CDZ Islamophobia


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?
Any phobia is fear that is out of proportion to the danger. Thus, fear of crossing any bridge is excessive and unhealthy. Fear of crossing an old rope bridge high over a ravine is not unfounded or excessive.
When the matter is dislike or opposition to something, phobia has nothing to do with it. In such a case, "phobia" is merely an epithet cast to disparage the mental state of the person opposed.
To be opposed to something or someone opposed to you is understandable, even natural.
Any phobia is fear that is out of proportion to the danger. Thus, fear of crossing any bridge is excessive and unhealthy. Fear of crossing an old rope bridge high over a ravine is not unfounded or excessive.
When the matter is dislike or opposition to something, phobia has nothing to do with it. In such a case, "phobia" is merely an epithet cast to disparage the mental state of the person opposed.
To be opposed to something or someone opposed to you is understandable, even natural.

Excellent analysis.
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. Most of them are just trying to get by in life. There are 6 million Muslims in the US. Most of them are law abiding folks as well.

You are more likely to be killed by a white extremist than a Muslim extremist in this country.


Nobody talks about Caucasia-phobia... we just kind of accept it.
Any phobia is fear that is out of proportion to the danger. Thus, fear of crossing any bridge is excessive and unhealthy. Fear of crossing an old rope bridge high over a ravine is not unfounded or excessive.
When the matter is dislike or opposition to something, phobia has nothing to do with it. In such a case, "phobia" is merely an epithet cast to disparage the mental state of the person opposed.
To be opposed to something or someone opposed to you is understandable, even natural.

Okay, let's look at that one.

Are Muslims opposed to us, or our policies? Since this is the CDZ, I would liken our policy to sticking our hands in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung. We go into THEIR part of the world, bomb their cities, occupy their lands, arm the craziest person we can find on the theory we can work with him and then wonder why he turns on us.

Fun Fact: What do Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein have in common? They were both guys the CIA thought we would work with until they turned on us.
Joe is right. Muslims have just recently turned against other groups of people in the world. It isnt in their holy book or anything. Their outrage and bigotry is our fault

No more than anyone else's.

Let's not forget, the two most devastating wars in the last century were started by Christians....

Muslims just kind of hung back and said, 'Yeah, go ahead and kill each other if it gets you off our backs."
Joe is right. Muslims have just recently turned against other groups of people in the world. It isnt in their holy book or anything. Their outrage and bigotry is our fault

No more than anyone else's.

Let's not forget, the two most devastating wars in the last century were started by Christians....

Muslims just kind of hung back and said, 'Yeah, go ahead and kill each other if it gets you off our backs."
Bless your heart
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. Most of them are just trying to get by in life. There are 6 million Muslims in the US. Most of them are law abiding folks as well.

You are more likely to be killed by a white extremist than a Muslim extremist in this country.

View attachment 239109

Nobody talks about Caucasia-phobia... we just kind of accept it.

How many muslims does it take to set off a nuclear device in New York? Lest we forget Obama said that was one of his biggest fears.

Anyhow....we see posts like yours all the time claiming that(you do not post any stats) but even if the stats support that it is essentially in the count could change at any time.

Say Obama's fear about N.Y. came true....can you imagine how the count would change?

What anyone who is interested in America's National security should be concerned about is not the body count at this point in time but who or what group poses the biggest threat to America...

White extremists is a broad which you could include the school shooters, hate crimes etc.etc. and so on and so forth and since Whites are the majority pop. then of course they are going to committ more crimes...but are these white criminals really a threat to our National Security? I do not know of any white extremist group who wants to destroy America.

At that moment in time when Japan attacked pearl harbor..more whites had been killed in America by other whites over the years....but who posed the biggest threat to America?....thus it is obvious you pose a fallacious argument.

Obama Says NYC Nuclear Blast Bigger Concern Than Russia
Homeland Security To Cut NYPD Bomb Detection Funding After Obama Says NYC Nuclear Blast Bigger Concern Than Russia
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Joe is right. Muslims have just recently turned against other groups of people in the world. It isnt in their holy book or anything. Their outrage and bigotry is our fault :rolleyes:

Obviously you know nothing of the History of Islam. They have been fighting wars ever since Mohammed founded Islam.

But Perhaps you are just being sarcastic...and I kinda think you are but anyhow Jihad is founded on Islamic teachings.

the topic is about Islamaphobia in America not the history of Islam.
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The term "Islamophobia" is just some recent made up propaganda created by Islamists as a way to hoodwink the benightedly unintelligent of the world into thinking that any resistance to their supremacist doctrine is actually some sort of abnormal psychological condition. As such, it represents an intentional inversion of reality as it posits that rationality is actualy mental instability and the willingness to confront danger is actually fear.

The actual abnormal fear being expressed here is by the low quality individuals who use the term. They have turned the fear of being labelled as racist by their equally stupid little peeps into an all-encompassing campaign to promote this anti-humanist ideology that represents the very antithesis of everything they claim to believe. It is all so entirely irrational as to beg nothing but mockery.
Joe is right. Muslims have just recently turned against other groups of people in the world. It isnt in their holy book or anything. Their outrage and bigotry is our fault

No more than anyone else's.

Let's not forget, the two most devastating wars in the last century were started by Christians....

Muslims just kind of hung back and said, 'Yeah, go ahead and kill each other if it gets you off our backs."

Nazism was Christian? Imperial Japan was Christian?...most folks would not even say America is Christian...anyhow both the world wars were started by various governments ....not Christians.

Another specious and childish argument...come on folks ...I am sure someone can do better than this....again the topic is about islamaphobia in America...or in the republican party...does it exist? If so...what evidence is there of it?
Any phobia is fear that is out of proportion to the danger. Thus, fear of crossing any bridge is excessive and unhealthy. Fear of crossing an old rope bridge high over a ravine is not unfounded or excessive.
When the matter is dislike or opposition to something, phobia has nothing to do with it. In such a case, "phobia" is merely an epithet cast to disparage the mental state of the person opposed.
To be opposed to something or someone opposed to you is understandable, even natural.
----------------------------------- thankyou I think . I don't have any animus or FEAR towards 'muslims' on the street . Course where I live I never see them so I figure I am lucky . Any dislike or animus that I do have is simply towards the 'muslim' Religion , customs , beliefs , traditions , history that I know about and which I dislike . Phobia , I know the word and I think its BS when it is tacked onto other words like 'homo' , islam , and other words . And nothing to do with FEAR as that's just a disparaging word thrown about by liberals , lefties '4eye' .
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Any phobia is fear that is out of proportion to the danger. Thus, fear of crossing any bridge is excessive and unhealthy. Fear of crossing an old rope bridge high over a ravine is not unfounded or excessive.
When the matter is dislike or opposition to something, phobia has nothing to do with it. In such a case, "phobia" is merely an epithet cast to disparage the mental state of the person opposed.
To be opposed to something or someone opposed to you is understandable, even natural.

Okay, let's look at that one.

Are Muslims opposed to us, or our policies? Since this is the CDZ, I would liken our policy to sticking our hands in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung. We go into THEIR part of the world, bomb their cities, occupy their lands, arm the craziest person we can find on the theory we can work with him and then wonder why he turns on us.

Fun Fact: What do Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein have in common? They were both guys the CIA thought we would work with until they turned on us.

What muslim cities did we bomb before 9/ you think we should have just turned the other cheek after 9/11 and pretended it was just another crime like we did after the first attack on the WTC when clinton was president?

Also you probably do not remember that Clinton Bombed Christian cities in Bosnia in support of muslims.

Bin Laden's Declaration of War on the United States, 1996
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'While terrorism — even in the form of suicide attacks — is not an Islamic phenomenon by definition, it cannot be ignored that the lion’s share of terrorist acts and the most devastating of them in recent years have been perpetrated in the name of Islam. This fact has sparked a fundamental debate both in the West and within the Muslim world regarding the link between these acts and the teachings of Islam. Most Western analysts are hesitant to identify such acts with the bona fide teachings of one of the world’s great religions and prefer to view them as a perversion of a religion that is essentially peace-loving and tolerant. Western leaders such as George W. Bush and Tony Blair have reiterated time and again that the war against terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. It is a war against evil.'

The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism
Joe is right. Muslims have just recently turned against other groups of people in the world. It isnt in their holy book or anything. Their outrage and bigotry is our fault :rolleyes:

Obviously you know nothing of the History of Islam. They have been fighting wars ever since Mohammed founded Islam.

But Perhaps you are just being sarcastic...and I kinda think you are but anyhow Jihad is founded on Islamic teachings.

the topic is about Islamaphobia in America not the history of Islam.
It was complete sarcasm
Joe is right. Muslims have just recently turned against other groups of people in the world. It isnt in their holy book or anything. Their outrage and bigotry is our fault :rolleyes:

Obviously you know nothing of the History of Islam. They have been fighting wars ever since Mohammed founded Islam.

But Perhaps you are just being sarcastic...and I kinda think you are but anyhow Jihad is founded on Islamic teachings.

the topic is about Islamaphobia in America not the history of Islam.
It was complete sarcasm

How anyone could miss that level of sarcasm is a bewilderment.
Any phobia is fear that is out of proportion to the danger. Thus, fear of crossing any bridge is excessive and unhealthy. Fear of crossing an old rope bridge high over a ravine is not unfounded or excessive.
When the matter is dislike or opposition to something, phobia has nothing to do with it. In such a case, "phobia" is merely an epithet cast to disparage the mental state of the person opposed.
To be opposed to something or someone opposed to you is understandable, even natural.

I would compare Islam to the dog breed of pit bulls.

Pit bull owners swear by them. In fact, most Pit bulls will never harm a hair on your head on average.

However, if you ever hear of a dog killing someone, 9 times out of 10 it is a Pitt Bull, which is why some communities want them banned.

Is that fear unreasonable I wonder?
Joe is right. Muslims have just recently turned against other groups of people in the world. It isnt in their holy book or anything. Their outrage and bigotry is our fault :rolleyes:

Obviously you know nothing of the History of Islam. They have been fighting wars ever since Mohammed founded Islam.

But Perhaps you are just being sarcastic...and I kinda think you are but anyhow Jihad is founded on Islamic teachings.

the topic is about Islamaphobia in America not the history of Islam.
It was complete sarcasm

I thought so but since it sounded very similar to what liberals claim...just wanted to make sure everyone understood that.
We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?
bigotry is the right wing way.

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