Is Trudy a Nazi?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

If not, maybe he will stop giving standing ovations to Hitler's SS henchmen.

What a buffoon.

Then again, they are National Socialists. Those socialists need to stick together!!
I'd say he is more of a Bolshevik. I don't see him as a nationalist or even patriotic of Canada. Just another pinko commie "citizen of the world" that needs a one way flight on Pinochet Airlines.

If not, maybe he will stop giving standing ovations to Hitler's SS henchmen.

What a buffoon.

Then again, they are National Socialists. Those socialists need to stick together!!

Trudeau and Zelensky both, standing and applauding for a member of the Waffen SS.

We see you, Nazis.
There was a fine line between communist and Nazi during the war. Many of them changed sides repeatedly.
The primary difference is that communist bed wetters want a global collectivist government to rule the world, the German national socialists were not trying to govern the entire planet to make everyone "equal" (which is utterly impossible), nor were they full blown collectivists.

They certainly share the goals of omnipotent government, with defenseless human resources that labor for the state's benefit as opposed to the individual. They both are despotic authoritarian government systems that tolerate no dissent, but their ranks are populated by bed wetters and criminal sociopaths.
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The primary difference is that communist bed wetters want a global collectivist government to rule the world, the German national socialists were not trying to govern the entire planet to make everyone "equal" (which is utterly impossible), nor were they full blown collectivists.

They certainly share the goals of omnipotent government, with defenseless human resources that labor for the state's benefit as opposed to the individual. They both are despotic authoritarian government systems that tolerate no dissent, but their ranks are populated by bed wetters and criminal sociopaths.
Unlike communism, socialism takes away the meaning of the difference between necessary labor and surplus labor. That removal of the semiotic is the gesture that makes socialism impossible, not communism impossible.
If Canada has to take sides then it should be solidly against the apartheid regime.

No Hitler henchman's name is even given and no charges have been levelled against this anonymoussperson.

There's certainly an abundance of evidence and charges against Netanyahu and his regime!
I thought this was nice

Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation To Mecha Hitler For Role In Fighting Russians
POLITICS·Sep 25, 2023 ·
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OTTAWA, CANADA — Mecha Hitler received a standing ovation at Canada's House of Commons last week in recognition of his hard work fighting the Soviets while overseeing experiments at Castle Wolfenstein. Mecha Hitler idly spun the barrels of his quad chainguns as he told members of parliament, "Die Welt ist unser!"
"Mecha Hitler is a WWII veteran and that means he deserves our respect," Trudeau said as he led parliament in applause. "He's done so much for the world."
Also in attendance was Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who reportedly asked the mechanized monstrosity where he could get his own cool mech suit. "Maybe I should ask the Americans for one, then we could be mech buddies!"

Following the ceremony, as the armored Hitler was wheeled off the parliament floor by a group of Nazi scientists, Zelenskyy added, "I wouldn't be the man I am today without Mecha Hitler." He then raised his fist in solidarity with the notorious war criminal.
Among Mecha Hitler's achievements, he commanded German forces in a mighty Blitzkrieg across Europe and murdered 6 million Jews. But this all happened during WWII, which makes him a veteran. So it's okay.
At publishing time, Mecha Hitler was tragically killed when American spy B.J. Blazkowicz stormed the former's home and fragged him with a rocket launcher. "Eva, auf wiedersehen!" cried Mecha Hitler as his life left him.

If not, maybe he will stop giving standing ovations to Hitler's SS henchmen.

What a buffoon.

Then again, they are National Socialists. Those socialists need to stick together!!
If he's not a Nazi, he's definitely a FAG!
He might be a fascist but he is no nazi.

If he were a nazi he would hate the weakest parts of his society, but he doesn't. He goes out of his way to protect and raise up the weakest people in society like blacks and trannies. No way a nazi would do anything for them
He might be a fascist but he is no nazi.

If he were a nazi he would hate the weakest parts of his society, but he doesn't. He goes out of his way to protect and raise up the weakest people in society like blacks and trannies. No way a nazi would do anything for them
Trudy is but an unsightly zit on the ass of the Deep state, nothing of consequence really.

If not, maybe he will stop giving standing ovations to Hitler's SS henchmen.

What a buffoon.

Then again, they are National Socialists. Those socialists need to stick together!!
Is Trudeau a Nazi? As screwed up and convoluted as his politics are, I would say no. He's just a screwed up extreme leftists with convoluted ideas/policies/politics. Hitler hated and rejected the ideology of Marx and Engles but modern day leftists embrace that ideology.

I will reserve my opinion on whether that guy visiting Parliament deserved a standing ovation. If he was a devout Nazi in WWII--was he ever charged with war crimes?--it is now 78 years after the war. That is far longer than the vast majority of people on Earth have lived. And who among us that have lived to be middle or old aged still believe and support every single thing we did or thought in our 20's?

So not knowing the heart and mind of this person I will not presume to judge in what state it is in now. I oppose condemning people who have obviously matured and changed for the misdeeds or wrong thinking of their youth. And if believing Russia to be the aggressor and the Ukraine to deserve defending is a cardinal offense, there's an awful lot of people in the world guilty of it.
Is Trudeau a Nazi? As screwed up and convoluted as his politics are, I would say no. He's just a screwed up extreme leftists with convoluted ideas/policies/politics. Hitler hated and rejected the ideology of Marx and Engles but modern day leftists embrace that ideology.

I will reserve my opinion on whether that guy visiting Parliament deserved a standing ovation. If he was a devout Nazi in WWII--was he ever charged with war crimes?--it is now 78 years after the war. That is far longer than the vast majority of people on Earth have lived. And who among us that have lived to be middle or old aged still believe and support every single thing we did or thought in our 20's?

So not knowing the heart and mind of this person I will not presume to judge in what state it is in now. I oppose condemning people who have obviously matured and changed for the misdeeds or wrong thinking of their youth. And if believing Russia to be the aggressor and the Ukraine to deserve defending is a cardinal offense, there's an awful lot of people in the world guilty of it.
He also did a Black face.

Is he a racist Nazi freak, or just an idiot.

You be the judge.
If Canada has to take sides then it should be solidly against the apartheid regime.

No Hitler henchman's name is even given and no charges have been levelled against this anonymoussperson.

There's certainly an abundance of evidence and charges against Netanyahu and his regime!

If he was in the Waffen SS, no charges need to be levelled, as the Waffen SS was found to be a criminal organization by the Nuremberg Trials. Just being a member makes you guilty of being a member.
He also did a Black face.

Is he a racist Nazi freak, or just an idiot.

You be the judge.
I'm sorry but I'm one of those rebels who thinks all cases of black face don't have to be racist. Used to be people could dress up like other people and races without being accused of being racist--playing 'pretend' is important for kids creative development and can be fun for adults. I don't know in what context he did that so I won't judge.

Do I think Trudeau is probably more destructive and misguided than productive and effective? Absolutely. Do I find him a bit creepy? Yes. But I can't be anybody but me and I choose to (figuratively) hang people for crimes they actually commit instead of how they are characterized by people who don't like them.
He might be a fascist but he is no nazi.

If he were a nazi he would hate the weakest parts of his society, but he doesn't. He goes out of his way to protect and raise up the weakest people in society like blacks and trannies. No way a nazi would do anything for them
Not exactly true. In fact there were blacks in the weremacht.


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