Is The Rumorblower Relevant Anymore?

Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wile E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.
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no, he did not write it up.... but the defense lawyer the whistle blower went to who is a for free non profit lawyer and law firm for whistle blowers, is an expert and likely did....

No, the lawyer cannot even help write up the complaint containing classified material. So, that's highly unlikely, and, in fact, had the whistle-blower divulged that information he'd have brought about his own undoing.

Think about it, Care, and not just for gainsaying's sake. The (wo)man who blew the whistle on Trump obviously is a stickler for rules, properly followed procedures, and professional conduct. That in mind, how likely is it (s)he would violate everything (s)he was trained to do, namely, to keep and protect the nation's secrets? Moreover, the whistle-blower is a professionally trained CIA analyst. Whatever you might think of them, they are trained to differentiate between facts, assumptions, and mere personal sentiments. They are also trained to digest information and structure it. All that in mind, what "help" do you think was needed?

You can watch the rightarded goofs on here rebleating the ongoing slanderous campaign, how Democratic operatives allegedly "wrote", or helped write the complaint. There is no basis in fact for that whatsoever (what else is new?), and nothing in the reporting so far, outside the rightarded echo-chamber, points into that direction.

Now, while I wouldn't give an inch to them, let's go out of our way to be fair to the mouth-breathing goofs (even though they deserve none of that), and consider what the whistle-blower sitting down with the lawyer might look like. What advice could the lawyer possibly give? "Stick with the facts, detail how you came to learn about them, don't overstate what you know, don't engage in wild-eyed speculation." That would also be in line with the main, obvious characteristics of the complaint. It is also common sense, and if it isn't known to everyone setting out to write a complaint, it should be. There should be such advisory to everybody working for the federal government. All that said, is any of the above in any way derogatory to the complaint, or the whistle-blower? For I would think it is not, in any way, shape or form.

Eric Ciaramella is a known leaker and was fired for leaking. Stickler my ass.

It was easier to lie when people didn't know that Eric Ciaramella is the mole, which is why the Communists and the fascist press worked so hard to hide the identify of Ciaramella.
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You morons bandy about the charge of " communist " Like you call us fascists Nazis . None of it does anything for your credibility-as though anything could .

Yawn. I call water "wet" as well.

You are Communists.

NOW, about this coup Zaid bragged about...

Eric Ciaramella was radicalized at Yale by professors like Bassam Frangieh. He was quickly recognized as a fellow traveler and became an insider in the Obama administration. Unfortunately, he continued that through the first two years of the Trump administration. In October 2016, Ciaramella was the guest of Vice President Joe Biden at a lunch to honor the prime minister of Italy. But, in July 2017, as members of the Trump administration began to suspect that Ciaramella, by then a career CIA analyst and Ukraine director on the National Security Council, was responsible for “high level leaks,” he was removed from his post.

Journalist Mike Cernovich exposed Ciaramella back in 2017 in an article claiming that Ciaramella wanted to “sabotage” President Donald Trump. Cernovich was documenting meetings and lunches that Ciaramella was having with high ranking officials at the DNC — including Alexandra Chalupa, and the NSA. And, although and others attempted to disparage Cernovich as an “alt-right blogger” and one of “Trump’s Trolls, ” it seems that Cernovich was right all along.}

The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Oh, did you think the blackout by the FASCIST press would keep this all from being discovered?
Your source: American Specator...

American Spectator - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

Overall, we rate the American Spectator Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that consistently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing techniques and a lack of disclosure with funding.

Ohhh, a leftist "fact check" I'm really impressed. :rofl:

Facts remain facts, even after you slander the source, Herr Gobbels.

Last edited:
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These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Post the actual exchange, Schifferbrains Jr.
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These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Funny that CNN comes in even left of MSNBC.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Post the actual exchange, Schifferbrains Jr.

It's not as if it could penetrate your anti-reality shield, but feel free to post it yourself, if you think it helps you.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.

Oh sparky, I get that lying is what you Communists do, but you seem too stupid to grasp that the transcript is PUBLIC.

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document

So lying just reveals that you have no integrity and are rather stupid.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Post the actual exchange, Schifferbrains Jr.

It's not as if it could penetrate your anti-reality shield, but feel free to post it yourself, if you think it helps you.
Don't need to. I read it, and know your little fantasy is bullshit.

Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Post the actual exchange, Schifferbrains Jr.

It's not as if it could penetrate your anti-reality shield, but feel free to post it yourself, if you think it helps you.


So you thought you could get away with lying because you assumed we are as ignorant as you?

Not the case sploogy.

You're just a lying hack, once again caught red handed.


See that, you're a "red" and got caught "red" handed.. :lmao: Is that the source of that phrase? Because you Communists are such fucking liars? :dunno:
The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Post the actual exchange, Schifferbrains Jr.

It's not as if it could penetrate your anti-reality shield, but feel free to post it yourself, if you think it helps you.
Don't need to. I read it, and know your little fantasy is bullshit.


He ASSUMED that none of us had read it, as he has not read it, so he could just make shit up. I wonder if he works for NBC? :dunno:
The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Post the actual exchange, Schifferbrains Jr.

It's not as if it could penetrate your anti-reality shield, but feel free to post it yourself, if you think it helps you.
Don't need to. I read it, and know your little fantasy is bullshit.


Zelensky: We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United· States for defense purposes..

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.

Spin away, Trumpkin. I realize that unless Trump said, 'now listen up, Zelensky, this is a quid pro quo', you're going to believe whatever Trump tells you to believe.
The Schiff(less) whistle blower was never relevant. What's relevant is the incredible hypocrisy of the mainstream media. ABC fired an alleged whistle blower (the wrong one) in the Epstein cover up and the rest of the media is engaged in a cover up of the cover up. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious. When you factor in the part where the lawyer for Schiff's "whistle blower" is on record admitting to a political coup (treason) starting on Trump's inauguration day, you get a feel for the conspiracy the democrat party is engaged in today.
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The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.

The President released the TRANSCRIPT of the call, which utterly refutes the document Mark Zaid wrote under Eric Ciaramella's name. The transcript was compiled from SIX Intelligence agents from different agencies. Remember, you Communists DEMANDED that no one can EVER question what our intelligence agencies say.

We KNOW what happened. The American Communist party, the democrats; lost the 2016 election. THAT is what happened. The day he was elected, our corrupt, Fascist media vowed to destroy him. On 86 occasions, the Communist party with their media allies have crafted pseudo events intended to overthrow the president of the United States, including the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.

Watching the democrats and the lying fuck media go after Trump is like watching Wil E. Coyote go after the Road Runner. But in the end, what the democrats and the media are doing is treason, which really isn't funny.

What happened? The Communists and the lying pigs in the press once again attempted to overthrow the government.

The President released a summary transcript which shows Zelensky said he was going to cooperate and he was almost ready (needing money) to buy more Javelin missiles. The corrupt President replies, I want you to do us a favor, though. And he proceeds with harebrained conspiracy crap. Only someone determined not to see a QPQ from that exchange will deny it happened.
Post the actual exchange, Schifferbrains Jr.

It's not as if it could penetrate your anti-reality shield, but feel free to post it yourself, if you think it helps you.


So you thought you could get away with lying because you assumed we are as ignorant as you?

Not the case sploogy.

You're just a lying hack, once again caught red handed.


See that, you're a "red" and got caught "red" handed.. :lmao: Is that the source of that phrase? Because you Communists are such fucking liars? :dunno:

You're both idiots - with jaws that open really, really wide for swallowing propaganda.
Zelensky: We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United· States for defense purposes..

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.

Spin away, Trumpkin. I realize that unless Trump said, 'now listen up, Zelensky, this is a quid pro quo', you're going to believe whatever Trump tells you to believe.

I would like you to help us find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine. I would like to have the Attorney General call your people.

Honestly, even your dishonest edit was a yawn, but in context it's just Trump DOING HIS JOB, which Potentate Obama never did.
Zelensky: We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United· States for defense purposes..

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.

Spin away, Trumpkin. I realize that unless Trump said, 'now listen up, Zelensky, this is a quid pro quo', you're going to believe whatever Trump tells you to believe.

I would like you to help us find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine. I would like to have the Attorney General call your people.

Honestly, even your dishonest edit was a yawn, but in context it's just Trump DOING HIS JOB, which Potentate Obama never did.

I covered that in a previous post - a la harebrained conspiracy crap. Now, are you so retarded that you can't spot the quid pro quo?
Zelensky: We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United· States for defense purposes..

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.

Spin away, Trumpkin. I realize that unless Trump said, 'now listen up, Zelensky, this is a quid pro quo', you're going to believe whatever Trump tells you to believe.

I would like you to help us find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine. I would like to have the Attorney General call your people.

Honestly, even your dishonest edit was a yawn, but in context it's just Trump DOING HIS JOB, which Potentate Obama never did.

I covered that in a previous post - a la harebrained conspiracy crap. Now, are you so retarded that you can't spot the quid pro quo?

Conspiracy? This is YOUR treason stupid. YOU fuckers set up the Mark Zaid bullshit to be leaked to the fascist press. You just never expected Trump to expose you by releasing the actual transcripts.

This is why you Communists hate him so much, he does things that aren't part of the script and derails your plots and schemes.

Oh BTW, I engaged in quid pro quo. I told the gardener that if he pulled the weeds out by the pool I would give him $50. Did I commit a crime?
Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You morons bandy about the charge of " communist " Like you call us fascists Nazis . None of it does anything for your credibility-as though anything could .

Yawn. I call water "wet" as well.

You are Communists.

NOW, about this coup Zaid bragged about...

Eric Ciaramella was radicalized at Yale by professors like Bassam Frangieh. He was quickly recognized as a fellow traveler and became an insider in the Obama administration. Unfortunately, he continued that through the first two years of the Trump administration. In October 2016, Ciaramella was the guest of Vice President Joe Biden at a lunch to honor the prime minister of Italy. But, in July 2017, as members of the Trump administration began to suspect that Ciaramella, by then a career CIA analyst and Ukraine director on the National Security Council, was responsible for “high level leaks,” he was removed from his post.

Journalist Mike Cernovich exposed Ciaramella back in 2017 in an article claiming that Ciaramella wanted to “sabotage” President Donald Trump. Cernovich was documenting meetings and lunches that Ciaramella was having with high ranking officials at the DNC — including Alexandra Chalupa, and the NSA. And, although and others attempted to disparage Cernovich as an “alt-right blogger” and one of “Trump’s Trolls, ” it seems that Cernovich was right all along.}

The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Oh, did you think the blackout by the FASCIST press would keep this all from being discovered?
Your source: American Specator...

American Spectator - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

Overall, we rate the American Spectator Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that consistently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing techniques and a lack of disclosure with funding.

Ohhh, a leftist "fact check" I'm really impressed. :rofl:

Facts remain facts, even after you slander the source, Herr Gobbels.

Yup Facts remain facts.

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