ISRAEL is our ONLY ALLY in the Mid East.

If Israel is our ally, why are there no Israeli boots on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan?
The Iraqis and Afghanis would be up in arms if the Israelis sent even doctors to those countries. You're as dumb as the come sir!

So this notion that Israel is our "ally" is utter nonsense and anyone who believes it is simply ignorant, or harbors a religious or cultural bias, or has been brainwashed by generations of repetitious deception by Israel supporters and American politicians corrupted by AIPAC money and fear of being accused of anti-Semitism.
Rather its the truth. Fools like you want to say that countries like Saudi Arabia where we have friendly ties with the government, but the people hate are allies. Makes no sense!

Israel is a protectorate.
Name one war we fought in for them? No foreign troops have ever helped Israel, except in '52 at the Suez Canal crisis. But that was the British and French. During the cold war Israel was key in the US stand off against the USSR! You're a fool!

And according to Osama bin Laden's own admonition to us in 1998, our support of that aggressive, troublesome little nation is the main reason we were attacked on 9/11.
True, Israel is a reason they give. However, I guarantee if Israel wasn't around, they would still want to kill us and others. Europe has been hit with far more terrorist attacks, from countries like Germany, Spain, France, Beligium etc and Israel is the motivation in those attacks. They find justification to attack Russia, China and India. None are allies of Israel.

Bashing Israel is red herring for them. It gets people riled up and definitely is motivation, but Sharia law across the globe is the end game for them!
Iraq is not an ally.

I agree, just like they weren't before the war.

Iraq was not our ally before the war.

Iraq is not our ally now.

However, we have to do everything we can to keep Iran from getting Iraqi oil.

And, even though Iraq is NOT our ally now.....or before the war........SOME Iraqis still have enough hatred for Iran so that we can still milk that hatred for our own benefit.

I see, that's the new excuse for the war.

I'm sure that would warm the hearts of the families knowing their sons and dads died so that one non-ally wouldn't get oil and we could keep it in the hands of another non-ally.
Without Isreal in that region where would 100,000 of the Palestinians work?

They would work their land like they did before Israel stole it.

Palestine was a peaceful and prosperous country before Israel.

Shitmore, you ignorant idiot:

Palestine NEVER was a country.

Look up the TERRITORY that was "PALESTINE" before the British grant of the land.

Granted there were some arabs living in that area. But that was predominantly a WASTE LAND inhabited by the dregs of Arab's homeless trash living in conditions almost similar to those of Nazi Concentration camps KICKED OUT by the surrounding Arab countries.

The ruling and more productive fucking Arabs gathered more of their homeless trash and inundated the area as much as they could once they found out that the British were going to divvy up the area.


Name ONE ruler, king, Sheik of "Palestine" before the British Mandate

You can't.

Name the currency of the country of "Palestine" beforde the British mandate.

You can't.

Whereas, the country of Israel has a history more extensive than that of the United States of America. Source: The Bible.

Name at least ONE fool that doesn't know a fucking thing about "Palestine".

That, you can do. IT'S YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT !!!
Without Isreal in that region where would 100,000 of the Palestinians work?

They would work their land like they did before Israel stole it.

Palestine was a peaceful and prosperous country before Israel.

Shitmore, you ignorant idiot:

Palestine NEVER was a country.

Look up the TERRITORY that was "PALESTINE" before the British grant of the land.

Granted there were some arabs living in that area. But that was predominantly a WASTE LAND inhabited by the dregs of Arab's homeless trash living in conditions almost similar to those of Nazi Concentration camps KICKED OUT by the surrounding Arab countries.

The ruling and more productive fucking Arabs gathered more of their homeless trash and inundated the area as much as they could once they found out that the British were going to divvy up the area..... and this human trash would be a pain in the butt for Israel.


Name ONE ruler, king, Sheik of "Palestine" before the British Mandate

You can't.

Name the currency of the country of "Palestine" beforde the British mandate.

You can't.

Whereas, the country of Israel has a history more extensive than that of the United States of America. Source: The Bible.

Name at least ONE fool that doesn't know a fucking thing about "Palestine".

That, you can do. IT'S YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT !!!
The funnest thing about this whole discussion is you guys don't even realize you're admitting how big of a failure the War in Iraq was.

Trillions spent, 4,000 dead americans, 100,000 dead Iraqi's, contributing factor to economic turmoil in the US and crippling debt and you people who loved the war still don't even consider Iraq an ally.

Well done, once you're distracted from your partisan talking points in Iraq the truth comes out.

AHHH who was talking about Iraq? that's a completely separate issue with its own issue's and problem. How are you relating the two?

The OP is referring the entire ME, of which Iraq is a part, and therefore, considering what we've spent there,

is relevant to the issue of who is or isn't an ally.

I'd like to hear how Israel is our ally. They don't help us in our wars in the region, they're not helping to protect our interests.

What IS an ally, exactly? and how does Israel qualify as one?
I agree, just like they weren't before the war.

Iraq was not our ally before the war.

Iraq is not our ally now.

However, we have to do everything we can to keep Iran from getting Iraqi oil.

And, even though Iraq is NOT our ally now.....or before the war........SOME Iraqis still have enough hatred for Iran so that we can still milk that hatred for our own benefit.

I see, that's the new excuse for the war.

I'm sure that would warm the hearts of the families knowing their sons and dads died so that one non-ally wouldn't get oil and we could keep it in the hands of another non-ally.

Every once in a while some supporter of the Iraq war admits that oil was a prime motive.
What LIEberrhoid Anti-American arseholes don't and can't understand is that Israel is our ONLY ally in the Mid East.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to beg, or pay oneself, into the fucking MuslimArsed countries acceptance EVEN IF WE BETRAY AND TOTALLY ABANDON ISRAEL because the MuslimArsed countries are governed by RELIGIOUS MUSLIM FANATICS who consider America the GREAT SATAN because of our avowed and irrevocable position as a sponsor of a SECULAR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.........i.e., an IPSO FACTO REJECTION of the FOUNDATION of ISLAM !!!!

No matter what we say or do.......ISLAM and the followers of ISLAM are our foes unto death !!!

You support Israel....MOVE THERE!


You have the logic of a moron with a lobotomy.

Supporting an ally does not entail moving there, you fucking idiotic freak.
At the moment they are special as they are the only democratic government in the region that we can count on.
count on for what?
Do you really think they won't burn that region to the ground if they are attacked again? Do you really want to see what happens if we allow them to be backed into a corner I can safely guarantee that if push comes to shove there won't be a Arab problem any longer in that region.

I'm still wondering what this cost is that you are talking about? We do the same thing all over the world its called buying influence.

what are we really buying in israel? are we the only thing that keeps them from using their nuclear weapons (weapons we wouldn't let any other non-signatory to the non-proliferation treaty have)?

and the cost is far more than just the aid money and military support we send their way. it's also the cost in normal relations with other countries in the region, the cost of increased risk of terrorist attacks, and the cost of a 'friend' that we allow to spy on and steal from us.

our support of israel is very costly. what do we get in return?

So because you fear "increased Terrorist attacks" we shouldn't support a democratic nation tell me that isn't what you meant.

Ya Israel has pulled some boneheaded stunts just as we have done to them and to every other nation.

Do you completely not understand the point of having a stable region and why a stable region is in our nations best interests.

Tell me you understand why it must be....let me explain something as far as I am concern the entire ME could burn itself to a cinder and I think the world would be better off for it. But the reality is we need the region to be mostly stable for our own needs that is a simple fact of life. Not to mention that the world has become a very small place meaning that what happens out there is gong to impact our nation no matter what its just by varying levels of degree's.

and it is my belief that the region would be more stable, that the US would be in a better position IF we would just treat israel like every other nation. We would be in a much better position to partner with other nations, and if israel could be made to broker any kind of peace deal with the palestinians there would be much less extremism all around.

the only thing i see us gaining from our intimate relationship with israel is increased animosity from other countries and a less stable region.
Israel can't put boots on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan because of the way it would look, Muslims are pissed that Israel even exists, if it looks like the Israelis are invading other Muslim countries the situation would be 100 times worse. Israel doesn't have to put Military on the ground to help the US.

so what does israel do to help us?

Intelligence on the ground and votes in the UN.
I agree, just like they weren't before the war.

Iraq was not our ally before the war.

Iraq is not our ally now.

However, we have to do everything we can to keep Iran from getting Iraqi oil.

And, even though Iraq is NOT our ally now.....or before the war........SOME Iraqis still have enough hatred for Iran so that we can still milk that hatred for our own benefit.

I see, that's the new excuse for the war.

I'm sure that would warm the hearts of the families knowing their sons and dads died so that one non-ally wouldn't get oil and we could keep it in the hands of another non-ally.

Dreck punk,

Without oil, you'd be the first to scream your balls off.
The funnest thing about this whole discussion is you guys don't even realize you're admitting how big of a failure the War in Iraq was.

Trillions spent, 4,000 dead americans, 100,000 dead Iraqi's, contributing factor to economic turmoil in the US and crippling debt and you people who loved the war still don't even consider Iraq an ally.

Well done, once you're distracted from your partisan talking points in Iraq the truth comes out.

AHHH who was talking about Iraq? that's a completely separate issue with its own issue's and problem. How are you relating the two?

The OP is referring the entire ME, of which Iraq is a part, and therefore, considering what we've spent there,

is relevant to the issue of who is or isn't an ally.

I'd like to hear how Israel is our ally. They don't help us in our wars in the region, they're not helping to protect our interests.

What IS an ally, exactly? and how does Israel qualify as one?

I find the people of Israel as a bigger victim in our connection than the people of the US.

They pay taxes for a government that's sovereingty isn't and hasn't been taken seriously by the United States. They pay taxes just to have the leaders they elect bought off by our government, look at Netanyahu's 30% approval rating, sure seems like the Israeli people aren't a fan of what their taxes and votes are getting them.
Iraq was not our ally before the war.

Iraq is not our ally now.

However, we have to do everything we can to keep Iran from getting Iraqi oil.

And, even though Iraq is NOT our ally now.....or before the war........SOME Iraqis still have enough hatred for Iran so that we can still milk that hatred for our own benefit.

I see, that's the new excuse for the war.

I'm sure that would warm the hearts of the families knowing their sons and dads died so that one non-ally wouldn't get oil and we could keep it in the hands of another non-ally.

Every once in a while some supporter of the Iraq war admits that oil was a prime motive.

Yeah, they realized their talking point of "fighting for the freedom of Iraqis" meant they're willing to have american soldiers die for muslims to have freedom. So they knew they had to find a new talking point rather than compromise their bigotry, so they're more comfortable with the idea of americans dying for oil than for muslims.
The funnest thing about this whole discussion is you guys don't even realize you're admitting how big of a failure the War in Iraq was.

Trillions spent, 4,000 dead americans, 100,000 dead Iraqi's, contributing factor to economic turmoil in the US and crippling debt and you people who loved the war still don't even consider Iraq an ally.

Well done, once you're distracted from your partisan talking points in Iraq the truth comes out.

What does any of this have to do with Israel being our ally?

Has nothing to do with them being our ally, the OP said they're our ONLY ally, so he's admitting he doesn't view Iraq as an ally.

Or Turkey(Part of NATO), Or Egypt, Or Jordan, Or Qatar, Or Kuwait, Or Saudi Arabia, Or Yemen..
Real history or that bullshit stuff put out by Israel?

History is History

Divisive History

History's legacy created divisive issues between Palestinians and Israelis. Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine. Palestine was later conquered and inhabited by Arabs for over a thousand years. The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab population. Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of Nations mandate to build a national home for the Jewish people. The Arabs resented the Jews coming in to take their land. Led by Grand Mufti Hajj Amin El Husseini, they rioted repeatedly and later revolted, creating a history of enmity between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Britain stopped Jewish immigration to Palestine. Following the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, pressure on Britain increased to allow Jewish immigration to Palestine. In 1947, the UN partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states. The Arabs did not accept the partition and war broke out. The Jews won a decisive victory, expanded their state and created several hundred thousand Palestinian refugees. The Arab states refused to recognize Israel or make peace with it. Wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982, and there were many terror raids and Israeli reprisals. Each side believes different versions of the same history. Each side views the conflict as wholly the fault of the other and expects an apology

UN General Assembly resolution 181 recommended that Palestine be partitioned. Resolution 181 was to be sent to the Security Council for approval and implementation. The Security Council failed to accept that resolution. The UN did not partition Palestine and no states were created. Resolution 181 is a dead issue.

The Jews won a decisive victory,...

There was no victory in the 1948 war. An armistice was called By UN Security Council resolution. Palestine was divided into three areas of occupation by the green line that was specifically not to be political or national borders. Palestine's borders that were defined in 1922 remained unchanged. Israel won no land in the 1948 war.

The Arab states refused to recognize Israel

There is no Israel to recognize as Israel had failed to legally acquire any land and still has no borders.


You are an ignorant fool.

There is only so much time one can spend on ignorant fools.
Iraq was not our ally before the war.

Iraq is not our ally now.

However, we have to do everything we can to keep Iran from getting Iraqi oil.

And, even though Iraq is NOT our ally now.....or before the war........SOME Iraqis still have enough hatred for Iran so that we can still milk that hatred for our own benefit.

I see, that's the new excuse for the war.

I'm sure that would warm the hearts of the families knowing their sons and dads died so that one non-ally wouldn't get oil and we could keep it in the hands of another non-ally.

Dreck punk,

Without oil, you'd be the first to scream your balls off.

As long as we're in agreement that it was a war for oil, we're good.

You can continue with the childish name-calling, that's fine, I'm just glad you also know the reality of the situation.

Yes I'd like to have cheaper oil I admit, is it worth sacrificing the best americans we have to offer? I say no, that's where we disagree.
Israel can't put boots on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan because of the way it would look, Muslims are pissed that Israel even exists, if it looks like the Israelis are invading other Muslim countries the situation would be 100 times worse. Israel doesn't have to put Military on the ground to help the US.

so what does israel do to help us?

Intelligence on the ground and votes in the UN.

A big no to the first (if anything they are an intelligence headache) and a slight yes to the "votes".

But that's one expensive fucking vote.:lol:
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Without Isreal in that region where would 100,000 of the Palestinians work?

They would work their land like they did before Israel stole it.

Palestine was a peaceful and prosperous country before Israel.

Shitmore, you ignorant idiot:

Palestine NEVER was a country.

Look up the TERRITORY that was "PALESTINE" before the British grant of the land.

Granted there were some arabs living in that area. But that was predominantly a WASTE LAND inhabited by the dregs of Arab's homeless trash living in conditions almost similar to those of Nazi Concentration camps KICKED OUT by the surrounding Arab countries.

The ruling and more productive fucking Arabs gathered more of their homeless trash and inundated the area as much as they could once they found out that the British were going to divvy up the area.


Name ONE ruler, king, Sheik of "Palestine" before the British Mandate

You can't.

Name the currency of the country of "Palestine" beforde the British mandate.

You can't.

Whereas, the country of Israel has a history more extensive than that of the United States of America. Source: The Bible.

Name at least ONE fool that doesn't know a fucking thing about "Palestine".

That, you can do. IT'S YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT !!!


In order to create an alleged justification for the crime of genocide they have committed against the Palestinian Arabs, the Zionists have tried to convince the world that Palestine was practically uninhabited, "A Land Without People for a People without a Land." They created and propagated the myths that the Palestinian Arabs were nomads or seminomads without a culture and civilization, that the Palestinians had neither a national identity nor existence, that the Palestinians lacked an economic structure and roots in the land.

The continuity of the Palestinian roots in the land in fact goes back to antiquity. Absorbing or outlasting various conquerors, Palestinians tenaciously tended their ancestral farmlands, whether as freeholders or as tenants and mortgagees, and by the end of World War 11, mostly as unfettered freeholders again. In his study of the history of landholdings in Palestine, Abraham Granott, formerly Managing Director of the Jewish National Fund, admits:

When the kingdom of Byzantium was subjugated by the Arabs, practically the whole of the land belonged to the big proprietors, the Emperor, the municipal authorities, and religious bodies, as churches and so on, while the soil was cultivated by the former owners who had remained on their plots as tenants after the land had passed into the hands of large owners.(1)

Thus the Palestinian farmers expelled by the Zionists in 1948 were the lineal descendants of the most ancient owners of the land. The Palestinian Arabs are the indigenous population of Palestine, the descendants of the Philistines and of all the Semitic peoples who have lived in Palestine since the time of the Canaanites. Successive waves of newcomers, such as Philistines from Crete, Semites from Iraq, Romans, Greeks and Arabs came and intermarried with the native stock.

The historical record disproves the Zionist lie that Palestine was undeveloped before the establishment of Jewish settlements in Palestine, Muqqadisi, a native of Jerusalem who died in 986 A.D., enumerated the principal products of Palestine in the tenth century

..among which agricultural produce was particularly copious and prized: fruit of every kind (olives, figs, grapes, quinces, plums, apples, dates, walnuts, almonds, jujubes and bananas), some of which were exported, and crops for processing (sugarcane, indigo and sumac). But the mineral resources were equally important: chalk earth, marble from Bayt Djibrin, and sulphur mined in the Jordan Valley, not to mention the salt and bitumen of the Dead Sea. Stone, which was common in the country, was the most generally used building material for towns of any importance.(2)

Chapter 2: Encyclopedia of Palestine
Israel can't put boots on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan because of the way it would look, Muslims are pissed that Israel even exists, if it looks like the Israelis are invading other Muslim countries the situation would be 100 times worse. Israel doesn't have to put Military on the ground to help the US.

so what does israel do to help us?

Intelligence on the ground and votes in the UN.

i really have to ask the question - would we have the need for intelligence if we weren't in bed with israel, and if we did would we not be able to get it elsewhere? also, how reliable or valuable is this intelligence we're getting? finally, for the money we spend on israel we could train a hell of a lot of intelligence operatives.

as to the vote in the UN - again, could we not get those elsewhere (when needed because face it, that's a really, really, small contribution to us. can't think of one time when we needed israel's vote on something in the UN to get anything done)
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