Italian Election Proves European Union is Doomed


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Italian Election Proves European Union is Doomed

February 26, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

The Italian election has shown once again that the European Union is unworkable. Germany might prefer that Italy be governed by unelected IMF technocrats like Mario Monti, but that way lies open tyranny.

Given a choice in democratic elections, the Greeks, the French and now the Italians, have voted for extremist and populist parties promising them that the debts will never have to come due. And that’s only human nature. The problem isn’t with the citizenry who have been told that they can have the good life without having to work hard for it. It’s with the entire structure of the European Union which promised paradise for all.


Italian Election Proves European Union is Doomed
American_Jihad; et al,

Yes, there is no easy way to a better society that doesn't involve "work."

The Italian election has shown once again that the European Union is unworkable. Germany might prefer that Italy be governed by unelected IMF technocrats like Mario Monti, but that way lies open tyranny.

Given a choice in democratic elections, the Greeks, the French and now the Italians, have voted for extremist and populist parties promising them that the debts will never have to come due. And that’s only human nature. The problem isn’t with the citizenry who have been told that they can have the good life without having to work hard for it. It’s with the entire structure of the European Union which promised paradise for all.

There is no free lunch, and the Europeans (French, Greek, Italian, German, or whatever) know better. They all have had it all too easy. They have to put their little gray cells to work.

Most Respectfully,
The greatest losers will be America and their free lunches have already bankrupted them .
As some people already have noted , Bernanke has himself successfully done the work that the Russians could never achieve in forty years of cold war .
America continues to spend through the continued printing of imaginary money every day of every week and the American people see not one dollar of it directly . That is really living the life of stupidity and final payment will be demanded very soon but will be unavailable .
Then the East formally takes over from the West .

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