Isn't it time to take Thailand to task?


Apr 15, 2010
i will admit up front that i have only been skimming the recent actions of the red shirt dissidents and the thai government. that can change if there are some others here who want to take a closer look at what's going on.

for some reason, the thai monarchy is one of those governments, like israel, that the powers-that-be in the US refuse to criticize. much of what happened between 1945 and 1975 in southeast asia had as one of its elements support for the thai government against insurgents.

from my activities in the jewelry and gemstone industry, i have learned that the thai government is behind the sri lankan civil war in an effort to displace colombo with bangkok as the center for the gem cutting and setting trade in asia. they also support child labor in the gem cutting industry and there are reports of children chained to cutting machines and blinded by them by the age of ten.
If we're going after countries for child labor, we'd be going after a great deal of Asia. That includes China, which you probably have made the majority of your purchases from.
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If we're going after countries for child labor, we'd be going after a great deal of Asia. That includes China, which you probably have made the majority of your purchases from.

actually, i work more with stones from south america than anywhere else --- child and forced labor is a problem there too.

i didn't want to focus on child labor though --- i was hoping to see somebody come in with a simple, yet brilliant description of what these recent protests have been about.
If we're going after countries for child labor, we'd be going after a great deal of Asia. That includes China, which you probably have made the majority of your purchases from.

actually, i work more with stones from south america than anywhere else --- child and forced labor is a problem there too.

i didn't want to focus on child labor though --- i was hoping to see somebody come in with a simple, yet brilliant description of what these recent protests have been about.

After having been to Asia and the middle east, I have decided the old adage 'east is east and west is west, and never the twain shall meet' is entirely true. Our values are not their values and trying to get them to accept our values is futile.
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so it is okay for us to finance a repressive government with our tax dollars and send our troops into harm's way to prop up a hereditary monarchy?

oh wait! that's what we do regularly for israel, kuwait and the saudis so i guess it's ok for us to foot the bill for the same kind of nonsense in thailand, right?
so it is okay for us to finance a repressive government with our tax dollars and send our troops into harm's way to prop up a hereditary monarchy?

oh wait! that's what we do regularly for israel, kuwait and the saudis so i guess it's ok for us to foot the bill for the same kind of nonsense in thailand, right?

We are in far too much debt to China to wax very self righteous about their values.
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i owe china nothing and this thread is about thailand.

our government has been propping up a monarchy in a rigidly caste-stratified society for many years but i suppose that's a good thing because that seems to be the direction many over affluent americans want our society to head in.
i owe china nothing and this thread is about thailand.

our government has been propping up a monarchy in a rigidly caste-stratified society for many years but i suppose that's a good thing because that seems to be the direction many over affluent americans want our society to head in.

If we're going after countries for child labor, we'd be going after a great deal of Asia. That includes China, which you probably have made the majority of your purchases from.

actually, i work more with stones from south america than anywhere else --- child and forced labor is a problem there too.

i didn't want to focus on child labor though --- i was hoping to see somebody come in with a simple, yet brilliant description of what these recent protests have been about.

Anarchy. They do not like the current Government. They think they can dictate to that Government when it will dissolve itself and form a new one only they approve of.
If we're going after countries for child labor, we'd be going after a great deal of Asia. That includes China, which you probably have made the majority of your purchases from.

actually, i work more with stones from south america than anywhere else --- child and forced labor is a problem there too.

i didn't want to focus on child labor though --- i was hoping to see somebody come in with a simple, yet brilliant description of what these recent protests have been about.

Anarchy. They do not like the current Government. They think they can dictate to that Government when it will dissolve itself and form a new one only they approve of.

simple but it will only be brilliant if you elaborate.

will it take an incident like tianenman square in DC to shake you all out of the stupor that dwight eisenhower warned us about when he said that the "overzealous leaders of the "military-industrial complex" pose the "gravest threat to our constitutional way of life"?

(the quote may not be accurate word for word but that is the essence of it)

he warned us and we let it happen here and now almost 50 years later (marking the start of the end at 12:45 pm CST 11/22/1963) we have jingoistic jerkoffs jabbering in favor of authoritarian plutocracy.
thailand is on the brink now, again.

can you give some links on the gemstone business stuff, i am very much interested in reading that.

unfortunately, no. those were rumors i picked up from asian vendors at the gem shows in tucson.

i do a lot of work with live stone for spiritualists and it is very difficult to find stones that have not been tainted with the blood, sweat and tears of slaves and prisoners from almost everywhere.
thailand is on the brink now, again.

can you give some links on the gemstone business stuff, i am very much interested in reading that.

unfortunately, no. those were rumors i picked up from asian vendors at the gem shows in tucson.

i do a lot of work with live stone for spiritualists and it is very difficult to find stones that have not been tainted with the blood, sweat and tears of slaves and prisoners from almost everywhere.

yeah well, i thought you had something specific, as right now, the shit is going down in Bangkok. but the gem stone problems are probaby not the top priority. when myanmar/burma had the unsuccessful uprising, the bloody rubies were highlighted by some news organizations.

i don't buy gem stones.
many investment advisors recommend putting a portion of the funds in your portfolio into gemstones and precious metals. metals are safer but gemstones will yield bigger returns faster with the right purchases. to make the right purchase requires you find the right seller or a really honest broker. unless you know someone like that it is wise to stay out of it.

i'll poke around and see if i can't find anything concrete about the child labor and involvement in the sri lankan civil war.

as for thailand, it seems like the big issue is the poor people do not think they are getting a fair shake from the current government and are putting they're complaints into the street where the big problem (with peaceful demos) seems to be that the presence is hurting the tourist industry.

that there is something to watch closely because the very same kind of conflict is brewing all over america in entertainment districts with homeless people.
Take Thailand to task? What for? The Thai government already answers to us.

If the roles were reversed, and it was a government that isn't under the thumb of globalist bankers that was killing citizens who want a voice in politics, we'd probably be using the media as a tool to generate public support for a US invasion. There would be massive 24/7 live media coverage of the ongoing killings of unarmed civilians by military forces, and countless "experts" commenting on how we could and should remove the inhumane leadership and replace them with a citizen oriented government.

The problem, however, is that we already dictate our demands to the Thai government. So the best we can do is to place the blame for the slaughter on the protestors and disclaim their opinions, minimize the news coverage of these atrocities, and send a verbal message of "dissapointment" in the killings without appearing to withdraw our direct support for the puppets in Thai government who are committed to implementing the globalist agenda.
If we're going after countries for child labor, we'd be going after a great deal of Asia. That includes China, which you probably have made the majority of your purchases from.

actually, i work more with stones from south america than anywhere else --- child and forced labor is a problem there too.

i didn't want to focus on child labor though --- i was hoping to see somebody come in with a simple, yet brilliant description of what these recent protests have been about.

Anarchy. They do not like the current Government. They think they can dictate to that Government when it will dissolve itself and form a new one only they approve of.

Those BASTARDS! No one has ever dared such impudence!
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
2.1 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
2.2 That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
2.3 Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
2.4 But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
Declaration of Independence (Preamble)

shorebreak, when you say "us" do you mean us as in "we the people" or "US.GOV"?

i consider the latter to be invalid and in need of dissolution and reorganization for pretty much similar reasons as the red shirts in thailand are calling for the dissolution and reorganization of the bodies that are supposed to be justly representing their best interests.
shorebreak, when you say "us" do you mean us as in "we the people" or "US.GOV"?

i consider the latter to be invalid and in need of dissolution and reorganization for pretty much similar reasons as the red shirts in thailand are calling for the dissolution and reorganization of the bodies that are supposed to be justly representing their best interests.

I meant "us" as in "we the people". Not that I agree with what the U.S. is doing, but if the U.S. is a representative government, whatever they do is done by "us".

For those who claim that they don't support the U.S. because it doesn't represent them, thereofre it's not really "us", my response is that if you're not doing something about it, your silence or inaction is implied consent.

Thomas Aquinas, among the most respected philosophers and moral teachers in human history, teaches that inaction in the face of releivable human suffering is radical evil.

It's my opinion that inaction against the private system that has taken control of our government is radical evil.

You and I seem to be on the same page to some extent or other.
obviously neither of us is inactive simply from our participation in this forum.

my political rap starts out with "if you don't vote you shouldn't complain"

as a chicago native who was raised in a politically active family, i also preach about how voting is only one part and a very small one at that, in the political process. it is imperative that we the people ride herd on our elected officials and make sure that our opinions are known about all legislation that will impact our lives. if the people do not assert themselves, the hacks just get bought off.

when it comes to mass civil disobedience to get the point across is where the american people have lost their edge. we can only hope and pray that there will not be a massacre in bangkok.

such a tragedy will only empower the maniacs and keep the faint hearted off the streets here.

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