If Your Black in America...

One end of the spectrum pretends there's no racism ANYWHERE.

The other end of the spectrum pretends racism is EVERYWHERE.

Stay as far apart from each other on this issue as possible.

That way you won't have to either communicate or look in the mirror.

Seriously. Is that comment a quote or did you write that?
White anger over arrest of two black men at Starbucks is long overdue
1.) You have been raised in the greatest nation a free people could ever create.
2.) You Have spent zero days as a slave.
3.) You Have never seen a sign that says “whites only.”
4.) You Have had more opportunity than 90% of the people walking this planet.

Actually plenty of black people have seen "whites only" signs. That disappeared in the 1950s, people over the age of 75 may have seen such signs.

That doesn't mean racism doesn't exist because they got told to take the signs down.

"Please sir, take down the racist sign"
"Oh, surely sir, now I am no longer a fucking ignorant racist any more, where did I put my nuclear physics book I've been meaning to read all these years?"
One end of the spectrum pretends there's no racism ANYWHERE.

The other end of the spectrum pretends racism is EVERYWHERE.

Stay as far apart from each other on this issue as possible.

That way you won't have to either communicate or look in the mirror.
Seriously. Is that comment a quote or did you write that?
It just rolled out of my little brain.
One end of the spectrum pretends there's no racism ANYWHERE.

The other end of the spectrum pretends racism is EVERYWHERE.

Stay as far apart from each other on this issue as possible.

That way you won't have to either communicate or look in the mirror.
Seriously. Is that comment a quote or did you write that?
It just rolled out of my little brain.

That's really good writing Sir. I don't agree with all that you post but that was grade A. Thank you.
White anger over arrest of two black men at Starbucks is long overdue
1.) You have been raised in the greatest nation a free people could ever create.
2.) You Have spent zero days as a slave.
3.) You Have never seen a sign that says “whites only.”
4.) You Have had more opportunity than 90% of the people walking this planet.

You want to make it sound as though all of the problems for blacks were gone 100 years ago. They weren't.
I am 58 years old and I have seen a couple of "whites only" signs.
I went to a segregated public school until the 3rd grade.
When I was 3 years old the Gov. of Alabama stood in the doorway and tried to prevent the desegregation of the Univ of AL. Not some hillbilly. The Governor of the State.
I can remember my parents talking after Bloody Sunday when the black marchers were attacked on the 1st march from Selma to Montgomery. I remember my mother crying because she was scared when Dad joined in the 2nd march.
I was 3 years old when Eugene "Bull" Connor turned fire hoses and had the police sicc german shepherds on peaceful protestors in Birmingham.
When I was 3 some KKK assholes bombed a church in Birmingham, killing 4 little girls. Bombed a church! The girls were changing into their choir robes when the bomb went off. I was 3 when the bomb went off. But I was 17 when Robert Chambliss was prosecuted for the murder.

I am not of retirement age, and these things happened in my lifetime. And these are the things that were blatant. These were the things that came from the authorities. Far worse came from ignorant rednecks.
there are a lot of questions we don't know the answers to.

ONE: was there a pattern of racial bias in that Starbucks?

TWO: did that employee show previous racial bias?

THREE: was she just enforcing company policy?

FOUR: was she trying to stop loitering?

WE. DON'T. KNOW. THE. FULL. STORY. deal with it.
The thread poster shows the real dummy in his title. Sad.

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

"Policies like the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which provided health insurance to millions of uninsured and previously uninsurable Americans, should have been one of those race-neutral programs that did not engender this depth of anger-especially because one of Trump's primary constituencies benefited substantially from it. A Gallup poll showed that "the uninsured population among low-income white people without a college degree ... dropped from 25% in 2013 to 15%" just three years later. As much as Trump voters valued finally having access to health care to deal with chronic illnesses like diabetes, to get screenings for cancer, and to make possible a liver transplant, those benefits came with a bitter and unforgivable downside. ACA was Obamacare, which was bad enough in itself" But there was also the "anger ... that other people were getting even better, even cheaper benefits-and those other people did not deserve the help. " In vintage dog-whistle language, Trump supporters explained that Obamacare was proof that "Americans have grown too lazy and entitled," that these "other people are getting health care for free," and that "the economy is rigged for people who receive government assistance. "

Trump supporters, therefore, saw their candidate as "America's last chance" to recreate a nation that reminded them of the good old days. The country's growing diversity, Obama's very existence in the White House, and the ever-increasing visibility of African Americans in colleges and corporations had fueled a sense that these gains were "likely to reduce the influence of white Americans in society." Trump's win exposed in frightening ways the "ethnonationalist rage centered around a black president" and the fear that all of the resources and wealth accumulated through centuries of public policy would be subject to "redistribution from older, white America to its younger, more diverse" population."

The ubiquitous campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) was, therefore, freighted with heavy racial baggage. Some 20 percent of Trump supporters believed the Emancipation Proclamation had been bad public policy and that the enslaved should have never been freed." #58 [see below]

Page 170 and top of 171 "White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide" by Carol Anderson

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

#58 Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves
there are a lot of questions we don't know the answers to.

ONE: was there a pattern of racial bias in that Starbucks?

TWO: did that employee show previous racial bias?

THREE: was she just enforcing company policy?

FOUR: was she trying to stop loitering?

WE. DON'T. KNOW. THE. FULL. STORY. deal with it.
We know. You may not get it but we do.

Are you unable or unwilling is the question
White anger over arrest of two black men at Starbucks is long overdue
1.) You have been raised in the greatest nation a free people could ever create.
2.) You Have spent zero days as a slave.
3.) You Have never seen a sign that says “whites only.”
4.) You Have had more opportunity than 90% of the people walking this planet.
Prove the 90% in point 4, please.
Free college because of Affirmative-Action.
Allowed to qualify for college with a 700 SAT just because you're black.
Elected president because of race (half black)
Got a Nobel Prize for being black.
Totally changed Starbucks policies nationwide because being black allows you to hang around inside their establishment without being a paying customer.
Allowed to buy a huge home you can't afford without ever paying one payment with terrible credit and no money down just because you're black.
Being only a fraction black makes you all black.
Allowed to have a television station that is based on race (BET) without being called racist.
Cannot under any circumstances be accused of being racist because you're black.
One end of the spectrum pretends there's no racism ANYWHERE.

The other end of the spectrum pretends racism is EVERYWHERE.

Stay as far apart from each other on this issue as possible.

That way you won't have to either communicate or look in the mirror.

You are in the middle? Cool. I’d love for you to point out a recent instance of real racism. Let’s talk about it. See if we can change some hearts and minds.
Once Jim Crow “ended” biased lending practices amounted to unofficial segregation in this nation. Unable to purchase homes with credit in neighborhoods with good schools and infrastructure, black Americans were forced to live in areas where the tax base failed to provide high quality education for citizens.

Still working to overcome this bulkshit to this day.

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