of the talks! What a failure that Orange Clown has proven to be once again!

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