CDZ Islamophobia

How is a thread entitled "Islamaphobia" which is specifically designed to insult anyone who believes Muslims are a danger to our way of life an appropriate thread for a zone called the "clean zone?"

This thread was designed to give the liberals an opportunity to present evidence that the Islamophobia they are always yelling about actually is a problem in far they have only given their clueless evidence whatsoever that it is a real problem in America.
I agree. Islamophobia is real problem.

Do you have any evidence on which you base your opinion?
Here is a reality check that might be helpful in differentiating between rational and irrational fears.

You’re more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by a terrorist

Good article, well worth the read.

For fun and giggles...

FACT CHECK: Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015


it is silly. almost like ----when a rapist comes thru the door-----just lie back and enjoy it
Here is a reality check that might be helpful in differentiating between rational and irrational fears.

You’re more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by a terrorist

Good article, well worth the read.

For fun and giggles...

FACT CHECK: Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015


it is silly. almost like ----when a rapist comes thru the door-----just lie back and enjoy it

I doubt any woman really enjoys being raped because they are usually in fear of their lives and many are beaten before getting raped or while getting raped. is documented to be very sexually stimulating for the victim---resulting in a higher pregnacy rate for women raped vs. women with consensual sex.

Thus the guilt a lot of women feel over getting raped is due to the fact they are shamed to have such intense orgasms whilst being raped.

Which perhaps may be the reason in the world of islam that the women sometimes are executed or severely punished for being raped.

Punished for being raped
It seems to me unreasonable fear or dislike is subjective what I feel is an unreasonable fear or dislike might be totally reasonable to another if you have a fear of drowning you might not want to step into a lake or the ocean at all unreasonable fear to me not to the one who has it though. It seems to me all the politically themed phobias are for the purpose of trying to vilify people and silence them for having a view we don't like or agree with without even trying to understand why they feel the way they do.
It seems to me unreasonable fear or dislike is subjective what I feel is an unreasonable fear or dislike might be totally reasonable to another if you have a fear of drowning you might not want to step into a lake or the ocean at all unreasonable fear to me not to the one who has it though. It seems to me all the politically themed phobias are for the purpose of trying to vilify people and silence them for having a view we don't like or agree with without even trying to understand why they feel the way they do.

Here is a reality check that might be helpful in differentiating between rational and irrational fears.

You’re more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by a terrorist

Good article, well worth the read.

For fun and giggles...

FACT CHECK: Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015


it is silly. almost like ----when a rapist comes thru the door-----just lie back and enjoy it
Here is a reality check that might be helpful in differentiating between rational and irrational fears.

You’re more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by a terrorist

Good article, well worth the read.

For fun and giggles...

FACT CHECK: Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015


it is silly. almost like ----when a rapist comes thru the door-----just lie back and enjoy it

I doubt any woman really enjoys being raped because they are usually in fear of their lives and many are beaten before getting raped or while getting raped. is documented to be very sexually stimulating for the victim---resulting in a higher pregnacy rate for women raped vs. women with consensual sex.

Thus the guilt a lot of women feel over getting raped is due to the fact they are shamed to have such intense orgasms whilst being raped.

Which perhaps may be the reason in the world of islam that the women sometimes are executed or severely punished for being raped.

Punished for being raped

wrong again. I learned about the Islamic approach to raped women LONG BEFORE
"islamophobia" became part of the lexicon. It was way back circa 1970---during the
Pakistani civil war. I was young-----very young and working a little college time job
in a large teaching hospital with lots of Pakistani interns. In---at that time EAST PAKISTAN
girls were being RAPED WHOLESALE------by the west Pakistani army. ----both muslims and
hindus----------I was horrified----the hindus fled----dropping dead in their own tracks
of starvation and the RAPED MUSLIM GIRLS were abandoned by their own families to die
in the gutters. I was horrified------I OBJECTED to the behavior of the east Pakistani
parents of raped girls. MY MUSLIM INFORMANTS ---very patiently explained--- "YOU
of islam has nothing to do with "ISLAMOPHOBIA"----muslims told me
Since this is the CDZ I am not allowed to give the kind of description the above post screams out for.....yet no one should be surprised ,,,,this is the sort of junk presented to gullible kids in our public schools and universities....even elitist universities...thus--none of us should be amazed when kids absorb this leftist propaganda and spew it out on public forums.

Uh, dude, I'm 57, and served in the Army at the time of the Gulf War.

And my view is kind of the same. Imperialist nations always try to rationalize their behavior by dehumanizing the people they conquer as "Less Civilized" or "Barbaric". This is a tired old story.

This sort of propaganda actually began long before the revival of fundamentalist muslim jihad began.

You are quite right here. I'm old enough to remember when the Vietnam War was going on, and as a kid, watched John Wayne's "The Green Berets", which was filled with the kind of imperialist propaganda. Of course, when the Vietnamese wanted us out of their country, they were savages. And we still haven't forgiven people like John Kerry or Jane Fonda for questioning the whole thing.

The majority of Germans were not nazis...but look what happened there.

Okay, let's look at that. My family was from Germany originally. I had one uncle who joined the NSDAP to keep his cushy government job, and another who was thrown into Nordhausen for criticizing them. (My Grandfather emigrated here and my Dad served in the US Army, being at Normandy and the Bulge.)

No, the vast majority of Germans were not Nazis, but they went along with whatever Hitler proposed, and fought for him down to the last old man and little boy. I would argue that Germans are probably the most culturally and technologically advanced people in the world, but look how very little it took to provoke them into the worst savagery?

Anyhow good to see you mention Kipling...a current revival of interest in him and the truths he presents so eloquently. He was too long demonized by Marxists.

As well he should be, by anyone who is a decent person. The guy was a racist and an apologist for imperialism. Today, the British look back at that period in their history with a bit of embarrassment.

Beyond pathetic and quite embarrassing that Americans can be this clueless.....and these folks and (there are many of them)....otherwise known as democrats --demonstrate a huge,huge reason why America is now down on her knees waiting for the coup de gras.

Being a tad melodramatic, are we? Most of America's problems are self-inflicted, because Old White Guys are too greedy. We don't need to go to the other side of the world to find the cause of our problems, just to Wall Street and Washington.
Those who lend themselves so mindlessly to the Islamist agenda do not do so because they are liberal.

They do so because they aren't .

It is no longer liberalism that drives the left but a very rigid and authoritarian expression of identity politics.

Oh, Please.

The reality is, when the Liberals are in charge, we engage in the same stupid policies toward the Middle East... which is letting the Zionists and Oil Companies dictate what our policies are. It's why we are in Year 29 of the Persian Gulf War, and we've long since worn out our welcome.
Since this is the CDZ I am not allowed to give the kind of description the above post screams out for.....yet no one should be surprised ,,,,this is the sort of junk presented to gullible kids in our public schools and universities....even elitist universities...thus--none of us should be amazed when kids absorb this leftist propaganda and spew it out on public forums.

Uh, dude, I'm 57, and served in the Army at the time of the Gulf War.

And my view is kind of the same. Imperialist nations always try to rationalize their behavior by dehumanizing the people they conquer as "Less Civilized" or "Barbaric". This is a tired old story.

This sort of propaganda actually began long before the revival of fundamentalist muslim jihad began.

You are quite right here. I'm old enough to remember when the Vietnam War was going on, and as a kid, watched John Wayne's "The Green Berets", which was filled with the kind of imperialist propaganda. Of course, when the Vietnamese wanted us out of their country, they were savages. And we still haven't forgiven people like John Kerry or Jane Fonda for questioning the whole thing.

The majority of Germans were not nazis...but look what happened there.

Okay, let's look at that. My family was from Germany originally. I had one uncle who joined the NSDAP to keep his cushy government job, and another who was thrown into Nordhausen for criticizing them. (My Grandfather emigrated here and my Dad served in the US Army, being at Normandy and the Bulge.)

No, the vast majority of Germans were not Nazis, but they went along with whatever Hitler proposed, and fought for him down to the last old man and little boy. I would argue that Germans are probably the most culturally and technologically advanced people in the world, but look how very little it took to provoke them into the worst savagery?

Anyhow good to see you mention Kipling...a current revival of interest in him and the truths he presents so eloquently. He was too long demonized by Marxists.

As well he should be, by anyone who is a decent person. The guy was a racist and an apologist for imperialism. Today, the British look back at that period in their history with a bit of embarrassment.

Beyond pathetic and quite embarrassing that Americans can be this clueless.....and these folks and (there are many of them)....otherwise known as democrats --demonstrate a huge,huge reason why America is now down on her knees waiting for the coup de gras.

Being a tad melodramatic, are we? Most of America's problems are self-inflicted, because Old White Guys are too greedy. We don't need to go to the other side of the world to find the cause of our problems, just to Wall Street and Washington.
----------------------------------------------------------- the vast majority were not 'nazi' but they fought for 'hitler' down to the last old man and little boy eh . The same could be said for 'muslims' as they fight for 'mohamad' eh Joe .
Those who lend themselves so mindlessly to the Islamist agenda do not do so because they are liberal.

They do so because they aren't .

It is no longer liberalism that drives the left but a very rigid and authoritarian expression of identity politics.

Oh, Please.

The reality is, when the Liberals are in charge, we engage in the same stupid policies toward the Middle East... which is letting the Zionists and Oil Companies dictate what our policies are. It's why we are in Year 29 of the Persian Gulf War, and we've long since worn out our welcome.

Are you somehow under the impression that your Edited-meister claptrap has anything at all to do with the subject of the thread?

This is a thread is about how the rejection of an oppressive supremacist ideology is labelled as some sort of mental disorder by those who have been hoodwinked into supporting it.
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We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. Most of them are just trying to get by in life. There are 6 million Muslims in the US. Most of them are law abiding folks as well.

You are more likely to be killed by a white extremist than a Muslim extremist in this country.

View attachment 239109

Nobody talks about Caucasia-phobia... we just kind of accept it.

Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

Sure. No doubt there are some "republicans" that have Islamophobia.

And they should.


Netherlands, Sweden, France, UK, Australia.

If you don't take heed, and realize there is a pattern in behavior...........

Then you are blind.
Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.

Not to mention treating anybody else who isn't Muslim as a second class citizen.

Islam was crafted by a mass murderer and serial rapist as a device to invest in himself a sense of divinity in order to bind his warriors to him. It is little beyond a manifesto of domination and control seeking to expand until no other way of life remains.

The low IQ individuals who defend it like they do are either manifestly ignorant of what Islam is all about or else DO know what it is all about and are intentionally deceptive.
Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.

Not to mention treating anybody else who isn't Muslim as a second class citizen.

Islam was crafted by a mass murderer and serial rapist as a device to invest in himself a sense of divinity in order to bind his warriors to him. It is little beyond a manifesto of domination and control seeking to expand until no other way of life remains.

The low IQ individuals who defend it like they do are either manifestly ignorant of what Islam is all about or else DO know what it is all about and are intentionally deceptive.

I hear Islam was created by the catholic church,,,
Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.

Not to mention treating anybody else who isn't Muslim as a second class citizen.

Islam was crafted by a mass murderer and serial rapist as a device to invest in himself a sense of divinity in order to bind his warriors to him. It is little beyond a manifesto of domination and control seeking to expand until no other way of life remains.

The low IQ individuals who defend it like they do are either manifestly ignorant of what Islam is all about or else DO know what it is all about and are intentionally deceptive.

I hear Islam was created by the catholic church,,,

a kind of weird theory. Keep in mind----Mecca was a very important
city on the Silk Road. There were ALL KINDS of people there----Christians,
Jews, Zoroastrians and-----the locals who ----according to some----were rock
worshippers. They worshipped the black meteorite. Islam shows very
strong catholic influence-------parts of Shariah law are lifted from the
Canon of the HOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE of that time. Some people have decided to
blame the whole thing on some sort of weird JESUIT plot
First we hate Jews, then we hate Germans, then we hate Japanese then Muslims now Mexicans. who is next?
the vast majority were not 'nazi' but they fought for 'hitler' down to the last old man and little boy eh . The same could be said for 'muslims' as they fight for 'mohamad' eh Joe .

well, let's look at that. Not sure who is fighting for "Mohammed" exactly, but in our interminal quest to play "Hall Monitor In the Middle East", we've enlisted the help of the Kurds, the Saudis, Turkey, various friendly governments.

Again, if all of the 1.6 BILLION Muslims in the world were against us, we'd be in a LOT of trouble.

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