Eurabia: A Continent in Flight


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Europe: A Continent in Flight

February 26, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Different parts of Europe, same story.

Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are “crossing the Channel to find safe haven in the U.K.” is skyrocketing. One sign of the trend: “St John’s Wood Synagogue in London has set up a separate French minyan, attended regularly by 120 people on Shabbat,” with new faces showing up every week. A February 21 piece in the Jewish Chronicle about the SPCJ report noted that while anti-Semitic “incidents” in Britain and France are roughly comparable in number, those in France “are far more likely to involve violence.” It also quoted Britain’s Chief Rabbi as warning that “the position of Jews in Europe today is very difficult….Jews in Europe have begun to ask, is there a place for us here?” Perhaps the most telling detail in the Jewish Chronicle article was this: while the SPCJ report “originally stated that in over three-quarters of the antisemitic incidents the perpetrators were reported as being of North African origin,” this fact was later deleted from the text.


All this fleeing, of course, is nothing new in Europe. Norwegians have been saying ta-ta to certain east Oslo neighborhoods for years. A couple of years ago the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article headlined “Christians and Jews are fleeing from Danish ghettos,” noting that in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, Jews and Christians were clearing out because they were being threatened with beatings, while in Muslim-heavy areas of Copenhagen, Jewish kids were being advised to apply to schools in other parts of town. The only surprise was the article’s appearance in the ordinarily PC Politiken – that, and the willingness of a political scientist at Aarhus University to finger Islam as “a major part of the problem.” Jews, he worried, might well start emigrating from Denmark. A young Jewish man told Politiken that on several occasions Muslim neighbors in Vollsmose had offered him the explicit choice: leave town or get beaten up. He left.

The situation in Denmark has only gotten more and more rotten. Yesterday, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran an article headlined “Why you can’t be a Jew in Copenhagen,” in which Martin Henriksen, immigration and integration spokesman for the Danish People’s Party, bluntly noted that owing to Muslim anti-Semitism, schools in Copenhagen “encourage Jewish parents to find other pastures” for their children. “We haven’t witnessed anything like this since the Occupation,” he wrote.


Whatever the specific details of the story, the narrative’s main point is clear – as is its larger import. The story of that boy and his dog, simply put, is the story of today’s Europe in miniature – the story of a continent whose natives are increasingly being tormented by Koran-wielding tyrants, and increasingly in flight.

Europe: A Continent in Flight

Here's the thing: you see these little pockets of controversy. Up to 1 1/2 years ago I was living in Europe. I lived there for 4 years. I continue to visit it often and spent all of last summer there. What you see in these news bites is not the reality of everyday life. Europe isn't being over run or over taken by militant Islamists or by anti-Semites. To try to put it into perspective: it's like the Tea Party. They may have gotten a lot of media coverage during the election, but, overall, they are not a huge movement and are not having any major effect on the country, the culture, or the government. Most people probably never see them except for on TV. Most people just go about their daily lives as they always have. In Europe, most minorities, one of them being Muslims, are integrating into the culture, as all new immigrants do and always have, with some problems, with some controversy, but, in general, just becoming part of the population of the country. One thing I really despise is tunnel vision.
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Here's the thing: you see these little pockets of controversy. Up to 1 1/2 years ago I was living in Europe. I lived there for 4 years. I continue to visit if often and spent all of last summer there. What you see in these news bites is not the reality of everyday life. Europe isn't being over run or over taken by militant Islamists or by anti-Semites. To try to put it into perspective: it's like the Tea Party. They may have gotten a lot of media coverage during the election, but, overall, they are not a huge movement and are not having any major effect on the country, the culture, or the government. Most people probably never see them except for on TV. Most people just go about their daily lives as they always have. In Europe, most minorities, one of them being Muslims, are integrating into the culture, as all new immigrants do and always have, with some problems, with some controversy, but, in general, just becoming part of the population of the country. One thing I really despise is tunnel vision.

Some immigrants to the UK make a genuine effort to assimilate themselves and their culture into that of the host nation's. The Poles, for instance, are an almost perfect example of that. OK, they have their little "Polski Shleps", but they work hard, chide each other for not speaking English amongst each other when in the company of their hosts, pay taxes and immerse themselves in the culture.

Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain.
"Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain."

NO, Swagger: only *some* Muslims do that - because they're ignorant and intolerant, just like some of any group. Only when that group is over 1 billion people, even a small percentage seems like a huge number.

But chin up, ol' chap! All the nasty folks who are Muslim and behaving poorly do agree with you about abusing people just because they're Jews. So they aren't all that different from you after all : ))
"Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain."

NO, Swagger: only *some* Muslims do that - because they're ignorant and intolerant, just like some of any group. Only when that group is over 1 billion people, even a small percentage seems like a huge number.

But chin up, ol' chap! All the nasty folks who are Muslim and behaving poorly do agree with you about abusing people just because they're Jews. So they aren't all that different from you after all : ))

Indeed. Much like those ignorant and utterly intolerant Jews who are occupying the West Bank in direct contravention of international law, and thus exacerbating the friction between Israel and the Muslim world.
  • Thanks
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Here's the thing: you see these little pockets of controversy. Up to 1 1/2 years ago I was living in Europe. I lived there for 4 years. I continue to visit if often and spent all of last summer there. What you see in these news bites is not the reality of everyday life. Europe isn't being over run or over taken by militant Islamists or by anti-Semites. To try to put it into perspective: it's like the Tea Party. They may have gotten a lot of media coverage during the election, but, overall, they are not a huge movement and are not having any major effect on the country, the culture, or the government. Most people probably never see them except for on TV. Most people just go about their daily lives as they always have. In Europe, most minorities, one of them being Muslims, are integrating into the culture, as all new immigrants do and always have, with some problems, with some controversy, but, in general, just becoming part of the population of the country. One thing I really despise is tunnel vision.

Some immigrants to the UK make a genuine effort to assimilate themselves and their culture into that of the host nation's. The Poles, for instance, are an almost perfect example of that. OK, they have their little "Polski Shleps", but they work hard, chide each other for not speaking English amongst each other when in the company of their hosts, pay taxes and immerse themselves in the culture.

Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain.

London will soon have a Muslim majority and will create a major voting bloc. With the voting bloc they allie (at least temporarily) with liberals and undermine England greater. They will push more liberal immigration policies, push amnesty and push for higher taxes on the native population so they Natives will stop having children. Lastly they will pop out kids like rabbits and over-use the generous welfare state!
Here's the thing: you see these little pockets of controversy. Up to 1 1/2 years ago I was living in Europe. I lived there for 4 years. I continue to visit if often and spent all of last summer there. What you see in these news bites is not the reality of everyday life. Europe isn't being over run or over taken by militant Islamists or by anti-Semites. To try to put it into perspective: it's like the Tea Party. They may have gotten a lot of media coverage during the election, but, overall, they are not a huge movement and are not having any major effect on the country, the culture, or the government. Most people probably never see them except for on TV. Most people just go about their daily lives as they always have. In Europe, most minorities, one of them being Muslims, are integrating into the culture, as all new immigrants do and always have, with some problems, with some controversy, but, in general, just becoming part of the population of the country. One thing I really despise is tunnel vision.

Some immigrants to the UK make a genuine effort to assimilate themselves and their culture into that of the host nation's. The Poles, for instance, are an almost perfect example of that. OK, they have their little "Polski Shleps", but they work hard, chide each other for not speaking English amongst each other when in the company of their hosts, pay taxes and immerse themselves in the culture.

Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain.

Muslims have been immigrating to the UK for generations, becoming part of the populace. It is only in more recent times, because the immigration numbers are higher than before, there are more problems. People have been 'immigrating' all over the world since the beginning of mankind. Do not forget that the US is a continent of immigrants, people who have settled within a few hundred years. The other 'immigrant's were there for thousands of years and their cultures were destroyed by the newer immigrants. The movement of people across the globe has always gone on and will continue to do so. Life on Earth is not stagnant; everything changes. Change is often painful and difficult.
Here's the thing: you see these little pockets of controversy. Up to 1 1/2 years ago I was living in Europe. I lived there for 4 years. I continue to visit if often and spent all of last summer there. What you see in these news bites is not the reality of everyday life. Europe isn't being over run or over taken by militant Islamists or by anti-Semites. To try to put it into perspective: it's like the Tea Party. They may have gotten a lot of media coverage during the election, but, overall, they are not a huge movement and are not having any major effect on the country, the culture, or the government. Most people probably never see them except for on TV. Most people just go about their daily lives as they always have. In Europe, most minorities, one of them being Muslims, are integrating into the culture, as all new immigrants do and always have, with some problems, with some controversy, but, in general, just becoming part of the population of the country. One thing I really despise is tunnel vision.

Some immigrants to the UK make a genuine effort to assimilate themselves and their culture into that of the host nation's. The Poles, for instance, are an almost perfect example of that. OK, they have their little "Polski Shleps", but they work hard, chide each other for not speaking English amongst each other when in the company of their hosts, pay taxes and immerse themselves in the culture.

Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain.

London will soon have a Muslim majority and will create a major voting bloc. With the voting bloc they allie (at least temporarily) with liberals and undermine England greater. They will push more liberal immigration policies, push amnesty and push for higher taxes on the native population so they Natives will stop having children. Lastly they will pop out kids like rabbits and over-use the generous welfare state!

Probably a lot sooner than anticipated. Studies of the last two census surveys reveal that 600,000 white people have abandoned London in the last ten years. I know I dump on you Jews now and again, but you people certainly aren't guilty of turning everything you touch to shit almost overnight. Muslims, however...

Let's talk about the exodus of 600,000 whites from London - Telegraph

I'm astonished that they didn't disable the comments option on the article I've linked. Perhaps it's getting so bad that even the news editors no longer feel welcome on the streets they walk home on.
Here's the thing: you see these little pockets of controversy. Up to 1 1/2 years ago I was living in Europe. I lived there for 4 years. I continue to visit if often and spent all of last summer there. What you see in these news bites is not the reality of everyday life. Europe isn't being over run or over taken by militant Islamists or by anti-Semites. To try to put it into perspective: it's like the Tea Party. They may have gotten a lot of media coverage during the election, but, overall, they are not a huge movement and are not having any major effect on the country, the culture, or the government. Most people probably never see them except for on TV. Most people just go about their daily lives as they always have. In Europe, most minorities, one of them being Muslims, are integrating into the culture, as all new immigrants do and always have, with some problems, with some controversy, but, in general, just becoming part of the population of the country. One thing I really despise is tunnel vision.

Some immigrants to the UK make a genuine effort to assimilate themselves and their culture into that of the host nation's. The Poles, for instance, are an almost perfect example of that. OK, they have their little "Polski Shleps", but they work hard, chide each other for not speaking English amongst each other when in the company of their hosts, pay taxes and immerse themselves in the culture.

Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain.

Muslims have been immigrating to the UK for generations, becoming part of the populace. It is only in more recent times, because the immigration numbers are higher than before, there are more problems. People have been 'immigrating' all over the world since the beginning of mankind. Do not forget that the US is a continent of immigrants, people who have settled within a few hundred years. The other 'immigrant's were there for thousands of years and their cultures were destroyed by the newer immigrants. The movement of people across the globe has always gone on and will continue to do so. Life on Earth is not stagnant; everything changes. Change is often painful and difficult.

To be perfectly honest, I think that the main underlying bone of contention anyone's jumped upon for talking about in public is that Europe is the white man and woman's ancestral homeland. That probably explains why the increased rate of Muslim immigration has attracted so much interest from outside of Europe. Europeans living on other continents are concerned about the fate of their ancestral homeland. I think that's why the concept that multiculturalism hasn't worked carries more weight than in immigrant countries like America and elsewhere (territories that were forcefully appropriated by white Europeans), in that it's the territory that belongs to those who dominate the world's geo-political landscape. Though it is very true - and I tend to agree - that what goes around, comes around. But, on the flip side of that, people in Europe are just as entitled to defend their land(s) with force like those who were conquered and pacified by white people did.
Of course that isn't so: the Caucasus Mts. are the 'ancestral lands' of 'white folks'......but let's not spoil a good tirade with any facts.
Dreamtime amongst the racists! Fascinating:

Come ye all and hoot and honk. Nutters all, nutters all.
Since you can no longer bonk, how you bawl!
Into total disarray
Since you're in the bosses' pay
And the nuthouse anyway,
You all fall, you all fall.

Europe: A Continent in Flight

February 26, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Different parts of Europe, same story.

Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are “crossing the Channel to find safe haven in the U.K.” is skyrocketing. One sign of the trend: “St John’s Wood Synagogue in London has set up a separate French minyan, attended regularly by 120 people on Shabbat,” with new faces showing up every week. A February 21 piece in the Jewish Chronicle about the SPCJ report noted that while anti-Semitic “incidents” in Britain and France are roughly comparable in number, those in France “are far more likely to involve violence.” It also quoted Britain’s Chief Rabbi as warning that “the position of Jews in Europe today is very difficult….Jews in Europe have begun to ask, is there a place for us here?” Perhaps the most telling detail in the Jewish Chronicle article was this: while the SPCJ report “originally stated that in over three-quarters of the antisemitic incidents the perpetrators were reported as being of North African origin,” this fact was later deleted from the text.


All this fleeing, of course, is nothing new in Europe. Norwegians have been saying ta-ta to certain east Oslo neighborhoods for years. A couple of years ago the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article headlined “Christians and Jews are fleeing from Danish ghettos,” noting that in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, Jews and Christians were clearing out because they were being threatened with beatings, while in Muslim-heavy areas of Copenhagen, Jewish kids were being advised to apply to schools in other parts of town. The only surprise was the article’s appearance in the ordinarily PC Politiken – that, and the willingness of a political scientist at Aarhus University to finger Islam as “a major part of the problem.” Jews, he worried, might well start emigrating from Denmark. A young Jewish man told Politiken that on several occasions Muslim neighbors in Vollsmose had offered him the explicit choice: leave town or get beaten up. He left.

The situation in Denmark has only gotten more and more rotten. Yesterday, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran an article headlined “Why you can’t be a Jew in Copenhagen,” in which Martin Henriksen, immigration and integration spokesman for the Danish People’s Party, bluntly noted that owing to Muslim anti-Semitism, schools in Copenhagen “encourage Jewish parents to find other pastures” for their children. “We haven’t witnessed anything like this since the Occupation,” he wrote.


Whatever the specific details of the story, the narrative’s main point is clear – as is its larger import. The story of that boy and his dog, simply put, is the story of today’s Europe in miniature – the story of a continent whose natives are increasingly being tormented by Koran-wielding tyrants, and increasingly in flight.

Europe: A Continent in Flight



which one, or both are photoshopped?


the same script turns up yet again
Some immigrants to the UK make a genuine effort to assimilate themselves and their culture into that of the host nation's. The Poles, for instance, are an almost perfect example of that. OK, they have their little "Polski Shleps", but they work hard, chide each other for not speaking English amongst each other when in the company of their hosts, pay taxes and immerse themselves in the culture.

Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain.

London will soon have a Muslim majority and will create a major voting bloc. With the voting bloc they allie (at least temporarily) with liberals and undermine England greater. They will push more liberal immigration policies, push amnesty and push for higher taxes on the native population so they Natives will stop having children. Lastly they will pop out kids like rabbits and over-use the generous welfare state!

Probably a lot sooner than anticipated. Studies of the last two census surveys reveal that 600,000 white people have abandoned London in the last ten years. I know I dump on you Jews now and again, but you people certainly aren't guilty of turning everything you touch to shit almost overnight. Muslims, however...

Let's talk about the exodus of 600,000 whites from London - Telegraph

I'm astonished that they didn't disable the comments option on the article I've linked. Perhaps it's getting so bad that even the news editors no longer feel welcome on the streets they walk home on.

I'm curious about the immigration laws within the UK and commonwealth countries.

What allows Muslims to immigrate so easily?

I'm certain if the USA had a body of water like the English Channel to cross from Mexico instead of a shallow creek, then the illigal immigrant issue here would be much less significant.
London will soon have a Muslim majority and will create a major voting bloc. With the voting bloc they allie (at least temporarily) with liberals and undermine England greater. They will push more liberal immigration policies, push amnesty and push for higher taxes on the native population so they Natives will stop having children. Lastly they will pop out kids like rabbits and over-use the generous welfare state!

Probably a lot sooner than anticipated. Studies of the last two census surveys reveal that 600,000 white people have abandoned London in the last ten years. I know I dump on you Jews now and again, but you people certainly aren't guilty of turning everything you touch to shit almost overnight. Muslims, however...

Let's talk about the exodus of 600,000 whites from London - Telegraph

I'm astonished that they didn't disable the comments option on the article I've linked. Perhaps it's getting so bad that even the news editors no longer feel welcome on the streets they walk home on.

I'm curious about the immigration laws within the UK and commonwealth countries.

What allows Muslims to immigrate so easily?

I'm certain if the USA had a body of water like the English Channel to cross from Mexico instead of a shallow creek, then the illigal immigrant issue here would be much less significant.

And here we arrive at the most pressing question: "What allows Muslims to immigrate so easily?" Well done, Samson.

To be quite honest, I'm not entirely sure. But I think a more pertinent alteration to your question is who allows (or turns a blind eye) to their passage to Europe and the UK.

I've drawn my own conclusions on this. My firm conviction is that the E.U. is deliberately allowing the free passage of people across historically defined borders to dilute nationalism out of existence. They want a federalistic European superstate. But to achieve that end they must remove nationalistic loyalty among the groups of people that live under their increasingly authoritarian rule. They want to divide and conquer. And what better way to divide and conquer than encourage the presence of a religion and its followers among a set of societies that are the antithesis of the invading culture/religion?

Like you said, there's a body of water between Britain and the continent. A natural obstacle that would be exploited by any sane leader seeking to prevent the invasion of the land they hold power over. The E.U. has circumvented that rather neatly. Brussels conned its way into the legislative power of member states whose people may resent and rise-up against any foreign and societal intrusion upon their land. They tied individual countries' hands by making them legally accountable to E.U. statutes that on paper seemed rather innocent, but were enacted for altogether more sinister ends. And their tentacles are firmly wrapped around the throats of our so-called leaders. Any hint of dissent is trampled on by referring dissenters' attention to what is sacrosanct in the West: the contract. Treaties/contracts are how Brussels have consolidated its power. And they rely on the process of law - and its consequences - to intimidate and stagnate any objection. Even though that legal process is defending an altogether more sinister crime: genocide.

Europe: A Continent in Flight

February 26, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Different parts of Europe, same story.

Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are “crossing the Channel to find safe haven in the U.K.” is skyrocketing. One sign of the trend: “St John’s Wood Synagogue in London has set up a separate French minyan, attended regularly by 120 people on Shabbat,” with new faces showing up every week. A February 21 piece in the Jewish Chronicle about the SPCJ report noted that while anti-Semitic “incidents” in Britain and France are roughly comparable in number, those in France “are far more likely to involve violence.” It also quoted Britain’s Chief Rabbi as warning that “the position of Jews in Europe today is very difficult….Jews in Europe have begun to ask, is there a place for us here?” Perhaps the most telling detail in the Jewish Chronicle article was this: while the SPCJ report “originally stated that in over three-quarters of the antisemitic incidents the perpetrators were reported as being of North African origin,” this fact was later deleted from the text.


All this fleeing, of course, is nothing new in Europe. Norwegians have been saying ta-ta to certain east Oslo neighborhoods for years. A couple of years ago the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article headlined “Christians and Jews are fleeing from Danish ghettos,” noting that in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, Jews and Christians were clearing out because they were being threatened with beatings, while in Muslim-heavy areas of Copenhagen, Jewish kids were being advised to apply to schools in other parts of town. The only surprise was the article’s appearance in the ordinarily PC Politiken – that, and the willingness of a political scientist at Aarhus University to finger Islam as “a major part of the problem.” Jews, he worried, might well start emigrating from Denmark. A young Jewish man told Politiken that on several occasions Muslim neighbors in Vollsmose had offered him the explicit choice: leave town or get beaten up. He left.

The situation in Denmark has only gotten more and more rotten. Yesterday, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran an article headlined “Why you can’t be a Jew in Copenhagen,” in which Martin Henriksen, immigration and integration spokesman for the Danish People’s Party, bluntly noted that owing to Muslim anti-Semitism, schools in Copenhagen “encourage Jewish parents to find other pastures” for their children. “We haven’t witnessed anything like this since the Occupation,” he wrote.


Whatever the specific details of the story, the narrative’s main point is clear – as is its larger import. The story of that boy and his dog, simply put, is the story of today’s Europe in miniature – the story of a continent whose natives are increasingly being tormented by Koran-wielding tyrants, and increasingly in flight.

Europe: A Continent in Flight



which one, or both are photoshopped?


the same script turns up yet again

Everyone knows about you...:eek:


Holy shit, now you have to change yo avatar...:eusa_angel:
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The comments about the UK are most illuminating .
I suggest you come here and find out first hand why we boast the most successful centre for multiculturism in the developed world . And by a long way , when you compare with the larger economies.
Some of the previous posts are unwittingly very racist as Britain has never been the repository of or for a Fatherland , let alone one for white males . I lose count of the number of races who have visited these islands and become part of our genetic make up .
Like in America , the old fashioned white supremacist is soon to be something of the past .
Basically because their fertility rate has declined so significantly .
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Dutch TV: Muslim kids praising Hitler, hoping for new Holocaust


Europe?s Muslim Hiterlites


Imagine, just like that, in almost no time at all, the uber civilized continent of Europe was turned into a massive murder machine. Just. like. that.

The Muslim world partnered with the Nazis. History repeats. Now this brutal savagery comes packaged in a "religion," so you have to respect it.

Dutch TV: Muslim kids praising Hitler, hoping for new Holocaust - Atlas Shrugs


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