It's a Matter of Honor - the 8/28 Rally at the Lincoln Memorial

Sorry. Either you guys don't know what an apologist is or you're unwilling to be reasonable about it if you insist on making this yet another bash Glenn Beck thread after I have conceded your point and request that we move on.

Now again - this directed to the intellectually honest only please - please don't respond if you don't think you qualify:

What do you expect to happen at the Rally that you think makes it inappropriate to be held at the Lincoln Memorial or to be held at all?
Sorry. Either you guys don't know what an apologist is or you're unwilling to be reasonable about it if you insist on making this yet another bash Glenn Beck thread after I have conceded your point and request that we move on.

Now again - this directed to the intellectually honest only please - please don't respond if you don't think you qualify:

What do you expect to happen at the Rally that you think makes it inappropriate to be held at the Lincoln Memorial or to be held at all?
Partisan bullshit, mostly. Talking down to people that they disagree with.

Only "real" Americans are truly wanted there.

:lol: Glenn Beck is the biggest dbag on the planet. He even surpasses Rush.
Sorry. Either you guys don't know what an apologist is or you're unwilling to be reasonable about it if you insist on making this yet another bash Glenn Beck thread after I have conceded your point and request that we move on.

Now again - this directed to the intellectually honest only please - please don't respond if you don't think you qualify:

What do you expect to happen at the Rally that you think makes it inappropriate to be held at the Lincoln Memorial or to be held at all?

I want to know who said it shouldn't be held? I know I have said nothing about how it shouldn't take place. I think I said that in my last post. I was very clear in the fact I just don't support it. I don't think it represents the civil rights movement one bit, which is my opinion. Do you have a problem with that?

I think having someone like Palin who just came out in support of someone who said just got her ass handed to her for saying ****** many times on her show, isn't representing the civil rights movement very well. I also think people who do not support the rights of same sex couples do not support the civil rights movement either.

I also want to know why Beck is billing it has " Restoring Honor"? Who does think is not honorable? My guess is liberals.
I don't expect anything to happen beyond what has already happened, and that my willfully ignorant friend is to further divide the house. The rancor which divides our nation is a gold mine for the opportunists, such as Beck, Palin, Gingrich and also of benefit to the Republican Party, a party whose last best great idea was to cut taxes for the rich and instill hate and fear in the populace.
Sorry. Either you guys don't know what an apologist is or you're unwilling to be reasonable about it if you insist on making this yet another bash Glenn Beck thread after I have conceded your point and request that we move on.

Now again - this directed to the intellectually honest only please - please don't respond if you don't think you qualify:

What do you expect to happen at the Rally that you think makes it inappropriate to be held at the Lincoln Memorial or to be held at all?
Partisan bullshit, mostly. Talking down to people that they disagree with.

Only "real" Americans are truly wanted there.

:lol: Glenn Beck is the biggest dbag on the planet. He even surpasses Rush.

Actually, you are more then welcome to come as well as long as you are peaceful.
I don't expect anything to happen beyond what has already happened, and that my willfully ignorant friend is to further divide the house. The rancor which divides our nation is a gold mine for the opportunists, such as Beck, Palin, Gingrich and also of benefit to the Republican Party, a party whose last best great idea was to cut taxes for the rich and instill hate and fear in the populace.

Am I the only one here mildly amused that Wry is complaining about divisive people?
So you support someone who talks about hating 9/11 victims and Katrina victims? And if you want links check the other thread. I have already provided many quotes in that thread, that back up my claim.

I have never EVER heard Glenn Beck say that he hates anybody. And if you have something in full context from a reliable source--I don't accept anything, rightwing or leftwing, that is pulled off some hate blog--then by all means post the link.

Until you can do that, you've got nothing.

I am not intending to be an apologist for Glenn Beck. He is certainly capable of speaking for himself and defending himself. And every time the Left has tried to destroy him, they've come up pretty much with egg on their face because they just can't make themselves look credible in the face of the truth.

But if we're going to restore honor to America, one of several things that has to be done is to start calling the hate mongerers on their hate. If they slur and smear somebody in an effort to destroy them, we have to start calling them on it. Make them put up or shut up. Restoring intellectual honesty and calling true prejudice and bigotry what it is would be a huge step forward in restoring honor and integrity to the system.
So then by your words, I have the right to call out Beck. Thanks!

Any of us have the right to call out anybody. But restoring honor requires that we hold all to the same standards that we consider honorable. If you despise the stupid and/or hateful on the right but defend or give a pass or ignore the stupid and/or hateful on the left, or vice versa, that contributes to dishonor, not honor.

From what I can get from the promos on the 8/28 rally, it will focus on traditional American virtues and values and the people who have contributed to those and/or demonstrate those. I think those who attend the rally will be able to get with that spirit.

I think most of those who are mocking or condemning the rally without any clue what it is all about are mostly ideologues who can't see virtue in anything other than their own narrow pespectives. There could be exceptions of course.
The FAQ Sheet provided to all the media. (Yes Mods, it is entirely legal and ethical to post it in its entirety here):

Restoring Honor
faq for media

What is The Restoring Honor

Throughout history America
has seen many great leaders
and noteworthy citizens change
her course. It is through their
personal virtues and by their
example that we are able to
live as a free people. On August
28, come celebrate America by
honoring our heroes, our heritage
and our future.

Join the Special Operations
Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck,
Sarah Palin and many more
for this non-political event that
pays tribute to America’s service
personnel and other upstanding
citizens who embody our nation’s
founding principles of integrity,
truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only
if we remain virtuous. Help us
restore the values that founded
this great nation. On August,
28th, come join us in our pledge
to restore honor at the steps
of the Lincoln Memorial in
Washington DC.

Isn’t this just a tea party rally
disguised as something about

No. The Tea Party isn’t affiliated
with the rally or SOWF in any
way. This is a non-political event.

Wait--this isn’t political?

Nope. We’ve discussed this
endlessly too. Not only is the
event non-political, we have
continuously encouraged those
attending to avoid bringing
political signs, political flyers, “I
heart the RNC” t-shirts and other
similar partisan paraphernalia.
There are plenty of opportunities
to talk about politics. This isn’t
one of them.

How much money are you
making off this?

None. In what might come as
a shock to our critics, all net
proceeds of 8/28 merchandise
and money raised through the
online charity auction, mail in
donations or online donations
go to SOWF. All contributions
will first be applied to the costs
of the Restoring Honor Rally
taking place on August 28, 2010,
as has been discussed endlessly
on the air. All contributions in
excess of these costs will then
be retained by the SOWF. It is
not possible to make a donation
in any of the above ways without
being told this first. In other
words, the process is normal and
similar to many events that also
benefit charity or as the Better
Business Bureau described it –

No, really, how much?

You already asked that. Zero.

Why is it happening on the
anniversary of Martin Luther
King’s “I have a dream”

We were targeting a Saturday
close to 9/12, and 8/28 just
wound up being the open date
that made the most sense to
various schedules that needed
to be coordinated. We didn’t
realize that the date was the
same as the MLK anniversary
until the media reported
it. However, it’s a perfect fit.
Martin Luther King’s message
of focusing on the content of a
person’s character above all else
is one of the most important and
direct ways to restore honor. We
are honored to welcome MLK’s
niece Alveda King as a featured
speaker at the event to
discuss this important concept.
Restoring Honor - 8.28.10
You know what I hate about this whole thing. The people who spread the most hate, will be the ones there trying to "restore honor". Sorry, but I think this is a joke.
Obama is a joke and he is in D.C. all the time screwing the country up. Get over it Beck has more integrity and honesty than any liberal idiot politician in D.C.
IMO there are only two sets of people who support Beck's rally: The truly stupid and racists. Not much can be done about the truly stupid, but for racists the best practice is to call them out. Of course for truly stupid racists (for the two sets do intersect, somewhere in Texas I suspect) no solution exists - simply hope and pray no one in your family marry's one of them.
You are truly stupid thinking that the rally is about race. You buy into the stupidity most liberal retards do. Idiot.
He's had her on his show many times. Why on earth would he exclude her from the rally? Especially once he found out about the connection of the day?

:lol: You're nothing but a gullible sheep if you honestly believe he didn't know or somebody didn't tell him before setting this date.
Libs are gullible dipsticks for beleiving the lies obama told everybody so far......keep counting.
It's a matter of honor...

And a formally drug/alcohol addicted, emotionally unstable, partisan-hack, demagogue shall lead them.
At least Glenn Beck is honest enough to own up to his past, remember the last socialist in office? Clinton? Who wouldn't own up to smoking dope, and was the biggest crook in the white house , up to now.
Don't be thick; you've proven you smarter than the average RWer. Do you not understand the presence of an exception establishes that a general rule exists?
If you object to the superlative, simply accept my remarks as a bit (a tiny bit) of hyperbole and substitute (most, many, some) for all.

Hyperbole that is based on reality is fine. I use it all the time (and take a lot of grief because I do.) But hyperbole that is based on unsupportable prejudice or indefensible assumptions is not fine. And it should not be acceptable to any intelligent person.

So again, I am asking those who dislike, distrust, disrespect, and/or hate Glenn Beck to give me something to work with here. Why is he sufficient to discredit a rally intended to restore America's honor? What do you think will happen at this rally that justifies the truly hateful rhetoric being said about it?

I DISLIKE ALL (there goes that superlative again) opportunists whose actions have consequences which are likely to cause harm. I dislike people, generally, who use populists rhetoric for personal gain when the consequences of divisive rhetoric are likely to cause harm to others.
Yep, that makes me a bleeding heart liberal in the (small) minds of the contemporary conservative. Yet, my values were formed by the teaching of Catholic Nuns who used the words of Jesus (of course all of this occured before I realized the Catholic relgion, as are ALL [there he goes again] religions, are little more than self-serving quasi-political organizations.
I don't hate Beck, I simply believe he's a piece of shit. Shit defined as something I don't want in the punch bowl at a party I attend.
You are an idiot. I personally don't hate you...finish with your quote about the piece of...if you want. Idiot
Glenn Beck is the antithesis of Martin Luther King Jr.

King message was a to unite, Becks message is to divide.

--you know it took me about a year to start hating the 9-11 victims' families? Took me about a year. And I had such compassion for them, and I really wanted to help them, and I was behind, you know, "Let's give them money, let's get this started." All of this stuff. And I really didn't -- of the 3,000 victims' families, I don't hate all of them. Probably about 10 of them. And when I see a 9-11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, "Oh shut up!" I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining. And we did our best for them. And, again, it's only about 10.

But the second thought I had when I saw these people and they had to shut down the Astrodome and lock it down, I thought: I didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims. These guys -- you know it's really sad. We're not hearing anything about Mississippi. We're not hearing anything about Alabama. We're hearing about the victims in New Orleans. This is a 90,000-square-mile disaster site, New Orleans is 181 square miles. A hundred and -- 0.2 percent of the disaster area is New Orleans! And that's all we're hearing about, are the people in New Orleans. Those are the only ones we're seeing on television are the scumbags.

Glenn Beck, in his own words...
to celebrate it, one would have to think it isn't a load of bull. sorry honey. that isn't 'bitter partisanship', it is a reflection of the person who is doing this and the truly questionable motivation for it... not to mention the apparent dishonesty in him picking this place and this date.

i'm sorry... i'll leave now. :(

Me too. This has been discussed at length elsewhere, and this thread will present the same pretentions that it's a gathering of patriots of all dimensions and the same objections that it's anything but.
I don't think many people will understand it. it doesnt matter how non-political it is. The people who don't like Glenn are going to find excuses to dismiss this. It's a shame though. We live in a world where integrity and honesty are desperately needed.

Unfortunately, since integrity and honesty could actually start with Glenn Beck himself, the whole exercise is a sham.
I wonder if it is possible for somebody who is a self professed liberal to be able to discuss any concept on its own merit? I mean a concept like discussing restoring honor by restoring American virtue and values? So far everybody is focusing on the evils of Glenn Beck AND/OR disparaging Alveda King AND/OR disparaging Sarah Palin,

Admittedly, some of the conservatives, including myself, have waded into personality defense or bashing, so I am also guilty.

But why is nobody able to comment on the concept of the rally itself without respect to its date, location, or personalities involved? I would really like to discuss that.
Okay, for YEARS the King Speech on Civil Rights at Washington has been honored at various places around the country.

Now suddenly, neocon pundits and their various supporters/off shoot groups decide that there must be an "alternative" to these anniversary observances. Why? Well, here's one explanation from the most recognized and vocal spokesman for this:

Beck says his 8-28 rally will "reclaim the civil rights movement. ... We were the people that did it in the first place" | Media Matters for America

First off, who is this "we" that Beck is referring to? Someone needs to explain to the little fool that you can't insinuate that black leadership is exploiting racial tensions when you say "we" (I assume people who look like Beck) started it first. Secondly, only someone totally ignorant (or willfully ignorant) of American History would swallow the revisionist bilge that Beck spews.

Make no mistake, Beck is just " A Face In The Crowd" who is beyond counting he is beginning to enjoy his delusion of demi-god status among the neocon cabal/punditry.

The GOP needs this country divided and angry in order to get back into power (or so they think).....revitalizing the bitterness of bigots defeated by the Civil Rights movement by attacking the movement under King is part of that agenda.

It's really sad....but not unexpected.

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