Israel murders activist,court says no go


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Agree to disagree on what?
On this.

You keep refusing to talk about the elephant in the room, which is she got ran over for being stupid.
I disagree with your premise that she was being stupid, which, you now admit, was just your opinion.
Did I ever say it wasn't an opinion?

Now, I got no problem with your opinion, as long as you don't try to hit me over the head with it, by claiming I'm refusing to address that as the main cause of the incident. Which it wasn't.
You don't define what you are doing with the topic of Israel as "hitting ME over the head with it?

I never do that and I haven't done that. If you don't understand the point I was making, then it's a little too soon to start drawing conclusions about what I am used to.
I understand the point you are making. And it is in no way addressing if something is murder or not. Just because one thing is illegal, does it automatically mean that something else is as well?

You and I can both agree that the Bulldozer shouldn't have been where it was. However that does not mean that someone was murdered because of that fact. One has nothing to do with the other.

I always do. I haven't tried to speak for you. Nor have I tried to conjure up a strawman for you.
That's true. However you haven't addressed what I'm saying. You have taken what I've said and applied it to something else that I haven't as some sort of proof of wrongdoing. Example:

I made the statement that you cannot separate the bulldozer from the victim as if they were two separate events. Why the bulldozer was there; what it was doing; what the driver was doing; are all related factors to her death. Blaming her for her own death, without even considering the actions of the bulldozer's driver, is bullshit.
Because the bulldozer shouldn't have been there, then the operator of the bulldozer is automatically guilty of any other crime? That's like saying that anybody that murders someone, their parents should go to prison as well. They are guilty of raising him/her wrong.

I'm sorry... I don't know if this operator of heavy machinery murdered anyone. The evidence thus far is showing that the didn't mean to. Murderers usually don't leave witnesses.

Let me repeat this so it's fresh:

Listen.. You address what I say, I address what you say. One will not happen without the other. I addressed the OP and the subject matter.
That's right! One will not happen without the other. If Israel gave a shit about IHL and human rights, honored their obligations as an occupying power, they wouldn't be bulldozing down Palestinian homes in Gaza and the girl would be alive today.
That is only taking in one side in responsibility. I think the girl has some too, and certainly is more responsible for her actions than Israel or the operator is for her actions.

Sure... If the bulldozer wasn't there she wouldn't have died. If the girl wasn't there she wouldn't have died. Where does that leave us?

You are addressing something else entirely and then demanding that I address it as well in a fashion that I don't approve of. Why are you surprised about getting resistance to that?
Why the bulldozer was there in the first place has everything to do with this case.
That has NOTHING to do with if it was murder or not. Nothing.
Yeah, I remember this. That girl sure was stupid for standing in front of a bulldozer. What did she think was going to happen?
U.S. activist's death a 'regrettable accident,' Israeli court rules - Yahoo! News

Wow,real shocker here! NOT....who the hell really expected a israeli judge to rule in favor of the murdered girl? I mean seriously..they are the chosen ones whatever they do is sanctioned by god...:eusa_whistle:

You know... I wouldn't have ruled in her favor either. If you are willing to die for a cause, and then put yourself in harms way because of it... Who's really responsible for the death?

The person who kills you?
U.S. activist's death a 'regrettable accident,' Israeli court rules - Yahoo! News

Wow,real shocker here! NOT....who the hell really expected a israeli judge to rule in favor of the murdered girl? I mean seriously..they are the chosen ones whatever they do is sanctioned by god...:eusa_whistle:

You know... I wouldn't have ruled in her favor either. If you are willing to die for a cause, and then put yourself in harms way because of it... Who's really responsible for the death?

The person who kills you?
I guess that depends on whither or not you believe in personal irresponsibility. If you don't... then yes... I guess it would be the person who kills you.

However just because someone died does not mean that someone was murdered.
Yeah, I remember this. That girl sure was stupid for standing in front of a bulldozer. What did she think was going to happen?
She likely thought that it would stop. However... That doesn't mean that it will for a plethora of reasons. Yes... One of them is that the operator just didn't want to. Doesn't mean that's what happened... But it's an option. One that isn't supported by the rest of the facts in the case.

You know... I wouldn't have ruled in her favor either. If you are willing to die for a cause, and then put yourself in harms way because of it... Who's really responsible for the death?

The person who kills you?
I guess that depends on whither or not you believe in personal irresponsibility. If you don't... then yes... I guess it would be the person who kills you.

However just because someone died does not mean that someone was murdered.

It does if the man who killed her ran over her with a bulldozer and went back for a second run.

Take a look. She's wearing very bright gear and is in clear line of sight of the driver before he murders her.

Rachel Corrie: REAL Footage of death - YouTube

No excuses for that one. Imagine the same situation but on a US building site.
What would have happened to the driver?
The person who kills you?
I guess that depends on whither or not you believe in personal irresponsibility. If you don't... then yes... I guess it would be the person who kills you.

However just because someone died does not mean that someone was murdered.

It does if the man who killed her ran over her with a bulldozer and went back for a second run.

Take a look. She's wearing very bright gear and is in clear line of sight of the driver before he murders her.

Rachel Corrie: REAL Footage of death - YouTube

No excuses for that one. Imagine the same situation but on a US building site.
What would have happened to the driver?
If you don't understand that the footage you have just submitted shows absolutely nothing in terms of intention I can't help you.

It's cut, shown from god knows how many angles... And it never shows you a damn thing. It did however show just how little vision the driver has I guess. What is the point of a video with still pictures?
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The person who kills you?
I guess that depends on whither or not you believe in personal irresponsibility. If you don't... then yes... I guess it would be the person who kills you.

However just because someone died does not mean that someone was murdered.

It does if the man who killed her ran over her with a bulldozer and went back for a second run.

Take a look. She's wearing very bright gear and is in clear line of sight of the driver before he murders her.

Rachel Corrie: REAL Footage of death - YouTube

No excuses for that one. Imagine the same situation but on a US building site.
What would have happened to the driver?

A couple of points here. First your assumption or claim is untrue. I have better vision out of an MBT (Main battle tank) then that operator had from the armored cab of that caterpillar and I know for a fact I would not have seen her. Secondly I have also operated a D9 Cat and frontal vision is highly obscured by the blade not to mention the extremely small vision port from an Israeli dozer. Third, the operator would know full well that there was no reason whatsoever to back over her corpse, if he had known that he had run her over he would also know that she was without a doubt dead. This was an accident caused by a tragically idealistic and stupid girl. God rest her soul.
Just some cold analysis of the situation.

Personally, I'm willing to let Jews have Israel. Shit, every people, no matter how disgusting, deserves a homeland. Jews. Blacks. Hispanics. Even whites, eh?
They're not going to get it. If the world community allowed that, it would be like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland and that ain't gonna happen.

Alright, rare moment for me on the board, but I'm going to have to defend the Jews here. Yes, it's disgusting and arrogant. But maybe that's what it takes to secure a homeland, a nation. They're kicked out of everywhere else (except the USA), so why shouldn't they have a place?

I'm kind of a "universal nationalist", I think all peoples should at least have the right to pursue a nation or homeland. Contrary to popular belief, I am not a "white supremacist", in that I do not think whites should dominate other races.

Just... not live with them. And vice-versa.

Jews have shown the drive to control the land of Israel, and I guess I'd prefer that to them trying to control other countries by sneaky terms. It's unrealistic to think they'll all pack up and leave the U.S. for suburban Tel Aviv, but hey, I can dream.

My solution for the middle east is to create a Palestinian homeland that's contiguous, though not sure what the borders would be. Might cut into Israel a little, not too much. It's true what they say: look at the vast land mass held by Arabs all around, Israel is such a tiny sliver. I do think Palestinians have a righteous bitch, too -- universal nationalist means they can pursue a place, too.
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You don't define what you are doing with the topic of Israel as "hitting ME over the head with it?
That has nothing to do with what I just said. Your opinion, has nothing to do with me. Yet you tried to use that, to claim I wasn't "addressing" something.

I understand the point you are making. And it is in no way addressing if something is murder or not. Just because one thing is illegal, does it automatically mean that something else is as well?
No it doesn't. But when you consider all the related factors of the incident and they add up to a "preponderance of the evidence", then "guilt" can be assessed at that time.

You and I can both agree that the Bulldozer shouldn't have been where it was. However that does not mean that someone was murdered because of that fact. One has nothing to do with the other.
Are you saying the weapon used in a murder, have nothing to do with the murder?

That's true. However you haven't addressed what I'm saying. You have taken what I've said and applied it to something else that I haven't as some sort of proof of wrongdoing. Example:

Because the bulldozer shouldn't have been there, then the operator of the bulldozer is automatically guilty of any other crime? That's like saying that anybody that murders someone, their parents should go to prison as well. They are guilty of raising him/her wrong.
No, it's not saying that at all. You're leaving out "intent". Parents don't raise their children, with the "intent" to be murderer's. But the operator of a bulldozer, who belongs to an organization that has, in the past, shown no regard for human life, deliberately drives over a person that he just got done HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH!, shows intent.

According to both Palestinian and American eyewitnesses, Rachel was standing in plain sight of the bulldozer's driver. She was wearing a bright fluorescent orange jacket and had engaged the driver in conversation to try to convince him not to destroy the house. Nevertheless, after an initial pause, the bulldozer—a custom-designed, U.S.-supplied Caterpillar D9—surged forward despite cries from Rachel's colleagues, trapping her feet under the dirt so she could not get out of the way before running her over. The bulldozer then backed up, running Rachel over a second time, mortally wounding her. She died in a nearby hospital a short time later.
A guy is sitting in a D9 cab, having a conversation with someone standing in front of his vehicle, wearing a bright orange jacket and decides to "hit the gas", shows that he knows exactly what he was doing. Murder.

I'm sorry... I don't know if this operator of heavy machinery murdered anyone. The evidence thus far is showing that the didn't mean to.
I just proved that wasn't true (see above) and also proved, you have very little regard for human life. For you to bend over backwards and give that driver the benefit of the doubt, in spite of the mountain of evidence showing Israel's intention to make the Palestinian's suffer as much as possible (by killing anyone that gets in their way), speaks volumes about your sense of morality and justice.

Murderers usually don't leave witnesses.
Murderer's that kill with impunity, don't care one way or the other.

That is only taking in one side in responsibility. I think the girl has some too, and certainly is more responsible for her actions than Israel or the operator is for her actions.
Yeah, but you hardly spend any time talking about what their actions are responsible for. And when you do, you're defending them, despite the fact that they have "priors".

Sure... If the bulldozer wasn't there she wouldn't have died. If the girl wasn't there she wouldn't have died. Where does that leave us?
That's the easiest answer of this whole thread. People who spend all their time talking about the girl and no time talking about (or defending) the other factors that led to her death, are people that have lost any sense of humanity or justice.

That has NOTHING to do with if it was murder or not. Nothing.
Yes it does; have you ever heard of "motive"?
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Jillian. Cry me a river and shove the neg rep where the sun don't shine thanks.Oh and I will return the favor. I guess not advocating for murder now is anti least we can see who the israel firsters are here...a disgusting bunch.
Anyone too idiotic to step out of the way of a bulldozer is better out of the gene pool.
Anyone too idiotic to step out of the way of a bulldozer is better out of the gene pool.

So by your logic, 6 million Jews letting themselves be surrounded by 200 million hostile Arabs and too idiotic to get out of the way are better off out of the Gene Pool, too, then?

I'm trying to understand your logic here. The smart thing to do would be to get out of the way of the bulldozer and say, "Screw you, Palestinian Family, you didn't need a house."

The smart thing for the Zionists to do would be to day, "Screw you, Yahweh, we're going to Europe or America where people aren't strapping bombs to their kids to try to kill us!"
Judge Oded Gershon absolved the military, endorsing the bulldozer driver's claim that he had not seen Corrie, a 23-year-old nonviolent activist from Olympia, Wash., who wore a fluorescent vest, before his vehicle fatally injured her. In a 62-page opinion, Judge Gershon termed Corrie's death ''an accident she brought upon herself'' and wrote that, contrary to fellow demonstrators' accounts, the army was not engaged in an effort to bulldoze nearby Palestinian homes at the time
Israeli court dismisses Corrie family's lawsuit, ending effort to put army on trial

The bulldozer driver didn't see the activist. The incident resulted from an accident in which the victim placed herself in harm's way and died as a consequence. I'm so sorry that Miss Corrie died, but it was not an intentional act in the opinion of a rather good judge of the law.
Judge Oded Gershon absolved the military, endorsing the bulldozer driver's claim that he had not seen Corrie, a 23-year-old nonviolent activist from Olympia, Wash., who wore a fluorescent vest, before his vehicle fatally injured her. In a 62-page opinion, Judge Gershon termed Corrie's death ''an accident she brought upon herself'' and wrote that, contrary to fellow demonstrators' accounts, the army was not engaged in an effort to bulldoze nearby Palestinian homes at the time
Israeli court dismisses Corrie family's lawsuit, ending effort to put army on trial

The bulldozer driver didn't see the activist. The incident resulted from an accident in which the victim placed herself in harm's way and died as a consequence. I'm so sorry that Miss Corrie died, but it was not an intentional act in the opinion of a rather good judge of the law.

Not really. The bulldozer driver was escorted by dozens of members of the IDF, whose goal, after all, was to plow under some brown people's houses. They knew there were protestors there, they elected to go forward anyway.
Anyone too idiotic to step out of the way of a bulldozer is better out of the gene pool.

So by your logic, 6 million Jews letting themselves be surrounded by 200 million hostile Arabs and too idiotic to get out of the way are better off out of the Gene Pool, too, then?

I'm trying to understand your logic here. The smart thing to do would be to get out of the way of the bulldozer and say, "Screw you, Palestinian Family, you didn't need a house."

The smart thing for the Zionists to do would be to day, "Screw you, Yahweh, we're going to Europe or America where people aren't strapping bombs to their kids to try to kill us!"
Joe, there are Israeli people living on that land whose families never left Israel for thousands of years. If those who died in the European Holocaust from 1936-1945 could talk, you'd know they would not be packing their bags for other parts. Why should they, Joe. Their families have been there for ages. The refusal to learn from history tends to make history repeat itself.
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You don't define what you are doing with the topic of Israel as "hitting ME over the head with it?
That has nothing to do with what I just said. Your opinion, has nothing to do with me. Yet you tried to use that, to claim I wasn't "addressing" something.
Yes... You quoted MY POST. And then didn't address anything I SAID.

I understand the point you are making. And it is in no way addressing if something is murder or not. Just because one thing is illegal, does it automatically mean that something else is as well?
No it doesn't. But when you consider all the related factors of the incident and they add up to a "preponderance of the evidence", then "guilt" can be assessed at that time.
Guilt? On Israel maybe... But that doesn't make the operator a murderer.

Are you saying the weapon used in a murder, have nothing to do with the murder?

Again... If Israel is wrong in it's actions, that has nothing to do with the operator of the machinery.

No, it's not saying that at all. You're leaving out "intent". Parents don't raise their children, with the "intent" to be murderer's. But the operator of a bulldozer, who belongs to an organization that has, in the past, shown no regard for human life, deliberately drives over a person that he just got done HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH!, shows intent.
No doesn't. I argue with you, 5 mnutes later you end up dead... Am I guilty?

A guy is sitting in a D9 cab, having a conversation with someone standing in front of his vehicle, wearing a bright orange jacket and decides to "hit the gas", shows that he knows exactly what he was doing. Murder.
The bright color means absolutely nothing. You can't see in front of a dozer. I don't know how to make it any more clear than that. Maybe he did kill her on purpose. I DON'T KNOW. I do believe in innocent until proven guilty.

I just proved that wasn't true (see above) and also proved, you have very little regard for human life. For you to bend over backwards and give that driver the benefit of the doubt, in spite of the mountain of evidence showing Israel's intention to make the Palestinian's suffer as much as possible (by killing anyone that gets in their way), speaks volumes about your sense of morality and justice.
I believe in innocent until proven guilty yes. But again your placing your political values on a situation to show someone murdered someone else. Your political values don't mean anything, or shouldn't anyway, to whither or not someone was murdered.

Murderer's that kill with impunity, don't care one way or the other.
If you believe that, why in the world did he leave witnesses? Doesn't that seem unbelievably stupid to you? If it doesn't... Why not?

Yeah, but you hardly spend any time talking about what their actions are responsible for. And when you do, you're defending them, despite the fact that they have "priors".
The operator of the dozer has a prior? Please... Fill me in.

Sure... If the bulldozer wasn't there she wouldn't have died. If the girl wasn't there she wouldn't have died. Where does that leave us?
That's the easiest answer of this whole thread. People who spend all their time talking about the girl and no time talking about (or defending) the other factors that led to her death, are people that have lost any sense of humanity or justice.
And... You have lost your logic.

That has NOTHING to do with if it was murder or not. Nothing.
Yes it does; have you ever heard of "motive"?
What was the motive? Keep in mind... there were witnesses.
Judge Oded Gershon absolved the military, endorsing the bulldozer driver's claim that he had not seen Corrie, a 23-year-old nonviolent activist from Olympia, Wash., who wore a fluorescent vest, before his vehicle fatally injured her. In a 62-page opinion, Judge Gershon termed Corrie's death ''an accident she brought upon herself'' and wrote that, contrary to fellow demonstrators' accounts, the army was not engaged in an effort to bulldoze nearby Palestinian homes at the time
Israeli court dismisses Corrie family's lawsuit, ending effort to put army on trial
The bulldozer driver didn't see the activist. The incident resulted from an accident in which the victim placed herself in harm's way and died as a consequence. I'm so sorry that Miss Corrie died, but it was not an intentional act in the opinion of a rather good judge of the law.

Not really. The bulldozer driver was escorted by dozens of members of the IDF, whose goal, after all, was to plow under some brown people's houses. They knew there were protestors there, they elected to go forward anyway.
The court is the determiner of who saw what. The bulldozer driver did not see Miss Corrie, even though there was rioting chaos all around. He didn't see her, and the court ruled that it was so. The Corrie family may have been misinformed by people with a pony in the show and have suffered many years thinking it was a revenge act. It wasn't.

The bulldozer driver didn't see Miss Corrie.
Joe, there are Israeli people living on that land whose families never left Israel for thousands of years. If those who died in the Holocaust from 1936-1945 could talk, you'd know they would not be packing their bags for other parts. Why should they, Joe. Their families have been there for ages. The refusal to learn from history tends to make history repeat itself.

Only a very small amount of the Jewish people lving there now were living there before WWI.

The rest are immigrants from Europe.

And frankly, I get a little tired about hearing about Hitler. He died a very long time ago, and I don't see a lot of you wingnuts getting as weepy about the gays or the Gypsies....

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