ISRAEL is our ONLY ALLY in the Mid East.

You need to read up on history there sport

Real history or that bullshit stuff put out by Israel?

History is History

Divisive History

History's legacy created divisive issues between Palestinians and Israelis. Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine. Palestine was later conquered and inhabited by Arabs for over a thousand years. The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people. The Arabs resented the Jews coming in to take their land. Led by Grand Mufti Hajj Amin El Husseini, they rioted repeatedly and later revolted, creating a history of enmity between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Britain stopped Jewish immigration to Palestine. Following the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, pressure on Britain increased to allow Jewish immigration to Palestine. In 1947, the UN partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states. The Arabs did not accept the partition and war broke out. The Jews won a decisive victory, expanded their state and created several hundred thousand Palestinian refugees. The Arab states refused to recognize Israel or make peace with it. Wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982, and there were many terror raids and Israeli reprisals. Each side believes different versions of the same history. Each side views the conflict as wholly the fault of the other and expects an apology

In 1947, the UN partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states.

UN General Assembly resolution 181 recommended that Palestine be partitioned. Resolution 181 was to be sent to the Security Council for approval and implementation. The Security Council failed to accept that resolution. The UN did not partition Palestine and no states were created. Resolution 181 is a dead issue.

The Jews won a decisive victory,...

There was no victory in the 1948 war. An armistice was called By UN Security Council resolution. Palestine was divided into three areas of occupation by the green line that was specifically not to be political or national borders. Palestine's borders that were defined in 1922 remained unchanged. Israel won no land in the 1948 war.

The Arab states refused to recognize Israel

There is no Israel to recognize as Israel had failed to legally acquire any land and still has no borders.
why would any American wish to be allied to fascism, would be the Q i'd ask here

think about it, the Israeli's (or perhaps i should say the Israeli governance) have become what they sought to get away from

Israel, a tiny democratic, productive, country (the only one in the whole of Mid East) with a population the size of an American city, surrounded by Islamofascist whackjobs who attacked them 5 or 6 times with the purpose of annihilating them......clinging to a cushion of land, and its own historical capital Jerusalem..... which it won in a battle of survival in order not to be overrun by an enemy with 500:7 1/2 odds is "fascistic" !!!

Fascistic ( ??????) because no matter what concessions it made to the IslamoFascist Swine, ALL of these, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, were for nought because none of the concessions resulted in any reciprocation.

You are a fucking ignorant idiot.

You and people who share your opinion are not only ignorant but also ANTI-AMERICAN! How dare you side with a country that killed our men DELIBERATELY just like the cocksuckers in our government at the time that covered up the truth only because they believe that heaven awaits them! You are all delusional pieces of SHIT!

The Attack
On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died.

After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning. USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter. Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us. Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded. The ship, a $40-million dollar state-of-the-art signals intelligence platform, was later declared unsalvageable and sold for scrap.

The Cover Up
Despite a near-universal consensus that the Israeli attack was made with full knowledge that USS Liberty was a US Navy ship, the Johnson administration began an immediate cover-up of this fact. Though administration officers continued individually to characterize the attack as deliberate, the Johnson administration never sought the prosecution of the guilty parties or otherwise attempted to seek justice for the victims. They concealed and altered evidence in their effort to downplay the attack. Though they never formally accepted the Israeli explanation that it was an accident, they never pressed for a full investigation either. They simply allowed those responsible literally to get away with murder.

In an ongoing effort to reveal the truth about the attack, the USS Liberty Veterans Association has filed with the Secretary of the Army in the manner prescribed by law a detailed, fully documented Report of War Crimes describing the circumstances of the attack on our ship and evidence that it was a crime under international law. In accordance with international law and treaties, the United States is obligated to investigate the allegations. So far, the United States has declined even to acknowledge that the report has been filed. The full text of the report can be found at

Anti-Semitism and the Anti-American Apologists

The USS Liberty Memorial web site abhors the racist and extreme positions taken by antiSemitic, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theorist and other such groups which often seek to identify with us and to usurp our story as their own. We have no connection with and do not support or encourage support from any of these groups including National Alliance, National Vanguard, The New Order, National Socialists, The French Connection, Liberty Lobby, American Free Press, Republic Broadcasting, USS Liberty Radio Hour, Storm Front or other such groups. We wish harm to no one and encourage social justice and equality for everyone; we seek only accountability for the criminal acts perpetrated against us and can do that without help from hate-mongers.

On the Israeli side, the group of pro-Israel, anti-American critics of our story, while small, persists in launching loud, vicious ad hominem attacks on anyone who attempts to discuss the deliberateness of the attack. These anti-American apologists refuse to discuss the facts of the case. Instead, they rely on propaganda and charge anyone who questions the Israeli position with being antiSemitic.

For detailed and authoritative accounts of the power and influence of the pro-Israel lobby, please see The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy by Mearsheimer and Walt and The Pro-Israel Lobby by Edward Herman.

The Betrayal of American Veterans.
Americans who volunteer for military service effectively write a blank check, payable to the United States of America for an amount "up to and including my life." The United States, in turn, promises to spend these checks responsibly. That bargain implicitly includes a promise by the United States to protect them and to seek retribution against anyone who harms them. In the case of USS Liberty, the United States has failed to keep its end of the bargain.
Real history or that bullshit stuff put out by Israel?

History is History

Divisive History

History's legacy created divisive issues between Palestinians and Israelis. Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine. Palestine was later conquered and inhabited by Arabs for over a thousand years. The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people. The Arabs resented the Jews coming in to take their land. Led by Grand Mufti Hajj Amin El Husseini, they rioted repeatedly and later revolted, creating a history of enmity between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Britain stopped Jewish immigration to Palestine. Following the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, pressure on Britain increased to allow Jewish immigration to Palestine. In 1947, the UN partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states. The Arabs did not accept the partition and war broke out. The Jews won a decisive victory, expanded their state and created several hundred thousand Palestinian refugees. The Arab states refused to recognize Israel or make peace with it. Wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982, and there were many terror raids and Israeli reprisals. Each side believes different versions of the same history. Each side views the conflict as wholly the fault of the other and expects an apology

UN General Assembly resolution 181 recommended that Palestine be partitioned. Resolution 181 was to be sent to the Security Council for approval and implementation. The Security Council failed to accept that resolution. The UN did not partition Palestine and no states were created. Resolution 181 is a dead issue.

The Jews won a decisive victory,...

There was no victory in the 1948 war. An armistice was called By UN Security Council resolution. Palestine was divided into three areas of occupation by the green line that was specifically not to be political or national borders. Palestine's borders that were defined in 1922 remained unchanged. Israel won no land in the 1948 war.

The Arab states refused to recognize Israel

There is no Israel to recognize as Israel had failed to legally acquire any land and still has no borders.

No its the Palestinians that have no claim to any land in the area in fact there never was a Palestine Nation state to start with
History is History

Divisive History

History's legacy created divisive issues between Palestinians and Israelis. Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine. Palestine was later conquered and inhabited by Arabs for over a thousand years. The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people. The Arabs resented the Jews coming in to take their land. Led by Grand Mufti Hajj Amin El Husseini, they rioted repeatedly and later revolted, creating a history of enmity between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Britain stopped Jewish immigration to Palestine. Following the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, pressure on Britain increased to allow Jewish immigration to Palestine. In 1947, the UN partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states. The Arabs did not accept the partition and war broke out. The Jews won a decisive victory, expanded their state and created several hundred thousand Palestinian refugees. The Arab states refused to recognize Israel or make peace with it. Wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982, and there were many terror raids and Israeli reprisals. Each side believes different versions of the same history. Each side views the conflict as wholly the fault of the other and expects an apology

UN General Assembly resolution 181 recommended that Palestine be partitioned. Resolution 181 was to be sent to the Security Council for approval and implementation. The Security Council failed to accept that resolution. The UN did not partition Palestine and no states were created. Resolution 181 is a dead issue.

There was no victory in the 1948 war. An armistice was called By UN Security Council resolution. Palestine was divided into three areas of occupation by the green line that was specifically not to be political or national borders. Palestine's borders that were defined in 1922 remained unchanged. Israel won no land in the 1948 war.

The Arab states refused to recognize Israel

There is no Israel to recognize as Israel had failed to legally acquire any land and still has no borders.

No its the Palestinians that have no claim to any land in the area in fact there never was a Palestine Nation state to start with

Israel's standard propaganda line is to deny the existence of Palestine or the Palestinians.

The Treaty of Versailles (1920) provisionally recognized the former Ottoman communities as independent nations. It also required Germany to recognize the disposition of the former Ottoman territories and to recognize the new states laid down within their boundaries. The Treaty of Lausanne required the newly created states that acquired the territory to pay annuities on the Ottoman public debt, and to assume responsibility for the administration of concessions that had been granted by the Ottomans. A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties. In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state for concessions granted by Ottoman authorities. The Courts of Palestine and Great Britain decided that title to the properties shown on the Ottoman Civil list had been ceded to the government of Palestine as an allied successor state.[16]

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
UN General Assembly resolution 181 recommended that Palestine be partitioned. Resolution 181 was to be sent to the Security Council for approval and implementation. The Security Council failed to accept that resolution. The UN did not partition Palestine and no states were created. Resolution 181 is a dead issue.

There was no victory in the 1948 war. An armistice was called By UN Security Council resolution. Palestine was divided into three areas of occupation by the green line that was specifically not to be political or national borders. Palestine's borders that were defined in 1922 remained unchanged. Israel won no land in the 1948 war.

There is no Israel to recognize as Israel had failed to legally acquire any land and still has no borders.

No its the Palestinians that have no claim to any land in the area in fact there never was a Palestine Nation state to start with

Israel's standard propaganda line is to deny the existence of Palestine or the Palestinians.

The Treaty of Versailles (1920) provisionally recognized the former Ottoman communities as independent nations. It also required Germany to recognize the disposition of the former Ottoman territories and to recognize the new states laid down within their boundaries. The Treaty of Lausanne required the newly created states that acquired the territory to pay annuities on the Ottoman public debt, and to assume responsibility for the administration of concessions that had been granted by the Ottomans. A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties. In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state for concessions granted by Ottoman authorities. The Courts of Palestine and Great Britain decided that title to the properties shown on the Ottoman Civil list had been ceded to the government of Palestine as an allied successor state.[16]

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestine is Judea which is Israel

Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine.

The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people.
What LIEberrhoid Anti-American arseholes don't and can't understand is that Israel is our ONLY ally in the Mid East.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to beg, or pay oneself, into the fucking MuslimArsed countries acceptance EVEN IF WE BETRAY AND TOTALLY ABANDON ISRAEL because the MuslimArsed countries are governed by RELIGIOUS MUSLIM FANATICS who consider America the GREAT SATAN because of our avowed and irrevocable position as a sponsor of a SECULAR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.........i.e., an IPSO FACTO REJECTION of the FOUNDATION of ISLAM !!!!

No matter what we say or do.......ISLAM and the followers of ISLAM are our foes unto death !!!

Turkey is a member of NATO and has done far more for US interests then Israel. My memory is a little vague..but do you remember the last time the Turks shot up a US warship? Killed US Military? Killed US civilians? Spied on the US? Stole Industrial and Military secrets from the US?

Israel is guilty of all these things:

911 - The Israeli Connection
American allegedly spied for Israel - US news - Security -
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Furkan Dogan Killed on Gaza Aid Flotilla - ABC News

Additionally..we pay for their military..which isn't cheap.

Thus far they are more a liability then an asset.
No its the Palestinians that have no claim to any land in the area in fact there never was a Palestine Nation state to start with

Israel's standard propaganda line is to deny the existence of Palestine or the Palestinians.

Palestine is Judea which is Israel

Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine.

The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people.

The Palestine Mandate was to assist the Jews who immigrated to Palestine to obtain Palestinian citizenship. It was not to create a Jewish state.
Israel's standard propaganda line is to deny the existence of Palestine or the Palestinians.

Palestine is Judea which is Israel

The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people.

The Palestine Mandate was to assist the Jews who immigrated to Palestine to obtain Palestinian citizenship. It was not to create a Jewish state.

There is no and never has been a Palestine State there has been and continues to be a Judea.

Palestine's were nothing more then a stateless nomadic tribe which is one of the reasons none of the other nations want anything to do with them.
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it is my belief that if we would stop treating israel as if it were for some reason special and enter into normal relations with it - i.e. hold it accountable for its actions - that we would soon find ourselves with many more allies in the middle east and become stronger and safer because of it.
it is my belief that if we would stop treating israel as if it were for some reason special and enter into normal relations with it - i.e. hold it accountable for its actions - that we would soon find ourselves with many more allies in the middle east and become stronger and safer because of it.

Perhaps one day when the surrounding region grows up and becomes normalized we may see normal relations taking place but until then its not going to happen with or without Israel
it is my belief that if we would stop treating israel as if it were for some reason special and enter into normal relations with it - i.e. hold it accountable for its actions - that we would soon find ourselves with many more allies in the middle east and become stronger and safer because of it.

Perhaps one day when the surrounding region grows up and becomes normalized we may see normal relations taking place but until then its not going to happen with or without Israel

you don't think we're seeing some of that growing up right now?

anyhow it's easy to see what our too intimate relationship with israel is costing us. what are we gaining from supporting them?
it is my belief that if we would stop treating israel as if it were for some reason special and enter into normal relations with it - i.e. hold it accountable for its actions - that we would soon find ourselves with many more allies in the middle east and become stronger and safer because of it.

Perhaps one day when the surrounding region grows up and becomes normalized we may see normal relations taking place but until then its not going to happen with or without Israel

you don't think we're seeing some of that growing up right now?

anyhow it's easy to see what our too intimate relationship with israel is costing us. what are we gaining from supporting them?

Yes there appears to be a glimmer of hope that the people there want a normal life and I hope and pray for its success

And just what is it "costing" us? We have an ally in the region we have a stable normal democratic civilization in an area surrounded by warring idiot's who's entire basis of life is one religion one that I might add that doesn't allow for any other.

Moreover it has less to do with them helping us as it has to do with us protecting them and a resulting massive war which would completely destabilize the region and that is something we will not allow.
Palestine is Judea which is Israel

The Palestine Mandate was to assist the Jews who immigrated to Palestine to obtain Palestinian citizenship. It was not to create a Jewish state.

There is no and never has been a Palestine State there has been and continues to be a Judea.

Palestine's were nothing more then a stateless nomadic tribe which is one of the reasons none of the other nations want anything to do with them.


Gaza City





Palestine's were nothing more then a stateless nomadic tribe which is one of the reasons none of the other nations want anything to do with them.

What a load of nonsense.


Read a book.
Yes there appears to be a glimmer of hope that the people there want a normal life and I hope and pray for its success

And just what is it "costing" us? We have an ally in the region we have a stable normal democratic civilization in an area surrounded by warring idiot's who's entire basis of life is one religion one that I might add that doesn't allow for any other.

Moreover it has less to do with them helping us as it has to do with us protecting them and a resulting massive war which would completely destabilize the region and that is something we will not allow.

so is it your belief that the only way we can prevent war is to continue to treat israel as if they are somehow special and continue to allow them to do whatever they want?

i happen to think that there are other options and that the sooner we explore those options the better off we'll be - because as it is israel costs us far too much and provides far too little.
Palestine's were nothing more then a stateless nomadic tribe which is one of the reasons none of the other nations want anything to do with them.

What a load of nonsense.


Read a book.

In the past you dimwit we are talking about an issue that spans what a 1000 years? during the time of the roman empire.
Palestine is Judea which is Israel

The Palestine Mandate was to assist the Jews who immigrated to Palestine to obtain Palestinian citizenship. It was not to create a Jewish state.

There is no and never has been a Palestine State there has been and continues to be a Judea.

Palestine's were nothing more then a stateless nomadic tribe which is one of the reasons none of the other nations want anything to do with them.

So they were kind of like the Sioux? And thus taking their land and destroying their culture becomes morally justifiable.
Palestine's were nothing more then a stateless nomadic tribe which is one of the reasons none of the other nations want anything to do with them.

What a load of nonsense.


Read a book.

In the past you dimwit we are talking about an issue that spans what a 1000 years? during the time of the roman empire.

ask yourself honestly - what does 1000 years ago have to do with today?

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