Zone1 It is necessary to undergo many hardships in order to enter Heaven


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Acts 14:22

I believe it was St Paul who said that? He had egregious "hardships," to be sure.

Some common hardships we Americans in particular face:

adhering to Christ in a very anti-Christ world (blue states worse than red but all of them can be described this way)

resisting the temptation to go along to get along, which I guess is saying the same thing.

But here's something I have not heard a Christain talk about. Christians may experience this (following) but they do NOT talk about it... I guess they think it makes either them or God or both look bad?

St John of the Cross called it "the dark night of the soul" and other saints have mentioned this, how a person on his/her way to Heaven will experience doubts and difficulties galore, that there will come even a time when they wonder if God exists.. if the Word really is from God and etc....

dark night.. is a good term for it.
Acts 14:22

I believe it was St Paul who said that? He had egregious "hardships," to be sure.

Some common hardships we Americans in particular face:

adhering to Christ in a very anti-Christ world (blue states worse than red but all of them can be described this way)

resisting the temptation to go along to get along, which I guess is saying the same thing.

But here's something I have not heard a Christain talk about. Christians may experience this (following) but they do NOT talk about it... I guess they think it makes either them or God or both look bad?

St John of the Cross called it "the dark night of the soul" and other saints have mentioned this, how a person on his/her way to Heaven will experience doubts and difficulties galore, that there will come even a time when they wonder if God exists.. if the Word really is from God and etc....

dark night.. is a good term for it.
"No more turning the other cheek"- ShockedCanadian
All Liberals go to Heaven
Depends. If they will bow their knees and confess Jesus is the Christ at Judgment Day, they will make it to at least the Telestial Kingdom of Heaven (glory of the stars in First Corinthians chapter 15). However, if they deny the Holy Ghost this knowledge then they will end up resurrected to a body of no glory and remain in Perdition with Lucifer (Satan) and all his devil angels forever.
"No more turning the other cheek"- ShockedCanadian
well, you likely do not fully understand that concept. Again, the bible was never meant to be taken out of the context of


(the real one, established by Christ Himself, which is the [true] Catholic Church. Don't agree? Show me another church that goes back to the beginning of Christ and the 12)
Depends. If they will bow their knees and confess Jesus is the Christ at Judgment Day, they will make it to at least the Telestial Kingdom of Heaven (glory of the stars in First Corinthians chapter 15). However, if they deny the Holy Ghost this knowledge then they will end up resurrected to a body of no glory and remain in Perdition with Lucifer (Satan) and all his devil angels forever.
no one is guaranteed Heaven even if they do as you say here.

some are not willing to "undergo many hardships" for Heaven. So they choose the world.. and keep choosing it until they end up losing both this world and Heaven.
If you look at a Crucifix --and you should every day, sometimes mutliple times per day-- you will see yourself there (or in time you likely will)

Every time we suffer, we can think of Jesus on the Cross and HIs sufferings, and that helps us deal w/ our own

"Pick up your cross and carry it" Jesus said...
Depends. If they will bow their knees and confess Jesus is the Christ at Judgment Day, they will make it to at least the Telestial Kingdom of Heaven (glory of the stars in First Corinthians chapter 15). However, if they deny the Holy Ghost this knowledge then they will end up resurrected to a body of no glory and remain in Perdition with Lucifer (Satan) and all his devil angels forever.
Jesus was a Liberal
All Liberals go to Heaven
no one is guaranteed Heaven even if they do as you say here.

some are not willing to "undergo many hardships" for Heaven. So they choose the world.. and keep choosing it until they end up losing both this world and Heaven.
Not so. Heaven isn't just one place where all are the same in understanding and accepting Christ while in this world. But, anyone who does not deny the Holy Ghost will enter into one of the "mansions" in heaven as laid out in First Corinthians chapter 15.
Not so. Heaven isn't just one place where all are the same in understanding and accepting Christ while in this world. But, anyone who does not deny the Holy Ghost will enter into one of the "mansions" in heaven as laid out in First Corinthians chapter 15.

you are in a cult

no wonder you don't understand what I say.

But not to worry... a lot of people don't..

Then again, Jesus said that a lot of people will end up in Hell
you are in a cult

no wonder you don't understand what I say.

But not to worry... a lot of people don't..

Then again, Jesus said that a lot of people will end up in Hell
Jesus never said that. You are making stuff up. Your own doctrine. You are a cult. All I wrote comes from the Bible. First Corinthians chapter 15 and others. Now you can tear those pages out of your Bible and say, "Not in my Bible!" Fool!
Jesus never said that. You are making stuff up.

never said WHAT?

That most people end up in Hell?

Well, you may want to read Mt 7:14... Luke 13:24 and other psgs

And you show how un-Christian you yourself are by calling a fellow follower of Christ a fool, something Jesus definitely said NOT to do.

Oh, I deserved your hatred because I told the truth, that you are in a cult? And it must be the truth if only because you couldn't stand to hear it...

I think Ignore is looking apropos
never said WHAT?

That most people end up in Hell?

Well, you may want to read Mt 7:14... Luke 13:24 and other psgs

And you show how un-Christian you yourself are by calling a fellow follower of Christ a fool, something Jesus definitely said NOT to do.

Oh, I deserved your hatred because I told the truth, that you are in a cult? And it must be the truth if only because you couldn't stand to hear it...

I think Ignore is looking apropos
Neither scripture says the outcome is hell. And define the "Straight Gate?" There are three mansions in heaven mentioned in the Bible. Sun, moon and starts. Celestial glory mansion, Terrestrial glory mansion and Telestial glory mansion. The Straight Gait is for exaltation life. Salvation life only is in the other two mansions, Terrestrial and Telestial. That's where most will be. The good people eventually accept the full gospel and not so good people who don't accept the full gospel but also confess Jesus is the Christ at the judgment seat.
Jesus said not to warn their neighbors when they were being foolish, stupid and making mistakes? Are you sure? I believe he did quite often. Why would you tell people that they have a 95% chance ending up in hell? Foolish. Sounds more like Jehovah Witness blabber.
Neither scripture says the outcome is hell. And define the "Straight Gate?" There are three mansions in heaven mentioned in the Bible. Sun, moon and starts.

OMG... couldn't get beyond the first sentence without all this human-made-up nonsense...
Check First Corinthians chapter 15. Nothing is made up.
The Catholic Church is the only one traceable to the 1st century.

If that doesn't mean anything to a person... I fear for that person's soul
The Catholic Church is the only one traceable to the 1st century.

If that doesn't mean anything to a person... I fear for that person's soul
It’s not traceable to Jesus Christ nor His apostles. The bishops eventually went into full apostasy and lost all authority to do Christ’s ordinances. So, when they got together to form the new Roman Catholic Church, they did so with no authority to do so. Other Churches from that time also were in apostasy as well. Any church that comes out from an apostate church did so without authority too and are therefore false too. Oh, they teach of Christ which is good. But has no authority to baptize.
The only way then for there be a Church with Christ’s authority and overseeing is by a restoration directly by Jesus Christ. However, as Amos 3:7 says, God only speaks to a servant known as a Prophet. The Catholic Church and all splinters have no Prophets.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (SLC) is the only Church that began with Christ revealing himself to a man and called that man to be his Prophet to restore His Church with His authority. All other churches that splintered from this Church are apostate churches. Joseph Smith was called to be the man to restore all Priesthood authority through. He was called in 1820 and restored the church in 1830.
It’s not traceable to Jesus Christ nor His apostles. The bishops eventually went into full apostasy and lost all authority to do Christ’s ordinances. So, when they got together to form the new Roman Catholic Church, they did so with no authority to do so. Other Churches from that time also were in apostasy as well. Any church that comes out from an apostate church did so without authority too and are therefore false too. Oh, they teach of Christ which is good. But has no authority to baptize.
The only way then for there be a Church with Christ’s authority and overseeing is by a restoration directly by Jesus Christ. However, as Amos 3:7 says, God only speaks to a servant known as a Prophet. The Catholic Church and all splinters have no Prophets.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (SLC) is the only Church that began with Christ revealing himself to a man and called that man to be his Prophet to restore His Church with His authority. All other churches that splintered from this Church are apostate churches. Joseph Smith was called to be the man to restore all Priesthood authority through. He was called in 1820 and restored the church in 1830.
maybe someone else will read this

I am not going to. I know the Truth. The Catholic Church has it's bad history, but so does any organization run by humans.

Jesus said He would never leave His Church. Well, one needs to find out where HIS Church is.

I have.
maybe someone else will read this

I am not going to. I know the Truth. The Catholic Church has it's bad history, but so does any organization run by humans.

Jesus said He would never leave His Church. Well, one needs to find out where HIS Church is.

I have.
We also make covenants with Jesus and he will never break a covenant with us. But, that doesn't mean the covenant can't be broken. If we leave or break a covenant, the Lord has no obligation to continue in the covenant. It's broken, gone, Kaput! The Church left Him, Kaput! Thus, after centuries, he tried again when the people and situation allowed for Him to restore His church in liberty and freedom. Why in liberty and freedom? Because there are some laws, covenants, commandments and ordinances that in a closed, communist, fascist world that could not be ushered in without liberty and freedom of religion. The U.S. was prepared for this and the Constitution inspired of God so Christ could restore His Church.

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