It's a Matter of Honor - the 8/28 Rally at the Lincoln Memorial


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?

The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor
By Alveda King / August 26, 2010
New York

n front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.

Symbols of liberty
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true. . . .
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -
to celebrate it, one would have to think it isn't a load of bull. sorry honey. that isn't 'bitter partisanship', it is a reflection of the person who is doing this and the truly questionable motivation for it... not to mention the apparent dishonesty in him picking this place and this date.

i'm sorry... i'll leave now. :(
I don't think many people will understand it. it doesnt matter how non-political it is. The people who don't like Glenn are going to find excuses to dismiss this. It's a shame though. We live in a world where integrity and honesty are desperately needed.
I don't think many people will understand it. it doesnt matter how non-political it is. The people who don't like Glenn are going to find excuses to dismiss this. It's a shame though. We live in a world where integrity and honesty are desperately needed.

I agree with you. Question though, do you believe Beck has integrity and honesty?
I agree Avatar it is a shame.

I for one will be leaving for DC in a couple of hours, reservations been made, jet's fueled up just waiting on the grandkids to show up and I'm out of here!
to celebrate it, one would have to think it isn't a load of bull. sorry honey. that isn't 'bitter partisanship', it is a reflection of the person who is doing this and the truly questionable motivation for it... not to mention the apparent dishonesty in him picking this place and this date.

i'm sorry... i'll leave now. :(

Lots of rallies are held at the Lincoln Memorial. Why not pick it? Who died and appointed you - or anyone else - in charge of what rallies are held there? Is it that, because MLK just happened to speak there - that the 'left' (who have the utter arrogance to claim MLK) think it's 'their' spot? And as for the date - who knew? It's the 47th anniversary - not the 50th or any other landmark date. According to those who know, Beck didn't pick it deliberately - it just happened that way.... I assume you will doubt his honesty on that. Truthfully, no one other than Beck can prove that bit anyway.
You know what I hate about this whole thing. The people who spread the most hate, will be the ones there trying to "restore honor". Sorry, but I think this is a joke.
I don't think many people will understand it. it doesnt matter how non-political it is. The people who don't like Glenn are going to find excuses to dismiss this. It's a shame though. We live in a world where integrity and honesty are desperately needed.

I agree with you. Question though, do you believe Beck has integrity and honesty?

Much more than many people, yes. Is he perfect? no. But that's a human issue.
And as for the date - who knew? It's the 47th anniversary - not the 50th or any other landmark date. According to those who know, Beck didn't pick it deliberately - it just happened that way.... I assume you will doubt his honesty on that. Truthfully, no one other than Beck can prove that bit anyway.

:lol: If you believe that, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. It just so happens as well he's having King's niece on his show leading up to this event too.
You know what I hate about this whole thing. The people who spread the most hate, will be the ones there trying to "restore honor". Sorry, but I think this is a joke.

I highly doubt Rdean or Zona will be there.
IMO there are only two sets of people who support Beck's rally: The truly stupid and racists. Not much can be done about the truly stupid, but for racists the best practice is to call them out. Of course for truly stupid racists (for the two sets do intersect, somewhere in Texas I suspect) no solution exists - simply hope and pray no one in your family marry's one of them.
And as for the date - who knew? It's the 47th anniversary - not the 50th or any other landmark date. According to those who know, Beck didn't pick it deliberately - it just happened that way.... I assume you will doubt his honesty on that. Truthfully, no one other than Beck can prove that bit anyway.

:lol: If you believe that, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. It just so happens as well he's having King's niece on his show leading up to this event too.

He's had her on his show many times. Why on earth would he exclude her from the rally? Especially once he found out about the connection of the day?
IMO there are only two sets of people who support Beck's rally: The truly stupid and racists. Not much can be done about the truly stupid, but for racists the best practice is to call them out. Of course for truly stupid racists (for the two sets do intersect, somewhere in Texas I suspect) no solution exists - simply hope and pray no one in your family marry's one of them.

Cause only stupid racists believe that character matters and you should judge people by that rather than the content of their skin, right?
You know what I hate about this whole thing. The people who spread the most hate, will be the ones there trying to "restore honor". Sorry, but I think this is a joke.

Sorry, mo chara, but that is bull shit. However, I have absolutely no doubt that the MSM will certainly spin it that way.
Interesting that you apparently think Dr. Alveda King to be a racist Wry. Would you care to elaborate on how you came to that conclusion?

I don't know why the Left feel such hatred for Glenn Beck. I've spent some time listening to him and hearing what he is teaching, and he is probably the most non partisan commentator out there and he is no ideologue. The GOP fares no better under his scrutiny than do the Democrats. I can't pinpoint anything he is saying that should generate hatred from any American except perhaps those who hate America. So some explanation would be helpful there.

I invite everybody to hear Glenn's commentary on the gathering and why this should offend anybody? (I wish he had acknowledged, in addition to Sunday being the Sabbath for most Christians that Saturday is in fact the Sabbath for Jews and some Christians, but he was speaking extemporaneously and just wasn't thinking that way at the time.)

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck under attack about 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally[/ame]
IMO there are only two sets of people who support Beck's rally: The truly stupid and racists. Not much can be done about the truly stupid, but for racists the best practice is to call them out. Of course for truly stupid racists (for the two sets do intersect, somewhere in Texas I suspect) no solution exists - simply hope and pray no one in your family marry's one of them.

No broad brush here! :lol:
He's had her on his show many times. Why on earth would he exclude her from the rally? Especially once he found out about the connection of the day?

:lol: You're nothing but a gullible sheep if you honestly believe he didn't know or somebody didn't tell him before setting this date.
IMO there are only two sets of people who support Beck's rally: The truly stupid and racists. Not much can be done about the truly stupid, but for racists the best practice is to call them out. Of course for truly stupid racists (for the two sets do intersect, somewhere in Texas I suspect) no solution exists - simply hope and pray no one in your family marry's one of them.

Cause only stupid racists believe that character matters and you should judge people by that rather than the content of their skin, right?

Huh? "content of their skin"? :cuckoo:

(rarely do I use emoticons, this is a rare instance when one says it all)
He's had her on his show many times. Why on earth would he exclude her from the rally? Especially once he found out about the connection of the day?

:lol: You're nothing but a gullible sheep if you honestly believe he didn't know or somebody didn't tell him before setting this date.

And how did you deduce this brilliant conclusion? You don't like Beck, therefore he must be lying about it.

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