Is there a god?

Maybe the BB wasn't the beginning but part of an endless cycle of expansion and collapse?

That's possible, but I've seen no evidence to support that theory.
There likely can't be any proof so it'll stay a theory. But it can only be said that the BB was the start of our current universe.
Which was created following the laws of nature which were in place before the beginning of space and time. The same laws of nature which predestined beings that know and create. There is the proof you are so desperately seeking.
It would make sense if you would learn how to read.
Everything with you folks is a secret code. Must make you feel important.

Most of the OT and all of the NT were written either during or after oppression and conquest when their enemies tried to impose their way of life on the authors.

As in any counterculture, they wrote in code. As intelligent and sophisticated in writing as they were, they also cursed the enemy at the same time they blessed whoever was in the wise.

Why is that so hard to believe?
Because it doesn't even seem plausible that the bible is some sort of code book to find an invisible being. It would make a good science fiction movie, but in real life, it makes no logical sense.
Wrong. The Bible is a how to book. How to live and how not to live.
"How to be an idiot" book, ok.
That would be the how not to live part. I think you have that down pat.
I don't know what that is. Please explain.
Whirled Wad Wub

It is perfectly clear. Quit pretending it isn't, in order to evade the question. That is a typical Internet act.
I wasn't sure what the "wounded knee pest control" thing was, but I'll keep playing.

dingbat was saying that peace and harmony led to virtuous societies. The ones he named were filled with all kinds of nasty shit. So not peaceful, harmonious or virtuous.
No. ding said, that logic and history show that virtue leads to peace and harmony within individuals and within societies.
But you haven't shown this to be true, your example were far from it.
No. Creation, and everything which has unfolded since creation proves the existence of God. You deny that tangible evidence can be used as evidence, so I know how stupid you are.
It's proof, but it doesn't connect that it's because of an invisible superbeing in another dimension who wants us to study the hidden meanings of a book written by ignoramusses. All that part you guys made up.
Just because at this point in time we don't know where all matter comes from doesn't default over to it being from an invisible being. That's pure fantasy.

If evolution isn't the truth, then do you believe that god just started plopping people around there earth? How did that work exactly? He made Adam out of thin air, then ripped out one of his ribs to make Eve?
What I do have a problem with is you classifying my beliefs as "fantasy" That is really quite offensive to me, therefore I request you stop using that term. .
"To Inhibit Them, Pretend They Offend"

You want us to believe that there are no fantasies then. And why should we care about offending someone who interferes with others, such as with abortion? On that matter, influence other Christians not to have abortions; don't tip the scales in an election in order to get a legislator who will impose your Puritanical sadism on the rest of society. Most likely, he will be a GreedHead looter, so you can go to your imaginary Hell.
At conception a new genetically distinct human life is created. Not just any human life, but one that has never existed before and will never exist again. This is scientific fact. From a legal perspective it is a specific person and has the same inalienable rights as you.

Who is that person's advocate if not us?
No, the fetus doesn't have the same rights as a person.
See. You just denied science right there.
Science doesn't speak to fetal rights. Did you take your meds today?
Whirled Wad Wub

It is perfectly clear. Quit pretending it isn't, in order to evade the question. That is a typical Internet act.
I wasn't sure what the "wounded knee pest control" thing was, but I'll keep playing.

dingbat was saying that peace and harmony led to virtuous societies. The ones he named were filled with all kinds of nasty shit. So not peaceful, harmonious or virtuous.
No. ding said, that logic and history show that virtue leads to peace and harmony within individuals and within societies.
But you haven't shown this to be true, your example were far from it.
No. Creation, and everything which has unfolded since creation proves the existence of God. You deny that tangible evidence can be used as evidence, so I know how stupid you are.
It's proof, but it doesn't connect that it's because of an invisible superbeing in another dimension who wants us to study the hidden meanings of a book written by ignoramusses. All that part you guys made up.
Except for the fact that everything which unfolded since time and space were created does. Especially the moral law that you follow and can't get rid of.
Is god so lame that he can't express himself directly to me, and that I can only get in touch with him through a 2000 year old book of non-stop nonsense not in evidence written by people who were so primitive that they hadn't even been able to invent toilet paper at that time? Do you understand THAT?
If that is your understanding, then you really do not understand the teachings as I know them. I am not inclined to attempt to explain them to you, as you seem to have utter contempt of the idea, and therefore I see it as an exercise in futility.
I understand the teachings, apparently better than you do. There is no geologic proof for a worldwide flood that lasted 40 days and drowned nearly everyone on earth. How do you explain that?
That the event of a flood is widely documented in all cultures of antiquity and that their knowledge of the world was limited. To them it was a world wide flood. It did happen. You want to read it literally because that fits your agenda.
You need to move the goalposts away from a 40 day flood because you know that that couldn't have happened. So now the story of a 600 year old man who may or may not have been sailing around to 40 days, or not, with 2 of every animal, or not, or maybe 2 of every regional animal, or not...can be shoehorned into your fantasy world.
You mean the allegorical account of an actual event that you read literally?
So anything unprovable is allegorical?
It's proof, but it doesn't connect that it's because of an invisible superbeing in another dimension who wants us to study the hidden meanings of a book written by ignoramusses. All that part you guys made up.

Maybe "God" is the programmer of the video game and we're its characters.
What I do have a problem with is you classifying my beliefs as "fantasy" That is really quite offensive to me, therefore I request you stop using that term. .
"To Inhibit Them, Pretend They Offend"

You want us to believe that there are no fantasies then. And why should we care about offending someone who interferes with others, such as with abortion? On that matter, influence other Christians not to have abortions; don't tip the scales in an election in order to get a legislator who will impose your Puritanical sadism on the rest of society. Most likely, he will be a GreedHead looter, so you can go to your imaginary Hell.
At conception a new genetically distinct human life is created. Not just any human life, but one that has never existed before and will never exist again. This is scientific fact. From a legal perspective it is a specific person and has the same inalienable rights as you.

Who is that person's advocate if not us?
No, the fetus doesn't have the same rights as a person.
See. You just denied science right there.
Science doesn't speak to fetal rights. Did you take your meds today?
Science tells us that at creation a new human being is created. As such this new human being who is a specific person is afforded all rights that every other human being is afforded.
No. That is called intellectual honesty. The Bible has several literary types; allegorical, historical, law, poetic, prophetic, epistle and proverbial. I'm sure others may add or subtract to this list, but this is a pretty good start. When trying to understand the meaning of passages it is helpful to understand which literary type one is reading and also to place or read the passage in the proper historical light. Something that people who are intellectually dishonest don't do.

Taz knows better than to make the arguments he / she is making. But now there is an even better explanation for Bible interpretation. Thanks for the good job.
You guys are living in a fantasy world. None of the big stuff in the bible can be proven to have happened. Like seriously, you think that god poofed man into being? That's a seriously thick slice of nonsense. And that the earth was formed before the sun? It's completely unfounded and goes against all scientific knowledge.
Spoken like a militant atheist on a mission.
Just pointing out that his views are contrary to science. You can't handle that.
Which scientific facts would that be, Taz?
Science doesn't say that an invisible being poofed man into being.
Maybe the BB wasn't the beginning but part of an endless cycle of expansion and collapse?

That's possible, but I've seen no evidence to support that theory.
There likely can't be any proof so it'll stay a theory. But it can only be said that the BB was the start of our current universe.
Which was created following the laws of nature which were in place before the beginning of space and time. The same laws of nature which predestined beings that know and create. There is the proof you are so desperately seeking.
Proof of what?
If that is your understanding, then you really do not understand the teachings as I know them. I am not inclined to attempt to explain them to you, as you seem to have utter contempt of the idea, and therefore I see it as an exercise in futility.
I understand the teachings, apparently better than you do. There is no geologic proof for a worldwide flood that lasted 40 days and drowned nearly everyone on earth. How do you explain that?
That the event of a flood is widely documented in all cultures of antiquity and that their knowledge of the world was limited. To them it was a world wide flood. It did happen. You want to read it literally because that fits your agenda.
You need to move the goalposts away from a 40 day flood because you know that that couldn't have happened. So now the story of a 600 year old man who may or may not have been sailing around to 40 days, or not, with 2 of every animal, or not, or maybe 2 of every regional animal, or not...can be shoehorned into your fantasy world.
You mean the allegorical account of an actual event that you read literally?
So anything unprovable is allegorical?
No. Saying things that are clearly allegorical are allegorical. Of course that doesn't fit your agenda, so you continue with your mission.
Maybe the BB wasn't the beginning but part of an endless cycle of expansion and collapse?

That's possible, but I've seen no evidence to support that theory.
There likely can't be any proof so it'll stay a theory. But it can only be said that the BB was the start of our current universe.
Which was created following the laws of nature which were in place before the beginning of space and time. The same laws of nature which predestined beings that know and create. There is the proof you are so desperately seeking.
Proof of what?
That God is existence itself.
Taz knows better than to make the arguments he / she is making. But now there is an even better explanation for Bible interpretation. Thanks for the good job.
You guys are living in a fantasy world. None of the big stuff in the bible can be proven to have happened. Like seriously, you think that god poofed man into being? That's a seriously thick slice of nonsense. And that the earth was formed before the sun? It's completely unfounded and goes against all scientific knowledge.
Spoken like a militant atheist on a mission.
Just pointing out that his views are contrary to science. You can't handle that.
Which scientific facts would that be, Taz?
Science doesn't say that an invisible being poofed man into being.
Neither does the Bible, Taz. Creation was created in steps. Intelligence is the last step.
It's proof, but it doesn't connect that it's because of an invisible superbeing in another dimension who wants us to study the hidden meanings of a book written by ignoramusses. All that part you guys made up.

Maybe "God" is the programmer of the video game and we're its characters.
It’s one of many many theories, and totally unproven so far.
"To Inhibit Them, Pretend They Offend"

You want us to believe that there are no fantasies then. And why should we care about offending someone who interferes with others, such as with abortion? On that matter, influence other Christians not to have abortions; don't tip the scales in an election in order to get a legislator who will impose your Puritanical sadism on the rest of society. Most likely, he will be a GreedHead looter, so you can go to your imaginary Hell.
At conception a new genetically distinct human life is created. Not just any human life, but one that has never existed before and will never exist again. This is scientific fact. From a legal perspective it is a specific person and has the same inalienable rights as you.

Who is that person's advocate if not us?
No, the fetus doesn't have the same rights as a person.
See. You just denied science right there.
Science doesn't speak to fetal rights. Did you take your meds today?
Science tells us that at creation a new human being is created. As such this new human being who is a specific person is afforded all rights that every other human being is afforded.
So you agree with me, science doesn’t speak to fetal rights. Good for you.
Maybe the BB wasn't the beginning but part of an endless cycle of expansion and collapse?

That's possible, but I've seen no evidence to support that theory.
There likely can't be any proof so it'll stay a theory. But it can only be said that the BB was the start of our current universe.
Which was created following the laws of nature which were in place before the beginning of space and time. The same laws of nature which predestined beings that know and create. There is the proof you are so desperately seeking.
Proof of what?
That God is existence itself.
No, you just made that up. Not provable.
You guys are living in a fantasy world. None of the big stuff in the bible can be proven to have happened. Like seriously, you think that god poofed man into being? That's a seriously thick slice of nonsense. And that the earth was formed before the sun? It's completely unfounded and goes against all scientific knowledge.
Spoken like a militant atheist on a mission.
Just pointing out that his views are contrary to science. You can't handle that.
Which scientific facts would that be, Taz?
Science doesn't say that an invisible being poofed man into being.
Neither does the Bible, Taz. Creation was created in steps. Intelligence is the last step.
You have zero idea what a last step would be.
At conception a new genetically distinct human life is created. Not just any human life, but one that has never existed before and will never exist again. This is scientific fact. From a legal perspective it is a specific person and has the same inalienable rights as you.

Who is that person's advocate if not us?
No, the fetus doesn't have the same rights as a person.
See. You just denied science right there.
Science doesn't speak to fetal rights. Did you take your meds today?
Science tells us that at creation a new human being is created. As such this new human being who is a specific person is afforded all rights that every other human being is afforded.
So you agree with me, science doesn’t speak to fetal rights. Good for you.
No. I totally disagree with you. Science tells us a new genetically distinct human being has come into existence. The law tells us that genetically distinct human beings have rights. Science informs the law as to when a human being comes into existence.
That's possible, but I've seen no evidence to support that theory.
There likely can't be any proof so it'll stay a theory. But it can only be said that the BB was the start of our current universe.
Which was created following the laws of nature which were in place before the beginning of space and time. The same laws of nature which predestined beings that know and create. There is the proof you are so desperately seeking.
Proof of what?
That God is existence itself.
No, you just made that up. Not provable.
Totally provable through reason and experience. For any given thing, there is a final state of fact. Once discovered it is known that it was always that way and will always be that way. This is called objective truth or reality. So objective truth is eternal and unchanging which is the definition of God. Ergo, God is objective truth. Ergo, God is reality. Ergo, God is existence.

Totally confirmed through science. Science tells us that there has never been an uncaused event. So the only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging. Ergo, God is objective truth. Ergo, God is reality. Ergo, God is existence.
Spoken like a militant atheist on a mission.
Just pointing out that his views are contrary to science. You can't handle that.
Which scientific facts would that be, Taz?
Science doesn't say that an invisible being poofed man into being.
Neither does the Bible, Taz. Creation was created in steps. Intelligence is the last step.
You have zero idea what a last step would be.
There is nothing beyond intelligence.

Can you think of anything?

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