Israeli Jewess steals artifacts from Auschwitz-Birkenau

your statement that RUSSIA CREATED THE GOVERNMENT OF POLAND in the post world
war II era is utter BULL SHIT--------your officials were POLISH

You are utter BULL SHIT, like most Jews.

You make it out like Poland on it's own doing became Nazi, or Soviet.

So, why didn't Poland become that way before Nazis, and Soviets had invaded, huh?

Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, and among the first to fight the Soviets.

As for Communist officials in Soviet Poland, a good deal of them were Jews especially immediately after WW2.

The Soviets propped up this government, by putting traitors of Poland, both Communist Poles, and Jews into the Soviet sphere.

The Soviets merely had the resources, and power to create this puppet government.

what didn't Poland become "what way"???-------the Poles have been murdering jews since the
1700s. My ancestors mostly FLED------in the 1800s which is why I AM HERE-----born in the
USA------both of my parents too-----and my parents ----three out of four-----born either in
the USA or England

Jews killed far more Poles, than vice versa, that Jew Jakub Berman alone killed 6,000 Poles by executions.

Jews have been collaborating with Poland's enemies since the 1700's.

With Sweden in the Deluge.

With Russia, and Prussia in the Partitions.

With Germans in the Greater Poland Uprising.

With Soviets during, and after WW2.[/QUOTE

wrong again-------Poles killed millions ----and even BERMAN was simply an official in
the POLISH communist party--------not a JEW CONTROLLING THE COMMUNIST PARTY---
as your catechism whore told you

Oh really?
Poles killed millions?

Oh my goodness, you Jews are just helplessly retarded.

The German Nazis killed the Jews by the millions.

All lists of Concentration Camp staff prove they were overwhelmingly German, and most of the Eastern Europeans involved were Ukrainian, or Latvian.

so? what does that fact "prove" to you? likely the germans----who considered the poles
as dumb as donkeys did not trust them with a gun. Poles has no problem killing jews----even
those who escaped the concentration camps-------oh----those "little pogroms"-----now I remember
Actual SS had to be LITERATE and not "untermenchen"------the germans did not envision a
"citizen" role for Poles after they WON THE WAR------they had some kind of "beast of burden"
future for the poles---------sick but true. Think of CHOPIN and the CURIES------they did nothing
to improve that status of poles in the opinion of Germans. Have you ever known a german?
Not enough------the hatred Poland had for Germans and Russians did not come
close to the hatred and DISDAIN that GERMANS AND RUSSIANS had for Poles.
In fact Russians hated Poles so much that in order to PROTECT RUSSIA-----and
create a human buffer zone, they PUSHED JEWS TO THE BORDER areas between
Russia and the DESPISED poles. They really hated your guts. It may also have
been a Catholic vs Eastern Orthodox thing. You like to ignore lots of STUFF.
As to the shared ANTI-SEMITISM-----what else is new? It is just about the only
commonality that binds arabs and Iranians--------OTHERWISE they hate each other too.

Russia acquired millions of Jews after the Partitions of Poland, they created the Pale of Settlement to keep it that way.

Geez, you sound like such a dumb Jew.

Actually it was Jews who were more likely to side with Germans, or Russians FYI.

In WW1 during the Poland Greater Uprising, Jews overwhelmingly fought with Germany.

In WW2 Jews overwhelmingly fought with Soviets.

more on the polish version of history-------jews rarely fought willingly WITH ANYONE-----
they had to form their own underground in Poland against the advance of Germans AND
Russians ------and against the killer aggression of POLES During world war II-----it was
DANGEROUS for jews to try to join the CATHOLIC POLISH PARTISANS----who were
just as dangerous to jews as were the Nazis and Russians

500,000 Jews fought for the Red Army in WW2.

your all time fave catholic saint------SAINT ADOLF HITLER.

What a ridiculous statement, Hitler killed, and enslaved millions of Polish Catholics.
either you are very ignorant, Sobie-----OR you are a lying polack. Germans invented the
ANTI POLE stereotypes----not jews. In fact germans were VIRULENTLY ANTI POLISH and considered "useful" only as something like "beasts of burden"
In fact Poles made a fine art of inventing jewish
stereotypes and hatred and imbued it HEAVILY with "roman catholic justification" The
religious zeal amongst poles is the factor which influenced your saint Adolf to make
AUSCHWITZ in Poland the chief killing factory----in the minds of poles ---"for the glory of
jesus Christ"------ You can find your answers in actual written material-----done during first
half of the 20th century------the writings of both Germans---and of those poles who
could write--------and the jews. both in Germany and Poland. It seems to me that Poles
were not fully aware of the depth of german hatred disdain towards them. Check the microfilm
in LARGE OLD LIBRARIES -------your filthy propaganda did make it to the USA

The dumb Polak thing is only American, and is considered to come from Jewish Hollywood, and Jewish media.

There's a book written about Hollywood's War on Poland, even.

What a ridiculous statement, to say Auschwitz was created in Poland, due to Polish anti-Semitism.

When in reality the first victims of Auschwitz were Polish POW's.

You Jews are sure dumb hacks.
Poles get their hatred of jews in their churches

I'm Agnostic, I get my hatred of Jews, by watching how Jews like Roudy, and yourself act, you're very dumb, vile, and anti-Polish.

I learned about poles-------by being amongst poles in my early adulthood-----in the USA.
I had NO opinion in my childhood. As I mentioned---some of my ancestors came from
Poland-----the one I knew was my maternal grandfather-----born there but migrated in
early youth (late 1800s) to Austria then to the USA He had nothing to say about poles-----he hated COSSACKS (??) -----actually did not say much -----he spoke neither English nor
Polish and I do not speak polish or german or Yiddish. Poles in the USA are ENDLESSLY
ANTI SEMITIC -------it is almost comical. Even the most educated either are anti-semitic
the VERY HONEST admit that poles are extremely anti-Semitic. You might TRY being
honest--------what did your polish grandma have to say about DA JOOOOOOS

Why did your maternal grandfather come from Poland, and speak no Polish?

This is what my Polish ancestors who came over complained about, that Jews lived in Poland, but never assimilated.

very good question------I happen to know the answer because I worked with real POLES----from
Poland--------and with REAL jews----whose parents were from POLAND-----in fact SAME CITY----
Cracow. Jews were excluded from POLISH SOCIETY----they did not attend---for the most
Schools for children in Poland were run by THE CHURCH.

You should learn a little about CATHOLIC CHURCH LAW -----and jews-------Saint Adolf based
his Nuremburg laws on aspects of CANON LAW. Do you know why jewish men traditionally
wore coats that had no----slit or pleat in the back? Do you know why jews in Poland were
COMPLETELY UNARMED and even today only very rarely own a gun (old habits die hard)

hubby was born in a shariah shit hole and he does not speak Arabic------similar reasons.

In those countries ----both European and middle eastern ---that were not strict on
"segregation"-------jews did speak the language of the country------and were literate in
those languages------but in countries with strict observance of either shariah or canon law----
they had very little opportunity to learn the language----especially as children
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
No mistake, hack, just the truth. Yes, they were just as antisemitic, if not more.

With the influence of the Endecja party growing, antisemitism gathered new momentum in Poland and was most felt in smaller towns and in spheres in which Jews came into direct contact with Poles, such as in Polish schools or on the sports field. Further academic harassment, such as the introduction of ghetto benches, which forced Jewish students to sit in sections of the lecture halls reserved exclusively for them, anti-Jewish riots, and semi-official or unofficial quotas (Numerus clausus) introduced in 1937 in some universities, halved the number of Jews in Polish universities between independence (1918) and the late 1930s. The restrictions were so inclusive that – while the Jews made up 20.4% of the student body in 1928 – by 1937 their share was down to only 7.5%,[99] out of the total population of 9.75% Jews in the country according to 1931 census.[100]

Although many Jews were educated, they were excluded from most of the government bureaucracy.[101] A good number therefore turned to the liberal professions, particularly medicine and law. In 1937 the Catholic trade unions of Polish doctors and lawyers restricted their new members to Christian Poles (in a similar manner the Jewish trade unions excluded non-Jewish professionals from their ranks after 1918).[102]

Complex and long history shaped Polish attitudes towards the Jews and Jewish attitudes towards the Poles, but the anti-Jewish sentiment in Poland had reached its zenith in the years leading to the Second World War.[105] Between 1935 and 1937 seventy-nine Jews were killed and 500 injured in anti-Jewish incidents.[106] National policy was such that the Jews who largely worked at home and in small shops were excluded from welfare benefits according to American commentators.[107] Nevertheless, the impact of right-wing extremism would have been hard to substantiate in towns with percentage of Jews equal or even higher than that of the non-Jewish Poles. In the provincial capital of Łuck Jews constituted 48.5% of the diverse multicultural population of 35,550 Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and others.[108] Łuck had the largest Jewish community in the voivodeship.[109] In the capital of Brześćin 1936 Jews constituted 41.3% of general population and some 80.3% of private enterprises were owned by Jews.[110][111] The 32% of Jewish inhabitants of Radom enjoyed considerable prominence also,[112] with 90% of small businesses in the city owned and operated by the Jews including tinsmiths, locksmiths, jewellers, tailors, hat makers, hairdressers, carpenters, house painters and wallpaper installers, shoemakers, as well as most of the artisan bakers and clock repairers.[113] In Lubartów, 53.6% of the town's population were Jewish also along with most of its economy.[114] In a town of Luboml, 3,807 Jews lived among its 4,169 inhabitants, constituting the essence of its social and political life.[108]

Demonstration of Polish students demanding implementation of "ghetto benches" at Lwów Polytechnic(1937).
The national boycott of Jewish businesses and advocacy for their confiscation was promoted by the Endecja party, which introduced the term "Christian shop". A national movement to prevent the Jews from kosher slaughter of animals, with animal rights as the stated motivation, was also organized.[115]Violence was also frequently aimed at Jewish stores, and many of them were looted. At the same time, persistent economic boycotts and harassment, including property-destroying riots, combined with the effects of the Great Depression that had been very severe on agricultural countries like Poland, reduced the standard of living of Poles and Polish Jews alike to the extent that by the end of the 1930s, a substantial portion of Polish Jews lived in grinding poverty.[116] As a result, on the eve of the Second World War, the Jewish community in Poland was large and vibrant internally, yet (with the exception of a few professionals) also substantially poorer and less integrated than the Jews in most of Western Europe.[citation needed]

The main strain of antisemitism in Poland during this time was motivated by Catholic religious beliefs and centuries-old myths such as the blood libel. This religious-based antisemitism was sometimes joined with an ultra-nationalistic stereotype of Jews as disloyal to the Polish nation.[117] On the eve of World War II, many typical Polish Christians believed that there were far too many Jews in the country and the Polish government became increasingly concerned with the "Jewish Question". Some politicians were in favor of mass Jewish emigration from Poland.

By the time of the German invasion in 1939, antisemitism was escalating, and hostility towards Jews was a mainstay of the right-wing political forces post-Piłsudski regime and also the Catholic Church. Discrimination and violence against Jews had rendered the Polish Jewish population increasingly destitute, as was the case throughout much of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite the impending threat to the Polish Republic from Nazi Germany, there was little effort seen in the way of reconciliation with Poland's Jewish population. In July 1939 the pro-government Gazeta Polska wrote, "The fact that our relations with the Reich are worsening does not in the least deactivate our program in the Jewish question—there is not and cannot be any common ground between our internal Jewish problem and Poland's relations with the Hitlerite Reich."[118][119] Escalating hostility towards Polish Jews and an official Polish government desire to remove Jews from Poland continued until the German invasion of Poland
more on the polish version of history-------jews rarely fought willingly WITH ANYONE-----
they had to form their own underground in Poland against the advance of Germans AND
Russians ------and against the killer aggression of POLES During world war II-----it was
DANGEROUS for jews to try to join the CATHOLIC POLISH PARTISANS----who were
just as dangerous to jews as were the Nazis and Russians

500,000 Jews fought for the Red Army in WW2.

your all time fave catholic saint------SAINT ADOLF HITLER.

What a ridiculous statement, Hitler killed, and enslaved millions of Polish Catholics.

yes he did-------germans hate poles-------they consider them UNTERMENSCHEN------but lots of
poles do have common cause with Nazis-------JEW HATRED -----and they employ the same
libels-------and even MORE ELABORATE libels If you are confused by the issue of
COMMONALITIES between opposing groups------then you are a very confused person. The
commonality between the german Nazis and the Poles is actually catholic hatred of DA JOOOS.
Poles are more into RELIGION than are germans

You're a retarded Jew, no doubt.

Most Poles who don't like Jews, also don't like Nazis, or Germans.
And that means what? Their antisemitism is justified? What a fucking retard.
"THE SOVIETS PROPPED UP COMMUNISM"-----got that one? there were NO POLISH
COMMUNISTS--------just as the poles had no idea what was going on in Auschwitz

Holy sh*t you Jews severely lack ability for abstract thought, just all around unpleasant morons.

The Nazis, and then the Soviets overpowered Poland.

Poland simply didn't have the resources, military funding, nor population size to dictate it's existence.

Considering so many Polish resistance fighters were killed in WW2, it was pretty easy for Soviets to install a Soviet puppet government.

your statement that RUSSIA CREATED THE GOVERNMENT OF POLAND in the post world
war II era is utter BULL SHIT--------your officials were POLISH

You are utter BULL SHIT, like most Jews.

You make it out like Poland on it's own doing became Nazi, or Soviet.

So, why didn't Poland become that way before Nazis, and Soviets had invaded, huh?

Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, and among the first to fight the Soviets.

As for Communist officials in Soviet Poland, a good deal of them were Jews especially immediately after WW2.

The Soviets propped up this government, by putting traitors of Poland, both Communist Poles, and Jews into the Soviet sphere.

The Soviets merely had the resources, and power to create this puppet government.

what didn't Poland become "what way"???-------the Poles have been murdering jews since the
1700s. My ancestors mostly FLED------in the 1800s which is why I AM HERE-----born in the
USA------both of my parents too-----and my parents ----three out of four-----born either in
the USA or England

There were only a few small Pogroms in Poland between the late 1800's to early 1900's.

This idea that your Jewish ancestors died in these, is completely unrealistic.

I think you Jews just make up stories, yes you're that vile.

I actually think Poles must have great discipline for overwhelmingly refraining to kill such vile beings.
Looks like you are in over your head, bigot. Someone with Polish ancestry made you look like an ignoramus and utter fool.
You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
No mistake, hack, just the truth. Yes, they were just as antisemitic, if not more.

With the influence of the Endecja party growing, antisemitism gathered new momentum in Poland and was most felt in smaller towns and in spheres in which Jews came into direct contact with Poles, such as in Polish schools or on the sports field. Further academic harassment, such as the introduction of ghetto benches, which forced Jewish students to sit in sections of the lecture halls reserved exclusively for them, anti-Jewish riots, and semi-official or unofficial quotas (Numerus clausus) introduced in 1937 in some universities, halved the number of Jews in Polish universities between independence (1918) and the late 1930s. The restrictions were so inclusive that – while the Jews made up 20.4% of the student body in 1928 – by 1937 their share was down to only 7.5%,[99] out of the total population of 9.75% Jews in the country according to 1931 census.[100]

Although many Jews were educated, they were excluded from most of the government bureaucracy.[101] A good number therefore turned to the liberal professions, particularly medicine and law. In 1937 the Catholic trade unions of Polish doctors and lawyers restricted their new members to Christian Poles (in a similar manner the Jewish trade unions excluded non-Jewish professionals from their ranks after 1918).[102]

Complex and long history shaped Polish attitudes towards the Jews and Jewish attitudes towards the Poles, but the anti-Jewish sentiment in Poland had reached its zenith in the years leading to the Second World War.[105] Between 1935 and 1937 seventy-nine Jews were killed and 500 injured in anti-Jewish incidents.[106] National policy was such that the Jews who largely worked at home and in small shops were excluded from welfare benefits according to American commentators.[107] Nevertheless, the impact of right-wing extremism would have been hard to substantiate in towns with percentage of Jews equal or even higher than that of the non-Jewish Poles. In the provincial capital of Łuck Jews constituted 48.5% of the diverse multicultural population of 35,550 Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and others.[108] Łuck had the largest Jewish community in the voivodeship.[109] In the capital of Brześćin 1936 Jews constituted 41.3% of general population and some 80.3% of private enterprises were owned by Jews.[110][111] The 32% of Jewish inhabitants of Radom enjoyed considerable prominence also,[112] with 90% of small businesses in the city owned and operated by the Jews including tinsmiths, locksmiths, jewellers, tailors, hat makers, hairdressers, carpenters, house painters and wallpaper installers, shoemakers, as well as most of the artisan bakers and clock repairers.[113] In Lubartów, 53.6% of the town's population were Jewish also along with most of its economy.[114] In a town of Luboml, 3,807 Jews lived among its 4,169 inhabitants, constituting the essence of its social and political life.[108]

Demonstration of Polish students demanding implementation of "ghetto benches" at Lwów Polytechnic(1937).
The national boycott of Jewish businesses and advocacy for their confiscation was promoted by the Endecja party, which introduced the term "Christian shop". A national movement to prevent the Jews from kosher slaughter of animals, with animal rights as the stated motivation, was also organized.[115]Violence was also frequently aimed at Jewish stores, and many of them were looted. At the same time, persistent economic boycotts and harassment, including property-destroying riots, combined with the effects of the Great Depression that had been very severe on agricultural countries like Poland, reduced the standard of living of Poles and Polish Jews alike to the extent that by the end of the 1930s, a substantial portion of Polish Jews lived in grinding poverty.[116] As a result, on the eve of the Second World War, the Jewish community in Poland was large and vibrant internally, yet (with the exception of a few professionals) also substantially poorer and less integrated than the Jews in most of Western Europe.[citation needed]

The main strain of antisemitism in Poland during this time was motivated by Catholic religious beliefs and centuries-old myths such as the blood libel. This religious-based antisemitism was sometimes joined with an ultra-nationalistic stereotype of Jews as disloyal to the Polish nation.[117] On the eve of World War II, many typical Polish Christians believed that there were far too many Jews in the country and the Polish government became increasingly concerned with the "Jewish Question". Some politicians were in favor of mass Jewish emigration from Poland.

By the time of the German invasion in 1939, antisemitism was escalating, and hostility towards Jews was a mainstay of the right-wing political forces post-Piłsudski regime and also the Catholic Church. Discrimination and violence against Jews had rendered the Polish Jewish population increasingly destitute, as was the case throughout much of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite the impending threat to the Polish Republic from Nazi Germany, there was little effort seen in the way of reconciliation with Poland's Jewish population. In July 1939 the pro-government Gazeta Polska wrote, "The fact that our relations with the Reich are worsening does not in the least deactivate our program in the Jewish question—there is not and cannot be any common ground between our internal Jewish problem and Poland's relations with the Hitlerite Reich."[118][119] Escalating hostility towards Polish Jews and an official Polish government desire to remove Jews from Poland continued until the German invasion of Poland

What does any of this have to do with the Holocaust, dumb Jewish bozo?

Yes, Poland rightfully stood for Poles first, and judging by the anti-Polish attitudes by most Jews, even ones displayed here, then you Jews deserved to be stripped of your livelihood in Poland, and just get the f*ck out.

However, this by no means Poland took a major part in the Holocaust, which they did not.

Such statements from you, and your retarded ilk, prove why Poles shouldn't support Jews, you are the most disgusting things the World has ever seen.
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
No mistake, hack, just the truth. Yes, they were just as antisemitic, if not more.

With the influence of the Endecja party growing, antisemitism gathered new momentum in Poland and was most felt in smaller towns and in spheres in which Jews came into direct contact with Poles, such as in Polish schools or on the sports field. Further academic harassment, such as the introduction of ghetto benches, which forced Jewish students to sit in sections of the lecture halls reserved exclusively for them, anti-Jewish riots, and semi-official or unofficial quotas (Numerus clausus) introduced in 1937 in some universities, halved the number of Jews in Polish universities between independence (1918) and the late 1930s. The restrictions were so inclusive that – while the Jews made up 20.4% of the student body in 1928 – by 1937 their share was down to only 7.5%,[99] out of the total population of 9.75% Jews in the country according to 1931 census.[100]

Although many Jews were educated, they were excluded from most of the government bureaucracy.[101] A good number therefore turned to the liberal professions, particularly medicine and law. In 1937 the Catholic trade unions of Polish doctors and lawyers restricted their new members to Christian Poles (in a similar manner the Jewish trade unions excluded non-Jewish professionals from their ranks after 1918).[102]

Complex and long history shaped Polish attitudes towards the Jews and Jewish attitudes towards the Poles, but the anti-Jewish sentiment in Poland had reached its zenith in the years leading to the Second World War.[105] Between 1935 and 1937 seventy-nine Jews were killed and 500 injured in anti-Jewish incidents.[106] National policy was such that the Jews who largely worked at home and in small shops were excluded from welfare benefits according to American commentators.[107] Nevertheless, the impact of right-wing extremism would have been hard to substantiate in towns with percentage of Jews equal or even higher than that of the non-Jewish Poles. In the provincial capital of Łuck Jews constituted 48.5% of the diverse multicultural population of 35,550 Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and others.[108] Łuck had the largest Jewish community in the voivodeship.[109] In the capital of Brześćin 1936 Jews constituted 41.3% of general population and some 80.3% of private enterprises were owned by Jews.[110][111] The 32% of Jewish inhabitants of Radom enjoyed considerable prominence also,[112] with 90% of small businesses in the city owned and operated by the Jews including tinsmiths, locksmiths, jewellers, tailors, hat makers, hairdressers, carpenters, house painters and wallpaper installers, shoemakers, as well as most of the artisan bakers and clock repairers.[113] In Lubartów, 53.6% of the town's population were Jewish also along with most of its economy.[114] In a town of Luboml, 3,807 Jews lived among its 4,169 inhabitants, constituting the essence of its social and political life.[108]

Demonstration of Polish students demanding implementation of "ghetto benches" at Lwów Polytechnic(1937).
The national boycott of Jewish businesses and advocacy for their confiscation was promoted by the Endecja party, which introduced the term "Christian shop". A national movement to prevent the Jews from kosher slaughter of animals, with animal rights as the stated motivation, was also organized.[115]Violence was also frequently aimed at Jewish stores, and many of them were looted. At the same time, persistent economic boycotts and harassment, including property-destroying riots, combined with the effects of the Great Depression that had been very severe on agricultural countries like Poland, reduced the standard of living of Poles and Polish Jews alike to the extent that by the end of the 1930s, a substantial portion of Polish Jews lived in grinding poverty.[116] As a result, on the eve of the Second World War, the Jewish community in Poland was large and vibrant internally, yet (with the exception of a few professionals) also substantially poorer and less integrated than the Jews in most of Western Europe.[citation needed]

The main strain of antisemitism in Poland during this time was motivated by Catholic religious beliefs and centuries-old myths such as the blood libel. This religious-based antisemitism was sometimes joined with an ultra-nationalistic stereotype of Jews as disloyal to the Polish nation.[117] On the eve of World War II, many typical Polish Christians believed that there were far too many Jews in the country and the Polish government became increasingly concerned with the "Jewish Question". Some politicians were in favor of mass Jewish emigration from Poland.

By the time of the German invasion in 1939, antisemitism was escalating, and hostility towards Jews was a mainstay of the right-wing political forces post-Piłsudski regime and also the Catholic Church. Discrimination and violence against Jews had rendered the Polish Jewish population increasingly destitute, as was the case throughout much of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite the impending threat to the Polish Republic from Nazi Germany, there was little effort seen in the way of reconciliation with Poland's Jewish population. In July 1939 the pro-government Gazeta Polska wrote, "The fact that our relations with the Reich are worsening does not in the least deactivate our program in the Jewish question—there is not and cannot be any common ground between our internal Jewish problem and Poland's relations with the Hitlerite Reich."[118][119] Escalating hostility towards Polish Jews and an official Polish government desire to remove Jews from Poland continued until the German invasion of Poland

What does any of this have to do with the Holocaust, dumb Jewish bozo?

Yes, Poland rightfully stood for Poles first, and judging by the anti-Polish attitudes by most Jews, even ones displayed here, then you Jews deserved to be stripped of your livelihood in Poland, and just get the f*ck out.

However, this by no means Poland took a major part in the Holocaust, which they did not.

Such statements from you, and your retarded ilk, prove why Poles shouldn't support Jews, you are the most disgusting things the World has ever seen.
Nobody claimed that, dipweed, just showing you the history of antisemtism in Poland and why the Nazis chose Poland for their worst death camps. Seems like you enjoy making yourself look like an ignorant Polish antisemtic dumbass. Please continue....
Holy sh*t you Jews severely lack ability for abstract thought, just all around unpleasant morons.

The Nazis, and then the Soviets overpowered Poland.

Poland simply didn't have the resources, military funding, nor population size to dictate it's existence.

Considering so many Polish resistance fighters were killed in WW2, it was pretty easy for Soviets to install a Soviet puppet government.

your statement that RUSSIA CREATED THE GOVERNMENT OF POLAND in the post world
war II era is utter BULL SHIT--------your officials were POLISH

You are utter BULL SHIT, like most Jews.

You make it out like Poland on it's own doing became Nazi, or Soviet.

So, why didn't Poland become that way before Nazis, and Soviets had invaded, huh?

Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, and among the first to fight the Soviets.

As for Communist officials in Soviet Poland, a good deal of them were Jews especially immediately after WW2.

The Soviets propped up this government, by putting traitors of Poland, both Communist Poles, and Jews into the Soviet sphere.

The Soviets merely had the resources, and power to create this puppet government.

what didn't Poland become "what way"???-------the Poles have been murdering jews since the
1700s. My ancestors mostly FLED------in the 1800s which is why I AM HERE-----born in the
USA------both of my parents too-----and my parents ----three out of four-----born either in
the USA or England

There were only a few small Pogroms in Poland between the late 1800's to early 1900's.

This idea that your Jewish ancestors died in these, is completely unrealistic.

I think you Jews just make up stories, yes you're that vile.

I actually think Poles must have great discipline for overwhelmingly refraining to kill such vile beings.
Looks like you are in over your head, bigot. Someone with Polish ancestry made you look like an ignoramus and utter fool.

Anyone who says Poles killed millions of Jews, only makes themselves look like an ignoramus, and an utter fool.

With all history pointing to a overwhelming Nazi German Holocaust, only a true prehistoric retard would blame it on all Poles.

You Jews are hardly Human, just conversing with such a bunch of prehistoric primitives that much is clear.

No, matter how much I bring forward facts, you Jews are incapable of greater understanding for the most part.

You're horrible beasts, and everywhere you've been killed for a reason.
You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
No mistake, hack, just the truth. Yes, they were just as antisemitic, if not more.

With the influence of the Endecja party growing, antisemitism gathered new momentum in Poland and was most felt in smaller towns and in spheres in which Jews came into direct contact with Poles, such as in Polish schools or on the sports field. Further academic harassment, such as the introduction of ghetto benches, which forced Jewish students to sit in sections of the lecture halls reserved exclusively for them, anti-Jewish riots, and semi-official or unofficial quotas (Numerus clausus) introduced in 1937 in some universities, halved the number of Jews in Polish universities between independence (1918) and the late 1930s. The restrictions were so inclusive that – while the Jews made up 20.4% of the student body in 1928 – by 1937 their share was down to only 7.5%,[99] out of the total population of 9.75% Jews in the country according to 1931 census.[100]

Although many Jews were educated, they were excluded from most of the government bureaucracy.[101] A good number therefore turned to the liberal professions, particularly medicine and law. In 1937 the Catholic trade unions of Polish doctors and lawyers restricted their new members to Christian Poles (in a similar manner the Jewish trade unions excluded non-Jewish professionals from their ranks after 1918).[102]

Complex and long history shaped Polish attitudes towards the Jews and Jewish attitudes towards the Poles, but the anti-Jewish sentiment in Poland had reached its zenith in the years leading to the Second World War.[105] Between 1935 and 1937 seventy-nine Jews were killed and 500 injured in anti-Jewish incidents.[106] National policy was such that the Jews who largely worked at home and in small shops were excluded from welfare benefits according to American commentators.[107] Nevertheless, the impact of right-wing extremism would have been hard to substantiate in towns with percentage of Jews equal or even higher than that of the non-Jewish Poles. In the provincial capital of Łuck Jews constituted 48.5% of the diverse multicultural population of 35,550 Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and others.[108] Łuck had the largest Jewish community in the voivodeship.[109] In the capital of Brześćin 1936 Jews constituted 41.3% of general population and some 80.3% of private enterprises were owned by Jews.[110][111] The 32% of Jewish inhabitants of Radom enjoyed considerable prominence also,[112] with 90% of small businesses in the city owned and operated by the Jews including tinsmiths, locksmiths, jewellers, tailors, hat makers, hairdressers, carpenters, house painters and wallpaper installers, shoemakers, as well as most of the artisan bakers and clock repairers.[113] In Lubartów, 53.6% of the town's population were Jewish also along with most of its economy.[114] In a town of Luboml, 3,807 Jews lived among its 4,169 inhabitants, constituting the essence of its social and political life.[108]

Demonstration of Polish students demanding implementation of "ghetto benches" at Lwów Polytechnic(1937).
The national boycott of Jewish businesses and advocacy for their confiscation was promoted by the Endecja party, which introduced the term "Christian shop". A national movement to prevent the Jews from kosher slaughter of animals, with animal rights as the stated motivation, was also organized.[115]Violence was also frequently aimed at Jewish stores, and many of them were looted. At the same time, persistent economic boycotts and harassment, including property-destroying riots, combined with the effects of the Great Depression that had been very severe on agricultural countries like Poland, reduced the standard of living of Poles and Polish Jews alike to the extent that by the end of the 1930s, a substantial portion of Polish Jews lived in grinding poverty.[116] As a result, on the eve of the Second World War, the Jewish community in Poland was large and vibrant internally, yet (with the exception of a few professionals) also substantially poorer and less integrated than the Jews in most of Western Europe.[citation needed]

The main strain of antisemitism in Poland during this time was motivated by Catholic religious beliefs and centuries-old myths such as the blood libel. This religious-based antisemitism was sometimes joined with an ultra-nationalistic stereotype of Jews as disloyal to the Polish nation.[117] On the eve of World War II, many typical Polish Christians believed that there were far too many Jews in the country and the Polish government became increasingly concerned with the "Jewish Question". Some politicians were in favor of mass Jewish emigration from Poland.

By the time of the German invasion in 1939, antisemitism was escalating, and hostility towards Jews was a mainstay of the right-wing political forces post-Piłsudski regime and also the Catholic Church. Discrimination and violence against Jews had rendered the Polish Jewish population increasingly destitute, as was the case throughout much of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite the impending threat to the Polish Republic from Nazi Germany, there was little effort seen in the way of reconciliation with Poland's Jewish population. In July 1939 the pro-government Gazeta Polska wrote, "The fact that our relations with the Reich are worsening does not in the least deactivate our program in the Jewish question—there is not and cannot be any common ground between our internal Jewish problem and Poland's relations with the Hitlerite Reich."[118][119] Escalating hostility towards Polish Jews and an official Polish government desire to remove Jews from Poland continued until the German invasion of Poland

What does any of this have to do with the Holocaust, dumb Jewish bozo?

Yes, Poland rightfully stood for Poles first, and judging by the anti-Polish attitudes by most Jews, even ones displayed here, then you Jews deserved to be stripped of your livelihood in Poland, and just get the f*ck out.

However, this by no means Poland took a major part in the Holocaust, which they did not.

Such statements from you, and your retarded ilk, prove why Poles shouldn't support Jews, you are the most disgusting things the World has ever seen.
Nobody claimed that, dipweed, just showing you the history of antisemtism in Poland and why the Nazis chose Poland for their worst death camps. Seems like you enjoy making yourself look like an ignorant Polish antisemtic dumbass. Please continue....

The first victims of Auschwitz were Polish POW's.

Why, you, and the other retarded Jew ignore this is beyond me.

You don't care how retarded you make yourselves look, so long as you get yours.

That's not how civilized Humans behave, you are dumb, and vile Chimp beasts.
Again all your gibberish still doesn't negate the history of antisemtiism in Poland, and that the worst death camps were located in Poland for that very reason.

You can bray all you want it won't change those two facts.
Again all your gibberish still doesn't negate the history of antisemtiism in Poland, and that the worst death camps were located in Poland for that very reason.

You can bray all you want it won't change those two facts.

This is not a fact, this is part of your very retarded imagination.

The Nazis made Poland the only nation where saving Holocaust Jews was a death penalty, just goes to show how very, very retarded you are.

Poles also died in the Camps.

Poles hardly had Nazi collaborators.

In fact, Jews had a similar amount of Nazi collaborators.
1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis during the invasion of Poland.

In comparison the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit the Blue Police had just over 10,000.

So, actually 100 Poles fought the Nazis for every 1 which fought for the Nazis.

See how retarded you guys are?

I have to get up early tomorrow for work.

I don't need to get angry at retarded vermin who happen to be Jewish. (So, I'm out for now)
Well three facts actually, the fact that you are a disgusting bigot.
Well three facts actually, the fact that you are a disgusting bigot.

Your slander / libel of Poland as being a big part of the Holocaust, is in fact extremely vile, bigoted, unsupported ignorant BS.

Yes, it's bigotry, because even after you are told the facts, you still vilify Poland with your bigotry.

You're a retard of biblical proportions.
1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis during the invasion of Poland.

In comparison the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit the Blue Police had just over 10,000.

So, actually 100 Poles fought the Nazis for every 1 which fought for the Nazis.

See how retarded you guys are?

I have to get up early tomorrow for work.

I don't need to get angry at retarded vermin who happen to be Jewish.
Yada yada yada. You keep thumping your chest trying to tell everybody that Poles are better than anybody else. End of the day you are a pig and a bigot no less than the Nazis and Islamists.
1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis during the invasion of Poland.

In comparison the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit the Blue Police had just over 10,000.

So, actually 100 Poles fought the Nazis for every 1 which fought for the Nazis.

See how retarded you guys are?

I have to get up early tomorrow for work.

I don't need to get angry at retarded vermin who happen to be Jewish.
Yada yada yada. You keep thumping your chest trying to tell everybody that Poles are better than anybody else. End of the day you are a pig and a bigot no less than the Nazis and Islamists.

You call Palestinians. Arabs, and Muslims as Animals as a bigot, and unrightfully blame Poland as a retard.

By your own logic, you're a pig, bigot.
Well three facts actually, the fact that you are a disgusting bigot.

Your slander / libel of Poland as being a big part of the Holocaust, is in fact extremely vile, bigoted, unsupported ignorant BS.

Yes, it's bigotry, because even after you are told the facts, you still vilify Poland with your bigotry.

You're a retard of biblical proportions.
Just stating the facts, bigot. Just because Poland had a dark history doesn't mean it's the same today. America also had slavery at some point.
1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis during the invasion of Poland.

In comparison the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit the Blue Police had just over 10,000.

So, actually 100 Poles fought the Nazis for every 1 which fought for the Nazis.

See how retarded you guys are?

I have to get up early tomorrow for work.

I don't need to get angry at retarded vermin who happen to be Jewish.
Yada yada yada. You keep thumping your chest trying to tell everybody that Poles are better than anybody else. End of the day you are a pig and a bigot no less than the Nazis and Islamists.

You call Palestinians. Arabs, and Muslims as Animals as a bigot, and unrightfully blame Poland as a retard.

By your own logic, you're a pig, bigot.
Again, moron, stop making up stuff, I call criminals and murderers animals. Just like Trump did today with members of Mexican gangs, and many world leaders have called Islamic terrorists.

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