Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate

Well, thank you for being honest.

Now the forum knows why you support Biden.

". . . He observes that the future world is calm and beautiful but lacks the vibrancy of human society. He concludes that the entire planet has become a garden, with little trace of human society or engineering from the hundreds of thousands of years prior, and that communism[21] has at last been achieved. He also theorizes that intelligence springs from necessity; with no real challenges facing the Eloi, they have lost the spirit, intelligence, and physical fitness of humanity at its peak.

Returning to the site where he arrived, the Traveller is shocked to find his machine missing; it has been dragged by some unknown party into a nearby structure, resembling a sphinx, with heavy doors locked from the inside. Luckily, the machine cannot travel through time without its levers, which he had removed before leaving it. Later, he encounters the Morlocks, ape-like troglodytes who live in darkness underground and surface only at night. Deducing that this second race must have taken his time machine, he explores one of many "wells" that lead to the Morlocks' dwellings, where he discovers them operating the machinery and industry that makes the above-ground paradise of the Eloi possible.. . . "
Because he's honest, cares about Americans, wants to make life better for all Americans?


OMG. That’s exactly what my mother does. She’s 95, and in mid-stage dementia. If we are out (she walks better than Biden) and have to use the public Ladies Room, she can’t find her way out. I have to direct her everywhere.
I've heard these things are hereditary.
It's obvious.
Yeah, but c'mon, few politicians have the chops to do real debates.

. . . maybe a couple of the ones that went to law school. . . . maybe.

True. If debating skills were required and won elections, then Peter Camejo would have been elected to about 8 terms. lol
Trump got treatment that was not available to most. It saved his life....others were not so lucky.

He still cheated in the 2020 debate by avoiding being tested himself.

No doubt he will do the same in 2024 debates, and not be tested himself.... And a trump is the one who takes Adderall like it is candy, from what they say...
, your uninformed. Lemme guess. Biden boy?
This is your quote..

Three of the four prosecutors are black, and the odds are each got into their law school due to their “blackness.”

To prove you are not racist. Show where any of the prosecutors are not qualified for their position or received special treatment

Your racism is showing
I said “the odds” are..…

You libtards are not good with statistics, are ya?
Unfortunately, that’s where we are with Biden appearing to need a cocktail of drugs to keep him lucent for short periods.
That you fools CLAIM Biden needs drugs with absolutely zero proof while you make believe the guy who loses consciousness at his own rallies is just one of the funniest parts of your KKKlown show.

So you’d be okay with stopping the debate for up to the minute fact checking of everything the blob says? Biden could demand that, right?

If he makes that demand before the debate starts, that is something they could negotiate, sure. It would make the debate last a long time though.

why are you all ok with Biden being able to make requests but not Trump? If Biden isn’t being juiced, then he has nothing to worry about.
WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump tested positive for Covid-19 three days before his first presidential debate against Joe Biden, with a subsequent pre-debate test coming back negative, three sources familiar with the matter confirmed Wednesday.

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows revealed Trump's positive test in a new book, first reported by The Guardian, which cited an excerpt. In the book, Meadows said Trump seemed “a little tired” and suspected that he might have a “slight cold” before he found out about the positive result on his way to a rally in Pennsylvania.

Trump tested positive again on Oct. 1 and was hospitalized the next day, when he announced the results on Twitter. The debate was held Sept. 29.

In a statement Wednesday, Trump denied that he was sick at the time of the first positive result.

“The story of me having COVID prior to, or during, the first debate is Fake News," Trump said. "In fact, a test revealed that I did not have COVID prior to the debate.”

Image: President Donald Trump walks off Marine One while arriving at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. on Oct. 2, 2020.
President Donald Trump walks off Marine One at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., on Oct. 2, 2020.Brandan Smialowski / AFP - Getty Images file
Two sources familiar with the matter characterized Trump's initial test on Sept. 26 as a "false positive" because of the subsequent negative test. One source said that the negative test came just hours after the positive one and that Trump tested negative again on Sept. 30, a day after the debate.

Trump’s first positive result, Meadows wrote, came the same day he held an event in the Rose Garden to announce that he would nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, according to The Guardian. More than 150 people attended the event, many of whom did not wear masks or practice social distancing. A number of people who attended later tested positive.

Meadows said Trump had a second test while he was still en route to Pennsylvania, which came back negative, the newspaper reported. NBC News has not seen a copy of the memoir. An attorney for Meadows did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Meadows wrote that while the rules for the Sept. 29 debate said each candidate was required “to test negative for the virus” within 72 hours before the debate, “nothing was going to stop [Trump] from going out there,” according to The Guardian.

It was a few days later, on Oct. 2, that Trump announced that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive. Aides initially said Trump was experiencing “mild symptoms,” but then he was moved to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that evening.

Trump was questioned about the timeline of his Covid test at an NBC News town hall on Oct. 15. He told moderator Savannah Guthrie that his first positive Covid test was on Oct. 1. "That's when I first found out about it," he said.

When he was pressed further, Trump gave vague answers about whether he had been tested before he took the debate stage, given that the rules requested that he and Biden come with negative results.

Asked whether he took a Covid test on the day of the debate, Trump said, “I probably did, and I took a test the day before, and the day before, and I was always in great shape, and I was in great shape for the debate.”

The evening of the debate, city and clinic officials in Cleveland said at least 11 positive coronavirus tests could be traced to members of the media or organizers of the event. White House adviser Kellyanne Conway also tested positive, on Oct. 2. A day later, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who attended the Rose Garden event and prepped Trump for his debate, said he was in the hospital after having tested positive earlier in the day.


IOW.. . . nothing we ain't already gone over. A bunch of folks with the sniffles. :rolleyes:


You are acting like he is a mass murderer. stahp.
Biden Clown Show travelled through Atlanta and literally, nobody cares.

lol he was trying to motivate turnout among blacks, but they know he's trying to replace them with illegal aliens so they're less than enthusiastic. Meanwhile 3 overwhelmingly hispanic Congressional districts in Texas are flipping Republican by landslides due to his illegal alien flood. lol so much for 'turning Texas blue'. eh?
It was never high as dumb whites have become lawyers forever.
Well, that’s true enough. There are some real dumb lawyers out there of ALL ethnicities…But, I notice you like to single out white people with regularity…So, since racism is foremost in your thinking process for all aspects of life, maybe before you throw the racism stone, you should examine the boulder on your shoulder…

Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate​

18 May 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

The first debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is just over a month away, and Donald Trump has agreed to all of Biden’s conditions, including no live audience, timed microphones, and only pro-Biden outlets and moderators. But now Trump has a condition of his own.
And it's a justifiable one.
“I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said Friday evening, during the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner. “I am, no I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite.”
It has long been suspected that Joe Biden was drugged during his State of the Union address.
Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist specializing in elderly dementia patients, pointed out that Biden's increased speed and volume during the address, contrary to his usual slow and stumbling demeanor, could be indicative of stimulant usage, potentially Adderall or another amphetamine.
“[Adderall]’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Lieberman told the Washington Times. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”
So, yes, Trump is definitely justified in his request, but there isn't a chance that the Biden campaign will agree to this.

The article also pointed to a 2022 study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry that "found medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall, can generally improve cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s patients."
Does anyone really think Joe Biden will submit to a drug test?
It’s starting to get to the point of diminishing returns and they’re having to constantly increase dosage.
Trump’s already scored his points on the issue and will not renege on his 2-debate commitment when Biden predictably refuses a pre-debate drug test.
Remember folks, every republican accusation is a confession.

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