'It's a New York thing': SNL creator Lorne Michaels on why Weinstein was left out of show


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Trump is from New York, and he is treated with disdain. While a serial sexual abuser, sick puppy who has been in a position of authority over his targets gets a pass?

Yeah, SNL is definitely two faced and cowardly. All credibility lost now. An infomercial for the alt-left.

'It's a New York thing': SNL creator Lorne Michaels on why Weinstein was left out of show

“Saturday Night Live” – known for its biting satire of President Trump – took on gun control, paid tribute to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, spoofed OJ Simpson getting out of prison and remembered rocker Tom Petty during Saturday’s night’s show – but not a peep about the sex scandal involving Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Social media users quickly called out the show’s hypocrisy.

“Why didn’t big mouth Michael Che’ say anything about Harvey Weinstein on SNL “Weekend Update”? He’s got so much opinion about everything else ,” Pastor Darrell Scott, a Trump supporter, posted on Twitter.

ESPN columnist Buster Olney called the show “gutless.”

“SNL with nothing on Weinstein? Gutless .
” he posted early Saturday.

SNL creator Lorne Michaels said they decided not to go after Weinstein because he’s from New York.

‘It’s a New York thing,” he told The Daily Mail about Weinstein, who was born in Queens.

Gal Gadot, the star of “Wonder Woman,” hosted the show – which has unmercifully mocked Trump, who is also a Queens guy – by remembering the 58 people killed and hundreds wounded in the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Later, country singer Jason Aldean, who was on stage during the open-air concert when the long gunman opened fire on the crowd, sang “Won’t Back Down” in tribute to Petty who died last Monday.
Big fat ugly Harvey is a flaming liberal and anyone who even thought SNL might go after him on Saturday's show is clueless to the reality of the lefty entertainment world of slime.
p w
Trump is from New York, and he is treated with disdain. While a serial sexual abuser, sick puppy who has been in a position of authority over his targets gets a pass?

Yeah, SNL is definitely two faced and cowardly. All credibility lost now. An infomercial for the alt-left.

'It's a New York thing': SNL creator Lorne Michaels on why Weinstein was left out of show

“Saturday Night Live” – known for its biting satire of President Trump – took on gun control, paid tribute to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, spoofed OJ Simpson getting out of prison and remembered rocker Tom Petty during Saturday’s night’s show – but not a peep about the sex scandal involving Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Social media users quickly called out the show’s hypocrisy.

“Why didn’t big mouth Michael Che’ say anything about Harvey Weinstein on SNL “Weekend Update”? He’s got so much opinion about everything else ,” Pastor Darrell Scott, a Trump supporter, posted on Twitter.

ESPN columnist Buster Olney called the show “gutless.”

“SNL with nothing on Weinstein? Gutless .
” he posted early Saturday.

SNL creator Lorne Michaels said they decided not to go after Weinstein because he’s from New York.

‘It’s a New York thing,” he told The Daily Mail about Weinstein, who was born in Queens.

Gal Gadot, the star of “Wonder Woman,” hosted the show – which has unmercifully mocked Trump, who is also a Queens guy – by remembering the 58 people killed and hundreds wounded in the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Later, country singer Jason Aldean, who was on stage during the open-air concert when the long gunman opened fire on the crowd, sang “Won’t Back Down” in tribute to Petty who died last Monday.
I guess Trump isn't from New York? As a matter of fact Trump was born in Queens, practically the same neighborhood as Harvey Weinstein. Obviously Lorne Michaels isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Lamest excuse I've heard from liberals in a long time.
p w
Trump is from New York, and he is treated with disdain. While a serial sexual abuser, sick puppy who has been in a position of authority over his targets gets a pass?

Yeah, SNL is definitely two faced and cowardly. All credibility lost now. An infomercial for the alt-left.

'It's a New York thing': SNL creator Lorne Michaels on why Weinstein was left out of show

“Saturday Night Live” – known for its biting satire of President Trump – took on gun control, paid tribute to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, spoofed OJ Simpson getting out of prison and remembered rocker Tom Petty during Saturday’s night’s show – but not a peep about the sex scandal involving Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Social media users quickly called out the show’s hypocrisy.

“Why didn’t big mouth Michael Che’ say anything about Harvey Weinstein on SNL “Weekend Update”? He’s got so much opinion about everything else ,” Pastor Darrell Scott, a Trump supporter, posted on Twitter.

ESPN columnist Buster Olney called the show “gutless.”

“SNL with nothing on Weinstein? Gutless .
” he posted early Saturday.

SNL creator Lorne Michaels said they decided not to go after Weinstein because he’s from New York.

‘It’s a New York thing,” he told The Daily Mail about Weinstein, who was born in Queens.

Gal Gadot, the star of “Wonder Woman,” hosted the show – which has unmercifully mocked Trump, who is also a Queens guy – by remembering the 58 people killed and hundreds wounded in the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Later, country singer Jason Aldean, who was on stage during the open-air concert when the long gunman opened fire on the crowd, sang “Won’t Back Down” in tribute to Petty who died last Monday.
I guess Trump isn't from New York? As a matter of fact Trump was born in Queens, practically the same neighborhood as Harvey Weinstein. Obviously Lorne Michaels isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Lamest excuse I've heard from liberals in a long time.

Harvey represents liberal ideology to such a degree that he was a large donor for Obama and Clinton, and Michelle Obama spoke of him with reverence. Probably bought many ads on SNL I bet (when he isn't buying silence of his victims), or other such contributions.

This is the kind of story that illustrates a very unhealthy double standard by Hollywood. It's one of those little stories one can keep in their back pockets if one is being overly abuses by SNL or other entrenched alt-left network: "you seem to be spending a great deal of time covering _________ (me/this story/this issue), odd, you never had such passion for the Harvey Weinstein abuses in Hollywood and all his victims. Where was the outrage then?"

Oddly, it was Harveys brother who maybe for less than altruistic reasons, leaked his conduct. Regardless, it was the right thing to do consider the extent of the abuses. At the very least, this guy needs some serious help.
Typical of the leftist pricks, the very same asses who are Trump haters too. Probably why they all hate him he is on a mission to break up Hollywood child sex rings too. It's been rumored for years Hollywood is nothing but a child sex ring haven. But the leftist including control freaks on here will put shit in Conspiracy because their pea sized brains think it's all a conspiracy.

Disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein, who is accused of committing sexual harassment over several decades, was thanked by Hollywood celebrities more times than they thanked God.

Hollywood Celebrities Thanked Weinstein More Than God
Why bother with Weinstein when soon to be former Congressman Tim Murphy is a better target? No one voted for Weinstein.
p w
Trump is from New York, and he is treated with disdain. While a serial sexual abuser, sick puppy who has been in a position of authority over his targets gets a pass?

Yeah, SNL is definitely two faced and cowardly. All credibility lost now. An infomercial for the alt-left.

'It's a New York thing': SNL creator Lorne Michaels on why Weinstein was left out of show

“Saturday Night Live” – known for its biting satire of President Trump – took on gun control, paid tribute to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, spoofed OJ Simpson getting out of prison and remembered rocker Tom Petty during Saturday’s night’s show – but not a peep about the sex scandal involving Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Social media users quickly called out the show’s hypocrisy.

“Why didn’t big mouth Michael Che’ say anything about Harvey Weinstein on SNL “Weekend Update”? He’s got so much opinion about everything else ,” Pastor Darrell Scott, a Trump supporter, posted on Twitter.

ESPN columnist Buster Olney called the show “gutless.”

“SNL with nothing on Weinstein? Gutless .
” he posted early Saturday.

SNL creator Lorne Michaels said they decided not to go after Weinstein because he’s from New York.

‘It’s a New York thing,” he told The Daily Mail about Weinstein, who was born in Queens.

Gal Gadot, the star of “Wonder Woman,” hosted the show – which has unmercifully mocked Trump, who is also a Queens guy – by remembering the 58 people killed and hundreds wounded in the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Later, country singer Jason Aldean, who was on stage during the open-air concert when the long gunman opened fire on the crowd, sang “Won’t Back Down” in tribute to Petty who died last Monday.
I guess Trump isn't from New York? As a matter of fact Trump was born in Queens, practically the same neighborhood as Harvey Weinstein. Obviously Lorne Michaels isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Lamest excuse I've heard from liberals in a long time.

Harvey represents liberal ideology to such a degree that he was a large donor for Obama and Clinton, and Michelle Obama spoke of him with reverence. Probably bought many ads on SNL I bet (when he isn't buying silence of his victims), or other such contributions.

This is the kind of story that illustrates a very unhealthy double standard by Hollywood. It's one of those little stories one can keep in their back pockets if one is being overly abuses by SNL or other entrenched alt-left network: "you seem to be spending a great deal of time covering _________ (me/this story/this issue), odd, you never had such passion for the Harvey Weinstein abuses in Hollywood and all his victims. Where was the outrage then?"

Oddly, it was Harveys brother who maybe for less than altruistic reasons, leaked his conduct. Regardless, it was the right thing to do consider the extent of the abuses. At the very least, this guy needs some serious help.
This is how some people react to wealth and fame.
When you discover you have power over others you can choose to abuse it or not use it.
He doesn't think he's doing anything wrong.
It's the same thing with any despot.
Hillary and Obama show signs of this same disease.
Arrogance and ego.
Extreme narcissism.


People with narcissistic personality disorder are characterized by their persistent grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, and a disdain and lack of empathy for others.[7][8] These individuals often display arrogance, a sense of superiority, and power-seeking behaviors.[9] Narcissistic personality disorder is different from having a strong sense of self-confidence; people with NPD typically value themselves over others to the extent that they disregard the feelings and wishes of others and expect to be treated as superior regardless of their actual status or achievements.[7][10] In addition, people with NPD may exhibit fragile egos, an inability to tolerate criticism, and a tendency to belittle others in an attempt to validate their own superiority.[10]

According to the DSM-5, individuals with NPD have most or all of the following symptoms, typically without commensurate qualities or accomplishments:[7][10]

  1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others
  2. Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  3. Self-perception of being unique, superior and associated with high-status people and institutions
  4. Needing constant admiration from others
  5. Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
  6. Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
  7. Unwilling to empathize with others' feelings, wishes, or needs
  8. Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them
  9. Pompous and arrogant demeanor
NPD usually develops by adolescence or early adulthood.[7] It is not uncommon for children and teens to display some traits similar to NPD, but these are typically transient without meeting full criteria for the diagnosis.[10] True NPD symptoms are pervasive, apparent in various situations, and rigid, remaining consistent over time. The symptoms must be severe enough that they significantly impair the individual's ability to develop meaningful relationships with others. Symptoms also generally impair an individual's ability to function at work, school, or in other important settings. According to the DSM-5, these traits must differ substantially from cultural norms in order to qualify as symptoms of NPD.[7] Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia
Why is this a fuckin news big deal? Morning Joe spent half his show demanding Hollywood speak out against a horny fuckin white guy...Joe who's horny himself, left his wife for Mika....so lets stop making this a big deal.....powerful white men abuse their roles every single day on white women and because ww need that abuse to get ahead, they stay silent and then when the shit hits the fan, all these lice mops fall in line wanting a pay check....if your serious about getting ahead based on your merit, if your serious about women being powerful in their own right, than stand tall and firm when the shit first happens, take a fuckin stand and deal with the consequences head on....but ww don't do that...because they're ambitious and slightly lacks in the intelligence department, using only their looks and boobs to get ahead...pun intended...just ask Bill's white bitches...both Bills
Typical of the leftist pricks, the very same asses who are Trump haters too. Probably why they all hate him he is on a mission to break up Hollywood child sex rings too. It's been rumored for years Hollywood is nothing but a child sex ring haven. But the leftist including control freaks on here will put shit in Conspiracy because their pea sized brains think it's all a conspiracy.

Disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein, who is accused of committing sexual harassment over several decades, was thanked by Hollywood celebrities more times than they thanked God.

Hollywood Celebrities Thanked Weinstein More Than God

'Thank you for the blessing': cabinet takes turns lavishing the Trump God with praise
Trump is from New York, and he is treated with disdain. While a serial sexual abuser, sick puppy who has been in a position of authority over his targets gets a pass?

Yeah, SNL is definitely two faced and cowardly. All credibility lost now. An infomercial for the alt-left.

'It's a New York thing': SNL creator Lorne Michaels on why Weinstein was left out of show

“Saturday Night Live” – known for its biting satire of President Trump – took on gun control, paid tribute to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, spoofed OJ Simpson getting out of prison and remembered rocker Tom Petty during Saturday’s night’s show – but not a peep about the sex scandal involving Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Social media users quickly called out the show’s hypocrisy.

“Why didn’t big mouth Michael Che’ say anything about Harvey Weinstein on SNL “Weekend Update”? He’s got so much opinion about everything else ,” Pastor Darrell Scott, a Trump supporter, posted on Twitter.

ESPN columnist Buster Olney called the show “gutless.”

“SNL with nothing on Weinstein? Gutless .
” he posted early Saturday.

SNL creator Lorne Michaels said they decided not to go after Weinstein because he’s from New York.

‘It’s a New York thing,” he told The Daily Mail about Weinstein, who was born in Queens.

Gal Gadot, the star of “Wonder Woman,” hosted the show – which has unmercifully mocked Trump, who is also a Queens guy – by remembering the 58 people killed and hundreds wounded in the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Later, country singer Jason Aldean, who was on stage during the open-air concert when the long gunman opened fire on the crowd, sang “Won’t Back Down” in tribute to Petty who died last Monday.
not trying to be a dick, but is he the same singer that hauled ass off stage when people realized what was happening? don't get me wrong, i likely would have also. but i'd not then sing i'd not back down just after hauling ass.
If Weinstein is emblematic of Liberal ideology, what about Roger Ayles and Bill O'Reilly? Are Conservatives suffering from memory loss or raging hypocrisy?

Oh I do recall these stories, they were a big deal on some networks, "Breaking News" on CNN, their top stories with hour long chats, analysis from "professionals" the works. In fact, that's where I heard about these cases of abuse. I also read them in my own follow up on msnbc.com

Do you think CNN has breaking news regarding Harvey? Unless it's the hurricane, not a sound is emitted from the talking heads.
If Weinstein is emblematic of Liberal ideology, what about Roger Ayles and Bill O'Reilly? Are Conservatives suffering from memory loss or raging hypocrisy?

Oh I do recall these stories, they were a big deal on some networks, "Breaking News" on CNN, their top stories with hour long chats, analysis from "professionals" the works. In fact, that's where I heard about these cases of abuse. I also read them in my own follow up on msnbc.com

Do you think CNN has breaking news regarding Harvey? Unless it's the hurricane, not a sound is emitted from the talking heads.
Every news outlet I watched yesterday, including CNN had stories about Weinstein. Can you show me where I'm wrong?
If Weinstein is emblematic of Liberal ideology, what about Roger Ayles and Bill O'Reilly? Are Conservatives suffering from memory loss or raging hypocrisy?

Oh I do recall these stories, they were a big deal on some networks, "Breaking News" on CNN, their top stories with hour long chats, analysis from "professionals" the works. In fact, that's where I heard about these cases of abuse. I also read them in my own follow up on msnbc.com

Do you think CNN has breaking news regarding Harvey? Unless it's the hurricane, not a sound is emitted from the talking heads.
Every news outlet I watched yesterday, including CNN had stories about Weinstein. Can you show me where I'm wrong?

Breaking News? Panels of experts analysing his exploits and "insiders" talking about what they know about what he did to specific victims? Hour long debates about what this means for Hollywood, as they pondered what O'Reilly accusations meant for Fox News?

Will they also now do the "Breaking News" follow-up on Harvey being fired as they did O'Reilly?
If Weinstein is emblematic of Liberal ideology, what about Roger Ayles and Bill O'Reilly? Are Conservatives suffering from memory loss or raging hypocrisy?
No....because in Bill O'Reilly's case all it's been is nothing but accusations that quickly disappeared once he was canned.
We suspect it was all just a ploy to fire him by the Liberals that now run Fox News.
Never mind the fact that nobody is defending either Ayles or O'Reilly like the Hollywood folks have been doing for Weinstein for decades.

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