It changes you when you kill someone

My mother committed suicide and I have always felt guilty about it.

Her doctor was overdosing her on sedatives, turning her into a mindless zombie that shuffled around.

I called her doctor and asked him to take her off the medication. Actually, I was so upset I yelled at the doctor and demanded he take her off the medication.

So the doctor took her off the medication.

A few days later my mother disappeared. She was found in her car in the parking lot of her university, overdosed on her pills.

My brother, who's never been very diplomatic, told me my mother's death was my fault because I yelled at the doctor.

I have often imagined my mother burning in hell for her suicide, and though I know she was not in her right mind, these visions have plagued me.

I have lit many candles in church for my mother's soul and I have prayed very hard that she be allowed into heaven.

So, that's my experience with taking another human life. I did not kill her directly, but had I not called that doctor, my mother might still be alive today.
I don't know how any of what happened to your mom can be your fault. One way or another, the pills never left her picture even after you and the doctor stepped in and said "No more!" to her.

God bless you and your brother always!!!

I have known many women that got abortions. My secretary used abortion as her method of birth conttol. My honest answer is that the feeling these women had was an overwhelming sense of relief. Out of all the women I knew that had abortions i can't say one regretted it. My unfortunate secretary had so many that she was told she ran the risk of never being able to have children at all so her next one night stand gave her a daughter.

I'm pro life just telling you like it is.
I have known many women that got abortions. My secretary used abortion as her method of birth conttol. My honest answer is that the feeling these women had was an overwhelming sense of relief. Out of all the women I knew that had abortions i can't say one regretted it. My unfortunate secretary had so many that she was told she ran the risk of never being able to have children at all so her next one night stand gave her a daughter.

I'm pro life just telling you like it is.
Certainly not all participants regret abortions.

I met many that do.
I would ask a pro abortions rights person...Man or woman.

Do you have children?

If so when did you start loving them?

If not, have you ever asked your mother and father when they started loving you?
Obama authorized PTSD pensions for Service members who never saw a day in combat but apparently thought about it enough to cause mental problems. PTSD has been studied to death but never in connection with abortion not to mention people who work in the abortion industry. Imagine a woman looking down while technicians rotate the baby in the womb and stab it in the back of the head as it kicks while a frankenstein machine sucks out the brain until it looks like a cabbage patch doll. It gives me the chills just thinking about it.
I don't think anyone's qualified to say a woman he knows never regretted an abortion.
I have known many women that got abortions. My secretary used abortion as her method of birth conttol. My honest answer is that the feeling these women had was an overwhelming sense of relief. Out of all the women I knew that had abortions i can't say one regretted it. My unfortunate secretary had so many that she was told she ran the risk of never being able to have children at all so her next one night stand gave her a daughter.

I'm pro life just telling you like it is.

This may be a result of the deliberate campaign to disguise the procedure itself and to refer to an unborn child as a "fetus" or some other nonhuman term. In the case of your secretary, it sounds like she suffers from some sort of self-hatred. I feel sorry for her and her daughter.

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