When satire become reality: Babylon Bee’s ‘prediction’ about BLM’s Nobel Peace Prize


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
When satire become reality:
Babylon Bee’s ‘prediction’ about BLM’s Nobel Peace Prize

When satire become reality: Babylon Bee's 'prediction' about BLM's Nobel Peace Prize (noqreport.com)
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Chastity Mansfield

They often say "you can't make this up" when referring to nonsense stories happening in real life. Babylon Bee is great at making stuff up, but an August, 2020 satirical piece is on the verge of hitting real life between the eyes.
Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. This is the same Black Lives Matter that caused riots across the United States following the George Floyd killing. It’s the same Black Lives Matter that helped burn the city of Kenosha when an armed accused rapist was shot by police. And it’s the same Black Lives Matter that advocates for the destruction of the nuclear family and the end of law enforcement as we know it.
The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world. In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.
“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.
“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”
If any of this sounds familiar, you may be a fan of satire. Several months before, in August of 2020, the satirical geniuses over at The Babylon Bee posted what they thought was a ludicrous story. As it turns out, their brand of satire was closer to real life than they realized as “woke” members of the international community apparently believe anarchy and destruction of private property are worthy of praise.

13 August 2020: -- BLM Rioters Awarded Nobel Peace Prize | The Babylon Bee

When the Obama was ordained with his Nobel Prize, it officially ended any truth or significance of the "Prize". Other than the money that goes with it it has become a meaningless Progressive Marxist Commie trinket.
If Trump whad been given a Nobel for his efforts, I would have believed Nobel was worthwhile again, But No it is a Liberal, globalist club. Pres Trump broght peace among enemies in the MidEast and wasn't really ever considered to win the Nobel Peace
But No!!, Now we have the bigoted and racist "Black Lives Matter" a Communist movement within America bominated for the NPP after they have with violence, arson, looting and in some cases murder, ravaged and destroyed over 50 Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities.
Whom should we say, is more oblivious to Truth"? "BLM" or this jokingly sordid NPP?
"BLM", hmmmm... "Bilious Lamebrained Marxists"? "Blatant Lying , "Self Avowed Communists", Violent Malcontent Racists"? "Beligerant Loser Mentality" ????
BlM wants to KILL white people
BLM says it's OK to steal and vandalize
etc etc
A Norwegian politician said he's been bombarded with threats and hateful messages since he nominated the Black Lives Matter movement for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Petter Eide, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, told ABC News on Sunday that he was prepared for the criticism and has no plans to rescind the nomination.

“This weekend I have received so many negative responses from individual Americans telling me that Black Lives Matter is a violent and aggressive organization, that they are deliberately using violence as a political communication tool and that nominating them for the Nobel Peace Prize is quite insane," Eide said in a phone interview with ABC News.

Eide declined to elaborate on the messages he has received, but said, “They were very nasty, and some of them were also threats. They were hateful."

A Norwegian politician said he's been bombarded with threats and hateful messages since he nominated the Black Lives Matter movement for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Petter Eide, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, told ABC News on Sunday that he was prepared for the criticism and has no plans to rescind the nomination.

“This weekend I have received so many negative responses from individual Americans telling me that Black Lives Matter is a violent and aggressive organization, that they are deliberately using violence as a political communication tool and that nominating them for the Nobel Peace Prize is quite insane," Eide said in a phone interview with ABC News.

Eide declined to elaborate on the messages he has received, but said, “They were very nasty, and some of them were also threats. They were hateful."

Good. He should be getting negative responses.
I suppose you’d be OK with the KKK being nominated?
When satire become reality:
Babylon Bee’s ‘prediction’ about BLM’s Nobel Peace Prize

When satire become reality: Babylon Bee's 'prediction' about BLM's Nobel Peace Prize (noqreport.com)
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Chastity Mansfield

They often say "you can't make this up" when referring to nonsense stories happening in real life. Babylon Bee is great at making stuff up, but an August, 2020 satirical piece is on the verge of hitting real life between the eyes.
Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. This is the same Black Lives Matter that caused riots across the United States following the George Floyd killing. It’s the same Black Lives Matter that helped burn the city of Kenosha when an armed accused rapist was shot by police. And it’s the same Black Lives Matter that advocates for the destruction of the nuclear family and the end of law enforcement as we know it.
The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world. In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.
“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.
“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”
If any of this sounds familiar, you may be a fan of satire. Several months before, in August of 2020, the satirical geniuses over at The Babylon Bee posted what they thought was a ludicrous story. As it turns out, their brand of satire was closer to real life than they realized as “woke” members of the international community apparently believe anarchy and destruction of private property are worthy of praise.

13 August 2020: -- BLM Rioters Awarded Nobel Peace Prize | The Babylon Bee

When the Obama was ordained with his Nobel Prize, it officially ended any truth or significance of the "Prize". Other than the money that goes with it it has become a meaningless Progressive Marxist Commie trinket.
If Trump whad been given a Nobel for his efforts, I would have believed Nobel was worthwhile again, But No it is a Liberal, globalist club. Pres Trump broght peace among enemies in the MidEast and wasn't really ever considered to win the Nobel Peace
But No!!, Now we have the bigoted and racist "Black Lives Matter" a Communist movement within America bominated for the NPP after they have with violence, arson, looting and in some cases murder, ravaged and destroyed over 50 Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities.
Whom should we say, is more oblivious to Truth"? "BLM" or this jokingly sordid NPP?
"BLM", hmmmm... "Bilious Lamebrained Marxists"? "Blatant Lying , "Self Avowed Communists", Violent Malcontent Racists"? "Beligerant Loser Mentality" ????
Will they accept it with bicycle chains, frozen water bottles, and torches?
When satire become reality:
Babylon Bee’s ‘prediction’ about BLM’s Nobel Peace Prize

When satire become reality: Babylon Bee's 'prediction' about BLM's Nobel Peace Prize (noqreport.com)
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Chastity Mansfield

They often say "you can't make this up" when referring to nonsense stories happening in real life. Babylon Bee is great at making stuff up, but an August, 2020 satirical piece is on the verge of hitting real life between the eyes.
Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. This is the same Black Lives Matter that caused riots across the United States following the George Floyd killing. It’s the same Black Lives Matter that helped burn the city of Kenosha when an armed accused rapist was shot by police. And it’s the same Black Lives Matter that advocates for the destruction of the nuclear family and the end of law enforcement as we know it.
The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world. In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.
“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.
“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”
If any of this sounds familiar, you may be a fan of satire. Several months before, in August of 2020, the satirical geniuses over at The Babylon Bee posted what they thought was a ludicrous story. As it turns out, their brand of satire was closer to real life than they realized as “woke” members of the international community apparently believe anarchy and destruction of private property are worthy of praise.

13 August 2020: -- BLM Rioters Awarded Nobel Peace Prize | The Babylon Bee

When the Obama was ordained with his Nobel Prize, it officially ended any truth or significance of the "Prize". Other than the money that goes with it it has become a meaningless Progressive Marxist Commie trinket.
If Trump whad been given a Nobel for his efforts, I would have believed Nobel was worthwhile again, But No it is a Liberal, globalist club. Pres Trump broght peace among enemies in the MidEast and wasn't really ever considered to win the Nobel Peace
But No!!, Now we have the bigoted and racist "Black Lives Matter" a Communist movement within America bominated for the NPP after they have with violence, arson, looting and in some cases murder, ravaged and destroyed over 50 Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities.
Whom should we say, is more oblivious to Truth"? "BLM" or this jokingly sordid NPP?
"BLM", hmmmm... "Bilious Lamebrained Marxists"? "Blatant Lying , "Self Avowed Communists", Violent Malcontent Racists"? "Beligerant Loser Mentality" ????
Listen. The Nobel Peace Prize has been given to people like Barak Obama for bombing the hell out of Libya and Yasser Arafat for being a Palestinian terrorist blowing innocent civilians up in the streets.

So it stands to reason it would go to BLM for burning down cities and killing people.

Just don't call them insurrectionists. Insurrectionists are only conservatives who get shot dead unarmed in the Capital for protesting.
How do you give an award to an organization that's been coopted in large part by good intentioned white people? Who is going to accept it?

I'm sure that the self avowed spokes person Patrisse Cullors would gladly go to Norway to accept the award and China Joey Xi would follow on to present her with the highest civilian award THe "Order of Lenin".
When satire become reality:
Babylon Bee’s ‘prediction’ about BLM’s Nobel Peace Prize

When satire become reality: Babylon Bee's 'prediction' about BLM's Nobel Peace Prize (noqreport.com)
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Chastity Mansfield

They often say "you can't make this up" when referring to nonsense stories happening in real life. Babylon Bee is great at making stuff up, but an August, 2020 satirical piece is on the verge of hitting real life between the eyes.
Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. This is the same Black Lives Matter that caused riots across the United States following the George Floyd killing. It’s the same Black Lives Matter that helped burn the city of Kenosha when an armed accused rapist was shot by police. And it’s the same Black Lives Matter that advocates for the destruction of the nuclear family and the end of law enforcement as we know it.
The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world. In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.
“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.
“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”
If any of this sounds familiar, you may be a fan of satire. Several months before, in August of 2020, the satirical geniuses over at The Babylon Bee posted what they thought was a ludicrous story. As it turns out, their brand of satire was closer to real life than they realized as “woke” members of the international community apparently believe anarchy and destruction of private property are worthy of praise.

13 August 2020: -- BLM Rioters Awarded Nobel Peace Prize | The Babylon Bee

When the Obama was ordained with his Nobel Prize, it officially ended any truth or significance of the "Prize". Other than the money that goes with it it has become a meaningless Progressive Marxist Commie trinket.
If Trump whad been given a Nobel for his efforts, I would have believed Nobel was worthwhile again, But No it is a Liberal, globalist club. Pres Trump broght peace among enemies in the MidEast and wasn't really ever considered to win the Nobel Peace
But No!!, Now we have the bigoted and racist "Black Lives Matter" a Communist movement within America bominated for the NPP after they have with violence, arson, looting and in some cases murder, ravaged and destroyed over 50 Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities.
Whom should we say, is more oblivious to Truth"? "BLM" or this jokingly sordid NPP?
"BLM", hmmmm... "Bilious Lamebrained Marxists"? "Blatant Lying , "Self Avowed Communists", Violent Malcontent Racists"? "Beligerant Loser Mentality" ????

They award the peace prize now when violence is done.

When satire become reality:
Babylon Bee’s ‘prediction’ about BLM’s Nobel Peace Prize

When satire become reality: Babylon Bee's 'prediction' about BLM's Nobel Peace Prize (noqreport.com)
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Chastity Mansfield

They often say "you can't make this up" when referring to nonsense stories happening in real life. Babylon Bee is great at making stuff up, but an August, 2020 satirical piece is on the verge of hitting real life between the eyes.
Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. This is the same Black Lives Matter that caused riots across the United States following the George Floyd killing. It’s the same Black Lives Matter that helped burn the city of Kenosha when an armed accused rapist was shot by police. And it’s the same Black Lives Matter that advocates for the destruction of the nuclear family and the end of law enforcement as we know it.
The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world. In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.
“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.
“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”
If any of this sounds familiar, you may be a fan of satire. Several months before, in August of 2020, the satirical geniuses over at The Babylon Bee posted what they thought was a ludicrous story. As it turns out, their brand of satire was closer to real life than they realized as “woke” members of the international community apparently believe anarchy and destruction of private property are worthy of praise.

13 August 2020: -- BLM Rioters Awarded Nobel Peace Prize | The Babylon Bee

When the Obama was ordained with his Nobel Prize, it officially ended any truth or significance of the "Prize". Other than the money that goes with it it has become a meaningless Progressive Marxist Commie trinket.
If Trump whad been given a Nobel for his efforts, I would have believed Nobel was worthwhile again, But No it is a Liberal, globalist club. Pres Trump broght peace among enemies in the MidEast and wasn't really ever considered to win the Nobel Peace
But No!!, Now we have the bigoted and racist "Black Lives Matter" a Communist movement within America bominated for the NPP after they have with violence, arson, looting and in some cases murder, ravaged and destroyed over 50 Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities.
Whom should we say, is more oblivious to Truth"? "BLM" or this jokingly sordid NPP?
"BLM", hmmmm... "Bilious Lamebrained Marxists"? "Blatant Lying , "Self Avowed Communists", Violent Malcontent Racists"? "Beligerant Loser Mentality" ????
OH - yea -, A Leftist BLM peace price belongs to a person who was involved in the most riots, and protests. Hate speech is saying, Pedophile, or zoophile, or, Fagot or Yiff in hell, or Racist, which is a lie, or a false accusation, saying rapist, or hang yourself, or rope yourself. That is not friendly speech. Jesus will not say any of that to a person. God knows who says those words to a person, to degrade them. It is up to the individual to control their own mouth. Censoring cannot do that. God's law, in us, controls us. Censoring is Mans law, from the outside, in.
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