Israel strikes Hamas and Hezbollah targets

Well her parents were busy trying to either kill or throw the Jewish citizens out of Jerusalem at the time and had been since 1947. What goes around comes around. By the time the ‘48 war started the Arabs had cut Jerusalem off for months and the Jews were starving in spite of armed food convoys that had to fight their way into and back out of the city. Arab forces killed or expelled all the Jews from the old city. During this slaughter and active combat, the British did nothing to enforce the law and were actively supporting the Arabs with supplies, weapons, training and loaned officers to lead Arab forces while disarming the Jews.

I always believed that that section in the movie To Cast a Giant Shadow was a Hollywood invention, but it was really pretty close to actual events.
What a load of Bullshit, the fact is Israel was established on a pile of dead and terrorism, Leih/stern even attacked British forces while WW2 was going on, they contacted the Germans to try and form a alliance against the British which was rejected by the Nazis, they wanted the jews wiped out
Doctors without Borders is reporting today that there has been relentless bombing of a hospital full of people in the last 24 hours. (And I know what the response will be, but I haven't seen any reports from anyone that this was a case of "human shields")

Hospitals in Gaza have been under relentless bombardment over the past 24 hours. Al-Shifa Hospital complex, the biggest health facility where staff for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF) are still working, has been hit several times, including the maternity and outpatient departments, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries.​

Two more Doctors were killed yesterday,we could have a long wait for the so called ICC to indict these monsters, it took five minutes to go after Putin on bullshit charges, that shows to me what that Court is about, and it aint the law and justice.
You are being disingenuous, because Israel has always taken advice from it's allies when it is attacked. Israel is a small country, and it is powerful, but it still needs support by it's allies in the world. So attempting to paint ISRAEL as a Nazi regime is highly political and biased by you. It is no Nazi regime, but it can stand on its own two feet when it is attacked, but having support of it's allies is always good.
It is Nazi and they are showing that day by day.

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