It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before Voter ID Law Enforcement Became Voting Quizzes

See? Nothing is never enough....but they really care about voter fraud not about preventing people from voting :doubt:

I could understand the concern if only Democrats were asked these questions, but if everyone is subject to the same questioning how is voter fraud?

See the difference between me and you is that this is unfair and the persons politics do not play a part in my decision unlike you. This is a poll tax and if it is being applied to everyone it needs to stop. If its applied to only repubs it needs to stop.

Has anyone NOT been allowed to vote because of these questions? Has anyone NOT been allowed to vote because they had no ID?

You idiots seem to think that minorities are too stupid and/or too lazy to A) get an ID and B) to answer basic questions. Why is that?

You dont care about the answers, you'll find more and more questions to ask as if any of it will change your mind lol.

Yeah, thats what they used to say when they wanted minorities to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. "Just some basic questions"....wrong answer, cant vote bye.

No one falling for your bullshit appeal to emotions fallacy :lol:

Voting is all about the persons politics. A question is a poll tax? That's just retarded!

I know the answers and you are too much of coward to answer them honestly.

You idiots are 100 times more guilty of voter fraud than conservatives and this is nothing even close to voter fraud. But this does hamper the Democrats chances to vote two, three, four twelve times, and to cast votes for dead people so it's quite understandable why you would be against any question about being who you say you are.

The bottom line is, this threatens the democrats chances to cheat and that' s why you oppose it.
facts mean nothing to you

science means nothing to you

you believe whatever the right tells you to believe

Fact: Without the Republicans leading the way there would have been no 13th, 14th and 15th amendments.

Take this little test and see how well you do.

History Test

Post your results if you're not a coward.

Then why do you now hate black people and seek to keep them from voting?

what happened
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

How about we use the same requirements for voting that we use to qualify for social security or food stamps, how about welfare? Answer thiz. Do you think people inegible to vote will vote if they don't have to show some type of I.D? Do you think people that ignore our immigration laws obey our voting laws?
facts mean nothing to you

science means nothing to you

you believe whatever the right tells you to believe

Fact: Without the Republicans leading the way there would have been no 13th, 14th and 15th amendments.

Take this little test and see how well you do.

History Test

Post your results if you're not a coward.

Then why do you now hate black people and seek to keep them from voting?

what happened

Why do you think blacks are too stupid and/or lazy to get an ID?

I happen to give them more credit than that. I happen to think they are more than capable in obtaining an ID card.
every study done has shown there is no practical need for these voting IDs

why do facts mean nothing to you?
why do you think they are so dishonest they must be forced to use IDs to vote?

Wow, your true colors are showing.

Why do you think voter ID cards are aimed at minorities? Every person that's eligible to vote will need one regardless of race, creed, color, gender or station in life.

Having a voter ID card has nothing to do with honesty and everything to do with maintaining the integrity of the voting process.
why are you pretending they are needed at all liar?

Well since you didn't follow the link showing the recent voter fraud cases committed by Democrats then I can understand why you would ask such a stupid question.

What exactly have I lied about? Please link to my supposed lie.
Black people have been targeted throughout this countries history by assholes who dont want them to vote.

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?

It would require a Constitutional Amendment, but I do believe that EVERYONE should have to pass a 50 question, multiple choice exam about basic civics, the offices/questions being voted on, and the candidates for those offices in order to be allowed to vote. A minimum passing grade would be 75%. Those who do not pass for three consecutive election cycles or who choose not to take the test (and therefore not vote) for three consecutive cycles would lose their voter registration.
Black people have been targeted throughout this countries history by assholes who dont want them to vote.


Them assholes are called Democrats.

Remember it was the Republican party that fought for and won the right for blacks to vote in the first place.

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